Toxic Mutants / Monsta Fizz Showcase | Ashens

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As a Swede, I giggled when he said "snopp".

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Teusaurus 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2012 🗫︎ replies
hello on the road again yes this is a first this is a video that's sort of blossomed out of one of the small videos of my extras channel because I am childishly obsessed with toys a while ago I reviewed two things called Mont Staffies yes pronounced like that and toxic mutants and I got kind of obsessed with their weird designs end up buying a crate of them and so did Harry Partridge who's there hello I'm here with my incredibly timely halloween themed gloves to differentiate me from the be fleshed Stewart really he's just got funny diseases he's covering up I don't want to catch them um and yeah we kind of bought loads of these damn things between us and they're more frightening and bizarre than I ever thought possible so hence onto the main channel this pays off what's under there I'll crush right let's have a look at them in the package first for anyone who is yet to see this is the first type toxic mutants and they come in a really horrible black down little dangerously realistic toxic waste drum with like proper warning symbols on which is all a bit unpleasant the art of what you get inside seems to bear little resemblance to what they actually are say hello to green penis head man and nobody else apparently helped save the world yeah because you know that's probably not going to happen with you see what's inside them um probably get on the back really are loads of things warning you about how horrible the goo is inside because not only do you get a toy in its but like a load of hideous slime and for instance in a case of stains immediately remove excess goo material then wash with warm water and white vinegar yes I remember puberty to anyway take you actually opposite side this takes a while usually because a very high-security packaging for the sperm duct technique see children love this sort of thing we have to lacerate your hands to get it toys it happened to me farting as you can tell already I'll teach me for not wearing the gloves yeah and what's inside a load of pink goo and a figure we've already got so I'm not going to show it to you you can just see it later I'm not even going to show Harry so he'll forever live in wonderment curses Stewart shall I whip out the others then please do this is a monster fees which Stewart has already briefly reviewed on the front here it says watch it fears which is obviously an instruction of what you're supposed to do it sounds sort of like a cockney warning for cheap fees you've got some pretty hilarious art here on the front kind of similar to the one called toxic slime and toxic mutant thugs of mutants yeah it's a pretty similar deal as you will see later on except the gimmick but this one is you can drop this of concrete block here into some warm water and it will fizzle away and reveal your incredibly mediocre toy on the back you've got some pictures of the other characters that are available none of which we actually have so far including a sort of undead hipster with a bionic shoulder some decomposing bulls and Kesha and Homer Simpson where his head is turning into a penis Sal that happened in season 20 though the Simpsons have done everything right we'll open that one at the end because it takes a while to fizz and remove horrible stains thereafter right camera angle change so this is a mixture of the toxic mutants and the monster fizz because well they're all pretty much indistinguishable from each other and they're mostly just repaints first up here's a little man you may have seen before from the other video he looks like you're sort of bleeding moldy [ __ ] is the only way I can put it he's made his own mask out of a pair of ladies knickers because you know that's a way to save money something we should point out from these they break yes there we are infinite play value now the idea is you can stop there stop you can stop if you like we'd also snap off the body parts and put on the heads of different figures the problem being they all like completely different sizes and shapes so that doesn't really work very well and you can't really make anything more disturbing than what you get out of the box anyway that is entirely true in fact you just sort of ramping down the disturbing levels for instance here is a friend of our [ __ ] they're the Prostate [ __ ] who will gladly come in and check things out for you um yeah again he's made his own mask out of a bin bag this time and once it looks really similar to the last one every part is in fact molded differently and worryingly there's a repaint where he's not wearing gloves and his mask is metal if you are going to have to have a prostate exam from one of these people go for the one where he's wearing gloves trust me on this if there's anyone that isn't disturbed at this point I think we should remind them that the figure did come in a pot of mucousy black slime and if you've got that up your prostate seek medical help immediately I think I should introduce at this point another figure that we actually have a few duplicates of who's this I guess sort of a South Seas possibly Sri Lankan pauper of some kind and the guy is well he has four arms he also has four arms of course but he also has four arms and we have a few of him say that was do it yeah this is kind of a [ __ ] caricature in kiss makeup thing going on with a big ginger store this one seems to be covered in random splotches of blood and he has red eyes but again it's the same figure just repainted by a fool this is him after he'd been dead for a while I think and decided to wear some pajamas this one I think it's been dead even longer possibly he's purple and they couldn't even be bothered to paper the moustache I mean Kevin is clearly molded onto his face okay this be a horrendous harelip but yes I think you're right I've insulted him now another one they're obscured by my huge puffy hands but let's have a look oh there yeah that's just somebody who's got his outfit together from JJB isn't it enough of that anyway they were quite keen on repainting that one as you can tell hello granddad how you been doing with your monstrous broken arms and hydrocephalic head and like snails crawling all over him or are they I don't know what that is um to begin with I thought they were exoskeletal organs oh now I'm thinking it might be something less nice than that and now rubbing his internal organs he loves it yeah there's something a bit off not only about the design of this one but also the pose I don't know what he's sort of doing with this arm holding it to his head to try and stem the agony from his horrendously swollen cranium you can tell you thirsty he's got water on the brain don't don't I'm sorry oh dear but not to worry he's dead now and yeah this is one of the repaints where his eyes have rotted out of his scalp he's covered with cuts and sores his internal organ or external organs seem to have rotted and granddad before the funeral granddad after the phew I don't know it's just monstrous and you see how he's staring at you now that's the last thing you'll see before you die yay and on that bombshell what's next well for fans of puppy in my pocket LITTLEST PET SHOP and sort of similar franchises we have this a hideous cyber hood what do you think of that Stuart oh man what did this used to be human is this something from fantastic planet I don't grief look at the face it blinds the face so humanly realistic and the rest of the body like this cyber thing this is like a discarded idea for Thundercats oh actually yet funny I'm saying now when this one does look like a panthro's brother is a runt of the litter Mike look at that oh that's oh man that just creeps around your door at the dead of night it just stares and stares I mean the character designs are through the roof net what why the human head in the road I don't know I don't want to know or ever think of it again and to take my mind off it here's a prostitute who's blow who's blue and has got some interesting body features for the niche sex market I think like this giant wobbly head do you think she does deep throating I don't think anything could go that deep and also slightly cro-magnon sort of eyebrows going on there I don't buy it was this a good idea for a children's toy I mean it's really is dressed like a hooker kids love undead alien hookers that is true that is true I had forgotten all those 80s cartoons based on that exact phone I also got another version where she's sort of a slightly skin colour but has developed a soul patch which is not really making it any more attractive ah ruins her now it's a she is quite attractive previously the shave it off she'll be fine these did come with spare heads as well with like a shorter neck just in case your particular preference is for em grotesque blue prostitutes with shorter necks I think it saw the same face no yeah honestly it looks like every alien from the next generation combined into one but that's fine with me honestly yeah funny eyebrows and four heads of cheap yep anyway let's put those back to the pimp before he notices they're missing coming up next we have what will happen if the average my little pony fan actually bred with a My Little Pony it's sort of a a very ill horse cat with apparently snakes for hair as you can see that that um my little Medusa cat pony cow and just one really long hoof like it it's wearing a boots but only the one I didn't want to look tardy who would like Jagger what that's yeah that it's actually it's got like a mane and just one snake growing out of it this has got to be based on a hallucination of some type this surely the designers are on some sort of horrifying drug they all need some sort of horrifying dread of elbow right do you like things that stare into your soul because we got some more of those I actually quite like those I think they're quite cute these freak me the [ __ ] out so I'm going to be first is the weird stare in this weed rocket-like body it's oh I'd hate to see this thing animated it's not going to happen to you it does look like the 1950s ray gun in its back half yes that is exactly actually it's got a ray gun shoved up his ass and that's why it looks so perturbed here's it's slightly more colorful brethren which has tried to claw its own eyes out at one stage probably so it doesn't have to look at the other one em yeah that the eyes again slightly unsettling but I don't think is bad as mr. pelvis pupils it's like Garfield from the alpha'd I mentioned I don't want to see Odie we're actually saying that I think you might have to oh my god here he is yay oh sorry bring that back in the frame that's like a hamster with a Cobras head yet again it looks like that's a random mix of part but the problem is we've got three of the bastards yeah honestly when I first saw this I thought oh stop the wrong a head on something but no not only are they we've got three exactly the same but we discovered he's kind of the poster boy for monster feeds I don't even see her hold upside down it actually shows it on top of the logo he is the main mascot of the monster fizz theme park it's just like a bad Photoshop I mean why would them even bother to blur the texture a little bit you know he's very - you can get a good swivel then this is rubbish it doesn't even stand up as heads too heavy for it to live but there's probably other genetic problems were just grafting a cobra onto a [ __ ] hamster with a spaceman I always wanted you to go into spaceman with your giant droopy face it's like a small child's plasticine project that's just got into a spacesuit he doesn't look very depressed but he's not had a good time of it as he I do again I genuinely like this guy he's got a real kind of bebop 50s vibe to him he kind of looks like um like an ergonomic chair or something you can sit on himself yeah I like him a lot these one of the figures if you saw this one out of context with the others you'd think it was a relatively normal toy line yeah then you see Cobra hamster from the uterus headbutt skip over that this whole lot I think coming up now are actually pretty pretty nifty this guy with the incredibly awful skin condition he has a large bulbous head so it's almost like a big ham with clothes in it but what worries me about this is he looks perfectly normal but has Peter have been horribly infected by some he's got like normal clothes and stuff but and this perturbed look on his face he's not used to being like this and here we've got space Gandhi is really a pretty generic looking green alien blimey with Lauren coat on he looks a little like kif from Futurama except again trying to claw his own eyes out that's my cue and I think he's stolen that t-shirt from like a fast food chain prep scene was works behind the counter not fries with that John fries without they're two-for-one to die and then he drips mucus into the burgers or something this one is one of the most broken but most intricate of them it's like Frankenstein with a big red coat possibly Nick's from Dante from Devil May Cry series of video games and holding umbrella that's exactly how Mary Cher envision him sort of fist-pumping like he's listening to Lady gaga why is that I'm so long no he's Frankenstein darn it different dolls him somebody's gonna say actually it's Frankenstein's monster that's the real little mystery it really was actually Steve Steve Steve monster mm-hmm middle name of the yeah there's something nice about that it's just a shame he spent all this time getting such a nice cone he hasn't even found his shoes bless him but the umbrella thing that's going to have to be glued isn't it basically nothing so tragic also their sins were painted just hated tippex that's never a good thing oh I like this one I don't know why we left it so incredibly long to get round to him but he's just really your average punk I'm not even gonna mention the fact that he's blue because I think that's what Punk's do these days it's the only way they can stay ahead of the game did paint themselves blue yeah in any color yeah it's got hipster glasses as well so zombie hipster punk what else have we got really getting the idea from that one he's also got some weird yellow thing on the side of his head where he's trying to perform surgery on himself perhaps no idea oh now look at this dangerously normal as compared to the others it's a spaceman with a gun yeah I'm disappointed by this one honestly yeah when you sing the craziness of the other something to get banned to this yeah he needs to resemble some sort of farm animal a little bit more a little bit more that's all I need perhaps under the Hat but we can't see or perhaps that is his head that would not surprise me or in fact he is the gun and the rest of this is just some sort of weapon that it carries around if we might have a bit of the I said from the 80s or 90s the trash bag bunch trash bag bunch yeah I've got quite a few of those um similar deal again a little figure that you get in a big bag of fizzy chemicals and the good guys look the Phegley lines but Pinker if I remember as opposed to Green Dan that yeah a bit pink was big in the 90s mmm not a bit of neon geojo battles for sort of a rose here oh man now we're on to the freakiest ones of the lots purely for the dichotomy right you've seen what's come before the horrors and the monsters and the God knows what off Cobra half hamsters me what happen is just a woman that's it like Marilyn from the Munsters yeah normal means she's supposed to be a victim of the other characters I did screen for four hours when you originally pulled out of the slime but that's settled down now be considerably I tend to do that anyway but we also got another version where somebody has painted this or allowing that a bit more heavily we've got normal Marilyn and [ __ ] Marilyn ah pissed I just don't where does this fit into the whole thing how is this a toxic mutant or a monster her complete deformity might be all psychosomatic ah they have severe issues she's a monster on the inside yeah absolutely ignores the open other end destruction on packets of jaffa cakes she's Eileen were not away with you because we these possibly even stranger well unfortunately or not because they're in scale with everyone else we have here really to pretty average looking businessman or office employees just really going about their day-to-day pointing at people having loose articulation holding up white slabs that's why did well work the nationwide I don't who thought amongst all the toxic mutants and other horrifying creatures kids would want caricatures of business monster I've told you four kids love office politics need a little water cool action playset a little Dilbert strip into the wall I don't believe it they're going to take away our dental benefits ah they don't have any teeth really alright so this one does seem to the beach hold it is not toothache that there we are the whole of the monster fees and toxic mutants it's all an allegory for dental benefits in an office very horror and they've given it away way too too obvious at the end ludie hell yeah well I think these things are actually seem to be made in the UK so you American people will have to UM not ever buy any I'm sorry about that because I know your hearts are really set on it now his heart would be set on it too but unfortunately it's located in his brain and probably where else well I think there's only one thing left to do see what's in that bloody monster face yes so here is the final monster phase it's like a witch lady with a very gothic address the very dodgy complexioned seems to have grown some sort of horrifying horn at the top of her head and is trying very badly to hide it with her hair and the pose well not really entirely sure what's going on there give me some skiing blood or give me some blood skin that's more likely look at that agree if I'm gonna take the head off that it doesn't attack me also show the final one that I hid earlier yes this is what the slime is like very thick very unpleasant sometimes it's more watering sometimes it's pitch-black like some kind of tar that we've got a kind of snotty Goldy thing going on and it was just another businessman who has been born from the horrifying placenta that is the toxic waste black thing like most businessman actually yes they're usually born at the age of 48 from a team of toxic waste well thank you for letting me ruin your house with my stupid toys Harry don't mention it it's um it's not like we can do anything about that now on the road again yes today we are rigidly affect so okay
Channel: ashens
Views: 576,455
Rating: 4.9262633 out of 5
Keywords: Toxic Mutants, Monsta Fizz, blind bag, mystery, weird, toys, figures, freaks, scary, creepy, stupid, Marilyn, businessmen, zombie, witch, spaceman, chinese, ashens, harry partridge, happy harry, review, funny, silly
Id: e0CQ1OTmAJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2012
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