TABS - Insane ZOMBIE INVASION Even the Military Can't Stop in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator!

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this just in from the capital city of Greece in Athens there are reports of men eating other people consuming them and even worse as this amateur footage comes in we can see that they come back to life despite being dead we don't know what is causing this all we know is this is proving to be a great threat for all of humanity a pandemic of epic proportions some might even call it zombies months later the zombie pandemic has spread throughout the known world except for the unknown world like Atlantis nobody seemed to found that yet the zombie virus seems to take over the body of its host giving it one desire brains humanity after being initially caught off guard has decided to fortify what is left of the white zones zones in the world where humanity has been unaffected they have fortified and rumor has it that they're even working on a cure unfortunately the Cure is not ready yet but firearms sure are alike freedom here at a routine checkpoint it appears a number of the undead are chasing a poor man he's caught a freaking banjo somebody let this man in we need some desperately needed music we've got the riot police but I dare say if the zombies break through humanity will have to figure something out because the zombies are gonna get it and infect everybody Oh run oh my god they're eating him alive but live the riot police don't seem to be able to repel the sheer force the zombies don't even care about their own lives because quite simply they don't even have lives they're dead they're pushing them off and eating those who don't fly off bullets seem to not be very effective unless they hit the brain or the spinal column and those that do die convert to zombies and join the army of the undead they don't seem to be too smart though and certain obstacles seem to be quite effective at stopping them but bullets seem to just not be enough even the fact that there was spitting out freedom at a incredible rate just like the Federal Reserve is sending out dollars and Alan Dulles at an incredible rate the cure who didn't give this man a pistol Oh God the end humanity why are we still using 30 round magazines these men should be giving 100 round magazines and their weapons set to semi-automatic fire so they're more efficient however it does seem that they were able to hold off the first wave but I've got bad news some of these men are gonna die we need immediate reinforcements rumor has it that the human nations have joined together in a united sense some are even calling it the real United Nations now that there's zombies here and were actually scared so maybe we should finally work together and you know not die and convert to zombies somebody find out the acronym for that because that is now the organization's name the checkpoint held off the first wave a few reinforcements from the nearby village the village that happens to be producing the test serum the test cure they got a few reinforcements and they even found a villager who was working on a secret weapon its makeshift in homemade but while it looks like he's a little bit taller than Tom Cruise but wearing his helmet he is appears to be holding an amateur homemade flamethrower unfortunately all of the noise has attracted some of the zombies and the zombies are evolving some are learning to twerk while others are learning to mutate their bodies these are charger zombies that have first appeared in Panama centralized around the canal which seems hot weather seems to breed even more zombie plague it thrives there there's more outposts of humanity that seem to be revolving around oh my god around the northern regions you know cold does affected the charger zombies are getting pushed back one just got launched off but it appears that mr. flamethrower here while he did pretty well burned a couple and pushed a few off he was eventually taken down but will his sacrifice allow humans to hold on to this choke point once more my god this man is a hero somebody give him the whatever acronym we decided was for the actual United Nations because this one's out Mila he just took down like 20 of them with him you are a brave brave man wait what what's that mr. Zed your zombies have evolved even more here in Belgium's capital city of Brussels they have created a very impressive fortress and since it's the Belgians they've got their amazing f n weapons the fabrique nationale a I think I don't speak freaky deaky Belgian but they've got the scars they've got some snipers and they built up a rather formidable little outpost here protecting the capital city where they've been working once again on the serum and they decided some brave doctor a doctor that has no borders he doesn't care if the zombies over there he's gonna try to cure them he's also been a little bit of gone a little stir-crazy recently due to the warranty he tried to go out there thinking that zombies just needed a friendly hug and some cure but this guy looks like he ate a lot of chilli with a lot of chase and he's been gassed up just prior to being turned into a zombie here you can see the wreckage of the outskirts and this doesn't look good this does not bode well for mr. doctor Without Borders because that man looks like he's on roller skates run run back to the gate get back there alright now the doctors learning about borders some sometimes he might need him wait he's at new save him he's got the test serum he must be protected this is not both this does not bode well these seeking zombies have the ability to shoot out giant like I guess it's probably just their large intestine and their small intestine tied together like a rope you know like in a prison movie where you tie your sheets and try to get out of you know the the house there oh yeah let's be snipers and jump down from the tower you idiots wait hold on I want to point out that the the snipers jump down to get a better view and the guy with the shield and a pistols like nah bro I've got like 99.9 level aiming and this is what happens when you're a sniper and you go out to try to get some CQB action I mean yeah that's a McDonald's back there but it's closed down to there they are no Big Macs for anybody or is it whoppers which one is there thankfully while the snipers may be dumb and this guy is not the smartest either the zombies are pretty dumb too and look at these these are p90s the the Belgians I almost said the Dutch it seems that this SWAT team is so close they like to wrap arms around each other but unfortunately there's more zombies in there evolving but one has to remember that humanity can evolve and adapt - let's use exploding grenade launchers that seems like a pretty good idea I also want to do a quick announcement here my mod is finally available it's available on the official tabs mod library here you can see how to do it there's gonna be a link in the description finally I can share with it and now that's gonna make all of my mods much quicker to release thank goodness so let me know which mods you like in total Jaeger battle simulator and we can work on them but anyway it seems that the zombies have infected the angels or whoever the x-men that were sneaking around society with secret wings that we didn't know about until they turned to zombies and they couldn't control you know themselves but we have those and there's also rumor that some of these zombies are former Olympians since the Japanese Olympics was closed down to the the pandemic as well and there are long jumpers and they can jump em very long distances because they are there long they're there long jumpers they jump long that's what they do long jumpers jump long I mean I'm not the one who invented it these zombies men they are they using cover or they twerking Oh big grenades oh the Blitz guy is holding down the fort here uh-oh he's not able to find his targets anymore they are eating him alive oh this is bad who is left live on humanity's side there's these guys who like honeymoon oh I could be saving people but I'd rather just rather just do some calisthenics why is everybody having a dance party you guys are supposed to be defending humanity instead your friend is getting eaten alive on the barriers here oh my god oh that's just that just doesn't look very good all right once he drops his gun you know what that means he will join the undead oh did you see that the dude is playing 4d chess with his grenade launcher he fired it it bounced off this barrier and hit the dude that was hiding in waiting in ambush someone needs to let me know because that might be the smartest man in the history of mankind at least in the zombie plague who's left alive oh god he's going out to exterminate them oh no we got jumpers why does people always leave their forts cuz it never boat it never ends well for them oh dude this is he always watch like The Walking Dead you're like how did that guy get snuck come on you know there's zombies zombies aren't smart yeah you allowed yourself to get snuck up on well we just saw how it happened cool and while the capital city of Belgium eventually fell to the zombie pandemic Russian Spetsnaz troopers were para dropped in high altitude low opening to rescue maybe none of the Belgium's but they did manage to procure some of the zombie cure and I know some of you guys may be asking hey bear and jumping zombies are stupid oh yeah well how come the Russian Spetsnaz had to go down in the sewer to try to sneak away from the zombies they're like oh this seems abandoned all I can hear is faint voices going right this is why you don't want jumping zombies oh my god Russian Spetsnaz protect yourselves who brought the RPG Oh God oh the RPG the RPG is down IRA the RPG is down hold on somebody protect these guys - lotta Sh cooling old Russians and Stalin's grandmother we need vodka I mean we need immediate reinforcements in immediate reinforcements they got how convenient what a giant plane was flying overhead with the ability to call in reinforcements via Atlanta Georgia no via airborne invasion we've got para commandos jumping in someone needs to procure that serum and we need to get it to the CDC that was relocated from Atlanta which was overwhelmed in some of the early days I mean who would have thought that having a bunch of diseases in your backyard was a bad idea but now the CDC is obviously where you think it would be Key West Florida I mean they also got key lime pie there so I mean who doesn't love key lime pie key lime pie and zombie cures baby we got to get these Russian Special Forces back to Key West Florida I mean it's it's on an island at the end of a very long bridge do you know how many choke points you can have there wait a minute are you serious the Russians I guess called the Americans who sent in an Apache gunship to do its best to to try to defend to support the para commandos this is like attempt number three this may not be the best idea to do it maybe they need to go back to Belgium to get it needless to say the Apache is doing a fantastic job at just dropping absolute Hellfire missiles down hold the enemy zombies are getting rekt left and right the para commandos have landed oh my god there's Belgians there's Russians this must be that really long who are these guys these guys are from the Democratic Republic of Congo oh my god we got people from all over them are getting eaten alive but at least they're out here fighting the good fight alright grab the serum and let's get out of here as you head to the Florida Keys there's a very long bridge known as the seven mile bridge the United Nations blah blah blah acronym which I'm gonna read the comments so that I can remember cuz I can't remember right now they've built a defensive fortification at the very end of it it's one of the biggest choke points to take advantage of but it seems the zombies have run down both sides of the seven mile bridge in an effort to get to Key West some genius thought hey there's zombies we just need to shoot him in the head but let's get a javelin missile launcher and shoot at them and why not some transport helicopters to try to get the CDC SpecOps doctors out of here off this area of the bridge and back to the super fort but unfortunately the zombies have evolved why do they do that somebody tell them to stop because those things are just gross looking and scary as they just gonna jump on them bill oh never mind I thought they're gonna die but humans have decided hey maybe firing lots of bullets really fast via mini guns is a good idea and bringing in those flamethrowers and the Russians are here and the Belgians are here snipers are here and Americans and you know the SpecOps doctors from the CDC special units all the while trying to hold out while Dom bees are flying and jumping and big and exploding it's just it's just terrifying stuff but at least we have helicopters right Oh God oh my god we've got missiles - hey maybe don't fire the missiles need your friendly units cuz it looks painful man it really looks like that's a bad idea but you know what it might just be enough to hold back the zombie waves but this is only what looking down the bridge oh my god you see that in the distance that's a deus ex machina that's more zombie waves as these ones get destroyed by so whoever decided to bring that rocket launcher actually is a genius and look at this this is this is no ordinary helicopter that's a transport helicopter there's reports that we that humans aren't the only one affected by the zombie virus apparently also snakes some of these zombies are also reported to have the ability to both be able to jump and spit at the enemy and there's even rumor of some more nefarious devices while it appears to be medieval armor hovering an air this is actually what is believed to be a zombie spawner I guess zombies are masters of metallurgy and have created oh god that looks dangerous oh no that's acid spit going everywhere those rush into offenders are unfortunately being infected I don't even think the transport helicopter which is para dropping people down via grappling cables which is just an absolute genius fern you're a wild man he's the maker of the zombie mod by the way oh yeah flying zombies so here you can see the seven mile bridge being overwhelmed the fortifications here that means we're gonna have seed the Battle of Key West aren't we it seems that humanity is being overwhelmed there's just an endless supply of zombies even despite how stupid some of the zombies are and when they when they decide to jump off the cliff I mean you know that's zombies be zombies bro but these little concrete barriers are doing a pretty good job at stopping a number of the zombies man oh God the flying ones are picking up the humans there oh my god the flying ones are affecting the helicopter that thing's got to get out of here before it crashes oh wait it's got its got the it's got the virus antiserum on it what's that another deus ex machina i think so oh god this is not bode well for humans get back to the Keywest fortress the Battle of Key West has just begun humanity's final outpost it appears that the zombies are actually attracted to the serum I think they know that it will destroy their virus and render them ineffective and thus able to be killed in totality so the Allied nations have joined together in hold on do you yeah I hear the zombies and there's a lot of them some of these are actually cytokinesis versions which we have not seen yet which means there's some form of telepathic attacking but I swear I hear Jets oh my goodness humanity's bringing in the sr-71 blackbird they're calling in a b-2 stealth bomber and a transport aircraft probably dropping in crazy Spetsnaz Special Forces soldiers again but I think that humanity will be able to withstand zombie epidemic if we unite together and none of these planes fly off the cliff oh my god the b2 is dropping bombs and no these we're not dropping bombs over back we are dropping Special Forces units a lot of bombs what's the sr-71 doing and oh my god work carpet bombing the zombies do you see that that is glorious totally accurate planes are a little bit wonky but I dare say their bums are fantabulous oh man that does not bode well though okay let's watch this in in subtle real-time attempt the zombies are doing a pretty good job the sr-71 I don't know if it's trying to land or if it's crashing it's a little bit difficult to tell the b2 is also appearing to land in crash maybe they're flying away hey welcome back to the battle mister jet plane those are propellers yeah you're right you're right those are propellers come on boys keep fighting we've got to hold out as long as possible oh my god the parachutists are getting eaten alive as they're flying down Oh God wait a minute guys if the zombies take over here that means the few survivors who just happens to text communicate the formula to a few survivors in where let me know where they're sending it to and what the story is because the story goes on this was just act one of the some of the totally accurate zombie epidemic days anyway thanks for watching another episode of totally our battle simulator this one was a lot of fun in extra silly we used UW's modern faction mod and we used ferns zombification mod and we used UML the mod manager by fern and you know what our Star Wars mod is now available to be downloaded and played by you guys so I hope you do enjoy it hope you having a good day thanks for watching I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 6,438,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, tabs, tabs mods, tabs zombies, tabs military, tabs zombie faction, tabs zombie invasion, tabs military faction, tabs battle, zombie invasion, zombie, military, military vs zombies, zombie army, zombies vs army, army defense, zombie swarm, zombie horde, mar20
Id: v-W4iVdD8hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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