I Tried SWAT Academy

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this week on challenge accepted i am going to swat academy we'll be breaching doors propelling through windows all leading up to a high-stakes final challenge where i will be going on a mock mission with a real life squad team challenge accepted hello my name is david nisslight and i am the chief of the san diego police department the first thing that we're going to put michelle in is our physical fitness course can you climb a fence can you low crawl can you complete these different obstacles because in real life wearing a lot of heavy equipment we might ask you to do all that in order to pass i need to sprint a quarter mile in under 85 seconds do 30 sit-ups in a minute 20 push-ups in a minute six pull-ups and then complete the obstacle course in under four minutes all back to back to back this is the easy part just a sprint just a sprint all right michelle stand by three two 1 go 74 75 76 77 77 seconds good job you made it barely after passing the quarter mile sprint i then proceeded to pass the sit-ups you're done 45 okay pass the push-ups one you're done 34. but then i failed the i think pull-ups reps dang it's challenging especially doing everything back to back i'm just frustrated because i trained for like four months to get 10 pull-ups for the navy seal test right it's just frustrating how quickly the strength goes away when you're not working on it actively but even though i failed the pull-ups they still let me try the final event the obstacle course the obstacle course needs to be ran in four minutes and under so the required equipment as you already have on long pants shoes gloves and you have body armor underneath it i do so there are a lot of different obstacles throughout this which one is the most difficult i would say the dummy drag is probably the hardest for folks carrying about 180 pounds your legs feel like jello okay three two one go good job michelle control your breathing come on use those arms leg come on get your body nice and low good nice nice good technique you're almost there there you go okay you're coming up to the window now get through tuck and roll come on girl there you go there you go you got this use your hips there you go swing your hips hook that leg hook it good job let's go okay use your legs michelle let's go on this one short little step nice whatever you do just keep moving your legs keep moving your legs you're doing great driving every way you can michelle we can't stop here we can't stop here let's go again you got it you're gonna do this let's go let's go let's go keep going keep going and drop drop let's go now you got a fence when you go over this fence i want you to control your descent on the way down there you go nice nice job drop and go drop and go come on [Music] get through here we go nice roll let's go roll your head all right all the way up slow descent there you go one foot at a time go go go time i'm 55 55. okay good job so obviously i have not passed the entrance qualifications for being a part of sdpd swat unfortunately you have not doing it with the vest is so much harder that was impressive well done thank you the term swot stands for special weapons and tactics entry training is one of the most integral things that we do it really relies on teamwork it's it's tough the training is tough we're going to talk about working in a team environment carrying a firearm it starts with ready positions butt stock in the pocket of the shoulder if i make the decision to fire i will snap up safety off and then i can depress the trigger and take the shots necessary to end that threat generally it's it's either going to be in low ready position or the high ready position and this is where it's the one you see on tv shows it's the hips leaking groovy thing yeah what if i were standing in front of you on an entry team would that be an appropriate position for you to be in at that moment yeah probably want to come completely to high port high porsche high port yep it's like a fine wine exactly exactly right here in my beautiful illustration of a room is this is going to be our doorway so we're going to like to do what we call a cross stack one operator here and one operator here how we're going to decide who one and two is there's going to be a little bit of body language involved as i'm walking up you see his body language he's saying i'm number one yeah my body language i'm coming forward i'm in support and i'm looking right at him hey what do you want me to do pal he wants me to open the door he raises his muzzle and puts it right back down that to me is saying he's ready for me to open the door open the door normally or like swat style just normal okay no okay yeah it's really embarrassing to breach an unlocked door that's a big misconception about swat is that we're going to get to a scene and we're going to jump out of our truck and run right up to the door and kick it in and go fully tactical like right when we get there but that's almost the exact opposite of what we do we're going to get to a scene and we're going to do everything we can to try to slow things down de-escalate and try to negotiate and have them surrender peacefully that's always the goal and to be honest with you that happens a majority of the time i open the door and then he's gonna step into the room going path the least resistance and i get in right behind him when you're coming into the room we call this the hard corner the hard corner yeah you have to check this there's no way that we're going to be able to see if somebody's standing right here so that's why it's called the hard corner the magic here if you will is going to be the placement of our feet and we're covering each other as fast as we can okay through here it's like your dancing partners it's like a dance but i want a different part you don't like dancing good footwork move past it yeah so we get in there and then we're going to start scanning the room muzzle pointed you can be looking right over the top of your sights because you want to be ready for something that needs to be addressed there it is clear clear you stay clear cool it technically goes clear all clear last room we don't need to get into that but that's cool okay fine clear all clear last room let's go if i'm one going through that door and i go through and there's a bad guy right here i have to absolutely 110 trust that sam is going to get in there and take care of that bad guy if need be or else you could die there were a couple different instances that kind of or tragedies that kind of shaped how our team works in 1984 there was the mcdonald's massacre a gunman just went into the restaurant and started shooting people that were eating lunch he fired through windows hitting people in the street he fired at men women children and babies one officer said it looked like a mass execution it just demonstrated the need for us to have a team that is trained and hostage rescue the quality of officer hasn't changed but the tactics and equipment have we have our armored rescue vehicles our night vision goggle systems we have robots that we can send in and then of course we have our snipers and there's another incident to kind of change the rules on that for us as well and that was las vegas a few years ago the deadliest mass shooting in u.s history at an outdoor country music festival on the las vegas strip when i was on the team we never had overwatch large-scale events now possibly targets rock and roll marathon comic con we've had the major league baseball all-star game here and so our swat team is key to making certain those events stay safe anything that is preventing a team or an officer from getting into an area or a structure breaching may be required what we have planned for you is manual breaching and then explosive breaching for like hostage rescue we would try to use explosive breaching because you want to get in there as well as quick as possible the biggest rule as far as breaching is always check the doorknob it's always going to be faster to open up the door it sounds funny but it's true right this is a door knocker weighs about 32 pounds all right so heavy if you keep your eye on where you're going to attack which is always going to be that deadbolt you're going to come back through and just and hit it okay so swat has arrived so we'll come up we'll check the doorknob and then go ahead and okay it's locked get your feet set all right i should try that again i think all right do it like this i set my feet and then you're coming from the waist and hitting knock knock there you go can you imagine like you hear this noise and it's me on the other side good morning so what's next i think you're going to go do the exciting stuff doing the explosive breaching now oh we're going straight from this to blowing things up yep okay things escalate quickly around [Laughter] now we're going to place an explosive charge on the door which would theoretically provide us an instantaneous opening into the structure oh my god oh my god oh my god this is some like looney tunes pump the box blow it up fire in the hole in the hole stand by for breach in five four three two positive breach everybody good in here yeah all right and cut it scenario over that was full-on while ye coyote we literally had a wire with a button blow it up how does it feel to push the button you're gonna find out in a second i'm gonna be while you coyote yeah yep yes just get in the habit of tucking your head that way if there is any over pressure as you initiate the charge it bleeds over the top of your helmet rotate the cam safety up so you're seeing red and then this is the trigger right here when you get to one that's when you press the button standby for breach in five four three two and then fall in with them positive breach oh my gosh it felt so epic pushing a button like wiley coyote bam oh my gosh yeah okay it's way cooler yeah wait wait one of the things we're going to have michelle do this week is rappelling a little birdie told me that michelle might have a little bit of fear of heights so this is going to be interesting what we've set up here is a scenario where we have a window about 40 feet up and then we have another one about 20 feet off the ground below us we're going to get comfortable bounding into that window [Applause] so this is fully safe yeah yeah we do it all the time okay one of the reasons why we do this it has real world applications we've had some missions where we've had to put officers in a repel position to close off avenues of escape but also goes back to that trust not only trusting your teammates but also trusting in your equipment keep hold of the windowsill very good and this kind of reverse pull-up right into your brake good you've got your brake strand and you're not going anywhere until you decide that you want to start moving release it a little bit and you can get an idea of how you control the friction very good good this is kind of fun actually good window what do we do that's okay just go ahead and repel right past it nice work remember if there's tension in that hand tension in your body it's gonna put tension on the line good there you go oh my god that was really good i didn't look down once now we'll just work on your comfort with that level of friction and you're breaking controlling that brake head you'll start to go a little bit faster and we'll work into it okay now we get to have fun all right let's do it now we can get our feet on the wall a little bit more what we call failing out a little bit you're gonna end up going a little bit faster you got it keep going good very nice for our next one we're gonna try to bound past the window you're just gonna push a little bit release down to the bottom of the window [Music] nice good job now we're gonna work on trying to down into a window how do you land like spiderman no you can watch me oh my god you got it ready one two three there you go i can do better three two one ah i break as i landed in the window [Music] [Applause] here we go [Music] let's go [Music] hey all right yes you nailed it a former employee that was recently fired took his boss hostage at this local establishment the suspect was reportedly armed with a pistol and a rifle suspect gave a one minute countdown before he would execute the hostage so you and your one or two have arrived at this door and you are about to make entry do you have any questions so there will be people in there who may be firing back at us yeah there will be live role players in there and they will be able to shoot simunitions back out okay what are you doing here hey hands down hands up hands up on the ground on the ground on the ground and end scenario i said hands down stress is starting to take over which bottled you up getting that door getting bottled up in the doorway is one of the worst possible things you can do that's called the fatal funnel the more time you spend there the likely you are to get hit okay so you've got to get through that doorway [Music] hands up hands up hands up down on the ground down on the ground and scenario over scenario it's not safe let him hang that's a pretty tough shot yeah so i would say that that was a good job okay but you didn't check the hard corner and then stephanie cleared her barricade for you as you're walking past there you looked to make sure that it was clear which is a normal human thing to do except for when you're in a team environment that's where the trust issue comes in when she tells you that is 100 clear you do not look over there okay you just walk right past it like it wasn't even there okay all right let me just say call of duty in real life is so hard we're going to roll right into some night vision so all you want to do is you're going to hold that down until it turns on oh good yeah it's like a ghost hunting show i know yeah the only thing that's in play are barricades and then paper targets paper targets only shoot until the target goes down let's go ahead and put your knobs down turn them on house is hot after night vision the instructors wanted to introduce a concussive explosive device known as a flashbang into the next scenario but first they wanted me to experience the blast first hand [Music] questions no all right we are live in the scenario get in there get in there hands up hands up hands up and end scenario had that suspect been in the deep right side phil's dead i know that the flash bangs scare you but you've got to get in there okay you've got to be his too into that room or else you're doing him a disservice and frankly you're doing the hostage at the surface and once that truss falls apart the entire thing falls apart from there does that make sense absolutely for michelle's final challenge today we're at strategic operations which is owned and operated by mr stu siegel this is a movie set and you know in movies they try to make things realistic so in training it's the same way so we're gonna have real life dispatcher our air support unit helping us out other swat operators with her everything that we would have in a real scenario all right we are live in the scenario three two one caught fire fire september shots fired 4705 rock and road 3 15 show us in route 2 12. 321 john i'm shot in the lake i think it's broken i can't walk 321 john's empire covers him when we see the suspect it looks like he's elevated in a third story he's only about 60 feet away from the officer who's still taking cover so the officer is pinned down by an elevated suspect let's move let's move cover my right michelle cover my right shoulder on my third floor it looks like he has a view in all directions move south toward that white connex box with the doors on it okay michelle i'm gonna move forward to this next piece of cover right now can you cover go cover me michelle cover me so i can move over here the suspect looks like he's reloading coming up i'm here i'm here i'm here okay i got shot in the leg right here all right get that tourniquet on pull back the right leg right leg the suspect is on the second floor now he's moved down to the second floor of that structure michelle has that tourniquet looking good and then we're gonna move him back to a position to cover the tourniquet has been applied we're moving him back to position for cover we need you to cover us so we can move back and do the extraction got it okay michelle ready three two one move come on we gotta go we gotta go get a good grip get a good grip we're out in the opening come on let's go push the back right here right here step into the squat right here right here 315 king we're going to move across the alley right here our officers in place for positions so we're going to do a two officer carry we're going to be faster this way okay we need you to help us we need your help moving come on michelle let's go almost there guys almost there come on to the right to the right by the patrol car right here okay can we go back they're setting up containment we need you to come with me and support one of our snipers okay right now what floor we're going up above the fifth floor our target building is going to be the three-story at the end of the road with the camel roof do you see it yeah i do if you can key up the mic and check in just let them know that we have a sniper in position up here sniper one will be carre and gas tiger we are set up 50 yards off the one-two corner of the target on the fifth floor of the tower our entire job is to stay here and gather intelligence for the team that is going to end up moving up on him sniper one he just threw something out the window why not take a shot now well right now he's not posing a threat to anybody he's just a lone barricaded suspect even though he already shot someone yes the suspect surrendered and comes out to our position chris come down the stairs louder chris come down the stairs put your hands behind your head slowly walk back towards my voice keep walking you're doing fine chris keep it up you're doing fine chris keep it up stop all right go ahead and handcuff him let's move in here all right so rob's number one michelle you're gonna be number two i just follow behind rob all right sarge first floor is clear move up clear all clear last room and end scenario end scenario good job let's meet back at the initial jump off location gosh i'm exhausted this week at swat academy was a truly eye-opening experience thank you so much to stpd swat for making episodes like this possible and for giving me a glimpse into what it takes to be a member of san diego swat and as always if you're new here be sure to subscribe so you don't miss the next episode see you guys next time
Channel: Michelle Khare
Views: 8,951,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: swat, police, law enforcement, 911, dispatch, dispatcher, officer, fbi
Id: yb4kLSp-Us8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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