Addy Has Bad Dreams at Toy School

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[Music] come on Andy wake up it's time to go - twice for Oh they just went to bed what do you mean Hattie I was up all night working on my lego friend set and I finally finished it that's awesome but we need to go okay okay I just hope I can stay awake at enjoy school me too okay welcome back to toy school girls you're gonna start our morning by reviewing last night's homework okay now as a reminder your homework was to review - LLL surprise confetti pops yeah that was fun now I'm going to demonstrate the proper unwrapping technique and the lighting should you share with you found in your homework all right I'm going to round them evil all completed every bit of your math homework at the same last night I sure hope it is a 100% correct all right my it looks like you did an excellent job under two hundred and forty seven pages of math facts nice work thank you Miss Lucy I'm gonna come check yours next Annie it looks like you did not complete a single page of your math assignment last night I think I forgot about it really well in that case I think I will add another 312 pages of fraction addition to your work fraction addition I don't even know what well then someone was not paying very close attention in class now were we I thought I was well perhaps you to move your location to the back of the room and begin your work immediately okay this sure is a lot and I expect all to be completed in 20 minutes flat okay and don't forget mistakes are not allowed I expect every problem to be answered correctly triple check your work all right [Music] no Steve gotta get it all right bring you the eight ball I finished your homework last night daddy homework yeah I'm gonna break your elbow off the price confetti pop oh oh yeah they're right here I open - touchdown emboss clean wonderful they're all so adorable and since you two - there's excellent job on your homework last night I think you both deserve a prize just give me one moment gross I got you Kay you're acting pretty weird about your homework yeah I think I fell asleep because I have this horrible horrible nightmare oh what a bummer that's no fun no it sure wasn't mmm all right girls I see on your surprises for your homework what Papa lots of praise pops for Maya thank you and the bratty thank you let's see what I got light smells like a doze out my ass it might look like strawberries daddy all right from I'm glad you enjoyed that but it's time to move on Thursday we're gonna continue with our shopkins plus and nice I'm gonna start with you okay missiles here I'm ready for this Oh wonderful and anyone working at mine wouldn't leave her alone surprise box sure thing miss Lucy okay Maya are you ready to begin I sure AM see I've been studying me shocked him blush it so hard okay min Maya what's the name of this shopkin Oh taco Terry wonderful job Maya let me watch the next one what's the name of this shopkins flush a sneaky legit course wonderful job Maya let's continue on okay are you ready for your reading tests where you need tests ahead of seeking a shopkins logic test a shopkins plush test what a ridiculous that that would be oh but I've been studying my shopkins really hard really do you mean to tell me you have not been sending our challenge words list no I don't remember getting that list oh well you have to lots of study this list so I'm expecting you to do very well okay well I'm a bit reader I could do this I think I can oh hey here we go your first word what is it say yes I don't know really this is like the easiest word in the list you should know this one for sure alright continue on okay word number two what is it thing oh wow well we'll try the third one why don't you give this one a shot it's pretty basic after all I can do this I can do this then let's do it come on trip class ha way off clearly there is no hope for you oh no what does that mean it means from now on you will have to spend 14 hours at school every day 7 days a week 365 days a year until you know every word in the dictionary no no it was a terrible terrible nightmare tell me none of that really happened aren't my only two left what's the name of this cutie patootie shotgun flesh oh that's Suzie sundae fantastic Mya last one what did this one called I got it's toasty pops wonderful Maya and since you got all of your shopkins plush correct gift but you get what tell me miss Lucy tell me you get a one of these the Zoomer head jeez Rosie oMG I've always wanted that well you deserve it take that back to your desk and start playing wonderful job Maya all right teams get ready for my next students aren't addy it's your turn for your test oh okay and exactly why are you testing me on again why are you shopping flush of course Oh whew you know why do you had Charles II all right addy here's your first shopkins with the name pesky pop wonderful shopkins number two chatter chatter is correct onto number three who is this Billy Biggles excellence what's the fourth one called that's Terry caca boy are you on fire let's give this one a shot now oh that's neat you watch be in tabulous and here's your last one see you Sunday well I can't leave them studying so hard and since you got them all correct I have a special surprise for you it's a zoo in reality look yes and all here is to go through the first you want it Julian hey Annie I'm sure you're okay that's a nice nicely yeah I'm just super tired from staying up so late last night in the worst thing is that I keep having these horrible dreams about boy school oh yeah what's so horrible when I watch it I was being tested on these super duper hard words to read I no idea what was going on that seems way worse than - auxins test yeah this was here my nightmares it's way more being them as we see in real life well done like you need to stay awake spent yeah I know I'm trying maybe I'll just hold my eyes open like this I can work well students it's been a busy day so far I think it's time for our favorite part of today's snack you bet what are we having what are we having well you do need to fill our bodies with sugary sweets we can have plenty of energy and concentrate to a school cookies a candy or a team or brownies sugary sweets I think not we're having Brussels sprouts for snacks huh freshly packed with vitamins and nutrients is this for real why absolutely it's for real and I expect every one of those Brussels sprouts to be eaten and enjoyed I'll give you five minutes okay here goes nothing mmm rather delicious aren't they these are bra they're not having to cook they don't even look like it's been why I see thoroughness only makes them more nutritious that way eat away four more minutes remaining I like Brussels sprouts I hope Brussels sprout I'm happy for you which ones would you like sorry I must've fallen asleep oh they eat fish alright you enjoy are you okay oh I think I'm a little late last night working on my lego friend set so I think I didn't get enough sleep hmm we know what we have a toy review coming up next to green turquoise school schedule and I think I know just the perfect toy press review give me just one moment yes it was horrible we're eating Brussels sprouts for snack what'd you do to me nightmares now tell me about it here one is this will be perfect and here's the other one oh these are way better than Brussels sprouts and All Right girls go egg down these twinkle places which I thought would be perfect to review today wow they look really cool yeah they light up when you go inside so awesome yeah and the lights move and change color to music and sounds pretty cool what do we do to review them well I see if you could pop them up and test them out by taking a nap inside boom that sounds perfect and super fun well great let's get the decimal away we'll pop these videos up and we'll start napping all right I think you look super good girls let's just get the length of them inside and I think we'll be ready to take our nap yeah I love my dragon's lair I'm sure I'll sleep well in here not as well I will my princess castle all right let me you know I'm gonna hook your legs up all right I think you should be good to go now well the lights are so cool yeah and just wait until we turn the lights off then we'll get the full effect hey guys I got some blankets for us Oh perfect now we can get a really close yeah you can get a mermaid tail you could sniffy blanket you'll have to go hunt and blink it down for me too why are you late Miss Lucy hey maybe I'll just sprawl out across the desks for now okay well I'm gonna turn the lights off whoa wow he's really art and look how the lights change with your voice I bet it'd be super cool to turn some music on that would be but right now I don't sleep all right then let's let the toy review begin everybody get cool and time for a nap [Music] [Music] whoa that's what's cool about it gets me knocked all the way to the end of the day really that was wonderful sometimes your toy review let you think it is we go play tennis girls I'd give it to funds up I sleep like a baby that's wonderful and what about you Abby well I didn't have a single limit and I feel full you my friend great that sounds like two thumbs up to me yeah t thumbs up well perfect you don't have to meet nap time or regular thing at school and now that school's out and I have a ton of energy I really go build a super big LEGO Friends playset whoa whoa I'm not building a smaller so you don't be pulling any all-nighters again we can't repeat today okay sounds like a plan see you tomorrow miss Lucy alright girls have a fun day hi well I didn't have a chance to fully review these plate inch yet so maybe I'll settle them for another now [Music] alright guys what do you think of being back into a school because our second choice school do a shot did you go love it yeah you did - I did - now we have some behind-the-scenes videos that you can see behind the scenes of filming this very video on our feeling channel Tic Tac toy family so please go and check those out so you can see what we do in between shots they have a lot of fun don't we girls we sure do thank you so much for watching Tic Tac toy and Tic Tac toy family we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 15,633,472
Rating: 4.640698 out of 5
Keywords: Toy School, pretend school, toy, school, silly, silly school, pretend class, Miss Lucy, Addy, Maya, bad dreams, pretend toy school, silly kids, kids, toys, pretend, pretend classroom, silly teacher, addy and maya, class, classroom, pretend teacher
Id: BfIMgGosmXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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