Endless Empire Siege vs Impossible Aircraft Carrier Battle!

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i'm waiting for those tie fighters to take off oh there we go heavy bolter just takes out tie fighter i've got bad news we have to defend this aircraft carrier look at the map the enemy holds all capture points oh yeah and they've got tie fighters because this is no ordinary invasion this is what would happen if the galactic imperium from star wars invaded ravenfield so how we're going to start out is the enemy holds all of the islands in the archipelago they also have way more guys than the defenders but the battle plan is simple defend the aircraft carrier at all costs now i do have a few tricks up my sleeve just in case we're not doing very good because needless to say the twin ion engine fighters aka the ties are pretty dang quick and fast and they've even got the bomber variant and if you go too close to the enemy archipelago you're gonna have a bad time you probably are wondering how i got here uh i try to dog fight some tie fighters look at the amount of ships they're sending our way that ship just ramped hold on they might be trying to get in through here oh yes they are okay this is bad do i have any grenades of course not oh god they're here oh okay the storm troopers have taken the lower decks and they are moving in in force this is bad am i already gonna have to oh my gosh they're gonna just be moving up the other stairwell aren't they nope oh we've taken it geez it just took all of our soldiers just to defend the lower levels of the aircraft carrier so for fear of constant naval invasion we also have to deal with the storm troopers flying the tie fighters now i'm gonna see if conventional weaponry can't lock on these guys oh oh god i'm getting hurt probably my friend who's not the smartest oh but look at that a tie fighter just crashed so they can die i tell you what the tie fighters look so freaking maneuverable look at he just he just dodged that missile i mean he didn't die but there's the first tie oh man watching them explode is just so satisfying so i fear that we're not gonna be able to do too much in terms of taking the enemy archipelago so let's take man here we go i'm gonna try to take out that helicopter they still do have some conventional based weapons okay let's try to hit a tie fighter this is probably not gonna go too well oh get him get him yeah that was impressive man though very impressive i had to do that in slo-mo or otherwise i feel like they would have just wrecked us oh my gosh oh slow motion ragdoll stormtroopers why is it so satisfying oh my god look at that that entire ridgeline is controlled by stormtroopers and they sniped me they sniped me now while we're using conventional aircraft and conventional weaponry let's just say i've got a few weapons at my disposal we're gonna be bringing in some from a galaxy a long time ago far far away and then another one is from the 41st millennials so we're going to have a little bit of diversity here but it takes a while look at that thing go come on and get him is he dot i thought he dodged that they're incredibly maneuverable get him oh he's strafing i don't think we're gonna be able to get a foothold on the island not with tie fighters and tie bombers depending but i'm wondering maybe i can do a strafing run on top of wait a minute is that a storm trooper i think so oh my gosh get rekt noobs oh god oh god this is bad please i come in peace they always said that storm troopers couldn't aim right what's the deal need i say more need i say more now the first change we're gonna make is i'm gonna use some heavy bolters from the 41st millennium and we're going to change it up now my people are only going to control this fortress the outpost the battle plan is simple survive now here we go let's get ourselves phobos pattern bolter or do we have oh my we have bolt rifles let's try a bolt rifle that thing looks pretty crazy okay now can i look through the scope oh wow we've got a skull on it all right boys just uh you're supposed to hold this outpost remember because there's gonna be a lot of enemies coming i wonder if i could here we go it sounds good is it hitting like a bolter though oh man i feel like it should have destroyed that tie fighter how many bolter rounds does it take to take out a helicopter way too many i feel like two bolt arounds should be enough all right switching to secondary oh they definitely nailed the sound effects this thing kicks oh god here comes the tie fighters how long can we hold this outpost i don't think it's gonna be very long we're gonna have stormtrooper infantry moving in oh look at that guys that's not how you use a boat although they did do a little amphibious invasion all right bolter round versus boat okay there we go this thing is crushing them who'da won right the imperium of man from warhammer 40k or the galactic imperium from star wars oh i just wrecked wait a minute what are you doing here now what i need is an actual like space marine mod where you all right this isn't the most accurate or maybe i'm not the most accurate hello reinforcements have arrived all right before we get overrun i think i need to try out a heavy bolter yeah i want the heavy bolter come on just hold out a few more seconds look at that tie bombers flying overhead storm troopers moving in at wait wait a minute we're gonna give the enemies ats ts so what we need to do is go to these vehicles so now that we're gonna be on the island we can give them oh yes atsd here atsc there atsc there oh my gosh i just ramped the difficulty up to like a thousand i feel like now we just hold the outpost as per usual we're starting with the heavy bolter atscs i don't know man look at those things i remember playing with these years ago so this is a heavy bolter it's got 200 rounds this thing should lay down the train of pain on the enemy and once again i'm waiting for those tie fighters to take off oh there we go heavy bolter just takes out tie fighter oh okay i love this thing by the way can i reload it oh atscs are moving in this is bad we got tie fighters flying overhead we got paratrooping stormtroopers and we got atscs moving in this is what it would be like if the galactic empire freaking invaded ravenfield luckily i got a heavy boulder because reasons the rule of cool lando calrissian scream it is crazy out here i think without this oh god they're right here how many heavy bolt arounds does it take way too many way too many they're overrunning us i can't kill them okay if you give him atscs you're just gonna get your butt kicked i have an idea though now the other trick up my sleeve is to change the vehicles that we have so as defenders we are going to have we could use the naboo n1 starfighters oh or we could use the tie fighters of the imperium this is a very impressive tie fighter pack so atsc is being overpowered i think it would make sense for us to retreat back to the carrier and i just need to get a hold of one of those naboo n1 starfighters which apparently is now back in the series thanks to mando in the boba fett series now they look a little angular this it's an old meme but it does check out we got our two astromech droids this is great oh my god this thing is kind of squirrely oh all right let's deal with the enemy air power i love the sound of the turbo lasers i mean not turbo lasers but the lasers i am so maneuverable in this thing it's actually not even funny i can slide but my lasers aren't super powerful honestly this is so sensitive i'm flying like trash not that i'm good normally but i'm definitely bad now oh the tie fighters okay this is incredible all right let's take out this thai bomber there we go [Music] oh [Music] there's too many missiles oh my gosh i ran right into an atsd which just like took it to the chin and didn't even care all right so whoa i was gonna say we've held this base pretty well but i guess while i was taking out their air power they got a naval invasion in it looked like only one survivor maybe huh all right boys get on that boat you know what let's do a little hey there we go yeah leave me to victory i'll be the gunner there's naboo dude this thing just sounds so good are we going oh i thought we were going around oh my god that was a look at a storm trooper with a kalashnikov it just it just feels good doesn't it i think my best way to defend the carrier is definitely using the naboo in one what a great star fighter and it's so cool that it's back in the lore like or it's back in like you know movies in the shows right oh that's a tie fighter you fire enough rounds in the sky you're gonna hit something what i want to know is can you oh we overheated do you think you could shoot a missile out of the sky in raven field i actually don't know if you can do that oh we landed a few troops on there i don't think they're gonna live very long but we did it excuse me duck duck goose that's my that's mine yeah i always take stuff you can't just tell i'm like hey man don't do that track warning oh wow i got these like proton torpedoes is that a friend that is friend i think i should be able to out maneuver some of these missiles let's try to take out the time bomber oh they got a flat gun on me look at this thing sliding this thing is dirty oh we missed there we go we took it out all right we've landed in enemy territory i uh broke my femur well that's all right it says defeat but i will never surrender i will take this out this is mine oh i need space marine armor we were definitely outclassed by the galactic imperium up until the point that we threw in some spice the first great addition was definitely this heavy bolter i love how this guy's firing the minigun from the helicopter on the carrier deck without taking off hey don't shoot me i'm on your team man all right boys best of luck and then with the addition of the naboo n1 starfighter i think like we regained air superiority i'm gonna try to hit this guy did you see that of course you did what are you guys doing this is not how we make more troops but i guess you know it kind of could be like this if we had all of these weapons the galactic imperium invading raven field we were outclassed up until we got the n1 starfighter in the heavy bolter and then after that we were able to turn the tides of battle back in our favor the good guys so thanks for watching another episode of raven field pull the trigger like button if you did enjoy the video and you do want to see more and i'll see you in the next one oh god oh god
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 845,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, ravenfield, boss unit, ravenfield boss, aircraft carrier, ravenfield aircraft carrier, new, new ravenfield, impossible boss fight, new boss fight, war game, battle simulator, ravenfield game, aircraft, bomber, carrier, tabs
Id: Gc9KaGTKdlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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