Kids Pretend to Be Sick at Toy Doctor !!!

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[Music] oh wow my new toy medicine shipment came in and i got lava bella doll i got two of these oh and one of the boy version oh this is just super excited wow i can't wait to read the medical pamphlet on this and figure out exactly what this lovable doll cures it's gonna be so fun to prescribe this maybe i'll get sick and need one too i could not be more excited i really really want this love a bella doll i know but they're always sell down at toys r us but just look how cute they are wait i have an idea let's see if the toy doctor could prescribe us a lava bella but addy we're not even sick well we're gonna have to figure out how to be sick it should be easy to catch a cold if i do you should put a swimsuit on and don't stand out in the freezing told the weather oh for sure cats are cold doing that all right addy i'll let you know when the hour's up [Music] she looks cold up there [Music] wow okay i better get to work though i need to figure out who my first patient is for the day let's see here that looks like addie all right [Music] all right addie that must be you all right come back into my examination room oh here let me just move these out of the way okay you can have a seat right up here now tell me what brings you to the toy doctor today i have a really bad cold oh okay what are some of your symptoms i have um runny eyes a runny nose and a cough oh okay well let me do a quick examination and then just listen to your heartbeat and some breathing can you breathe in and out and in [Music] and out already check out those eyes of yours okay look at the nose yep looks runny up there a little congestion let me check the ears oh yeah it looks like you might have a cold hmm open up ah yeah definitely have a cold little one yes now luckily i have the perfect prescription to cure that cold in no time yes luca bella doll all right let me just write it out for you and this will heal you your cold will be gone for minutes little live pet ladybug no need to be upset little one i promise that that little live pet ladybug does wonders and your cool will be gone in no time i don't think that's gonna make me feel better but that love of bella doll over there i know will make me feel better oh no no no the luminal doll does not actually cure colds but i just happen to have the little live pets little ladybug and baby in stock so why don't we go ahead and open this and you should be feeling better in no time this is pretty cute after all pretty cute of course it is why it has metallic pink back look a little tiara on the back hearts oh my goodness it is simply adorable and watch how it moves too here we go whoa super cool that is cool is this where the baby is i think so let's open it up and see i've never actually opened one of these before i haven't had a cold all season oh wow look at the little baby it looks kind of like it's mommy that has a little tiara on the back so precious yeah i just attached them all right let's have them crawl around again [Music] let me see whoa so fun i love it already and how's your cold now i feel super oh i thought so let me do a quick checkup open up ah oh no sign of cold there pick up that nose oh no sign of cold there no sign of cold there look at my eye looks good here looks good too other air looks good too well i think you're here no cold thank you doctor you're welcome bye addie all right i better read up some more information on this love a bella doll because boy i don't know if i'm ever gonna need this type of cure in my office hmm let me see i'm back maya did he didn't love a bella doll well i didn't but i got this cool ladybug toy oh bummer well at least now we know the lava bella doesn't hear a cough well all we have to do is get you sick with something else and maybe you'll get the lava bella doll yeah hey daddy's sick in bed with the flu you can sneak into his room and get some of his water and get and catch his germs great idea addy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh wow the lovable doll says 100 plus words and phrases she responds to her accessories like her lamy toy i can feed her with a spoon give her a bottle rough her to sleep and so much more oh i really want to prescribe this to someone oh i feel so in pain wow okay i better get put her away get focused see my next patient let's see okay it looks like i have a maya up next all right let's go see what miami's all right let's see mine is that you all right come with me are you okay all right into my exam room oh dear now maya can you please tell me what brought you into the toy doctor today i got a flu and and i think i need a lava bella doll oh okay well let's load it in the little bella doll let's talk about your symptoms what symptoms are you experiencing i have a fever and i'm tired and i'm achy and they think they want to throw up oh goodness you don't want that to happen let's do a quick exam here let's set you up what's going on here i gotta be afraid that you actually do have the flu so let's take your temperature see oh yeah 102 definitely not good let's take your blood pressure just stick your arm inside here it's nice okay yeah all right well you know what i definitely think you do have the glue unfortunately now luckily my the flu medicine that's out this year is super duper effective and then i know just the prescription to write for you let me just get my prescription pad over here and this will have you feeling better in no time all right here you go maya chubby puppies that's ridiculous ridiculous way that's not ridiculous at all did you know our voluminous this year is 100 effective chubby puppies does wonders but they want to love about a doll well don't we all win a little doll unfortunately it does not cure a flute but chubby puppies do and i have a couple varieties over here let's see i have minty cauli and frankie frenchie now frankie frenchie is a low dose and missy cauli is a high dose so just how bad is your flu is it okay bad or super bad this one okay let's start with this one you can go ahead and get it open in just a few quick seconds of playing this will make all your food systems disappear all right you put in the titans now what do i do next okay we just flip it on back here and then we'll put it down and watch it hop around oh how cute is that chubby puppy oh frankie frenchy let's go this way play with it a few more seconds and you should feel wonderful wow i'm here now oh perfect i knew that would work wonders well i guess you're all ready to go now so i'll see you later maya glad you're feeling better enjoy your chubby puppy toy i'm back addie did you give the love a bella doll nobody got it chubby puppy okay it's okay it's a cool toy too [Music] well we know lovabellas don't hear coughs or the flu now well i guess we're gonna have to do the next miss now addy i have an idea i have a bunch of halloween candy left i could eat a bunch of it and get it and just get a bellyache sounds like the plan wow i've never seen a clue be cured that quickly these chubby puppies just do wonders i can't imagine what the extra strength dose does all right it's time to get sick maya [Music] i love milky ways there's three muskets here me too i love milky way thank you too i love all these [Music] [Music] hey we're both eating free mr tears [Music] hmm i'm starting to feel a bellyache comes oh when you tickle her she giggles and you can calm her with her little soother a little pinky oh i just want to open this so badly okay better get focused onto my next patient let's see who we have now oh addie didn't i have an addie earlier today let's go figure this out wow oh great addy i just you know i thought well come on in let's see what's going on now into the exam room so abby what is bringing you back to the toy doctor i've been eating so much candy i've got sick oh no was it halloween candy yeah oh that happened so let me feel around that belly of yours and do a little examination let's see oh yep there's a milky way right there oh i feel a couple snickers there oh oh what is that oh three musketeers i think smarties nerds oh yeah you definitely do have an upset tonight do you luckily i have the perfect cure for an upset stomach please tell me it's a lava bella doll oh well i'm afraid not yeah unfortunately the little bella doll does not cure upset stomachs i've been reading in this medical journal just all about lovable adult and exactly what it cures and upset stomachs i'm afraid is not one of them but i do have the prescription that does cure an upset stomach let me see if i can find it all right here it is it is a palace pet friend this is jasmine's tiger sultan and she is just super glitzy and glittery isn't she yeah so if you just play with her for maybe like 30 seconds that's something it will be gone it'll be history so go ahead get it open have some fun wow this is so cool i think my outfit tummy feels totally better she is super cute isn't she i love this salt it's so glittery and sparkly okay i'm sorry you can play there some more just a few more seconds it's feeling better though your stomach well wonderful well i guess you're already cured boy that was some fast acting toy medicine so i guess you're good to go addie thank you for carrying me you're very welcome now you can be on your way addie [Music] see you next time stay healthy though all right back to my little bella doll sandy what do you want for christmas i'm back maya did you do a little bella doll now that we got this palace pet cool that's really neat addy but i really wanted to love a bella doll and so did sandy well don't worry like i took the doctor's medical journal wow what do we do with that addy we can leave them here to find exactly what the lovabella hears so we know exactly what sickness we need to get perfect hmm where's the lava bella picture oh here it is the lava bella kears dog fleas she can get dog please yeah wow a new shipment of medicine hmm i gotta get find a place on my shelves for all of these hmm my sticker down here this here this right there all right looking good looking good all right i got some please daddy look whoa let's just dump it all over her don't worry sandy you only didn't get the fleas for a little bit i think it's time to go see the toy doctor and you gotta get up so we can go to the toy doctor to do the bella doll yeah get up sandy who is my next patient sandy i've never had a standing before this must be a new patient all right sandy oh addy maya is this sandy yeah okay come on into the game room come on sandy well i have to say we have not had a dog in the toy doctor officer this is at first for sure now let me see sandy see look over here why are you here what symptoms are you having right now um she can't talk but she has the fleas oh the fleas okay well let me do a little examination let's see here oh yeah all right yep yep definitely please in there oh yes you have a lot of fleas on your fur [Music] oh i just remembered that i have the most perfect cure ever done please yes why yes you do oh well okay well we gotta get it open first so let's get it open and look at her please gone in no time wow she's up and working i bet her fleas are already disappearing here do you want your lambie first oh no what about your baby here we go i think she likes the binkies oh and i think the flames are disappearing okay let's give her some food should we give her some food now yeah all right here we go open up open up blue bella oh i think she likes her food what about the bottle now let's try the bottle and i bet the sleeves will disappear completely there you go drink your bottles drink your bottle little baby wow this is such a super cool dog i'm so excited i finally got to open it and let's see all the leaves are gone sandy your fleas are gone good girl toy doctor thank you for giving us the lava bella and for hearing sandy you're welcome well i guess you can be on your way all right sandy you're done girl enjoy the lava bella bye sandy here you go sandy you can ah there we go bye well what a strange coincidence that was on the very day we receive our love of bella doll we happen to have our very first dog patient who happens to have the fleas i need a little bella doll what a coincidence go to sleep the sweet little lava bella he's up what do you think of it sandy [Applause] and it's messier she may want her mommy yes which we are mom now we're our mom her mom right yeah do you want your baby open the baby i know i have so much to say right now but you have to go to sleep here's your toys have you subscribed to tic tac toy yet if not what's holding you back it's absolutely free go ahead and click on that button in the corner of your screen and then you won't miss any of our future videos thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 13,316,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toy doctor, kids, pretend doctor, doctor lucy, lucy, luvabella dolls, addy and maya, addy, maya, dr. lucy, pretend, luvabella, new toy, the doctor is in, silly kids, luvabeau doll, luvabeau, sandy the dog, kids toys, doctor
Id: ujIiLKt-pNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2017
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