I Spent 24 Hours for OVERPOWERED Kitsune Fruit in Blox Fruits!

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in my hands right now is the new kitsen a fruit in Blox fruits apparently the new best fruit in the game but is it actually that is what I am going to be finding out n Nom n and I'm not only going to be maxing out this fruit but we're going to find all of the new kits and a accessories and weapons as well so we've got about I think it was like 20 30 minutes until a full moon so it means I can be on Grind Time right now which apparently the full moon is like needed for the kits a events because then you turn the full moon into a blue moon or or something like that I haven't done any research on this the it has left clicks oh oh wait I got another tail my tail just multiplied and now now I run on all fours this is sick also if I use like my kit a attacks my tail bar goes down what if I use my Z move wait this is sick ooh wait that was really cool we got like custom dashes now as well all right it's time to get some Mastery before a full moon and I have found the perfect first victim we've got Stone wait these left clicks track that that's that's busted that's actually busted oh we're in Three tail mode I don't know what this means maybe that does more damage there's a little Sparkle or something hold on my three tail bars filling up even more can I go Four Tails no I can't for a level one fruit this is going crazy oh wait what did I do wa oh does the Z move have like different moves depending on whether you hit them or not like he's got little Flames chasing him that's sick wow this is actually the best fruit in the game and I've only got it left click yeah this might be the BET what this is insane oh it keeps going it keeps going 121 levels of Mastery we got our second and third move Tales of burning Agony and fox fire disruption honestly despite the fact that I didn't manage to spin this fruit even in 250 spins the one that I did manage to get it just goes to show like this Rarity is deserved like this movement feels so clean I have no idea what level the Moon is at but we need to go find a new boss and fast because I don't have my transformation what's that ship HP they have hpan wait can you repair them no way I'm going to head to sea castle and then we'll teleport from sea castle to like turtle Mansion or or something and fight Captain elephant like arguably a boss that I struggle with a bit too much but maybe kid is like different this feels fast like I'm not even a transformation and it feels rapid all right Captain elephant I've got two new moves to test on you we have got Tales of burning Agony which seems like I'm going to like slap him with my Tails maybe ooh that was cool so that move's like a delayed move that's kind of cool and then fox fire disruption I'm charging up a blast that's actually crazy leopard fruit is out of dates Le fruit is no more nobody's going to be using the leopard after this oh that c move is too cool I feel like an absolute Chad every time I click C there we go give me the Mastery give me the Mastery our next move is a Mastery 200 wild assault I have a full moon P why now why now why is it I thought I had like 30 minutes I'm falling over okay plan go to Tiki Island where is Tiki Island Tiki Outpost Tiki Outpost there supposed to be like a new hidden area here as well but I I don't have time I don't have time to like worry about some hidden area what do I get maybe the Sentinel so it's like fast and also has a bit of Health that's what I'm going to use onwards kids a ship I can see another ship on the horizon as well so if they find the island I best believe I'm coming to yink all the goods I'm Ying all the goodies so I think you have to get to Danger level six because in the kids and a trailer I saw the admins like stood on the island and then on the left it a danger level six so I assume that's the only way you can get it I mean like that makes sense right we're in Crazy danger I'm getting to Danger level six if it's the last thing I do I'm finding this island no we got piranhas I I got the perfect move for this fox fire disruption oh you can hit all three with that move note it I hate these things oh safe safe we're safe now we got ghost ships bro let me find the island relax no my ship's on life support if I get a rough SE now it's literally Jova oh my God 17 HP we're surviving we're surviving no you stupid I'm going to drown I'm going to drown I'm going to drown not like this not like this where are those fish those stupid piranhas I hate them I hate them so much bro and I'm not even a sharkk all right first attempt at a full moon massive fail but I will get these items I just need to like figure out how it works because I don't know how it works it's Mega Misty right now but it's time for some revenge on this island Empress so that I can then just like maybe get the next move wild assault which I hope is like a movement ability getting a movement ability with this it' be broken give me 200 give me two okay not even close right we need more bosses I'm all out of bosses and that is Mastery 207 we got our next move wild assault I know exactly which boss I'm going to try this on the boss that destroys me every sing single time I try and face him I'm going to defeat him right here right now there he is longma wild assault okay oh it's that move that's pretty sick I don't know what these little like flame particles are for I feel like they probably do something but I'm not too sure I'm actually going to do this I'm actually going to do this I actually beat him no way 222 I think the next full moon is only like I think it's only like 15 minutes away so if I can get my transformation before the full moon that'll be so good for exploring the ocean so I've just been told by my crew mates the reason I couldn't find it last time time is because we need to be in a level six like scary water before the full moon so like it's daytime before full moon right now the sun's Rising we're going to speed to level six but I recommend only one person in level six for it to spawn okay we just got to get straight to level six we're already in level two okay we've made it to level five that's huge our ship taking a little bit of damage two in a row now you've got to be kidding okay we're going to stay no we're going to stay on the border between 5 and six all right we'll Vibe like here we're literally on the verge of entering into six you know what I say we start moving no man tactical Retreat tactical retreat no no I got put into a different seat go you know what I don't want to risk it all right we'll sit right here we're on the border why ghost ships this is messed up this is all kinds of messed up you know what let's survive in level six instead we got this not more ghost ships are you serious come on I want to see that moon turn blue no go away go away go away go away not like this not like this not like this not like this we keep going we keep going we keep going no ship please Island spawn Island spawn spawn just like right in front of of us r c are you kidding let's see is this run doomed yep now to pass time until the next full moon I could be grinding Mastery but instead I'm setting up a kits a tournament whoever wins this one V one out of these two here wins themselves a perm kits a I love being in control of chaos this feels good I mean yes I'm having to give away 4K Robux but oh well oh they're both getting kind of low I think it's Jova all right since he won the 1 V one I'll stick to my rules there's his perm kit a all right back to grinding 291 I'm so close to getting the transformation move I'm so close I need three more Mastery I only three you know while they fight that boss I'm getting my transformation right now these giant Islanders are going to give it to me that's 298 that's 299 is this it is this it is this it 300 I'm so excited transformation this is sick okay that's lying I've got five tails right now oh this is so cool you know what I have to go fight longma here we go here we go I've been wanting to try this out a cursed and Cham we've got like three wisps above us that's cool oh o we still got our left clicks as well Tales of burning Agony what does it do now oh no that's cool okay they keep getting better and better wait what about the new wild assault big damage how about fox fire disruption this is sick the way I'm charging that up now that's crazy that's actually crazy these moves are so cool I mean I'm still getting folded by longma cuz you know that's just what longma does but this move here that's quite possibly one of the coolest moves in the entire game oh oh I left like tails around this fruit is so much cooler than anything else in the game all right now that I've got Mastery 300 and got all the moves we're just about halfway from getting 600 because we're completely maxing this fruit he does anybody want to get on all right cool you can just carry people around if you're going to sit on top of my kits and a form you can't be yapping I have discovered an insane Tech with the Z move well not even a tech I think it's meant to be done like this but it's actually crazy so when you get like a bunch of them together and use the Z you hit three of them at what that's so cool now this fruit just keeps on one uping itself and we haven't even got like the new weapon yet or Enchanted that or anything but we've got a full moon coming in about 5 minutes so we need to start moving soon all right full moon attempt number two I only managed to get 361 on kit a because obviously I had to see if we get the spawn see if we get like the cool new island light of a full moon a mysterious Shrine where where where oh here it is kit a island oh this is so sick the full moon shifts to a deep shade of blue also someone activates it and then the moon changes color oh I'm literally dying I'm literally no not like this not like this not like this not like this not like this okay so now what do I need to do is this the collection phase but I'm so low oh time left 5 minutes so you got 5 minutes to try and find the stuff what am I looking for oh this island is so cool glowing kitay on there oh is that one get back get back get back here please I got one as your Ember oh they're everywhere now oh these things are so hard to get now this is impossible I got two I got three hold on I'm kind of cooking now I'm kind of cooking get back over here get back yes bro this is so difficult oh there's so many over here wait what if I go Buddha form what if I go Buddha I'll just snatch them all up give me give me give me give me give me it's time to snatch that's one give me these both give me them both oh I'm farming I'm absolutely farming we got 2 minutes 30 left I think I've got to like do the tradeing before it ends oh another four over here come on come on come on get over here little whisps get over here I'm a wisp collecting fiend oh they keep taking me away from the island I don't want to go too far away let's see if I can like trade in the stuff that I've already got right now so I've got 19 of this new material where is it oh yeah aor Ember a legendary material so if I like trade these in I assume I go over here k a shrine do you offer your Embers to the shrine submit the shrine is pleased with your offering I got a secret Aura color ooh is that the kits a color oh it's like purple pink and blue oh it rotates oh that's clean oh another Amber you can Flash step to them that's good news get over here I'm a bit of a fiend at catching these things hold on I went in the Rock that's not fair oh there's more give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me 40 seconds left give me no I want this last one come on come on come on come on yes yes hold on there's more there's so many more I want to do one more I want to do one more I got five I got five maybe that'll give me something 15 seconds 15 seconds talk to the Rock worship worship worship 250 that's all that I got and it yed my materials as well that's crazy the Blue Moon Fades away no we're about to get another full moon but I'm so far away I can make it I can make it I can make it I just got to like go full speed all the players are over there already I'm just like nowhere near a this is going to be close this is going to be real close actually it's going down come on come on what if I transformed into a kitten a and like ran on the water because I think that's supposed to be like really fast it's about to hit the horizon line come on I'm in five come on wait wait this is perfect actually this is perfect I need to transform I need to transform this might be a bit of a throw but I think this is worth it ow wait I'm not a shark I'm not a shark I'm throwing I'm throwing I'm throwing go go go go no no no no no no no no no it's about to be night time please come on come on ah please what moon is it what moon is it it's blue no I I won't have time that means they've summoned the thing BR that's actual sadness right there another full moon come on spawn on me Spawn rough seed that's so sad bro I was ready to go like Fox mode and like run around and stuff and we got nothing what a mysterious shine what I thought it didn't spawn I nearly Ser hoed I actually I nearly ser hoed to get my kits in a transformation ASAP yes yes yes three Tails all right and here's the Strat I've got a genius idea pilot helmet equipped as soon as I'm out of combat I'm putting on Pilot helmet where is it I see it oh my God come on come on speed get me out of combat please please yes yes Pilot helmet on oh I'm rapid I'm so quick oh my God look at the bar filling up no way I genuinely thought it could only spawn right as the full moon happened but it spawned come on Full Speed wait is the moon somebody turned it on on why give me that no no no this one's so hard to get stop dodging me I need more I need more I need more where are the Wisps where are the Wisps I'm not seeing anymore though I'm not seeing anymore I've only got six where are they I've got 1 minute yes another four yes yes yes I've got 14 come on if I can get to 20 that'll be huge I can maybe get one more patch one more yes yes one more patch come on I'm going in please move move move move move move move transform k a shrine I got the title no how all of that for a title I'm done with this get me out I'm off to go find a new Full Moon oh my God there's another one there's another one why do people keep summoning them when I'm not close bro I'm so close I'm actually so close that means we're not going to have long left again so I might have to go Buddha form just so I can like get more yes yes we made it we made it we made it give me our kids give me Buddha it's time where are they where are they I found some already get over here get over here that's one I've only got 2 and 1/2 minutes I'm probably going to need like 25 plus to get the lamp but I'm like I'm starting late that's what sucks sucks making this like way more difficult than it needs to be can I like save someone like invest them for the future is that possible this fox lamp is going to be impossible to get unless I get like super lucky I guess the Blue Moon is beginning to fade no can you save him for next time yes okay I'm saving these 12 I'm not going to waste them I'm going to just try and get more come on come on give me one more batch one more batch I've only got 5 Seconds please I think it's j yep the Blue Moon Fades away yes we got another one we got another one kit a island except this time I'm the one that's going to be doing the summoning a shrine touch statue the Blue Moon awakens here we go now we got 5 minutes we got 5 minutes to pop off I'm looking for them I'm looking for them I'm not seeing anything yet I'm not seeing anything I've currently got 15 so I just need five more I think and then I can do like one summon thing oh oh that's so many oh my God the way there's so many stop I'm being juked I'm actually being juked by like yes that's five that's five here goes here goes give me the goods wait it's pleased with my offering what did it give me the kits and a shrine rewards you I got nothing okay okay I'm back up to six doing quite well I need more though I need more I need more I'm not seeing anything I'm not seeing anything please game you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine no I'm actually being scammed that one's scamming me yes yes yes I got a bunch that time I'm already back up to 15 I'm already back up to 15 that's 18 yes yes yes yes come on that's big okay I can do another spin please give me the fox Slam please submit the shrine rewards you with what I'm being scammed the kit a shrine didn't reward me the blue Moon's beginning to fade no not like this and okay it's Jova didn't get anything all right another kit a island which means more wisps yoink yoink yoink already five already a five all right with this one I think I should have more than 20 and I think 20 is like The Sweet Spot people are saying so that should be 20 21 22 okay I need to be quick before another set spawns come on submit k a shrine oh oh yes I got the thing no way no way isn't that supposed to be like incredibly rare I actually got it I can't believe it I'm actually so happy that I got this so although I haven't completely finished leveling up kits to 600 I can now start working on getting the two moves for the fox lamp which honestly it looks so good with the little Spirits going into it it's damage oh it's terrible all I don't have any stat points no wonder okay we're going to have to do all the damage with the kit fruit and then we'll like get the final hit with the fox slim there we go cut an elephant down oh we're getting so much Mastery already wait we're going to hit 100 easily easily okay we keep going we keep going wait no way we get the first okay 129 I thought we were going to get the first move right away but we're still a bit of a ways off so let's go fight the beautiful pirate next yes level 150 we got our first move scorching aa oh this is sick feel like a magician and then what does this do from here like oh it like fires them off that's cool how much damage does this do with no levels at all ooh wait that was sick it did like 57 damage hold on attempt number two yes already 188 Mastery 300 I'm absolutely speed running just 50 more and then we can get back to the kiden grind and also get the other two items that we need the mask and the ribbon yeah yes 350 I have been so hyped to try this out you know I'm off the captain elephant he's going to be the first one to taste the infernal Firestorm okay it's time to test out this move but like on a sword boss infernal Firestorm that was 5K damage on base that's crazy that's actually crazy come on then longma come on then longma I've caught him I've caught him so if I head to p and then speak to the blacksmith we should be able to then Master this new weapon I don't know what it needs please don't be too bad all right so you actually need 10 of the Wisps which I've got then you need 14 scraps and nine magma fragments all I know is those common things are difficult to get so I need to go and grind all of those magma or magma or please please it's very like this is the hardest material that I've like ever tried to get ever all times I've tried to get this I've just failed because it doesn't drop I can't do these guys drop it I can't remember oh they do huge that's some good news can I like hit the both these guys with the lamp Okay no I can't we've already got two magma raw this is actually going fast it's actually acting like a common material for once all right there's 10 ore now we just need like the metal fragment thingies finally like this took way too long but I think I can do it I think I can upgrade this sword yep Fox lamp upgrade we've upgraded it so now it does like 7% more damage just off the bat also I've noticed if you just tap the X then you do like a dash attack which honestly makes this sword like maybe even one of the best but now that I've done this I can head back to the third seat and I can try and upgrade it and hopefully get a blessing or a curse listen up dragon Talon Sage first try Fox lamp enchantment please I would like what would I like maybe curse curse of the thief that' be pretty cool deadly Elemental Fortune come on masterp right not first try you know what they say though second times the charm Beast deadly level two piercing unbreakable all right I'm noticing a theme here and that theme is that I'm incredibly unlucky nothing Master Okay no I've got 10 Scrolls I bought 10 because I was like oh that's more than enough it might not be enough this is just like a little side quest I wanted to get the lamp get it like fully sorted completely upgraded and then now like oh no I'm going to be suffering here for 20 minutes aren't I oh oh no please please please please please please please no I've already used 10 Scrolls Ain't No Way Ain't No Way nah makes sense I need to buy more I don't have the robo for this okay nine more mythical scolls that's literally the upper limit of what I can do I can't do any more than this please o burning Fox lamp that looks so mid but I suppose it's fine it's a blessing I'll I'll take it I'll take it curse would have looked so much cooler but vas can't be choosers come on give me the mask give me the mask I just traded in 23 and I got fragance that should be illegal we got another Shrine which means another attempt I'm just hoping I actually get it this time wait wait I can already get four of these no way all right with these ones that should be 20 how many do I have oh 21 okay nice I can do a little hello come on submit I got fragments again BR that shouldn't be allowed that shouldn't be and the moon's beginning to fade again all right I'm back up to 22 I'm going to do another spin please give me the masc or Ribbon please yes I got the ribbon I got the ribbon okay that's big I just need the mask and then I'll have everything kids inate yes another four another four Embers that's huge you need to work on building up another 20 all right I've already got six and the Blue Moon Fades let's see my brand new accessory where is it legendary kits ribbon ooh oh it looks so good hey look at my ribbon I don't care more importantly I want to go and check and see what this actually does I think a turtle Mansion is where it tells you somebody here tells you all I see if I talk to the nerd Emoji then I think that accessory grants you 10% defense against Blox fruits 15% increased health regen 30% run Speed 7even Dash distance 25 cooldown reduction on flash St and energy wait that's insane and it looks really cool as well actually I really like this okay okay another 23 Embers please give me the mask I'm literally level 412 Master on kidsight I've been grinding I got fragments all right I might not good it this time but I'm ready for the next one I've got 22 Embers please spawn on me please spawn on me please please please come on come on come on it's not on me it's over there it's all the way over there oh my God I found it I found it I found it where are where are they where are they I'm not seeing any where are the Embers come on come on come on yes that's all that I need that's all that I need please give me the mask fragments again okay come on more Embers surely all right now I'm I'm completely maxed out on as their Embers again like please just give me the mask please bro how do I keep getting fragments I think I've got one more attempt in this blue moon one more so when they spawn at 30 seconds come on I need to Y this and go please don't give me more frags please yes yes yes oh my my God I actually got it oh it's so good I look so cool let's go I got the mask and you know what now that I got this I want to go see exactly what this mask does let's see hello Mr nerd Emoji I want to know what this does is it cooler than the ribbon 10% more damage on blocks two extra Dodges 15 regen 50% enhanced Vision in dark sea wait so it's like really good for like seeing in the sea area now that's huge okay but now that I've got all the items I need to try and get another 160 Mastery on Kitt a and that right there there is Mastery 450 the grind don't stop we are boss rushing everything and we're not going to stop until I hit 600 that's Mastery 485 I'm getting so close to the 500 so close that's 500 I I actually can't believe it Mastery 500 we only need 100 more it's starting to get a bit rough now because literally every boss is only giving like two or three levels only so now it's going to take like three times as long to get to 600 but I am going to do it I want my kits and a to be the strongest we've surpassed 525 we're on 528 the grind don't stop I'm at 549 after we defeat this boss that should put us nicely on like 551 maybe hopefully please give me the XP 551 yes perfect okay now I just come over here and I fight longma and then we go again I'm already a 560 we are speed running come on longma what's he going to put me to 562 we're a Mastery 575 just 25 more and then I'm done kits and a will be fully complete complete problem is these bosses really starting to give out like no XP yep one level that's Mastery 585 I'm so close Mastery 595 Mastery 599 I'm actually I'm so close this could be the it this could be it the final boss it's going to be island Empress I'm just hit her with like a nuke from F where is she I think I missed I literally I didn't get the XP for my final level I'm just going to fight some of these random mobs it's going to be much easier that way because I think these guys give like a lot of XP okay maybe not actually wait these guys give like no XP all right we're halfway we're halfway how many more how many more is this the last one nope we've got one more there we go new title unlocked Beyond the Sea I don't know what that means but we've got 600 on kit a that's so good we've got the ultimate kiten a fruit now and we've got all the accessories and all that it took was like 2 days straight of my life
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 787,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, blox fruits kitsune fruit, kitsune fruit blox fruits, kitsune fruit, blox fruits kitsune, blox fruit, blox fruits, kitsune, blox fruits kitsune showcase, kitsune blox fruits, kitsune fruit showcase, blox fruits kitsune update, roblox blox fruits, kitsune fruit release date blox fruits, blox fruits update 21 kitsune, blox fruits update, blox fruits update kitsune, roblox blox fruit, kitsune fruit showcase blox fruits, blox fruits roblox, blox fruit roblox
Id: vw1yEA870D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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