Bootleg Star Wars: Return of the Fakes

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I never knew Biggs was played by Charles Bronson.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/haroldthebear 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

Gawds, I'm a nerd... As horrible as these are, I instantly recognized Biggs from the thumbnail...

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/JDGumby 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

Wow that boba is pretty bad.

That Biggs looks better then the first black series Poe at least.

Where did they pronounciation of Bob-a get come from. I remember his first appearance(and all) called him Bo-ba, was the holiday special and episode 2 different in the UK or just someyhing weird like grey and gray?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

Wait, what's with the new thumbnail layout?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Jeskid14 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

"Unlimited japes!"

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/TheRedDuke 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

Anakin could be a young Dave Lister

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/killersteak 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

Luke looks more like Link.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2016 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] it's bootleg Star Wars figure time again hello Alec hello Stuart and I'll tell you what these are the worst quality ones I have yet seen I think real real joys for the eye the ear and the nose because they stink of cheap rubber they said I'm really worried that we're gonna die in here some kind of label a zinc poison and gives it to Stuart's toxic office my goodness so these are ripoffs of existing figure designs but not made too well there was something beautiful Alec well we'll start with a positive look at the detailing on that is astonishing that is really beautifully done I believe that is well if they have actually bothered to paint the eye shields a Biggs Darklighter helmet you can tell by the distinctive design on the top that's right good which he plays chess on I'd live weird old universe that Star Wars universe now unfortunately we have to bring in Biggs himself everybody's favorite character leprosy do things as um be is 'm it's the walking Biggs it's weekend at Biggs's they've been manipulating his corpse to make him look alive like x-rays post death star crash Biggs dark like I think it is variant that all the kids who are asking for this is what they found under pressure since close as I can there we are that's a real joy for you there that's just that black smudge on his face so shot a hoodie that is mustache dye growing out risky but he did get a bigger rifle out of it so you know swings and rad oh god I want to move the armor but it's just gonna snap off I think useful for x-wing pilots that's huge assault force yes by the time you've got it out of your that way so you explode in the cockpit behind you the detailing isn't too bad where the paint is awful the actual moulding is awful and the face I think what's interesting as well as you can see where there were joints on the original Hasbro figure that they've just not bothered to replicate on this one because those lines are still very surprised yes and it means all the arms are a slightly weird anger got something we're gonna be seeing more of looks great with his elbow he does that sir stop some smelling his own cheap plastic ah Boba Fett everybody's photo well swab effect they couldn't be bothered to paint the back of but Boba Fett nonetheless except it's actually just to the Jango Fett figure painted as blubber fairsley not painted terribly well either I mean the green and the brown is fairly accurate but then he's got the hive is yellow on his legs that's for safety it's always good when you're a bounty hunter for people to know when you're coming I think I'm have to hold my breath for this one oh I yeah so here's the thing when you're painting eyes on something you want to put them where the eye sockets are not halfway down the bloody face Baba's had an accident I've seen better days also I'm quite clearly jag over a would know Boniface pose would look the same as jag affair with me well because they're clones you want to take as real these day Stuart that's true I only trust one thing the Greedo shot first 57 times sounds horrible yep that's these acts neither edit and sir did he come that he guns at all no he did wrong he's come with a jet pack the Flyers the wrong way oh my god yeah the little thrusters at the bottom for steering up permanently down you ever wanted to know how our bounty hunters and geniuses Boba Fett ended up in the Sarlacc pit now you know kids Bubba fritter away authentic Battle Damage oh my just stop creeping me out for God's sake oh dude don't worry Anakin's here to save us with his life just a bit of grass I don't dance then he can't hold anyway cos his hands so when I first saw it I looked at it and I went good good good good oh my like there's a level of ineptitude there that oh my god I mean the face isn't it looks like a different person it looks like somebody I recognized somebody from 70s television of the I can't think my wondered if it wasn't repainted obi-wan Kenobi I'm not sure I think it might be episode two Anakin but the two characters are very similar to tell that's true I think by these shoulder pad bits it's out in I am pulling at straws there yeah the head is yeah I'm gonna go for episode two Anakin or possibly the bloke who delivers bad news in one episode of coronation strength once Wow but don't worry Padme Taylor sort it out oh I've been fighting in the oil pits again the face it's gonna for sort of Marilyn Monroe thing it's not quite Bulldog buzzer I'm never going to find that gun oasis finding it immediately um my goodness that really does just make you die a little bit when you look at it uh but she looked more Battle Damage as she did in the film you know she's got a scratch on a bat there's a better plate in place there's a distinctive layer of battle damage on order you can see where the shoulders used to be ball joints and they've just put them in there's a yeah there we are don't forget to go off and get married that'll be fun Vader time this one isn't too bad I've got this is great yeah it looks really a pause but what has happened on my team I am taking you again Lord James inherited shapes like the Cape is kind of glued onto the back which is a rarity is nothing going around the neck um it looks a bit small and but other than that it's not that bad I mean give that to a child to play with it's obviously Darth Vader the toxic paint will kill them it yeah I still would tiny Lee we've a he's lost a lot of height she was anagen oh my gosh right for one of my personal favorites the very dramatic stance clone engineer I believe their hat is isn't it two problems here the first problem is again they've just hard molded the articulation but forgot to turn his arm round right way first meaning he permanently has an upside-down broken arm so well done that's a good start the second problem is hmm oh dear they haven't even gone for the same color skin as Jango Fett we were postulating earlier maybe they're trying to pretend it's fin from force awakens and like generic stormtrooper it's some yeah like it looks a bit like Sylvester Stallone we Boober Bodrum oh my god Lee goodness well rocky for stop Syria opened his lace he can sit down Oh that'll do nicely well they didn't get it right the first time so they do it a second time to try and perfect it went for broke on this run yeeah attack of the clones clone tree but I'm keeping the helmet separate because the head came off last time I tried to attack it blue lightsaber so yeah quite possibly fin yeah I don't remember fins I escaping from his head in such a fashion I'm guessing there was quite a distance between the paint gun and the figure in fact like three miles or something oh my god I kind of want to put the helmet back on now and it makes the head come off also why is his head so comically small tiny pinhead fin stroke generic clone we'll never know nearly there we nearly through it Luke will save the day with his worryingly disgustingly falling out arm well there's that few more times and he will be forever gone so the face is one of the better ones I suppose a little bit peed off at these missing lots of his hair he is missing a my god he's gonna radiation poisoning your school one of the few own versions of Luke we haven't had the paint is so cheap it's really rough you're horrible thing if you ever built model aeroplanes and then put far too much paint on them this yeah kind of what the feeling of these is like he's also got the weird paint claw a bit like Anakin at least he can hold his gun though and they've molded on the middle so it's favorable why didn't share we get a medal I still upsets me to this day r2d2 where are you with your drinks dispenser thing this is one of the better r2d2 as we've seen I mean it's still terrible but it's for the paint's all right it's just a solid lump of the legs don't quite work properly but you know again it'd be a safe one for a child to play with well other than the paint I imagine skirt Jabba's palace drinks dispenser molded in which is the accessory that every child of desperate for not is cool but I want in dispensing drinks I'd be glorified Pepsi machine as is cool like galactic waiter and let's end up with of course the one that had to be in here the only one properly from the force awakens bb-8 giant solid dog toy BB hate with two heads two faces even and yeah that's weird bb-8 and eight and a half and a serious molding problem across the middle we should point out this one's really heavy yes it's like a solid lump of plastic it has heft I'm not entirely sure it's quite in the right schedule ah what's joy what I think it's like Avengers Assemble the table read for Episode a subscribe for more
Channel: ashens
Views: 408,569
Rating: 4.9415054 out of 5
Keywords: bootleg, fake, action figures, knock-off, rip-off, ashens, review, funny, alec, star wars, boba fett, darth vader, anakin skywalker, r2-d2, bb-8, biggs darklighter, biggs, ugly, star, wars, luke skywalker, star wars (film series), toys
Id: zUhqm8kra5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2016
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