Employees KICKED OUT Of INTERVIEWS, What Happens Next Will Shock You | Dhar Mann

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i'm so far behind on my bills and i still haven't found a job it is going to all be okay besides don't you have a job interview this afternoon yes man if i do well in this interview this could change my life oh wow get a look at this chick who comes to the gym wearing a full face of makeup well you never know maybe it's for a reason the reason is she's desperate for attention how pathetic look at her body she's obviously had work done you might even bother working out if you're gonna have surgery it doesn't even look good well i think it looks pretty good and besides maybe she worked really hard to get that body worked really hard don't be so naive the only person that worked hard was the doctor who gave her that body oh no do you think she hurt us oh i hope we didn't hurt her feelings i hope she did hear us maybe she won't come around here anymore come on i gotta get ready for my interview okay oh wow she's getting into a brand new tesla must be nice having some rich guy pay for everything some of us have to work to earn our own money you're talking really loud she's gonna hear you maybe she worked really hard to get her money besides you should never talk bad about anyone it could always come right back to you come on come back to me that's nonsense besides i hope she did hear me a girl like that has never worked hard for anything in her life anyway can i borrow 20 bucks my gas tank's on e promise i'll pay you back when i get my new job all right yes of course there you go thank you [Music] hello are you here for the interview yes i am so excited to talk to you this has been my dream job hi i am [Music] wait do we know each other i no i don't think so really because when i saw you earlier at the gym you sure seemed like you knew a lot about me oh oh that i i'm really sorry about that that was all just a big misunderstanding yeah i think you're right that was a big misunderstanding you see i heard you said i was desperate for attention and that's why i wear a full face of makeup at the gym but the real reason is that i work 14 hours a day and i don't have time to go home to get ready after my workout not because i am desperate for attention and i heard you say i must have gotten a lot of work done to my body and that's why my body looks like this but the real reason is i used to be really overweight so i started loving myself and worked out twice as hard not because i have had work done to my body and i heard you said i must have a rich guy paying all my bills and that's why i drive a nice car but the real reason is i am the ceo of this company and i've worked my butt off to get to where i am today not because i have some rich men paying for my bills so you see i look good i feel good i live a really good life because i worked hard for it and i did it all by myself wow you look amazing and that is such an inspirational story i hope someday i can be as successful as you i appreciate that but here's a piece of advice you should never talk bad about anyone because it can always come back to you and you're never gonna be successful by tearing other people down i wish you the best of luck [Music] we can't hire someone like you i need you to leave immediately i really need this job go now [Music] wow that has to be the best fettuccine outfit i've ever had you made this yes and if you hire me i can cook all types of dishes well i'm really impressed i'd say the job is yours so just take a look at your application here [Music] um is everything okay no i see here you check the box for having previously been convicted of a crime oh that yes it was a minor offense but that was such a long time ago i changed the lot since then you really expect me to believe that once a criminal always a criminal people like you don't change no i i promise people aren't defined by their past they can grow and change for the better cut the crap we can't hire someone like you i need you to leave immediately please i really need this job go now [Music] hey boss how'd you go with the applicant was this food any good yeah it was the best i've ever tasted i almost hired him until i found out he has a criminal record so i told him to get lost what if he's a talented chef isn't that all that matters he's an ex-con and we can't hire people like that wants a criminal always a criminal people like that never change no no no no that's not true people can change you see a long time ago i was arrested for a minor offense and got sent to jail i was in charge of making food for all the inmates but i had no idea how to cook until i met a man that taught me everything i know [Music] over time i ended up becoming a really good cook i became so good that when i finally got out of jail i decided to open my own restaurant that's how i got to where i am today so you see i also have a criminal background but i was able to turn my life around and change for the better wow i had no idea i'm so sorry i feel so bad for the things i said it's okay i can't believe how i treated that guy [Music] you know what there's something i gotta do [Music] hey [Music] i'm so sorry for how i treated you earlier it's okay honestly i'm used to it you were right people aren't defined by their past they can grow and change for the better i'd love to hire you for the position if you're still interested really wow yes thank you so much for giving me a second chance of course oh and let me introduce you to um angelo oh my god i can't believe it's you chris oh my god i haven't seen you in years wow wait do you two know each other yeah this is the guy that i was telling you about the one that taught me how to cook i wouldn't have any of this if it wasn't for him ah thank you so much you really changed my life no thank you for this opportunity this is gonna change mine [Music] dad i'm so hungry okay let's get you a hot dog hey ivan harold could you give us a hot dog ah i never mind i don't i don't have enough but i really want a hot dog huh i'm so sorry son after i get a job i promise you will never be hungry again okay okay hey you know what don't worry about it this one's on me no you you got it last time i know business has been tough on you and i can't ask you to do it again it's okay i might not have a lot of customers but it's better than being hungry besides i've always believed that the kindness you put out into the world has a way of coming back to you [Music] there you go it's okay tickets [Music] thank you so much ivan i can't tell you how much i appreciate this i gotta interview giovanni's and once i get the job i promise i'll pay you back soon giovanni's that's the most popular place in town good luck and hey if you want ruben can just wait here until your interview's over you're the best never forget this i'll be right back okay okay good luck [Music] oh i'm sorry sir we don't allow homeless i'm here for a job interview actually the owner giovanni's expecting me would you grab him for me um sure sir there's someone here to see you enjoy thank you okay uh i'm sorry what's happening uh you know we don't allow homeless people in the restaurant right i tried to tell him but he says he's here for an interview with you uh no the applicant who i am interviewing used to run a kitchen star restaurant okay yes sir that that was me i saw an harold restaurant you see come on you're telling me that you used to run a restaurant get real will you get rid of this joker please look look it's my resume i've been running kitchens my whole life i just ran into some hard times recently after my after my wife passed away that's why i look like this but i promise if you give me a chance you know what i can't believe that you would go so far as to make up a fake resume and a fake story just to get a job you know what i'm not gonna fall for your little scam and i am not going to allow anybody else to fall for it either no sure please please i'm just trying to feed my son take a look at this restaurant you see how busy it is you have to wait weeks in order to get a reservation here and i did not get to where i am in life by being a fool but i can do this leave now before i call the cops okay do you get the job uh no son i'm really sorry but i'm gonna think of something i promise i don't understand why didn't they give you the job you have so much experience so let's just say they took one look at me the interview was over look i don't want you to think i'm not gonna pay you back for those hot dogs harold harold that is the last thing you have to learn thank you for everything i haven't be back to see you soon come on son let's go but dad you haven't eaten all day what are you gonna do i'll be fine don't worry about me [Music] hey wait why don't you come work for me you said yourself you don't have enough customers you don't need any additional expenses well no i i i can't pay you a salary but suppose you take a 20 commission for all the hot dogs that you sell won't be much but it'll be something really nice sure about this yeah and you know what as a signing bonus why don't you have that hot dog oh my gosh i can't believe this thank you ivan i won't let you down oh i know you won't i believe in you [Music] this is good but i got a few ideas to make these things even better may i yeah of course i'm thinking onions bell peppers jalapenos mayonnaise the thing you what are you doing here no wait don't tell me you actually hired this guy oh i did he's going to help me turn my stand around well that is like adding water to a sinking ship good luck you know what here take this when you finally go out of business which you will send your remaining customers over to me a giovanni okay i will just leave that right there for you good day gents you believe that guy yeah he was going to interview me look if you change your mind no no no no no i stand by my decision looks good on you thank you very good to wear one of these again i do need you to do one thing for me what's that [Music] let's make that guy pay for what he did to you make him eat his own words all right harold is more passionate than ever to help ivan turn the hot dog stand around using his years of experience working in a kitchen he starts experimenting with new toppings and creating his own style hot dogs when his son takes a bite he can't believe how good it is [Music] harold then expands the menu to include even more items including corn on the cob burgers and sausages in no time customers start lining up so excited to try all the new food the business slowly starts to pick up as word spreads about all the amazing new food at the hot dog stand more and more customers start to come so excited to eat harold's food even a news reporter comes out to do a story about the man who went from being homeless to being an amazing chef at this popular hot dog stand sure enough the story ends up going viral causing even more customers to flock to the hot dog stand and then one day giovanni happens to pay them all a visit hey what's going on here what's with this line oh you didn't hear that man used to be homeless but now he's running a booming hot dog stand food is incredible such an amazing story oh i guess that's why nobody's eating at my place anymore huh okay thank you thank you i'm again so i guess you do know how to cook after all huh yeah i guess so well judging by your line here it looks like you're doing something right but listen i was thinking i feel bad about how i treated you before you know and um why don't you come work for me at giovanni's huh really yeah i thought you didn't want to hire me yeah well i i honestly you know things have um gotten kind of slow at my place since you became the talk of the town you know so um what do you say god thanks but uh no thanks we're happy here okay whatever you know what since i'm here why don't i try one of your hot dogs see what all the fuss is about huh sure but uh you're gonna have to wait in line you want me to wait you want the giovanni to whitney this is ridiculous get out of my way [Music] hey hey boys how's it going great those have exploded man check it out there you go oh [Music] i'll tell you what why don't you just go ahead and keep that what what are you talking about this is your money well i did the math and based on all the sales from the last couple months your 20 completely covers the cost of the hot dog stand so congrats that money's yours now wait really oh my gosh i can't believe this it's going to change our lives thank you thank you ivan i i don't know what to say please please it should be me thanking you i've actually been able to open up two more hot dog stands because of all the money that you made me that makes me so happy to hear i guess it's true kindness that you put into the world as a way of coming back to you [Music] thank you [Music] excuse me sir could you spare some change i need to wash my clothes for a very important job interview i'm just trying to put a roof over my daughter's head yeah right you probably don't even have a daughter besides look at you no one would ever hire you [Music] dad how much longer are we gonna be living in the car i really miss my bed things are a little hard right now but i promise daddy's gonna find a new job and you're gonna be back in your bed another time okay daddy oh come on let's go we're gonna be late [Music] hey jim i'm sorry to bother you but i was wondering if you heard anything i'm sorry but still no calls back but i don't understand i have a master's degree and a good resume the job market just isn't what it used to be but i'm not giving up come on we'll come back later oh hold on not too fast hello yes this afternoon absolutely huh well he'll be there all right you have an interview it's for a senior management position that they're looking to fill immediately they want you there at three o'clock that's the address don't be late but that's two hours from now i don't think i'd make it and i have my daughter you know what um why just leave ella with me and i'll take you to get some pizza or something huh and you just go what are you waiting for dad a go okay okay i'll be back thank you so much [Music] hmm [Music] excuse me sir could you spare some change i need to wash my clothes for a very important job interview i'm just trying to put a roof over my daughter's head yeah right you probably don't even have a daughter besides look at you no one would ever hire you [Music] [Music] baby what are you doing here we just got pizza why aren't you dressed don't you have to get ready for your interview yeah well there's no use i didn't even have enough money to wash my clothes and now there's probably not enough time i can't go looking like this [Music] what are you doing here just wear my suit what no i i can't let you do that please [Music] i insist [Music] thank you don't mention it but hurry up because we're running out of time i'll never forget this hi there mr amari hello sir thank you for seeing me it's a nice suit you look sharp have a seat you know i must say i am very impressed by you thank you sir i never do this so quickly but i'd like to offer you the position what do you say oh my god yes yes of course thank you so much you have no idea [Music] you have no idea how much this means to me [Music] welcome to the team oh great chat i would love for you to meet mr amari i just hired him as our new senior manager he'll be your new boss oh well it's nice to meet you you you don't understand this man he is by far the most qualified candidate you'll be reporting to mr amari right away fact would you like some coffee [Music] that would be wonderful uh [Music] yes i mean yes sir right away [Music] daddy sweetie so how'd it go i got the job let's go celebrate that's great want some pizza we're home sweetheart we're finally home because i've got the looks and the personality oh my gosh nice job pepperoni face the broom anyone can get it even you maybe you should go wash your face again why because you've got pizza all over your face
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 640,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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