Totally Accurate SWAT TEAM Simulator

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welcome to ready or not and ready or not you're ready for it i mean i couldn't resist uh i'm gonna be having to take on the role of a sophisticated smart and very tactful swat team captain yeah it's not gonna go as well as you may expect or it might be better but basically this game is an intense tactical first person shooter that depicts a modern day world in which you're a swat police officer and you're called in to defuse hostiles and confront various situations the amount of tools and devices in commands i have for my swat team members is pretty incredible let me just show you this but as you're watching if you do want to see more well let me know and pull the trigger on the like button let's get into the action well i it's time to pick a mission uh how do we okay oh look at this caesar's cars dealerships pepperidge farms now the mission we're gonna accept is the only one that's available right now and that is barricaded suspects we gotta rescue civilians and detain suspects rules of engagement are strict don't kill unless an officer civilian is threatened i mean that's kind of open to interpretation right i just think it's kind of funny because look at this guy this guy is like clearly a professional looking operator yet i'm gonna be the one controlling him there are so many devices on this guy's like fanny pack that i don't even know what to do with at least not yet like we got cameras on our heads man oh yeah yeah wait i got point i i don't want point so i got my boy king swan eli and prescott okay so king eli prescott and swan uh i guess we'll move in through the garage we gotta make sure that there isn't anybody like anywhere lurking or anything what's down here nothing we've gone through the garage oh god i mean i could have just gotten sniped right there i didn't even check my corners that house looks like it's termite tinted can i go over there okay so we've got a lot of barricaded windows like it probably wouldn't be smart for me to just see oh whoa whoa whoa whoa who do you see put who's hands where you who can see him i'm not seeing anybody over there all right we're going in the main door boys stack up let's do this middle mouse button but f to open the door i'm just going to open the door wait what is middle mouse button all about all right you guys aren't invited to my party will you open the door aha they're intelligent oh god i could have just got shot again how many times could i have just gotten shot all of them all of the times now oh yeah these guys are making drugs you got propane paper towels uh some old underwears and a handwritten note uh bath salts yeah we got a dog's bowl you know what they're making here all right boys um wait a minute so whoa what's that c2 explosives oh press equipped it hmm okay wait i wanted to place this was this a detonator guys stain clear the door oh i guess i didn't set it okay let's try this again equip it oh whoa whoa whoa whoa okay hold on wait cancel all right let's get out our primary gun here set it to automatic now if i want my guys to breach this or open it with a flashbang open it toss a flashback copy that they no way they listen to me eli bang it oh wait i should not be looking right and then they move in dude this is amazing okay nobody was here but my god wait i didn't tell you to go up there what did you just do did you just poop out why did you why'd you drop a nightstick we have a lot of light here fella a lot of it all right i guess we're going upstairs i haven't really cleared the bottom floor but half my team went up here now what's behind curtain number one anybody over here anybody oh open door what is that the heck is that it looked like a bear trap but it's just like for a fireplace as a floridian i barely recognize this device we we turn on air conditioning where i'm from all right checking corners oh my god there are so many doors this is anxiety city okay can i tear down that no i cannot we haven't even encountered anybody all right let's try stack up mirror under the door use the mirror use the mirror how do you use the mirror what the heck is that i want one of those suspects in sight okay this is a flashbang uh this is my explosive this is the mirror gun okay oh i just turn on a light oh oh no i'm dropping chem lights don't mind me okay this is incredible oh there's someone in there what are you doing okay they don't look armed so i'm thinking what we're gonna do is we're going to breach with a kick and then clear the room oh and i think i just told the blue team to do this not the red team on accident busting down the door now uh you haven't oh okay third time's the charm i guess oh my god they had a gun oh they had to pick oh jeez uh report the dead what's going on out here that just sounded like okay uh get out of my way i gotta go get back to uh king and swan uh there was something i could do to these bodies and that sounded awful uh report the dead dead on arrival they weren't dead on arrival tag them and bag them all right um i kind of want to use my mirror gun again this was really cool oh oh my god it's like she's got a tech nine i wish i could like untie their shoes together like home alone or something like that okay so hold on if i'm not mistaken then i could just do this right does that work what do you think eli is that a good idea all right let's get the camera going out uh all right we're trying to look under the door [Laughter] this game is amazing okay let's reload max um where's my boys at hey king get in here all right so what i want to do is we are going to breach with a kick and then clear with i don't know what clear what the stinger is but i want you guys to clear this door all right i'm going to sit over here where it's a little what are you oh man there's a lot of blood in it all right but shoot man i i did the right thing we're gonna call this in i think close the door i've got to report this gun so i get points i guess that's my overall score look at the look at the strawberry jam on that window okay oh my god i'm really digging this game okay i'm just gonna keep doing this man oh prescott it's good thing i didn't just open fire on this door so i should just open it um and i would dare say that we've secured this side of the house like how do they not know i got a mirror under this thing oh oh gosh oh my gosh someone's tweaking on the bed we got a lot of tweakers in here okay and now there's one more door i need to check what is that what is that what is that there was some weird icon there was a really weird icon like was it a bowie trap i have my camera got out oh god this is a big room guys i need i need reinforcements uh fall in oh hold on can't tell if they're tweaking or not swan swan get over here we got a live one swan you got a gun tweeker i'm over here oh okay all right you you're not gonna shoot me all right put your hands where i can see him all right let's let's restrain you here and talk to me you just said you needed my help geez police officers we we get no respect around here all right uh you know what time it is this is my literal favorite thing to do in this game all right do we have anybody in here oh what the heck that's an explosive it's a grenade on a line oh my god they got booby traps all right so i don't think we can go in that door guys who puts up when this person needs to go use the restroom they're like oh man i really gotta boom that explosive trip to the bathroom took a new turn oh my god they oh someone melted their snickers bar how silly pit pip cheerio get on the ground nerds police hands up police oh there we go we're gonna restrain you i really hope this person doesn't trigger the booby trap talk to me loser why why are they so mean i need help and there's like you're stupid oh my gosh all right i got five points for that all right let's stack up no let's open this and clear the room clear it roger that you guys do it i'm not gonna die all right watch my six arms stretched you need to relax all right we'll strain this person and i gotta go investigate that booby trap okay yeah so if i were to open that door i think i would have let's equip wire cutters oh this is cool hey now oh that's sweet now do i have to do anything with this is that the disarmament because i kind of want to pick up the grenade and i might need it you know can i do that i guess not all right fall in boys yeah i do i got a point here ah what the what the heck did i just get shot oh my god is that coming from i hear it i don't see it oh my god all right we gotta get out of here man look at look at how close these shots are all right this door is locked any booby traps oh god yeah there is and there's someone in that room oh this is a flashbang boot trap though okay that's not as deadly and there's someone over here but i can't make out if they have a gun or not if i knew they had a gun i just bat right through the wall is there another way into this room like how do you oh oh no yeah you're the one with the melted snicker bars in your bed all right um i think we have to go through the flashbang room so how do i you know what i could do let's breach this with c2 explosives and then we'll clear it with a stinger i don't know what a stinger is but the explosive should keep us from getting flashbang in theory right because we'll clear out the area let's see if this works yeah i don't know this trap oh god all right we got minus 30 what the heck oh stinger's a frag grenade you are really lucky to be alive i am not the best swat captain all right oh my god well uh it was -30 for triggering that but plus 35 for arresting this person i think a stinger doesn't sound like it kills people you know all right i guess we've cleared the process all right uh if i say fall in i think everybody falls in now because i'm yellow that's blue and red i mean not okay bud you're if you could just fall in forward prescott move down the stairs thank you who are you get on your knees and hands put your hands on your knees and let your knees touch your elbows you know what i'm saying okay roger that entry team uh we're doing some cool stuff down over here where uh we ordered five guys burgers and fries all right um let's stack up and use the mirror let me know what's going on over there i want a shotgun oh that's not a shotgun it's a mirror gun there aren't any traps here and a civilian contact you got a gun if you got a gun shoot at shoot me i mean not really don't shoot and then they immediately turn mean watch so um wait a nice tattoo all right someone's trying to find another way out tag him and bag him all right i want you guys to stack up and use the mirror under the door actually i should have gotten two different teams suspect is visible uh oh we've got a suspect with no traps okay i however let's breach this with a shotgun and then clear with flashback lock deploy flashbacks yeah that sounds pretty cool dude i just love how i have like this is a swat team sandbox someone threw some oh yeah he definitely threw something okay oh shoot oh my god i almost lit this person up all right where's his gun is someone dying it kind of sounded like that's our flashbang and then i've got to report this one oh man i sawed off shoddy that would have blown me in half oh contact get on the ground i'm an officer of the law yo i'll help you all right you just need to chill out there little lady oh geez this is not good huh all right um oh my god that's a creepy spider what happens if i shoot that nothing oh you can peek the door that's really cool um did we clear out this entire building they say this is low income housing this house is a mansion it's huge it's just people are snicker barsing their own mattresses and whatnot you know so obviously oh shoot there's a door over here and a door over here all right um let's get stack up and i want you to mirror under the door and then red team mirror over there no traps looks empty what about this store contact unarmed contact okay so blue team you guys are gonna well open and clear clear and you guys that's an unarmed contact i'm pretty sure you said i hope open and clear on the move get down and put your hands up lots of people hanging out here good don't die then all right i i if you don't want to do it i don't recommend doing it all right red team what's going on over here did you detain this person how do i get you to do the detaining i think i kind of have to restrain and call them in i guess i'm like you know the only human here what's in here oh we've already been in here okay uh fallen red team oh mayonnaise why do they have giant jars of mayonnaise all right uh red team stack up mirror under that door blue team stack up mirror under that door and report in clean but one person unarmed one person unarmed oh jeez how do we expect my sight and a suspect okay hold on i've got to see this one myself all right i see the trap is it deadly oh shoot we can't tell i can't tell it what kind of trap it is and i don't see a suspect at all huh all right i don't know how to get in there could i breaching charge you know okay hmm there's no one in here door's locked i want to kick it let me kick this door oh pick the lock there we go yeah oh you can pick it that's cool this game is nuts oh god oh yeah they did say there wasn't yeah yeah yeah just get arrested already i mean we arrest first and ask questions later it's much better than shooting first and asking questions later oh man what are you doing with these cables put them in your ears is that what you kids are doing these days all right um so what i'm thinking we do is i need to figure out how to use this cannot kick with c2 explosives i don't want to kick it i just want to plan it plant oh okay uh let's fall in move out of that room fall in over here and then i'm gonna detonate this thing guys over here get away from that door i mean i don't know how big this is oh i triggered the trap and it was bad suspect are you dead suspect hey i got one though all right anybody else oh god oh shoot what what's happening out here report move out of the way all right i gotta report this what kind of gun do you have notifying medical you don't need to notify him too much he had a revolver yes now this looks like some creepy little side entrance oh they could have oh wait a minute what's melee crouch taro free lean interaction melee is b all right that doesn't move them all right well that that that's all we can do guys i still got minus 30 for triggering that trap though and then some dude came in with a gun from where this place is a maze all right moving clear this is sweet they line up and move tactfully oh man this is some advanced ai stuff this is much more advanced than bob wars where do i have to go now oh my god there's a ladder can i get in that window oh i guess we got another house oh that's a door that is a door all right let's see what's in this door uh doesn't look like anything where's my boys at fall in please i mean i'm oh he has a gun dang all right uh moving clear boys moving clear what are they digging what are they digging down here oh that's terrifying okay they're either a demonic cult or they're oh god dig into china oh man there's a lot going on up here okay i want blue squad to fall in on me and help me scan some of these oh jeez oh god i'm i'm i got shot hold f to self-heal there was an innocent person in there for sure but there was also one with the gun did we kill them both uh oh did they both have good that was a suspect now was this guy oh yeah he was okay they were both unarmed wow i'm lucky to be alive wait a minute they just have a vantage point if we would have gone in this room first it kind of looked like we did how come they didn't shoot us we got pepperonis and 40s up here little little colt 45 and 2 zigzags action no trip wires i'm just going to kick this door and open okay all right blue squad let's stack up mirror under the door suspect i'm hoping you say they're suspects because i'm unloading a magazine into this wall if there are no traps no suspects visible oh man bummer okay how do i know when i'm done with my mission that's what i want to know all right we'll pick this lock do i get any points i think i should get some points right peak and i think i can physically move this just by walking into it after you peak it all right so eli and prescott are down here hey guys what's up why don't you guys fall into behind me are you trying to just walk you guys you can't you can't do that you're gonna have to find another way up oh i guess you could just come this way okay now what's in here ah you guys got magic lettuce huh now it says they're barricaded oh my god and there's a tunnel into this house i'm gonna get my glock out my shopping cart what's down oh this is that tunnel in it oh i never went down in the tunnel all right i guess we're all going in this hole oh man i can't see anything i'm gonna drop a night stick okay this is kind of nuts i don't think i can what can i tell them to do stack up and mirror under the door yeah mirror this door buddy everybody needs to get down here all right what do you see when you look through there because i i couldn't see anything these guys literally built nobody in sight okay oh my god this is dangerous what who are these people the ninja turtles they dug into the freaking sewer system you got a gun wow you're lucky to be alive bobby okay wow that i almost lit this guy up objective complete but that was the objective drop a little chem light oh there's a door okay it looks like there was another entrance where does this go how did i miss this it's pretty well lit okay uh i think there was a little bit left in here though yeah i think this looks like a dead end all right so i've checked that house do i have a map oh here we go locate the meth there's two packages and then i have to rest two specs two suspects to assist with finding out who the buyers are detectives need at least two suspects secured oh does that how do i how do i arrest someone who's trying to shoot me arrest or neutralize any contact at the scene and rescue all civilians i guess i've rescued all the civilians so does that mean anyone left is gonna be a dude with a gun oh here we go found one of the meths now i gotta find the other one i don't think i can get into that other building now i know what it looks like think it's in their little sketchy cave fortress i'm thinking so oh here it is and this should be the objective arrest two suspects failed well i mean i guess i need some non-lethals or something all right so let's vote to end the mission and how did we do we got i wonder how many penalties we're gonna get this is pretty cool 10 out of 10 suspects 10 out of 10 civilians traps triggered two there was a little bit of friendly fire i got a c are you kidding me nobody died on my side um 11 out of 12 evidence secured i left one and then there were two traps that i triggered i thought we could just do that okay well we're going back to headquarters but i mean this is a freaking fun game and there's so many other missions available here and ready or not so i mean if you guys want to see more well we can do that because look at this man we got like all right so i went to here now i don't have any raids active shooters or bomb threats any of that just yet but what else is available barricaded suspects okay it's all barricaded suspects i think oh a raid the suspects are highly dangerous they will not be easy to give up and your roe has been loosened as a result oh rules of engagement are a little more lacks prepare for long engagements and a lot of firefights practice well beforehand that sounds awesome if you guys want to see more we'll pull the trigger like button let me know because i'm going to be playing more ready or not regardless but if you want another video let me know thanks for watching
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 2,512,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, ready, or, not, ready or not, Ready or not swat, swat, swat team, swat team invasion, swat team simulator, swat simulator, simulator, rainbox six, ready or not gameplay, ready or not ep 1, ready or not pt 1, Ready or not gameplay, Ready or not review, Ready Or Not, Ready, RON, SWAT, Simulation, Sim, Swat Sim, Simulator, Police, FBI, Breach and Clear
Id: bbJUKSlC9qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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