Blox Fruits But we have Custom Hearts! [FULL MOVIE]

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in this Mega blro world we have unique custom hearts and I'm challenging my friend to see who can reach the second C the fastest and it all starts with seeing who can gain 100 Levels first okay my first spin is going what heart am I going to get no it's a terrible one I've got first person heart for 10 levels what am I going to get please be something good oh this is decent this is decent I got the sword heart so I can permanently use swords to help me level fantastic for you well I'm about to go first person but I just wanted to say I'm the most slick looking bacon ever that fine and dandy for you Bandit Quest Giver give me the quest first person is tragic at least you can lose that heart like really fast because of how quickly we can change come on then I'm a blockx Roots master in first but wait this is so hard level 10 that's big news that means I can spin for my second heart please give me something good oh no both of these are bad I got the Eagle Eye heart and this heart makes it so I have to play on Max zoom out as a falcon ooh disgusting okay well let's see what heart I get this time I got the love heart permanent let's go yeah so that makes it so you can use the love fruit anytime you want okay well I guess it's time to show some love to this world okay let's get a dingy and we're going to the Jungle same I'll see you there I cannot wait to be able to get rid of this heart in 10 levels time to Speed Run we punch these guys a bit and then heart shot Boom Big damage come on yes yoink can you stop you yed my kill this bird I view is actually useful for like seeing the ones that you're fighting new quest of blah like a clever person I'm going to fight gorillas next yes level 20 oh feels good to be zoomed in oh you're going too quick can you slow down it's uh it's not a race honestly yeah yeah it's not a race totally not a race wait the sword Heart Right lets me use any sword hold on a second let me just do a bit of uh using the robo heart right here for a second hey wait wait wait wait there was no no no you need to unlock the Roo heart to do that you can't just cheat there is in a robu heart okay level 20 okay there we go gorilla King done and one level away come on something good please sailor's heart that's so good for me what is it you have to get five levels without leaving a boat other than getting quests this gorilla King does not die wait hey stop fighting the gorilla King okay wait wait I'm lining it up lining up his cannons they're not hitting him that's a skill issue no this is impossible can you bring him up here yeah you know I'll help you I love it I'm feeling nice I'm feeling real nice okay oh that's a big hit from me honestly another big hit yo do something ow bro you hit me oh sorry oh oh he's been launched I think if I kill him now you'll probably get the XP don't know why I was helping you there yes I did it 1 2 3 four I didn't get enough levels you got four levels that's unlucky bro your ship bound and while you're stuck on your ship what spin am I going to get let's see oh yes and I got Do's heart one time use this heart makes it so if I want to I can stop you in place for 2 minutes that's so dumb well let's see what I get for level 30 I got the dragon heart permanent you got dragon hearts yeah but honestly I don't think I'm going to change from my love heart yeah so you've got the option of equipping the dragon fruit at any point wo wo wo Mr ship man you got to be on your ship yeah yeah I am I am I'm just trying to bring them to me wait a minute I just have to stay on the ship when I kill these things right interesting oh so you're just going to use your love fruit from the ship yeah I think I found a loophole here this is way better why didn't I think of this before this loophole is actually genius from me how many more you got to defeat another two well unluckily for you send these two over here a mega oh if you hit that you actually would have got your final two that you needed this is tragic yes I leveled up so many times okay I'm off the stupid ship and now I'm angry honestly what level are you I'm level 37 yes no you got that level 40 new spin what am I going to get this time what heart am I adding to my Arsenal I got the dragon heart that's what I wanted you and me both I didn't want much I just wanted the dragon actually now that I've actually got the Dragon heart and I'm using this sword heart I don't really don't really need Dragon but I'll still use it okay 39 40 you got your spin as well I was so close to thief's heart that would have been so op okay let's see what I get oh yes okay I've got the mink heart for 10 levels yeah so that's not actually a good one that's a debuff it means you can't stop jumping for 10 levels what I thought you were going to turn me into a Ming nope that one's a bait that's the bait heartart you know what I can work with this I'm convinced one of the mobs on my island has just Des spawn he just doesn't exist anymore where's the Eagle Eye heart when you need it just do it to yourself and then you'll find it oh 48 oh 49 I'm so close Okay level 25 this is Pain Jump you know what I don't think I've ever jumped this much in a game before in my life level 50 while you're stuck jumping I've reached level 50 which means it's time for me to get I'd take thief's heart I'd take betrayer's heart please did you get betrayers S it's time for some betrayal I actually got the heart does that just mean PVP is on does that mean I just get to mess you up as well I mean if it was like actual rules it would be you can't fight back but that's boring so we can now fight each other okay now the problem is I can only jump so I'm ow ow ow the water hurts what okay right I need to think about this I could combo Di's hearts with the PVP heart and just be living life that is annoying why do you do so much damage I told you I'm a blocks fruits build hey Quest done bye-bye I still need two more levels and then you've got to be kidding me I was trying to do my stats okay defense that's right I could maybe survive a hit now if I'm lucky okay brand new Quest defeat Bobby wait hold on a second the sword heart is my main oh and you can't hit him with swords true wait the dark blad's just different I mean I'm not winning but like no no no no no no no no no if I kill Bobby no wait I just got a goose guard you from killing Bobby I've deactivated my betrayer's hearts Bobby kill him bro really said I deactivated and then turned it back on level 59 I'm one level away from leaving oh this is the last route I need I think while you have fun with that I'm heading to the desert also I've hit level 60 which means I can do another spin boom okay I can stop doing the stupid jump but that means I got to do a spin oh I'm scared oh we both spin okay spin at the same time and see who gets the worst okay going I'm also spinning please give me something better than send I got lighthearted I got the floor is lava heart isn't that basically the same as me no but I just can't leave like I got to stand on buildings to fight things which is like impossible for me well I think I'm going to switch my love heart to my light heart now okay I don't think bobb's respawn so it's time to defeat more brutes son I'm having to do cactus parkour that's quite funny actually wa desert is probably the best island for me to get this Flor is lava Hearts but it doesn't change the fact that this is the most annoying and tedious process ever boom level 61 I got the new Quest and we're going to do our new spin what will the heart Gods give me this time luk I have a heavy heart that means you can uh become a kilo kilo man if you want you know what that's not too bad right where is Desert oh there it is I see your boat okay must be friendly okay you got your thing off have you no I think you must do oh it must be me yeah don't worry I'm enabling it again just in case you know you want to scrap no this is actually not fair no you're actually just farming wait what level are you Luke 62 I'm 68 come on I'm storming ahead yes I got three whole levels right I got an idea boom level 69 70 71 one there's still no new Quest but I've got a spinner heart so let's do it I got the bomb heart that heart makes it so you can use the bomb fruits I'm getting a lot of fruits these rocks technically aren't the floor so that's fine right is bro doing some technical stuff no I'm just going back to uh Bobby and fighting him for XP because bosses give more XP and I only need to defeat one Bobby you know okay that's fair there we go level 70 I can touch the floor oh it feels good oh Luke I'm level 80 81 82 so we both get a spin and it's spinning come on some amazing I got the sniper heart I got the gambler's heart well it's not as good as sniper heart so I think I'm just going to go and win gambling gambling gcha what am I going to get revive that's just the gambler's life right there yeah that's kind of trash actually you got revive I'm nearly back I see you farming over there yeah did do you see me look hey look I'll send you a present know crazy you probably could have actually hit me there with one of those uh you know your betrayer's hearts off I wouldn't want to damage you yes it feels so good to be able to grind like with actual Pace 80 wait I only gained two levels n this is too slow okay I think I'm going somewhere else you can already leave I'm going to go and do your Strat maybe Bobby will give me more levels no bro that's my Strat for a reason oh wait Bobby's not here yeah I've already cleaned him out ended his whole career I'm not waiting hey luk I can't believe you've done this I will activate my betrayer's heart right now sorry I just you know I had to for the comedy wait 89 90 I get my last spin and I can go to a new island let's see what our spin is my final heart no no no no no no no no no I got the W heart for 10 levels oh that's actually so good for the last 10 levels I have to walk you to start from there as well okay well I'm walking but you know what I don't see it in the rules so see you later light flight not true you can fly however as soon as you like go out of light flight you have to walk I'm landing UAV deployed and now I casually walk over to this guy okay defeat seven snow Bandits say l Chief yes level 80 you're only level 80 I'm level 93 okay that's getting a bit close getting a bit close what what do you get then I am activating This Heart right now what does it do cough up that light fruit boy it's mine now what I got the thief's heart I can steal any one thing from you I can't use light anymore yes sir it's all mine okay well I've re-equipped my love heart and uh this is actually now way harder oh no this is way hot no I'm dying no I'm I'm dead oh this is so much harder oh finally killed one oh my God this is crazy is love heart your best option right now like you do have the bomb heart you do have the the heavy heart maybe bomb would be better actually I don't know why I'm giving you advice yeah yeah hey let's try equipping the bomb Heart level 87 oh this is slow man this is slow okay come on I've trapped him in this house this a genius from me yes level 96 what okay W though oh that's my Di's heart right there you're getting stopped for 2 minutes for 2 minutes minutes 2 minutes and I'm level 90 oh man well guess I'm going to read some fanfic or something I got to travel all the way across there I mean luckily I Y This lighe Heart from you hold on betrayer's heart activates S I think it's a bit time for a bit of Revenge you know things went so well for you you know when you were Ying my kills when I was stuck on buildings can't believe you got thief's heart where are you stuck nowh oh sen pirates look what I'm holding right now no I can't move I'm just looking at my face I can't move jealous sorry I can't feel anything time has stopped I don't know if you know how time stopping works oh yeah true also you're ugly but not that I can see you because time has stopped you just put me down here at least finish me off fine thank you how long have you got left definitely like maybe another 3 seconds 2 one and I'm back oh you back in business are you s Pirates I'm back in business okay oh that was close honestly mildly inconvenient what you're doing hold on hold on hold oh boom I'm on 93 I'm on 93 I'm catching I'm catching you really are no I'm dead yes it's the problem with just being able to walk I've got the clear disadvantage here yeah but you've got the ability to oneshot me do you have to take the ladder no I don't have to take the ladder I've got my own way s you don't want to come close you don't want to come close look I got a barrage I got a barrage come on them come on them oh oh I missed you you know what I don't want to be here oh no mind if I do oh that's a that's an explosive right there oh you yed my kill big Damage Big Damage Big damage no I'm a five of seven I can do this I'm only on three of seven this is cringe you are an entire level ahead of me I haven't activated my uh betrayers heart just yet I reset my quest what am I doing I'm actually throwing yes he's throwing no I'm throwing this windup time of light is so good okay these Bandits can no longer hurt me so that's good news this is winnable this is still winnable now that s hasn't been able to get back yet I am yes look at you cool walking wait you've got jumping moves yeah fly fly did I get you you didn't have PVP on the betrayer's heart didn't work because of the uh I can't believe you just jointed that ow I'm dead again it's this is like it's scripted it's scripted chat it's scripted waffling how do you think he got the thief's heart okay he spawned that wheel a million times yeah yeah I totally did that totally did that BR just mad why do you keep attack attacking you're like baiting me into wasting time because what when did you turn that on I already had it on I think and how did it not hurt me uh I'm so doomed I'm doomed to foul now honestly out of seven I'm on 96 what level are you oh 96 this is it we're the same level but you've just got a clear Advantage the doo heart the thief heart it all came down to this that is unfortunate how many kills you at asking for a friend none of your business no I just like clay pigeon shot you up the sky there that was kind of crazy I was trying to get one of the stupid guys so I can complete the quest yes yes no no no no no okay okay I'm on six I'm on six please please please please no yes 98 only 98 okay I'm still in it I'm still in it I'm still in it it's so funny watching you slow walk over there it's so painful you know I'll I'll be calm I'll be calm right okay I was being calm I was getting the quest as well I can't believe you did that I'm sorry what do you want from me honestly goodbye sen Pirates I haven't got my PVP on yet you wasted your move no no no no no no are you are kidding me I thought I saw an orange orb like around me okay wait are you actually farming right now what wait where are you how did you hit that what you're over there you definitely curved that explosive around that wall come on no you actually y them I can't do this you're too quick to get back up I I run out of stamina and then I can't do anything but I'm back in a jiffy you know I'm back no that would have been so sick no the guy killed me I'm only oh you're going to win this I'm on three out of seven six out out of seven this is it this is so painful look you climbing up your little fly please bruh I'm throwing I'm at the final hurdle I kick you missed I missed no got him from behind the building I'm On Five Oh I'm on six no no oh this is it this is it you died this is my w no Z he's on one hit this right here will get me to level 100 I hit you come on come on yes yes level 100 I did it no that was just cheating in this blog fruits world we have custom hearts that give us random powers or debugs and these change and improve with every new episode and this is episode 2 and this batch has a lot of dangerous Hearts we could Spin and here we go my first heart of today is I got the NPC heart for 25 levels that's so bad that's a funny one let's see what I get I got jump hearted this time we get a new heart every 10 levels we gain and we're going to race to see who can get 150 levels first and defeat the swan boss it's going to be me actually I'm I'm not confident about that statement anymore neither am I you got jump hearted meanwhile I'm walking around like an NPC honestly we were just built different a birth would you like to buy some potion he's gone no I'm gone I'm buying my my sky jump hello ability teacher air jump 10K boom oh yes oh this is real bad I'm moving like an AI this is insane I need backup yes I'm M are you recruiting me to the cause yeah I am but I'm waiting for you to get low first finish him please no no no you seen my help I can only slow walk back oh yeah yeah take the fall okay good job NPC you've done good why did I have to get the NPC heart this is crazy well I get the XP when you defeat that thing no never mind I'm coming in for the yink NPC style quick tackle oh I didn't get it I hope for the next heart I get something that's actually going to be use and not just like I can walk around a little bit oh Luke why have we debuffed ourselves so hard this is not oky doie this is impossible this is like Dark Souls actually it is it literally is no I'm dying to snow Bandits all right s how many snow Bandits have you managed to defeat look at you able to punch and dash meanwhile I'm just Giga Chad mode okay see how long you last circle circle Maneuvers I'm Different I still get folded though this is ridiculous ow ow ow let me use my heart and jump not like you could have just jumped up there any anyway hang on I'm just doing NPC Maneuvers I'm stuck on this wall there go I'm back now that one's mine I've been working on him for so long you know what I hate NPCs sorry bro I'm just coded to kill everything I can't help it I'm going to be coded to kill you eventually just you wait I mean if you get the betrayer's heart then be my guest this is rough man oh you're bringing it to the innocent NPC this isn't fair no no I'm helping we haven't even gained one level by the way I know how it going over for you over there s NPC backup is on its way whoops I didn't get the you know what I'm going to go Skynet on these NPCs and delete their programming no how did you die what do you mean he has a sword I've just got puny basic combo sen the NPC is wanted look I look devious that's disgusting honestly he's the last one he's the last one he's the last one please please please please yes level 103 that is terrible okay now I stand a chance I'm only on two out of seven this is actual my depression AR right now okay Yeti Quest level 105 easy I'm doing that as well you got to wait a second it takes me a bit of time to get over to the yeti please don't kill him before I get there you think I could do that that's crazy time to use my heart I can't get up I'm inbound NPC walk sorry that was a tactical system upgrade right there I had to do it NPC go in cical real I choose you I'm the NPC meat Shield oh I'm using my heart my jump heart is so good I'm incredibly jealous it's hard enough for me to get up to where the NPC inbound get away NPC is about to get folded honestly ah no this is unfair why is that snowman cool walking over to me what the heck no I've trapped myself NPC backup is on its way my NPC pathing it's going it's going all Haywire I can't make it honestly NPC is kind of mid that's what I'm thinking hey that's friendly fire right there bo bo oh no it's going to happen again rest in peace oh help you you got this you got this I believe in you I canot believe you've done this quick tackle oh I was trying to use mine help help help help help I can't believe it I can't believe it please give me the XP B of you to assume I'll finish him before you get back up here got him let's go level 110 I'm 110 as well we can spin again what heart am I adding to my roster this time it's going to make the NPC hopefully go a bit faster n you're going to get something terrible I can feel it wait oh this could be good what did you get I got the Lost heart wait doesn't that just mean you're Zoro yeah so I'm an NPC that is lost all the time but I can head over to this shop dealer eventually and I can get the triple Katana you know what don't care didn't ask I'm spinning my one let's go hold heart permanent wait is that ice cold heart gives you permanent ice fruits that is tragic I think you mean that's cool now that I've got my ice heart look at this don't talk to me snowman a snowman you spitting facts let me go and do that real quick no yes wow the NPC beat me all right Yeti boss I've still got 13 levels of this awful NPC heart I don't want it this ice heart is so good sorry this cold heart I'm feeling it ow ow good job Yeti wait I did damage though new skill available I surge n what are you doing Dash away Dash away can you please come and take down the snowman please yeah I'm on my way help D away no oh sorry oh you meant that snowman sorry I started dealing with this one I can barely move properly and you're doing this I can't believe it I seem to remember how the last video ended I think this is back how many kills you at asking for a friend none of your business no no we're not going to talk about that why is it going for me I've not done anything to you honestly it's just cuz you smell I'm just a lost NPC I've completed the quest quick if I get the yeti Quest I can steal the experience for this as well this NPC is about to start raging this is how we get ahead boom boom boom boom boom boom I still got XP I take that I take that every day of the week yes 117 I'm speeding through these you've overtaken me I can't believe this I can't compete sen Pirates is just too much of an Unstoppable Force the second I get a low gear it's over for everyone including myself I've unlocked the dash feature he's become AI I'm like chat GPT I learn as I go you've knocked all my mobs down here I oh I was trying to be helpful honestly this NPC is friendly for now if you keep acting like this look I've got to take advantage of this while you're the NPC honestly wait where's my snowman don't ask me I'm not all knowing thought you were AI I thought you were chat GPT I'm programmed to do my thing that's it get me off this island honestly 120 yes I can leave no is it yetti back no but I'm going to spin again let's see what I get come on come on something good something good what's pirate par oh that's so good for me you have got to become a pirate and within 25 levels you have got to defeat a marine player that's impossible what happens if I fa you still got to do it within 25 levels oh okay well I'm heading to Marine Fort see you later nerd level 121 I can spin and then just four more levels of the devilish NPC part that's crazy please give me something good please please yes oh that's big I got the Thunder heart you got the Thunder wait is that Rumble yes it is I've got my Rumble I've got my NPC and because I've also got the Lost heart I can't use the tracker to see where I need to go next to S where do we have to go like I'm actually confused so uh after that you head to underwater I don't believe you why not I'm being very truthful oh wait no no no my brain you know it remembers everything it clocks everything I specifically remember you saying BRB off the Marine Force so that's where I'm going to head you might be on to something I got to sail around in circles like an NPC okay is this Marine Fort nope are you at Marine starter that would be funny if you went there I literally am well that's not what I was looking for where actually is Marine Fort if you're at Marine starter you can see Marine Fort oh all right I'm no longer lost straight line my Hunt is not going very well I can't find this guy where is he wait I think I I found someone I have he's a Marine come here come here come here come here please die yes that's so bad for me I thought that was going to hold you up for way longer than it did oh I got kind of Lucky honestly just four levels and I don't have to do this stupid walking anymore chief petty officers get over here yes yes my Rumble Powers this is the thunder heart combined with the Lost heart I can walk on the ocean this whole time send discovers ice fruit Circa 2023 I don't know if this is quicker than my boat honestly but I'm walking to Marine Ford yeah I think get slower well I'm not paying 300 again so I think this means I should be able to grind in peace at least for a little while I can't believe this challenge has basically only just started and we've got so many levels to still go it should snowball pretty fast as we get more and more St points wait I just realized I didn't clock it my NPC Days Are Over oh no that's not ideal for me honestly right where did I launch this guy for the back rooms what do you think you're doing whoops oh Loi has just make it so much easier though why didn't we just let ourselves have this from the beginning why did we make this so hard that'd be too easy oh Treasure Chest that's actually huge treasure is so important in this or level 125 okay you didn't slow me down too much that's how much the NPC Heart Like ruins me from the get go honestly I think it improved you yay new Quest that I can't see where it is because I've got the Lost heart which is permanent I permanently can't is it actually permanent that's so funny I'm permanently lost relax relax relax I need to level up quick so I going and do it as well I didn't even set a chance brush violent Rush Oh violent rush and there we go vice admiral defeated oh I didn't even get to go there in time I was too busy being an NPC I forgot that I can spin for a new heart funny enough I need to spin as well not for my heart please I just need something combines something bad no no no give him like I don't know lose your account heart or something ooh flash hearted ooh this gives me access to flash honestly not amazing but kind of useful that's pretty good you can get out of Combos and stuff okay let's see what I get ooh I got a heavy heart permanent you get access to the kilo fruit you know if you ever want to use that yeah I think I'm okay with my ice fruit actually definitely adding the fast boat heart next time yeah we need that ability teacher flash stab purchase there we go we got the flash daab part okay well while you went and did that I've done another Quest level 137 now let's go you're ahead of me I can't believe this you might be ahead of me but I'm ahead of you what the that was some cheeky Shenanigans right there okay come on last one I think I'm going to be 140 after this Luke boom yeah I'm 140 141 that's a new heart for me let's see what I get okay come on what am I going to get something good something good no keep going keep going don't no don't stop there NPC heart 25 levels yes now you get to suffer the Animal Crossing life and then for me I take a hacky heart I take the Buddha heart bro you know what this isn't too bad all right where is Snow oh Vice Admiral's back okay let's slow walk in NPC Maneuvers I stand still at least you're on NPC with a fruit you know as an NPC with combat oh he folded me being an NPC is hard tell me about it just need to walk back there but my paing is a bit messed because I can walk on the ocean oh no I'm I'm walking into the wall ah got the ladder there we go okay round two ice he's almost full health again what the heck they heal take this I died again round three are you ready my prog in just it increased and I had the dash let's go he's destroyed oh you're using that cheeky Strat are you all right I now have access to the AUM Hearts I don't have the stamina to utilize it properly but I'm on my way back don't worry I'm taking down these chief petty officers one at a time like a real NPC me and my four decently cool hearts we got this what level are you again by the way 146 that is actually not okay no it's actually really good you still got 19 levels of suffering to go though that's what you love to see that's so true I can jump over over buildings that I've never been able to get over before this is eye opening I wish I could use my my jump heart but an NPC you know not smart enough honestly new skill available NPCs don't have emotion bro you can't you can't be an emotional like that new skill available glacial what pretty cool is that all of your moves should pretty quickly get to level 150 even with you been able to walk like an NPC I'm level 149 I'm one away from 150 NPC I'm recruiting you follow me okay coming I got big news big news big news the boss is back acquired incoming all right do your stun Maneuvers stun him freeze him use the freeze moves the coding is broken cannot freeze cannot freeze freeze sorry yes yes oh this is easy this light work take this I am level 153 okay you can actually stop now okay yeah yeah sure I'm going to do a new spin let's go new spin come on come on I got the shark heart for 25 levels interesting so the thing with that heart is you have to go and defeat the shark saw boss and try and get his sword boss within the next 25 levels as an NPC well no no no no no wait wait wait because my NPC thing will run off before the 25 levels of the shark the S thing so maybe oh true I just keep doing this until I can fight the saw normally that's genius does mean I should be able to like decently catch up maybe abandon this Quest I've got a new Quest where am I going Skylands wait why did I tell you I'm so happy you said that because I just leveled up as well oh I forgot it's time to be a stow away yes I'll man the Cannons all right NPC I understand you're lagging in the brain but can you like Drive the ship properly yep I was trying to drive it yep I'll drive it properly don't worry okay where are we going we're going to middl town do the S boss Skylands are the other way going to do the S boss if you don't drive the right way I will revoke your life programming does not compute does not computer no no no I've actually got a swim okay I think I'll go to Skylands actually see you later I've just got to pass away there's nothing I can do that's crazy I've touched down in Skylands and I'm slowly walking up now let's go this ledge is a little bit too big for me use your sky jump heart NPC programming accepted where is the quest dealer here you don't want to know oh he's all the way at the top isn't he yeah you're figuring out locations meanwhile I'm watching you run up while I'm slowly walking okay now that I finally made it to the quest Giver time for me to spin my level 150 heart and I hope I get something good I hope you get NPC version 2 honestly I hope I get honestly haky would be amazing this would be even better what did you get I got the Dracula in other words I gain access to the dark blade which is huge I think it's actually a reasonbly size sword I wouldn't say huge personally new skill available dark air slash ooh right NPC falling so although I'm not using the true triple Katana anymore the Lost heart is still in effect no don't do this to me you son of a gun honestly I didn't even take it I don't think did I you thought about it and that hurt my feelings honestly all right you can have the those two I'll have these two you know Fair Ground Fair Ground got it what are you doing Mr MPC tracking towards the loot it just tracks towards what attracts to I don't control it don't forget I've still also got to do the sore thing oh yeah hey I see you on the wrong side over there NPC oh sorry your location dates are all messed up your GPS not working sorry about that Quest complete 157 I you just got to walk all the way up don't remind me Quest complete I'm not even at the top yet there's no way you beat the quest and I I haven't made it to the quest Giver two more levels and I get a brand new heart as well oh this is tragic for me 159 160 all right Quest complete that's level 160 so what am I going to get it's kind of not what you want to see what' you get I got the Pirates heart for 25 levels I've got to go hunt a marine come on I've already done that right let's see what I get it's spinning this is good I got the cannon heart permanent oh you get access to cannon fire if you want to that's pretty cool but honestly I don't even know what that is I need to go huntt down some players I found the Marine oh you actually did that kind of quick what do you mean quick this took me 15 minutes I've only managed to do one whole quest in that time he's so afraid leave me alone he so afraid fight me fight me you got this oh he's fighting back oh I can't hurt him he's got smoke he's got a loia I can't win you have Rumble use that use that does a negative 50 damage it does more than your zero damage sword right we're going one shot build Rumble Dragon yes oh he did it I'm going to go and get my Cannon right now and then I'm going to go and fight s let's go saw take my Cannon heart boom 33 damage that's huge totally worth it heart getting big value and while you're doing that I'm catching up I'm Speedy he's on a roof he's he's in creative mode you having fun over there yeah yeah this easy fight honestly it sounds super easy I won't lie Cannon B in the face oh head shot sign me up for valerant or something honestly I've almost beat him though Luke yeah but you got to get the drop you got to see the good knowing my luck he'll drop it first time yes I got it shark no way first try it's 10% chance 10% chance means nothing to sen Pirates okay I thought you'd at least be like held up for a good like 20 levels of mine but I'm only level 168 I'm coming back to Skylands I'm 167 though so you are aead yeah but I thought I'd be like 30 levels ahead not just one yes level 170 oh you get a new spin I've only just made it back to Skylands that's not good that's right new spin okay I know what I need to do oh is this good is this bad I got the lucky High ooh that sounds really good it's not because apparently every choice I make I have to flip a coin to decide if I actually do the thing oh no that's that's pain for 25 levels all right heads I claim the next Quest Tails I don't come on come on Tails heads you love to see it honestly you actually hate to see it because I need to catch up and it's not for silly things like you know heads I can go forwards Tails I don't uh actually it might be no heads I can breathe Tails I can't all right I'm down for that bet what we going for Tails Tails I can't breathe come on well see you later guys rest in peace coople honestly got your time plus 50k what did I get I thought that said string I got spring oh unlucky wait actually hang on heads I can drop the fruit Tails I have to eat it oh that's dangerous you know what Tails I dropped the fruit heads I eat it here goes this is scary that is scary honestly leaving it behind that's level 190 so I can get something new again o and this time I wanted to be the hockey heart or betrayer oh that no no no stop stop stop no I got the pacifist heart which is kind of useless but I just can't attack you for 25 levels or steal any of your kills or steal any of my kills that's even funnier we're so close to getting the holy heart wait what's the holy heart the most OP heart on the entire wheel o when you get to level 190 I need you to tell me where the next Quest is I just don't know where it is yeah no worries don't worries Z I got you is it upper Sky yeah yeah definitely uper Sky oh 190 come on give me anything that's not bad that's all I am ask for oh oh wait did you say the holy heart is op yeah it's very op because I just got the holy heart that gives you access to the Buddha fruit oh Buddha's op but I'm not going to activate that heart just yet because I haven't got a good fighting style or sword oh that's kind of Genius more importantly s if we didn't both get the sky jump heart we literally wouldn't be able to get up top yeah and that's definitely where we have to go next you do have to go up there right yeah wait we're going to prison we're going to prison I've already got a head start oh yeah I see a little ship sailing away see you later nerd hucky heart activated let's go I see you there s taking your pit stop if I hit every mob in prison you can't touch them you're actually wrong yeah and this is the final Island as well this is rough oh here we are ja keeper give me the prisoners confirm and one prisoner is mine two prisoner is mine three prisoner is mine four and five all the prisoners are actually attacking me sorry about that I hate it here it was a dangerous prisoner I can't do anything you having having fun yep I really am look at you having fun with your holy heart as well you think with somebody with a holy heart I'd be so kind and gracious I'll let you have exactly one you can have that one W thank you sen no worries level 200 okay 14 more levels and I can stop this and from my level 200 spin I'm getting oh I got hardcore heart wait that means I can't die for 25 levels I got hacky heart which is actually huge for me so I am going to go get that I mean you're already behind that's the thing yeah this is n good I mean this is good for me honestly oh and that's 210 I've got a new Quest and a new spin let's go I haven't even equipped my hucky heart yet all right let's see what I get come on something good something good no no no no keep going keep going no no no no no I got the lucky heart yes oh that's so good now you have to spin for whether you're going to steal my uh mobs or not I've been blessed more importantly I'm on my way back with my hcky well this is dumb okay right let's do our first coin flip heads I can get the next Quest tows I can't welcome to suffering come on it was Tails okay yes okay so now you have to do something different heads I can put my stat points in Tails I can't Tails head heads I can put my stat points in oh so this is what it's being like to actually Farm oh oh These Guys hurt me okay no wait I've got the hardcore heart if they kill me it's just over yeah you just lose I've got that for 15 more levels I need to be careful yes yes level 210 okay I can spin and I can get the new Quest and not only that s but five more levels I don't have to be a pacifist anymore okay that's good for you yes what did you get five levels s you're dead you're toast oh no you got betrayers yes I did okay last one come on Boom okay 213 214 wow One More Level and I'm not a pacifist anymore oh no how much longer do you have hardcore for exactly how many 11 levels well isn't that interesting one more smidge of a level please yes the Cooper Co no enemies Arc is over this all of a sudden became like really nice for me and really bad for you however that is level 220 and I can start the new Quest but first things first let's spin for my next heart no this is so bad half a heart is in effect I have no Health now oh yes I got the chained heart time to go fight these dangerous prisoners and if you're around sen best believe I'm hunting you down where are you Mr hardcore I'm nowhere sen Pirates stay back you have got to be joking me okay quick I need to grab a quest oh I can't I can't I need to slip a coin yes believe I'm gu guarding this where are you I hear you jumping oh that's some free kills right there stand all right never mind Spa is right there I can taste the XP from him that's so annoying yes I no longer have the hardcore heart what adios I didn't kill you I didn't kill you come back here goal flash stab oh go BL slash no that's all you had to do and I would have lost yeah but you don't understand how scary it is when you are one shot level 230 new heart time oh no you're actually getting ahead I don't need this I got the heavy heart tals I can do the new Quest heads I can't it's heads Heads I can put my stat points in Tails I can't it's Tails bro is struggling Chief Warden let's go hey chief Warden come this way finish him Luke finish it are you kidding don't worry I got him yes I no longer have to flip a coin yes Level 240 oh I'm only level 238 oh no that's not good wait you're so close to the end oh yep 10 more levels oh the holy heart I'm using my chain heart right now wait what yep I'm using the chain heart and I'm going to chain you to the pier no I'm got to be chained for 2 minutes yeah right here on this guy military detective okay well I'll at least be big okay n this is messed up that's what I needed what level are you asking for a friend I'm level 238 this is close come on stop getting folded we got four more levels of half a heart as well please I feel like I'm playing on half a heart with how quick I'm getting folded 10 seconds there's no way giant Giga chat inbound here I come 245 I am what hey Mr pacifist you can't be doing that sorry about that I'll just die I think that's fair yeah that's fair that's fair I'm level 250 no no no no no Swan I need to do this Mega quick hold on Mr pacifist I can still kill you I can't kill the boss but I can still kill you Warden please just pass away for me no come on come on come on don't do it no please yes this Swan's so low this Swan's so low is that 250 250 give me the quest give me the quest give me the quest give me the quest yes come on yes I did it you got the final hit I can't believe this honestly well deserved from me bro really complimented himself I can't believe this this is the normal block SCS health bar but this is what our BL health bar looks like and this is because we have custom hearts that give us random powers or debuffs and these change and improve with each new episode this is episode three and this batch has some incredibly annoying hearts that we could get and here we go my first heart of today please be bad bad bad bad I got the fire Hearts which gives me access to the flame fruit let's see what I get come on something goated the best heart on here come on oh I got dracul hearted permanent the brand new dark blade as well that's just infinitely cooler than the old one let's go okay I've got some catching up to do because last time sen left off way higher level than me in other words he's got six whole levels on me oh I do nothing I'm just better better looking I've got no energy we let Luke do most of the work and then I come in for the steel sword is made for close combat look at your damage that's not even fair come on do something bro got sent to the back rooms there I forgot how difficult these first SE bosses are when you're a noob oh my goodness my health is not looking when you're an extra Noob like sen it's even more difficult what are you talking about I'm the one that's dealing damage to this boss like that yay Mastery I got fire flights burning blast wait I almost got enough Mastery to get my next move that's mad that's who I'm fighting now no fall I'm here you are not playing this smart you love to see it unless this is your play just keep sacrificing yourself over over I mean it doesn't matter boom new move let's go more levels which means more Blox fruit stats huge oh yeah yeah oh yeah come on this dark Blade the best heart that Luke added really it's the best heart is it hey I still got the experience there we go fire column find the NPC at coliseum to Coliseum we go Coliseum Quest Togo Warriors where are they oh this this is easy yes yes wow come on then come on I dare you I dare you no no no no no fire column okay the problem with fruits is I can't left click I don't know why people complain about grinding and blocked fruits it's just so easy honestly I'm bored already we've been grinding for 3 minutes and I'm already bored hold on I know what I'm going to do this flame fruit has set me ahead for the future cuz it's a loia so as long as I get like some kind of sword next I'm just going to leave you in the dust I need Buddha the second I get Buddha it's over yeah there's no way you're getting the holy heart it's not happening if I get the holy heart because I got it last time if I get it again I'm just I'm meant to win I'm the protagonist I'd believe it at that point yeah I got two more left wait have you done the first Quest yet or no no oh I'm on the second one you are joking me no hey I did it now why are you a noob just get good done the quest nice I hate you let's go I might be having a slow start right here might be a little bit of a slow start no way oh I'm bu different you should gave me the theves heart honestly I hope that I get the betrayers heart cuz you physically won't be able to hit me hey new Quest available let's go wait why is there only two Gladiators here is the game bugged is actually yeah that's what it feels like am I been scar I remember there were at least three of these guys yay Quest complete but I'm still so far away now all I'm saying is Luke there's no way you're actually catching up to me what level are you by the way 278 you know 275 you can get a new heart right oh I forgot about that okay second heart of the video Let's go let's go let's go let's go no keep going keep no actually stop I got jump parted can't stop holding space bar for 25 levels okay well that's not ideal so until 200 oh man that actually that messes me up big time yeah because of your dark blade which is you know close range oh that's going to slow me right down gives me time to maybe try and catch up a little bit who wrote This Heart yeah that's crazy oh I completed my quest as well I'm coming Remy away from flame Destroyer I've nearly got all moves this is hard to even accept the question oh yeah I've got the movement now you've actually made me stronger the a't Minecraft you can't hit jump CR I'm I'm critting they're going to call me dream in a second because I'm speedrunning this new skill okay right unawakened flame is terrible I forgot oh I'm so good at this game why am I like actually good at BL sprs it doesn't make any sense what sen kills one NPC in the first SE and thinks he's Pro I hate to break this to you yeah but we haven't even gotten started yet actually we're quite far through because I'm almost 280 something fine that's 275 for me okay new heart so honestly I'm going to say it right now I hope you get something done give me something useful like a an attacking thing this is kind of mid for me right now but could be useful later I got the flight heart what does that do what does that do gives me access to flying boats which is huge actually that is really good because that means you can get to places way quicker than me yep which means more XP meanwhile I've got to jump like an actual rabbit for the next I don't know 18 levels oh 285 let's go 15 levels and I get off this stupid jump heart whoever Design This Coliseum like can we just nuke this off the map like it doesn't need to be here they need to be fired honestly they need to be fired oh I've got a combo now yeah same it's called the hop hop style it's time to put my flying boats to use what do you mean why are you leaving the are you done you know you got to like you got to level up right you can't just fly around the sea bucko just you wait okay okay well you'll see when I'm level 300 and you're like stuck on whatever level you are why is my boat not flying fly it takes a while you know it's so quick though it's actually crazy yeah that's actually a huge buff for you wait no there's no way are you going back to prison no oh there's no oh that's actually five head from you yeah but I'm have to go get that Swan XP the juicy Swan XP that's the goal that's the goal yep Swan's here okay start with the warden and that is the warden defeated no no no no what level are you uh no comment Chief Warden next I'm on my last one though Luke this is going to be it this is going to be 300 298 299 300 I can stop jumping let's go okay new spin as well and that's Chief Warden down onto Swan no one asked I'm spinning my wheel let's go come on come on something good something good something good something good no keep going what' you get yes I got the Mario heart that means I can use pipe right yep it I really wanted to get that because the new pipe is so cool reworked pipe actually does damage wait where' you get pipe though I'm kind of dumb aha I found the pipe purchased and that is level 301 and for my spin I would like maybe hcky Hearts this is also good this is really good lost heart this allows me to equip the triple Katana which means now I can do my op flame strap he was asking for a sword and he got one not as good as a pipe though honestly why is magma so far away Bro you've got the far loest boat in the game and I'm here on a little dingy like let's go we're almost there magma Village I've made it uh military Soldier be seven easy bro this is unfair why did you get the the boat thing violent Rush Oh yeah oh it's so good now wait do you have that sword leveled up as well yeah because previously I've had this heart before it's like the game's trying to tell me something to be honest Mario time the pipe is actually crazy oh pipe looks so cool what the heck it's not doing any damage because you have no Mastery have you seen the triple Katana as well oh I haven't I haven't look at this if only the island wasn't pitch black right now I can't even see my pipe if I'm swinging it yes I stole it okay what's this do dragon oh my goodness you already got his next move yeah I'm quick you know I'm somewhat of a a grinding Pro no yes how did I not kill oh I'm just better than you br and you died oh bro Cooper Co died to I'm about to die as well if I die as well my joke is ruined sen I'm level 305 I got so many levels oh I'm 30 fre L Noob why is this island so dark oh this crazy I just can't see a thing you just lost to that guy did you that's a free kill right there why are you following me stop following me why are you following me yes another Quest complete oh this is so mid all right this is going to take a while but we should easily be able to get our next heart I'm just two more away that's all that I need wait I'm two levels away and I need a whole Quest still oh that's that's not good however s there is something that we do need very badly to even fight the boss on this island we need to spin a hcky heart oh you right you right like it literally won't be possible so I'm level 327 which means I can get a new heart where is it where is it where is it where is it ah there hucky hearted we need that come on please please please no way no way no bro I got music hearted I was so close to hcky wait that means you can use the sound fruit yep wait I'm doing a spin Luke I need haky Hy hearted hcky hearted hcky hearted I've got my eyes shut I don't even want to see no no don't do it I got controller heart no way why am I only getting the debuffs you've got to play with a controller for the next 25 level I've never played block rots with a controller I don't even know how to okay wait a minute I'm getting a controller BRB music is sick like I canot outrun these guys without worry damage them crazy amount however this mov Mastery is stupidly difficult to obtain in the first seat oh wait hang on never mind that was so easy oh bro controller heart feels weird how do I shift lock in controller heart wait how do you dash no wait how do you dash oh this is music to my ears right now oh are you joking to dash you have to like double tap a direction oh this is so cursed you get my joke send music to my ears shut up no one ask you anything honestly fair play to any console play why are you moving like that bro what do you mean this is all I can do you good this is impossible if you play on Console why why are you doing this to yourself honestly just give up it's like watching you a couple months ago when you were a complete Noob means free military kills to me you know what I'm actually I'm not even taking that Quest I'm going back to the other guys honestly that's pretty smart it's not even worth it I'm already at 331 so this Quest shut up no one asked honestly this Quest shouldn't take too many more attempts before getting 350 why did you just randomly Dash I didn't do anything oh I hate this game actually hate it and then also hopefully by then the magar will spawn so I can get even more XP I'm fighting people like an AI right now's got the NPC heart but by accident this is worse than the MPC H I'm I'm calling it that's Mastery 334 oh this is pain this is pain 347 just three more levels I'm 339 I I've got 11 more levels of this hell and honestly I've actually figured out a tech for this oh really yeah it's called depression that's my tech because that's what I'm feeling oh there's the magma Admiral though bro fell over do you even know how to like use attacks on it on controller what do you mean how do you think I've been leveling I don't know maybe just like spamming left click or whatever the controller equipment is what's the controller going to left click with are you crazy whatever the controller equivalent is sorry it's right trigger I'll have you know all right Quest complete which means yep 350 new heart time 342 only eight levels only eight levels of this suffering left now the good news is I don't actually need pcking because a fruit does just have good of a job no way this is karma right son I'm joining you on the roller on the controller yep why' bro call it a roller that's weird but I have got to use it against a boss you know to show how much more skilled I am at this game all right Mr Mayor give me the magma Admiral Quest It's Time to Say Goodbye to keyboard and mouse what is with this slow how do I why is it dashing so what is this oh I figured out how to buy fruits dashing is so difficult oh yes I've done the quest 3 4 5 five more levels of suffering and then I'm free wait there's no fros head how am I supposed to know where I'm aiming rapity notes boom symphonic Radiance Dash awayo got really became Italian right there Mama Mia how does any no I'm dead what a Dodge what a Dodge no you know what this is actually it's fun to hear your suffering I'm not going to lie I'm sorry but the dodging mechanic of this is so cringe it's so mid isn't it he fully healed that's music to my ears I might be hard caps he I've got this the depression Arc is carrying on I can catch up in this time actually did it four levels yes oh no I can't catch up in this time 347 348 oh two levels I need two levels how do I stop cool walking I've realized a problem with my builds if I don't get a fruit or hocky I won't even be able to fight the boss interesting in two levels we find out how cursed I am no my bounty if a mob's up behind you it takes eight business days to turn around to see what that is okay my stats are in I'm going to do a spin okay let's see how lucky I get give me something that can like hit the Admiral please oh oh yes I got hcky hearted I can beat the boss are you serious oh my goodness you got the one thing you needed I mean to be fair you had a pretty high chance of actually getting something that help yeah I mean I just I need either fruit or that all right now get over here and help me fight the boss because I don't want to do this solo it's boss into oh oh being off the controller feels so good I can Dash oh I can jump normally I can do everything think and you've got hacky now I'm so jealous take this I'm going to mess you up hey look what do you think about my music though look at this shut up I'm busy yes we did it so many levels wait why am I helping you I've got 39 stat points to invest right now by the way I have 12 and they're all going into sword right now let's go how did you get here first I jumped over the volcano yes yes yes boss number two I used my disco way too early I'm literally throwing where' the boss go I'm here hey look what I've got back on to be fair it is a permanent heart you can use whatever you want yes oh so much x four levels again 359 wait what level are you 367 Oh no you're way too ahead Luke I think if I beat this boss I'm going to be 375 I feel it you've actually basically overtaken me I've been stuck on these spies for too long okay boss Beat let's see 374 375 that's a new spin for me okay well I'm spinning come on give me something good good give me give me the mammoth fruit maybe this is actually so rough I've got way I got the extinct H I can use Mammoth let's go I wanted that one so bad I'm only 374 just one more kill and then I'm off this stupid controller heart yes get me off this controller and get me a new heart what am I going to get yes I got the betrayer's heart oh no which means sen pirate get over here oh no no no no see you L nerd you missed I'm chasing you down hang on a sec I'll be there in a jiffy oh no he's got a faster boat than me quick s we're going to underwater he's gaining speed s wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on that's illegal hey you don't have the betrayer's heart I hav even hit you yet no no no you had the intent you had intent all right you're done you're done boo get over here oh I see you I can see you there's no way you beat me I've got such a devious heart on wait why have I got usopp's hat on that's mid get that off that's what you get for betraying me oh I'm so far away this is so dead by the way only 200 M away I'm 400 wait I see his ship why is he ship like that I'm ready I've got the quest no you're getting ahead you're getting ahead okay here's my Strat let's go hello let's go yes I got jump scared can't I can't hit you right unless you unless I attack you first so you got to live every moment of every second terrified of me ancient cter I'm so jealous that's so cool it's cool but it's actually kind of mid for grinding right now I don't have a left click anymore all right yeah grinding here is going to take a while 49 oh I'm one away from my new move I'm one away you're one away are you s come on come on come on come I'm just going to use a little disco right here come on no that reached you I hate this and it puts me outside every so me I've got all these mobs I can choose from to defeat oops I'm dead again what did the Disco take you down yes wow grinding has never been easier I ha this I've got 150 sound Mastery I'm about to get my next move boom oh sorry sorry uh that was you know I'll allow that because I did defeat you two times I'll allow it that was a mistake I was trying to get my new move that's level 401 which means I'm going to get a new heart what am I going to get ooh I can't really use this yet but this is good to have for the future I got the spark heart which is actually electr fighting sign I'm 400 as well I get a new spin as well let's go okay please something good I love my fruit now so just give me anything else I got the Lost heart permanent isn't that the Zoro one yep it is except for you it has a bonus effect that makes it so you can't use your compass anymore no wait w w yeah just for you though just for you there we go electric fighting style that cost me 500k by the way okay I need to go and get the triple sword what is the next Quest Fishman Commando seven of them I got this this is light work now you're about to be folded actually four more Mastery and I get my movement ability I'm especially going to find this easy wait this whole time you haven't had your movement ability that's crazy yeah cuz it needs 175 okay look triple Katana purchased I can now use the free sword style whenever I want but I don't want to cuz I've got a mammoth so say on AR we're only 100 Levels away from getting to where the final boss is from The Whisper boss oh I need you to get something bad to like slow you down cuz you're just you're storming ahead 404 405 bro I'm 400 this is not good news for anyone fantastic news for everyone worldwide I'll have you know no actually all free cical fans are probably enjoying it but all million senir fans yeah I said it I think you got that bit twisted I'm close to a million speaking of if you haven't subscribed yet be sure to subscribe and help me speed run to a million Subs whoops totally didn't mean to do that my bad I was trying to fix my bugging game and you came and killed me that is that's rude no I helped that was what I was trying to do I was helping shut up I'm not playing with you anymore we're getting close to getting to the fisherman Lord then we can leave this place I actually don't like being here too much it's annoying what do you mean we're getting close I haven't leveled up once sorry I misspoke I'm getting close no you're cheating you're actually cheating honestly symphonic Radiance actually is a cheat code I finally leveled up 403 I'm staying on this side I'm not I'm definitely not going over there it's not worth I'm 428 I completely forgot about the heart spin hold on no way this is so bad I got the zoles heart which means only fruit that you spin you're allowed to use so this sound fruit that I've got to Mastery 190 is gone I you're saying I have a chance so only spun fruits I can use that is crazy to Jungle I go because while I could use my triple Katana I feel like it would be probably better to have like some kind of loia fruit as well bro really thinks he's going to get a loia fruit from the Gad I will I've got a little idea to use this heart to its full potential actually Lo fruit gotcha I got the spin fruit are you kidding me okay right I'm using my uh trump card idea for this what's your trump card you'll see oh it's another Quest done okay 423 I'm catching up Luke I'm catching up S yep my trap card is working what trap card they're all joining the lobby now my trap cards you're using your audience against me that's crazy that's I'm getting my Subs to come and spin fruits for me I can't be deing with the spin fruit bro it's terrible oh I had a shot and now I don't yeah but they might still get unlucky because you know how the gacha is in this game it's terrible true unless you're to S Pirates then you get good luck oh look I have a new Quest and a new spin I'm spinning come on something good no no don't don't do that one no no no no no come on what you get I got half a heart for 25 levels and you have to fight the boss with half a heart it's half a heart no stats in nothing in defense I hate spin spin what I get ooh a dark fruit that's so mid for me I can get a nice little inventory of fruits going o flame and falcon okay I've got no stats in my health I've got 100 Health this is so bad hey boss hey uh let's fly come on if you hit me you're cringe if you hit me you're cringe sh I've got so many people in here spinning for me it's so good wait my fruit just launched him out of his Arena it put him on the roof I think no I died o rubber fruits look at these fruits I've already got yes I beat the boss what level are you at 430 okay you're actually ahead do I just take what I've got for now and go or do I keep begging more subscribers to come and spin for me yes I'm eating that straight away I'm eating that straight away I got magma what is that back rooms creature hey having 100 HP is really like playing this on hard mode by the way okay I am now behind but I've got a magma magma clamp oh my God I nearly died in one shot I might as well have half a heart that's insane one sec I'm coming I'm coming I'm playing this cringe this pillar I'm doing the pillar strap even I didn't do that and I have 100 HP that's mad I have one move though you've got Mammoth take this yes good damage s good damage I'll back you up there's zero backup here this is like why am I even doing this with you is that all you can do literally I can just clap my hands clap him again clap him your turn I sent him up onto the roof I don't know where he is watch oh there he is oh yes the Mastery I only got two moves that's crazy you got two moves from one thing that's that's crazy level 450 what do you know what that means I can finally get off this stupid heart and I can put all my stats back into Health boom this the's heart has actually messed up all of my progress W even lie okay and I'm doing another spin I'm doing it right here okay come on something good please something good come on wait I Got King of beasts heart that's insane actually that gives you access to dragon and the iron mace if you want like it's access it doesn't mean you have to use it he you know what I don't need it because I've got a really cool Mammoth yes please put me to 450 I'm so close perfect that's music to my ears I know for a fact that by the time I get to Upper Sky you're already going to be there because of your stupid boes yeah that was such a good one to get early on okay 97 I got my new move no like my fist oh it's good come on come on come on I can see Skylands it's right there all right I'm done I can head to the next Island wait new heart let's see what my heart is going to be don't be something please be mid please be mid I stop stop I got rocket heart okay gives me access to Rocket fruit if I need but I got places to go come on speed time how many meters away are you from upper Sky I'm still like 300 can you believe it this boat is so slow you're lying you're already up there what me no that couldn't be me honestly yeah there's no way it's taking you this long I mean I'm 200 M away I've seen you already Park your boats okay now I need to try and get up there wait a minute I might be able to see you jumping across there you are I see you no I didn't have enough energy to make it I've fallen all the way back to the bomb yes Bonk thank you you just put me back at the top no I did not okay come on get the quest have you made it yeah jump jump violent rush I made it no no that's you got to for 30 seconds you got to pause for 30 seconds I was hitting theing for 30 seconds you can't move okay because now I've got to get back s look at the choices of your actions I get to walk over here and defeat these mobs that you have started fighting that's crazy wait that's been 30 seconds by the way yeah it has what that wasn't even you that was a skill issue on my end did did you die to the mobs yeah they do like they two shot me how much health do you have 600 I really didn't put stats in no I'm just going for Pure damage that be quick no you got folded though I've died I'm level 462 I'm 460 everything has led to this we're getting so close that's 475 which means I can go to the next area but most importantly I can spin a brand new heart I'm close behind give me hocky heart give me hocky so I got jump hearted that's so funny I'm 47 six by the way so I can do another spin as well me okay I got to go I got to go I got to go wait hey you better be jumping I am spin incoming let's go oh this is so bad come on come on come on come on something good something good something good The Cook's heart oh that gives you black leg nice uh I don't think I'm going to use it though that heart is stored in my backpack honestly yes you I hate you I hate you this is a race there's no time for friendship in races as soon as my loia starts working again it's over for you s Pirates I'm build different hey find your own mobs okay fine oh move then stop jumping near me no you're jumping in my direction bro I saw him first this is actually going to be so close this Jump part is making this so difficult especially with no loio effects yeah now you know how it felt for me that's what I needed I've leveled let's go next Quest where is he 480 I'm on Luke 20 levels are you kidding 20 levels Luke oh you've gathered a lot of them up for me here Luke no not for you for me for me no you actually took them off how how am I losing someone that's hopped how many levels do I need for this loia to take effect I thought it was only five is it 10 I think it changes per area you know that's what I think come on two more sorry sorry about no sorry about what sorry about what nothing nothing okay okay sorry sir sorry sir I saw you run into that that Little Rock and get stuck 4 8 three let's go come on I I can taste him I can taste him that is mad you know what level are you 482 can't be haven't any of that honestly put me on life support yes 486 487 when is loia going to activate this is insane boom 490 Luke 490 it's not even close I'm 482 I'm I'm running away with it this is my video now I'm going to win hey I mean if you had to go get black lug it would have been a bit easier for me right now maybe I'll go and get it before I fight the boss that's that is actually insult to injury you know I didn't get that I didn't get that either didn't get any of them that's crazy oh 493 Seven Levels luk feel sorry for you almost you know almost I can grind easily now I can grind easily you're done bang what did you hit me no cuz I think you did oh oh I did then I have a one shot move that's good to know electrical tackle doesn't hit this is kind of annoying now that you actually don't get hit by the mobs because that was my biggest lead I just need to win every single one V one we have from now on wait wo wao wao I saw that what do you think you're doing ow hey I didn't hit you yet that was the mob that I was hitting not my fault that you happen to be there is it no did I cat you did I catch you yeah I'm dead it's genuinely so hard to tell well I I think if you see my corpse rolling on the floor that's probably a good indication honestly boom 497 497 I'm still eight levels behind one more Quest you're going to need a miracle right now how about that you've hit me you've hit me get over here yes no I tried to use my Mammoth I am going to need a miracle if I want to win this this I just don't know how you've run away with it so much it's the Jump part has really messed you up at the end here it actually has tackle get back get back oh my God come okay I'm going to do it Luke get back oh that's fine with me that's fine with me stay back that missed you sent me to space like I I literally got knocked off of upper Sky Perfect come on I've got this bang you tricked me all right this is my time to catch up this is my moment no no no no no no no I'm coming back I'm coming back come on I didn't get that I got it 500 no no no no come on oh no the heal you got heal from the level I got healed wait I'm grabbing the boss that's it I'm I've won I've won you might as well click off the video now honestly I've won not on my watch okay whisper it's time take this you still got to defeat him sen tackle yes no get the quest get the quest get the quest I just need I just need to take you down every time you go towards the boss boss is here it's time can I kill one of these in the time that boom boom Oh the boss is low no I'll go back come on come on this is doable take this whisper bro's almost dead I've almost won no he's almost dead I'm going to dod you I'm going to yes he's on red HP luk it's impossible wait wait what if I kill no no no no no no what if I kill it yes you might get CR but that's not your kill that's not your kill count is that how it works that's how I'm doing it I don't even care round two round two round two I can let you have your little round two for a bit he'll keep me updated on Health please oh he's so low he's so low really yep I feel like you're L he so low he's he's basically dead where are you he killed me okay three more shanders yep yep that's all you need is it or is that red HP I see on the boss oh no no no no no no no no no why does he do so much damage is it red HP you see on the boss oh it is I dodged I've got this I've got this go oh you hit me you hit me you hit me I didn't even hit you you hit me I didn't hit you no that's cheating yes that's so de that's my win you should have killed the boss why did you go for me BR you're right that was my mistake ah fine you may win this one but next time I'm taking home the victory this is Blox fruits but with custom hearts these Hearts give us random fruits swords and bad effects and this is the finale of the first sea and we have put every heart youed so far into this wheel so we can get absolutely anything and I'm getting ooh the ghost heart this gives me access to the reworked revive fruit okay spinning come on I need something good please yes what a start I got extinct heart that's the mammoth are you kidding me I hate you I am level 507 all right I got some catchup to do then and I'm extra spooky this time spookiness and this time we're racing to see who can defeat the cyborg boss first am I still on God's guards or have I moved on oh I can fight whisper oh sick let's go all right let's do this let's do the Shivering possession wow I'm kind of different but I do no damage I'm on it boom can you like not sorry just doing my quest so you've already got like insane Mastery on that Mammoth that's so annoying yeah I am somewhat of a devious person oh wait I just realized my stats are all wrong I need to refund them okay let's get this sorted boom boom and then everything here yes come on give me a new move give me a new move not even close oh no oh no I fell off the Skylands now we're doing Dam uhoh I almost fell off as well I've got to get another seven Mastery for spectral release I feel like Mammoth is my favorite fruit in this game now you know oh so nice that you got the extinct part off the bat you know what I'm kind of Lucky honestly today my luck has been blessed hey C you look like you're struggling there bro no I fell again yo leave them leave them I definitely didn't kill them just you wait till I get the betrayer's heart again n I'm going to get it this time and I'm going to make your life a living hell okay because I'm winning this video you know what even if you get it I will still beat you because of the ghost fruit because if you kill me I come back to life boom Quest done let's go yes you move yes damn oh my new move is so sick that's going to be you that crying and screaming later on S yeah okay I'm sure once I've got all the good hearts and you've got like blindness three the hearts oh no not blindness three don't give me that I've got that IRL you trying to rob my kills That's mighty sus of you honestly being sus is in my nature when I'm spooky you know what this a speed run honestly your son don't come over here don't come over here over where nowhere why does your fruit have so much movement what do you mean why no reason what you day he yeah I saw that I saw that I have no stamina I didn't put any stamina points in I'm so I made a mistake I didn't put any stats into melee like at all also we could fight whisper now but whisper just isn't here whisper just pieced out he went to get milk and he hasn't come back yet honestly new skill oh I got a movement ability nice y I just came off cool down that's mad I'm getting robbed blind no no no no no no no I will block this guy with my life no deserve to be fair we're both a bit devious to each other honestly ow ow ow ow ow why do they do damage you're getting folded by a weaker little enemy I was honestly I see what you're trying to do I'm just watching I'm watching to see your moves for later yeah that's right stay over there they look very cool I killed them all let's go 513 I'm storming ahead come on come on come on I don't even care if I take damage can you stop doing that no bro oh that's big that's big honestly we're kind of working as a team here and I'm not a fan boom got him I'm a fan of that Mastery oh I'm close to getting Stampede oh you're going to get a movement option yeah fun can't wait for that yes let's go oh no I don't have enough damage yet this is so bad this is the bully luk video honestly then if we keep on grinding a little bit more and I get to 520 we can spin a new heart which I need Alo we're doing every 20 levels this video okay and four more levels I get my next heart I just sent bro to the back rooms this fruit is so cool but it sucks that I'm having to like level it up all the way kind of also sucks that you're having to fight against a mammoth that's obviously better looking and better at the game honestly no it's just pre-trained pre-leveled it's cheating technically I mean it's not cheating I just you know my luck is unbelievable yeah getting Mammoth twice is unbelievable and trying to steal all my kills is also even more unbelievable hey it's tough out here you know it's tough out on these streets ow that's right you don't know how to dodge him I don't need to don't worry Luke you got this I'm just waiting for my cool Downs bro I'm just waiting for my cool Downs no worries we're missing one by the way I think I launched him somewhere and I don't know where you just send them so high I can't even do anything about that yes new skill now I can do this oh my God the damage the damage still not good enough really where is he oh there he is oh there he is oh that move looks so cool it is so cool oh I'm 520 now I can spin before I even complete the quest let's do that yeah let's make sen Pirates more op please get a debuff okay come on come on it's going it's going it's spinning oh no not again what' you get jump hearted for 255 levels yes that's actually so good I mean for me not for you okay space bar is held down unfortunate okay getting quests is hard I forgot when can I stop farming these nerds I think we'll be moving on soon that move is so cool I hope you get the biggest debuff in your life from the wheel because this is ridiculous for me there are a lot of really bad debuffs I think the jump one is actually not too bad why do I keep getting them first though that's mad it's prob great or good scripted scripted he hacked my wheel wait where are you Luke nowh I'm lost I went to lower Sky by accident oh wait wait wait quick quick quick quick quick change my quest change my quest if I had more damage he'd already be dead Okay Quest changed come on come on come on I've just got to hit him once come on come on come on no knock him away I'm in I'm dead I'm dead prize of the underworld I don't have any cool Downs knock him further away come on come on yes no yes and I've got a new Quest see you lat nerd I can't double jump cuz I have to hold space the whole time oh wait actually that's true I hope I get betrayed heart on my next one it would be so perfect I'm on my way to the new quests you're doomed I'm going to win don't you know the hero always comes through the end that's why I'm going to win it might be looking dire now but as soon as I get my Ghostbusters move that's when I'm going to be eating good I got this I got you know what they're going to call me S Pirates the greatest Hearts video person ever I'm sure they won't yes yes new heart please give me something good I take hcky heart I take bruh I got the king of beasts heart which just giv me access to dragon and the mace isn't that actually goated though that is good but I just don't want to invest in a new thing no come on 20 Mastery and then I'll get Stampede back in business baby back in business guys if cubicle ever invites you to a video make sure you know what you're signing up for cuz you could just be holding your space bar down for 5 hours honestly I love the debuffs I hope you get all of them you know what I won't be surprised if I do after my first amazing luck ow I'm being folded by this guy wait a minute by what guy whisper relax Whisper back he's back and he's being destroyed okay well I'm getting ahead as well just you wait what level are you by the way 529 no that's the level I am no yeah I'm 521 stay away I'm already dead you wouldn't kill a dead person would you whisper you know what Mammoth is amazing wow who would have guessed but jumping all of the time is so mid my damage is crazy you know I'm going to be one-shotting everything soon you got a nice little combo honestly I'm level 527 though I can can come across to where you are kind of annoying that you're here because I had this good thing going on you know where like I had everyone and everything and now I'm taking it all for myself I don't think you're taking anything for yourself it's so funny watching you jump everywhere nice let's go 535 let's go 535 whenever I think I'm getting close to catching up you just like Speed Ahead again hey I climbed that one oh sorry there you go he's all yours yes go minions okay I can do a spin I can't get out of this house cuz I can't stop jumping so I can't find the exit Okay W convenient for me as well because I can do a spin let's see come on betray us Heart come on betrayers Heart come on betrayer's heart ooh I got Doo's heart oh no which I'm going to save for later on wait thief's heart give me that Do's heart right now A okay you got the do's heart that's so perfect no that's messed up I did all that work and I get nothing hey s look at this watch how crazy I am now I suon my minions and then we use triple cries of the underworld triple Dash that is pretty nuts we're different now we're different they use my fighting s in four levels I can stop jumping by the way and then it's over for you oh so I'm only one level behind you now is what you're saying yeah I mean it it makes sense cuz I have to jump everywhere why is this side completely empty now where did you go nowh it's not like a certain boss has respawned oh I'll never get there in time there's literally no point I'm even trying yeah because I'm different now my damage is a whole new level honestly deserve you've overtaken me level 543 I'm telling you ghost is the grinding fruit and don't forget I can make you stop for 2 minutes whenever I want okay Quest done 54 five I can stop jumping fly my minions s look at the squad me and the boys I don't want to look honestly I'm not looking I've actually got an idea what's your idea your minions aren't you so I'm just going to kill them what to slow down my grinding can you actually attack them though no it looks like I can't don't you dare I did all that work just get better damage just shut up how about that honestly my minions don't do too much damage actually I had no stamina I had no stamina Bo I'm stealing everything from now on that's my new gameplay you really think you can what level are you now because I just saw the ding ding ding and I'm a bit scared I'm at a level I have some levels you can say so how's that stealing thing going hey you know what the steel is going quite well honestly this is so creepy to watch what What's creepy to watch you just going ah five Mastery levels and then I can get a new move bro this is so annoying let him drop no you think my minions will let that happen they don't let it slide bro look at them they literally Dash into attack how sick is that and they both died though so yeah but look I have backup minions new Quest available 551 let's go I'm going this way see that nerd new Quest available it's time for me to start stealing your kills again I hate you you're going to get messed up here they've got swords and they shoot beams no I ain't worried I'm completely fine with that no you're just yoinking all my kills oh this is going so well it's cuz I remember you being such a noob that I'm just mispredicting I've changed I'm new and improved there we go that's another level up come on yes finally 554 I'm finally got a level oh you're getting the quest as well are you s I am I am you think I don't see you what wait a minute no no no no no no no no no no he's back okay come on speeding how did you get there first flight baby triple cry sted okay right so you instantly get credit now yep yes yes he folded me oh no I've left upper Sky it won't let me back in please work oh I still got the experience okay no 560 wait 560 that's a new heart oh it is okay I'm spinning first okay come on please something good something good something good something terrible let's go I got music hearted oh so you can use the sound fruit or any sound based weapon let's go um no way I got the rocket heart for 25 levels I got to only use the rocket for the next 25 okay if you're only using rocket then I'm actually going to level up sound cuz I think it'll be better for grinding I'm now spooky Rocket Man missile fist okay let's go I'm the music man what are you waiting for Luke no what are you waiting for nothing you've moved in behind the house I hate you no yes and I got my next move air strike I was looking quite low that one and that's really aggroed on you for some odd reason yes I haven't got a single one I timed it so well honestly my damage is way better than yours but you just don't have any moves you see I'm going to be like living life until you get the Disco move and then I'm doomed by the way if neither of us get the betrayers heart before the enel boss then we get it by default it becomes permanent really yep you're just adding that in cuz you want to die that's cool what are you doing over there here's my Strat Luke's not going to go for these cuz this doesn't matter to him that means I get free Mastery over here to then come back oh you're farming those mods honestly kind of Genius Luke will get ahead in levels but it's okay it's okay this is the play 98 two more Mastery and I get the Disco move it's mine this mine this mine it's mine yes no I didn't have enough energy 570 you're 570 I'm only 563 just 15 more levels of rocket and then I can switch back to the Glorious ghost fruit yes thank you Luke yeah you've got disco now haven't you I've finally got disco I'm living life I am very close to being able to fight an L though I'm not come on let's go wait you do so much damage now oh no chenge the king can you stop I did all the damage and you just came and like sneezed on him with your like trash rocket fruit honestly hey don't call it trash this trash rocket fruit is what's getting me further ahead than you right now new Quest available I've not been this weak and vulnerable in BL Ser for a long time ooh 569 nice you know what I'm about to defeat this Thunder God with my limited stamina that's running out honestly don't care didn't ask there's another Thunder God which means I'm over 580 so I can get a new heart oh oh no all right I'm in first person for 25 levels yes finally a debuff which is so bad for Rocket oh yeah this is rough oh this is real bad actually yes I can fight it now let's go yeah yeah he's over there he's over there come on come on come on come on come on and now playing BLX roots in first person is a different game you know yeah to be honest playing Blox frots with controller was also different hey sen guess who's in your server again it's so annoying honestly hi the way he just broke out into pose is so funny yes 585 get me this stupid fruit off froze defeated on 580 and I can do a new spin let's go come on spinning spinning spinning give me something good I hope it's bad I hope it's terrible in fact oh I got half a heart that's one of my favorite ones I love to see that okay this is what I'm working with now 100 HP honestly I was already being folded when I had 1,000 HP so now I'm going to be folded 10 times more 589 I'm on 583 oh my goodness you know what's most annoying about playing this game on 100 HP what if you get sneezed on you die that is a pretty fun thing to witness okay okay make sure they're not behind me oh God it's like a horror game when you're playing this game in first person you get punched once and you actually die I can't do anything this is dumb just don't get punched PR complete let's go we got to do this really strategically yes oh this is so hard this is so scary no oh we killed each other you're fighting a now we both dropped dead at the exact same moment that was like an anime final draw battle you both killed each other with the final hit that's good for me 587 am I slowly catching up you actually are I'm only 591 first person Shenanigans is making this impossible oh wait hang on now I'm 594 now oh you're way too far ahead I mean I've still got this first person for like another 10 levels oh if I had betray us heart my minions would be to one shot you that's level 600 which means a brand new heart I'd love something that isn't another debuff so I don't have like both yes it's time it's time what do you mean it's time nothing really if you've got betrayer's heart I'm actually just a for him I need to get the new Quest I mean s you're safe for five levels because I don't know how to turn PVP on like this I'm level 601 as well so I get a new spin right now this first person has made it so difficult for me don't care didn't now spinning right now let's go despite the fact that my minions literally have more HP than you all right fine that's just rude Y what you laughing deviously about I got something pretty good I'm not going to tell you though you know what I don't want to know I don't need to know I'm going to win what I got the holy H oh 100 HP still mid honestly first just made himself a bigger Target yeah I've switch back to sound for now yes Quest complete how much longer do we have to stay here all it's like forever man I got to do this there we go like that what do you mean there you go like that that sounds a bit suspicious all Reas him what oh I killed you I did all of that to turn my PVP on and I just died to a random disco honestly that wasn't even my fault 604 let's go one more level and I can put my health back up all right so I've only got one more level to take advantage of this I see all right I got to wait for the Disco to end boom oh you got all those so low I just got four free kills that was just rude honestly hey that was deserved that was deserved for stealing my one minion yo stay away with your disco sorry I'm just I'm farming I'm farming oh oh oh wait I have two lives I didn't even hit you oh sorry no your your move did hit me it breathed me I thought you were an actually an enemy hey at least my fruit's doing its job if I look spooky I'll forgive it this one time honestly I wanted to do that since the start no yes get rid of that first person I didn't like that anyway we still got to stay here though Thunder gods respawned why am I telling you do I have time to kill three of these guys before Luke kills the Thunder God Son you really think you can defeat three of them before I'm done here me and my minions are a different breed though you got to get the quest and get over here yes 606 I can finally put my health back up let's go I've got health I'm going to make it just you wait oh no no no no no no come on come on come on come on let's go no oh he murdered me oh no that was you yeah that was me that's what I was trying to do like 5 seconds ago before you even got to the boss right and then I'm taking this 610 oh my God I know what you're doing I know what you're doing I know what you're doing come on please come on where is he where is he where is he where'd he go I just don't have the damage to do this quick enough no minions go yes no you know what we'll even finish him for you let's go okay 612 we're the same level Luke oh no wait was that you yeah I was just coming around the corner all right 13 more levels and then we can leave this place I think you know what my betrayer's hearts will count for both of us okay just so you're not on like the receiving end the whole time I want this to be a challenge cuz right now you're a bit of an easy target you could say I need to be rude where are you I wonder s i wonder I wonder I don't have any energy I hate this game I hate this game I hate this game yes 620 wow same really oh we both get a new heart don't we we both get a new heart ladies first oh okay so you can go actually no I I don't want to waste time I will go first let's see what am I going to get what am I going to get no no no no no no no no bro I'm playing on half a heart for 25 levels why do I keep getting debuffs okay my turn come on please anything but a debuff anything but a debuff anything but a debuff oh no no no keep going keep going keep going keep going okay first person heart 25 levels well guess this is my life now if I just do this send one of your disco things clipped me and I died that is fair honestly and I think betray heart is on permanently now why you keep trying to attack me bro we're can't why is your PVP not on buddy it's a tactical thing I'm doing it all for tactics no yes did I hit you you killed me I'm dead but I'm alive oh no I forgot okay fair enough in first person this is actually so dead how did you do this the particle effects are spamming my screen so much it's like going to give me like epilepsy at this point it's like a flashbang every move you use ooh Why are you ooing you only oo when like a boss is up or something who's up I need to stop making noises wait you are at whisper okay oh I see the music I see the music wait wait cool Downs cool Downs cool Downs cool Downs cool Downs bang wait what oh no how do you get the quest I don't think you even have the key on your keyboard to be able to do it by the way I'm doing it like this cuz I don't know how to do it have you already beat whisper no come on cries of the underworld yes I got that last hit okay now we go you're faster than me I don't know how to change PVP on you're friendly I've got a friendly helper NPC following me around you love to see it where are you where are you where are you oh no oh no I can't do anything bruh where are you sending that disco ball did that hit the bus yeah no way that was like in the sky new Quest available Fountain City where all right let's go let's go where is it where is it where is it where is it I don't have my fast boats from last time because that heart doesn't carry across I'm literally just flying the entire way there I don't don't care we've got the same idea but I'm a bit faster cuz I've got Tempo are you flying as well where are you where are you how many meters away no 1,60 oh you actually are so much faster than me I see it Luke I see it I still don't how do you see this I've got like a blurry screen I'm there I feel dizzy honestly Gallery Pirates yep Gallery Pirates hey little music man that was actually a jump scare I can't see you when I'm in first person true this is going to take a little bit of time but only 50 levels until the cyborg wait wait wait s level check 643 oh no how did you get two levels on me in first person well you've died a lot no true 100 HP is not ideal yes first person is gone I'm 646 now you know what I think I'm going to keep this permanent being 1 HP wow because I die instantly to your disco anyway and like my damage is so much better now that I've just got all my stat points in Blox fruit I respect it honestly might be what I need to win though it might be what I need to win because we're getting so close to the cyborg boss now yeah I can taste it I can taste his metal cheeks T his metal what his metal cheeks which ones yeah leave it up to the imagination that's you all right three more of these and I'll have another Quest complete same I'm on three more as well come on cool Downs why are you so long we're getting close to another spin as well oh yeah no you're right you're right that's complete I don't need to have one HP anymore but I don't even care okay I'm 648 648 Luke 648 bro you know what being this low is kind of not ideal no you've already said it don't be a Liar Luke you've already said what you want to say I just said it's not ideal I didn't say I wasn't going to do it come on this is my chance to win Luke being some kind of you know wannabe gigachad it's not a wannabe Giga Chad it is a gigachad I'm so glad that ghost is so op it really is if I didn't roll this off the bat I don't think I'd be uh you wouldn't be anywhere near me how close are you to doing that Quest by the way I'm so far away from it honestly you're probably on six or seven then aren't you definitely not on seven out of eight yes Quest done and that's 651 you know what that means new Quest and new spin starting with the spin let's go come on come on come on give me something good please be bad please be bad stop stop stop stop stop King of the Beast Hearts oh that's the Dragon one right yep I have that we're the same we're matching now but you know what can I just use one element of it can I use the mace yeah if you want to you have access to like all of kao's abilities basically so even if you don't want to be kaido do I have the mate I don't and it's so far away to go and get it no Go Get It Go Get It totally worth your time it might be you know why you have the Holy heart don't you yeah okay I'm I'm going to go and get it right now okay well why is it so far away all the way in Pirate Village W you got to run all the way there if you're going for that which is perfect you know what my flight is so quick okay muted in Discord he doesn't know he doesn't know but I'm just farming I'm going to get ahead of him so quick I died again Z I got one little question for you buddy what's the question why is there a disco happening on the other side of Fountain right now what is it did someone else join the server that's mad how did the subscribers get in there you've baited me bait I was hoping it would last a bit longer honestly I can hear you disc going over there that's the problem with being good you know your fruit makes a lot of noise my damage is insane now having no Health was the play okay new Quest new Quest oh maybe I'll actually go and get the mace this time you know I literally see you flying back that way you're dead again I can't believe you did that there was no need there was always a need there was literally no need Haya no you forgot sen you forgot I forgot you actually kind of strong as well yeah I did honestly yes Quest complete no I did it I was on my last life cuz your first disco got me oh 660 that means a new spin I'm still on zero of nine of this okay spinning spinning shut up didn't n don't care please be bad come on something something good something good something good something good ooh I got lighthearted but do I want to change out my sound fruit for light at this stage of the game probably not I want to just go and win 15 more levels and I've won I died to the NPC I'm so bad I mean I've only got 100 HP but I'm still bad wait where are all the mobs hello dead I ended them careful Luke of what careful Luke yes yes yes no I'm sorry it was a misfire misfire sometimes it happens you know that doesn't just happen you literally said be careful yeah because sound you know it's got lots of AOE sound you you got to be careful you got to be careful I mean to be fair you did give me a warning yeah you did give me okay all right be careful Luke be careful I can't even hurt you sounds busted if I get caught in your disco I'm just dead skill issue honestly at this point I am 660 you just keep farming me I only managed to get one NPC then I'm not farming you I'm farming the mobs no you're not there we go mobs farmed and now I'm 662 my damage is so good my health isn't but my damage is yeah but I'm 662 Luke and you know what I just thought of something thought of something devious I don't know if this is going to work like I think it will but if it does I think I've just figured something out that might be pretty broken yes yes yes new heart new heart new heart please be good what is this wait this isn't bad this isn't bad Cook's heart that's dark step oh which I am just not going to grab it's not something I need in my Arsenal right now I need speed right now that's it I may have switched Hearts because I have a little plan I think you can't hurt me as long as I've got this fruit on right let's test s Let's test okay boom Oh no you can definitely hit me okay in that case you know what that's not worth it so we put this back on no no stay as light stay as light no I thought I was being smart but actually I was just pretty much I was being luk okay why you sneaking that in there no I was just being honest to the viewers I'm Different At grinding these mobs I'm going to die bro I love that you went from I'm Different to I'm going to die Oh I thought you were an NPC sorry about that W the NPCs can fly no how did I reach me the villain of the video has shown himself it's me and I'm 665 I'm coming in for the next Quest just you wait the next Quest is literally the winning Quest yeah yeah the next Quest is the one that wins me the game bro is about to be sad honestly he's going to have the biggest depression Arc of his life when I'm done I actually will if I lose this entire video I will have my depression Arc like imagine losing to sen pyrus how could that ever happen you know what you're so rude to me that sometimes I think you deserve to lose hello oh tactical Retreat tactical Retreat tactical Retreat come on Luke come on I won't hurt I promise I promise I won't hurt you you promise you promise you promised you promised you promised psych no wait I thought you said you've been building damage where was it I don't have energy I can't Dash no let's go bro oh nice 668 this is actually bad I can't even like really hurt you anymore you're learning How Sound Works yes I am you know what you might as well just uh give up go to a different island or or something this this video is mine now honestly you might be right but I've got one final trump card you know what Luke there's not even another heart in this video that can save you now this is just it it's now just a race four out of n 4 out of n a same actually how did you catch up that's mad I've been killing you and you caught up no no no no no no no no no please yes no I thought you were dead I you think I'm dead but I'm always alive that's what I'm going to do to win this okay is that your secret move that you were saying about earlier yep it is yes Quest complete no what level are you now 671 oh you've got ahead of me wait said actually hold on be honest yeah what are you actually on uh I'm on one second one one sec I dropped I dropped something on the floor one sec what does that mean look one one sec I I'm I'm picking something up off the floor you know what it is it's my crown because I'm on the cyborg bus right now what take this go cyber come on come on come on this is easy I'm going to lose but sen you forgot I've been saving this whole time what do you mean zalo you know what's anticlimactic about that is I died before the zoo even went off so now I'm just stuck here all right so you're stuck for 2 minutes while I go demon Time come on so this is my life just chilling as a bacon been 30 seconds and I'm depressed I was about to win the video now look at me it's not happening please I died oh come on there's still a chance look everyone point and laugh at Luke haha haha I'm 6 74 send how much time how much time how much time I've got 30 seconds left 30 seconds okay new plan new plan please work please work this is my like one Saving Grace here come on I do so much damage now it's so good luk is counting down his 20 seconds now no he's not dead no 10 seconds oh no no no no no no come on come on okay I'm free yes that worked cyborg cyborg hey cyborg boss come on my cool Downs come on I just need to beat him before Luke come on whoever gets the final hit is the winner of this entire movie yes no no no no no no no come on come on I've got this you coming back in Luke I got to risk it all I got to risk it all I missed I missed oh I died as well you're faster than me though no no no no no no no no no stop him yes no I'm going to show you why the permanent har a heart is the play go disco finish him oh no oh no oh no oh no cool Down's coming off come on come on please what where did you come from yes yes yes yes yes yes out of nowhere you didn't see it coming Luke I unlocked a new heart oh really the depression heart
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 1,699,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits update, blox fruits custom hearts, blox fruits hearts, custom hearts, custom hearts roblox, roblox custom
Id: ySjQ0XOJJ64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 30sec (5970 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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