Totally Accurate Battle Simulator Xbox One Livestream! We Play TABS Live

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Streamed it to my tv while I was very much not well today. Cheered me right up.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mattress757 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 10 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] and we'll be playing it totally accurate battle simulator today which I mean Mike will be playing yes I will yeah it's on Xbox finally finally yes I believe so something like the December the 19th or something crazy like that and we've got Andy in comments corner he's been confined yeah many many crimes are you doing how he sounded sounding so the framerate in this gets real messy real quick ok because of the physics yeah because of all the physics yeah holding up reasonably well this is a pyro is a bunch of half it's just a sandbox you can do it your missions right you're like a campaign yeah we can do a bit of that later captain I believe in you do it and we could slo-mo what do you write firing any for anyone who has never seen or heard of Toki accurately the name is ironic name is Oh everything's I run it because it's very inaccurate it is a battle oh so it's not completely inaccurate and it does simulate things yes captain it is far from totally accurate ragdoll physics notion to you yeah we've streamed it a few times on an outside excess you hilarious results oh the hoffmans one what look look man it's those murder puppets they always win always where you go well so that was that was a pirate captain but I feel like yep maybe if I get rid of this guy actually you go rid of the pirate code all right well I'm gonna I'm gonna bring in a pirate Queen as well oh yay there she's extremely dangerous oh nice he's gonna be the forward he's gonna be the forward I love this yes Oh so you can assume direct control oh yeah yeah it's always a bad idea usually oh my god I love her bandanna necklace okay lost a bit of screen here yeah no it's back I kind of screen has come back speaking of comments okay yeah we've got a few here ajx SJS has put one of those cool stickers inside describe it to me I can't see your screen from here it says wait for it yeah and it's got the the a is like a clock Tom to their instances happy new year everyone wish I could stay but I have to drive three hours could I get away for later Oh grace Bonnie what's the net greater Molly greater actual pirate queen greater Molly yeah you think you've an born an angel feet says Happy New Year Oh X got any resolutions for 2020 like you I think basically save the resolutions for February because January is just about getting through it January is just about whatever it takes take care of yourself take care of your loved ones whatever you have to do to make it fine and then February let's think about resolution yeah okay yeah I haven't eaten any meat I've just got some flippant remark and you're like well Jane I'm trying to do right by animals in the environment by not eating them yeah okay added a pirate long sorry Viking longship it's not water well what's exploding well oh my god okay we're jim and its own cpu cool yeah i mean this is the most powerful console it's possible to laugh yes really she was probably not the top priority for the developer it was like silly googly eyes that's very different arena because this one's kind of yeah your basic okay Luke T Simmons says Happy New Year rocksbox wishing you all the best of 20/20 and looking forward to amazing content and EGX rezzed ox mention oh yes yes so we are doing two centuries downstate but we are doing to live DeeDee shows Ajax we announced it but both nights tickets are already running low I mean that's breathe no no no oh good oh let me get that URL up because we were gonna make a trailer in the studio next week and I'm gonna feel real bad if we put out a trailer on any tickets yeah we're we're not so surprised that it's egx dotnet forward slash raised for /t no don't tell them about tickets them quick they're being you're gonna make a trailer can you promote this so I assumed they weren't nearly sold out well I'm just telling me what it says here on the ticketing website it says can you are you ready for that yeah what if Johnny says no so we have to do Raven Rollins has got a new year's resolution everyone here can accomplish today what's that she knocks box livestream resolution I love it yeah Michelle shed or says Happy New Year guys loving what love watching tabs play just found out my boyfriend bought tickets to egx 2020 looking forward to a live ox venture I think so later this year also the one late this year Wow yeah okay we don't everything barely well Valkyries like then they take you off to the afterlife so they don't about me really like they're the ones that take you to the afterlife but I also had archers firing snakes so I thought maybe that would help this is a y'all these are all not only physically accurate but historically of course these French archers did fire snakes with their long bows I feel like they had to be so long I feel like it's makes me less effective after being fired out of a bow it be all discombobulated and scared in the snake to us now okay alright okay mr. Harry gray says Andy what's the type of hat you're wearing this is a snap brim Fedora what a great question thanks very gray this is a guru in brothers snap brim Fedora these days Dean the butcher is the name of the style if you want partnership for did you like a brand brothers do you want to get in touch please do this guy gave me a Brandon bros are extremely good that's I am NOT being paid by them I pay them a lot of money just taking a rock to the face it occurs to me that actually the snakes are into it so they don't need to be artificially like straight they're just like going headfirst the speed at which they travel yeah yeah its nature Spears snakes cool koni koni Union crown Yin Kalyan says notice me senpai IG Eric Lumiere lemare ID Eric dumare Happy New Year single snake or for sake but inside it have a pretty balanced thing he's won this time with very I mean the dragon did nothing other than draw fire more simulations bring me more science date let's see that one again yeah watch this down hard on the blister yes and then the dragon man comes in the back and does no good whatsoever no wait he's oh they've stumbled on a boulder yeah they've been got by a ballista ball Oh Valkyries still chipping away at the enemy yeah exactly rockin and yang okay let's let's start again with a different setting spooky on me the Halloween army what's the spookiest we thinking medieval medieval yeah yeah like an old castle oh we got a lot of comments coming in let me get some more Dave Mackay says hey your first live stream in a while so good to see your faces we've had a great break recently had family lose property in the bush fires in Australia so this livestream is nice pick me up Roxas and says hi everyone I just want to talk about the Australian bushfires removing the damage is larger than Belgium and Switzerland combined please visit door a yen every cent helps go for the Red Cross go for wires the wildlife rescue folks yeah Lewis Hamilton donated half a million dollars Wow which is pretty alright rad I take back everything you see that the video of the American firefighters arriving in Australia by cheering them is really good yeah liquid snake is a new member welcome hope you know that oh it's list quits it's a liquid snake isn't this a whiny British jerk I've accidentally poked out the tree yes that's good you've got the high ground yeah but the skeletons already full no no anything in a tree alright so let me just talk you through our guy okay a line of skeleton warriors okay line behind them skeleton watches go to the top of them right then I've got candle heads no idea what they are what is it let's find out they called handle tongs gamer says there are spooky maps I don't we can't go by anyway they've got their heads on fire sword caster then I've got a zombie vampires here sure bringing up the rear line of vampires some pumpkin catapults yep and then the sword casters you have action and a single Reaper oh I've seen the Reaper sweet was incredibly scary it's like a floating Slenderman Oh a bit of brutal legend remember the drowning doom faction they were all the goth yes [Music] we just see what it sounded test-case thousand hobbits yeah thousand hobbits yeah thousand public's versus the army of the Damned okay David's Stepanek says I wish I could say to watch but I have to get ready for a car trip I'll watch later thank you for when section is a new member and Zack Scylla one says I used to just have the tetris song in my head like Jane now it alternates with that dang owl song thanks to Ellen er here we go yes oh my gosh oh the hobbies have launched themselves at the front line yes launch yourself for that Wow that's how we discipline Hobbit battle discipline bounce and continue to explode go powerful Halloween magic yeah yeah but it's too far now it's what's in there down here lines weird purple oh the hobbits are possessed ah they've been possessed the candle head Oh My yes the hobbits I saw a meme the other day which was a picture of the Fellowship of the Ring yeah it was like the fellowship at ninety percent strength and it was the same picture but it was just Aragorn and Sam and then it was like the fellowship at 89% Serena was just sent those hobbits those wily hobbits the real hero I can't believe I can't wait for the Reapers get involved it's gonna be good so quite a lot of Blair sheds here says hello three Happy New Year watching and working how you three be blanket I'm wearing a fun t-shirt that says Friday but you know like in penny wise is layer they're all being yeah stranding vibe as well with the strands with the excise Oh Oh does he like throw the dead hobbits a sword and swung around by the Grim Reaper see if they're only speaking maps okay I see that was in the Halloween spirit early all right no one says Happy New Year you guys make the insomnia worth it also nice hat Andy m'lady spooky one first Loren East is new member Marius Jensen says - Denmark's supposed to study for my exams but you have to prioritize your time fresh so what should we see how dangerous a single reaper is yes is what do you see how many tentacles does have eight six okay put it against a Thomas hate vampires six vampires no spook on spook combat oh wait you know give it a pirate king and queen oh yes okay captain pirate duo couple new members here stanislav fill gas and dark beer docks fan which is cool thanks for joining here we go get ready real close Wow okay oh damn oh oh yeah he's now death juice is coming out of them no on pirate queen the power queen is massive red victory what happy birthday how you kill death Pirate Queen is amazing despise the ocean inside that spooky let me see the face of the Pirate Queen I want a confirmed life maybe game she does have a tentacle coming out i ball alright well so how many hot they need to ramp up the spooky team because obviously they just lost so yeah a single vampire let's see what's a single vampire oh my god and the park we just got Team Rocket it up into oh my god red victory again okay gonna have to add some more spooks Clara Danielson says I'm trying to piece together my first 17d characters she's a gnome wizard very adventurous only slightly obsessed with fire and explosions so like the best parts of Dominic but combined it'll be so much fun yeah you explode yourself a pumpkin yeah they are like a tank they're drawing I agree they were crane efficient oh okay good corny and says should mention that I made a cyberpunk painting of you guys and extra-- also don't worry about the name thank you thank you for your name Court County incor nyan ok Union I think thank you for your patient as more pirate oh yeah 50% more pirate bombs rose okay so a bomb turing detail yes the reapers failed to get them over the edge so basically well can you have two right Chris Manson says Happy New Year rocksbox freelance Friday plus livestream equals good times currently illustrating climate change comics written by schoolchildren okay I'll take about heartwarming sort of like a Mike playthrough what do you mean if they've done he's done like a photographic well the children have written their home addresses yeah yeah comics yeah no I know what you mean Zanzibar White says happy place a new year any idea when this will be released on ps4 or has it been already and I just didn't notice it hasn't already yeah but I mean if it sat on one console I wouldn't be surprised if it's coming to PlayStation at some point but yeah there's no date on it they don't tend to do something access no no I mean this game is definitely not finished the framerate suggested whoa yeah there's a couple Campbell had couple Reapers okay pirate what can we add to even the odds for me pretty even that's right keeps going like yeah three people talking about the corazon song in the comments yeah Sarah Wilkins says Andy will there be more rock Sencha songs loved Corazon Corazon what the heck oh it's a minute oh yeah okay I got bored of just having paradise yeah that's right more songs about what additional centuries thank what genre is seeking me what the Eggbert song would be and he said like a que rs1 rap song yeah how about a prudence let me think on it come back to me sunshine character I feel like a Kate Bush kind of number you know like a Woodley kind of Heathcliff smothering heights come on Kate Bush number like it yeah DaVinci tank let's get four nineties I've not seen one of those before right oh boy yeah but it's way more effective in assassin's creed if you haven't heard that song there's a bit of it in today's show the week see you then it's also the end of the most reasonable I don't think da Vinci's tanks it would be extremely dizzy I think everyone inside is extreme self definitive it's like a gyroscope he stays he stays dead in who's killed DaVinci but could not tell you who read survival Wars yeah as usual should we choice of the campaign yeah we should because how much is fun but sometimes you need limitations you know on your creativity to get your best work you know like Stephen McCormick thinks you should have a symphonic metal theme I mean metal yes yeah yeah can you start we'd like a Kate Bush kind of Whaley you know yeah and then oh yeah okay so this is the campaign mode I'm in adventure mode I have to create a red team that can beat this blue team with a very strict budget oh dang but it seems like I can choose from whoever I like so how much you got three thousand points to spend and how much the pirate queen too much oh you have one pirate queen she's amazing she's gonna destroy right what can you have a 500 we can have how much are they how much try trying yet one oh yeah thirty fifty she could have ten of them yeah ten hobbits there's a pirate queen and a hobbit yeah yeah the little Hobbit shield here like mighty dices the Flying V formation okay go faith in The Pirate Queen I think baking these hobbits lets tabs alright it's getting well so far okay homies a good assault drawing some of the heat off yeah a sword rack they hang on and yeah oh there's rocks though there's rocks in okay keep moving pirate queen yeah oh my god okay nice swinging just keep swinging just nail it Helen a says greetings fellow humans I'm gonna train so mr. stream looking forward to watch what I'm assuming will be the usual joyful ox box pandemonium of my hotel game places I'm just gonna go for three cats balls alright okay do you think that's the solution oh yeah Blair says barbers don't deal with the Grim Reaper there they say don't fear the reaper watch this oh absolutely devastation yeah yeah now we just need the hobbits too close to the agro and then yes see says this looks like what my D&D session tomorrow will be my underleveled group chose to steal from a red dragon the Grim Reaper you're gonna get us all killed so yeah that what what do you want a bunch of scarecrows yeah is way too many scarecrows to keep that field safe well I saw there's a scarecrow there's not enough corn and too many scarecrows I would like to try a those valleys were pretty good one no there's 500 calories for daily army Valkyries yeah sure can you imagine the terror you're like some pesky some medieval peasant and these winged al curries come and get you well shouldn't be standing against the Valkyrie army you soon yeah look at this they attack by like zooming in Oh Britton Rollins says have you all watched The Witcher I am obsessed any of us have yes no no that's a good song called toss a coin dealer which hmm Luke's watched it Luke how's the Witcher he says he doesn't like it okay is your review but all the pinions are valid he says so that's good okay so I've got 120 oh that's so few enemies on the bridge PC I can t hop it but I could also have a STONER just numbers you just want to swim with as many let's have a spear throw let's try single spear throw all right see what happens okay fine two hobbits well canoe so that's fine but did he die don't you die did he know let's find out yeah yeah I was like playing possum that angle yeah thread the needle yeah hope it was like if I just lie perfectly still Ram skull over his groin look at his army of hobbits just look at that battle discipline yeah I know I did that in them what do you want to kill they tell me what they're about to have in them Thanks snake archers Oh can they reload fast enough to take out that many put them a bit further back Stephanie Hugh says hey ox folks love watching your videos they have really helped me out on some tough times looking forward to seeing your DMV EGX rezzed sweet what seeing you there why they punishing me which I will remind you again is running low in rap king of Bobby get pins pins oh it's like a Roman turtle for me yeah instead of shields as hobbits and his day of Romans as hobbits that snake is dead trying to get back on stage and they're gonna like carry it a lot I'm not sure the snake archers are gonna do it for me to be honest it's like their battle standards just one big dead snake oh my boys tip for Mike from dapper Horace play hallow night it's the right combination of souls born and Metroidvania it's like side-scrolling right but like side-scrolling Castlevania II Dark Souls II thing ajx SJS says you guys should sell corazon song and if you make more songs we could try and make it a best-selling album right now they're dangerously close to these I think this is a bus I think there's too many hobbits look at this frame rate just like Lord Shiva I'm trying to hold on they just kind of hang on there like weird little zombies Tolkien's um bees look he's holding these well let's not talk about where he's holding he's holding what he can reach waist I although I yeah my Snake Eyes Atos darling yes you say it guys got both oh all right something that doesn't have like a range or a reload time let's clear arts team yeah no one says even death can't stop Anne Bonny the pirate queen yeah it's true talking of should we see what a pirate what I'm a pirate queen you're after new members at Oh add Hagin Hagin that's for now bill and Angie white thank you for joining whoo and Raheem et says just wanted to pop in and say hi is it's 10:25 p.m. over here in Australia and my birthday tomorrow so I need to get up early hope you guys have a good afternoon today I mean happy birthday though then oh yeah shouldn't need to get up early no unless you want to enjoy the most birthday Oh like you've got a really early hot air balloon flight or something something really good ok yes sunrise is hot air balloon flight Patrick long says a pair of cheerleaders will turn a ballista into an anti-aircraft cannon so that's what watch this they've made a fatal mistake to bundle up around the park Oh [Applause] clean them up Peter Hague also says more cheerleaders buff those units it's hilarious also trying to read more books by female authors this year do you guys have any favorites eggwin yeah yet some fantasy going in there yeah my dad would always oh yeah the new Margaret Atwood Handmaid's Tale sequel I mean you get rounds for watching that sorry reading that and I have not yet so that would be awesome I've got a mere 300 to play with here ok Tyra I think I remember this one being especially challenging when we played it last time so Nathan need says Evanescence literally the one good thing to come out of Arkansas since Johnny Cash I'm sure that can't be true and Johnny Cash musically super powerful duo distinctive Arkansas sound what's going on these are like bards so they've stuck yeah but they attract the siren like side papers um but I've brought a bone mage who I think he's gonna like magic the bones out of their body like Bo no man sir me boner man sir okay sorry that's just the etymology of that word Andy I can't help Mike and Andy you guys should play tabs horse against each other and Jane should play the winner love your dad's horse right yeah so like basketball it's Tony Hawk's Pro Skater yes yeah oh it's that guy from Ice Age it's that care oh yeah what's it yeah yeah yeah where's the cheerleader which what category of thing is a cheerleader medieval I don't know if it's in this farmer oh I think maybe it's in the PC version but no shame sorry like secret unit oh yeah oh yeah how do we unlock the Chile during the Xbox been going for the uneasy alliance of mammoths and a bunch of vampires natural enemies yeah so next okay here we go so I've gone army of Edward Cullen's and Sid from Ice Age yes oh I think that's I think there's a lot of mages persuasion and mammoths didn't even get innocent mammoths unbloodied completely does look a bit bloodied that's just that's just warping yeah osteo man Sir Thomas horses hey good friday wandering hurry you guys he's got beard like a really big yeah like what's a slayer from guilty gear with a cool beard okay so Thomas forward wants to know if you've watched or read the expense no bonus I've heard thee is really good people keep saying it's really good yes I had the book and the show is good and it's on my very very very long list of things I should watch and then I watch Bob's Burgers since this Thomas also want to know will the corazon song be on Spotify I don't know how to put something specify that's why sleek record a proper version of it because it's just it's finished done done how do I find the Chile desert oh the tree that say you need to go to tribal one aid for tree stump with a pompom on top of it at the north edge of the map no after the blue red blue dividing line Oh tree stump with a pompom on top of it me do I have to do it during a battle I don't think I can zoom in this mode let me just start back what did use the bumpers oh it's just it's just this alright well it stopped let's go and then you can bring the camera over to where we think the pom-pom might be wait let's put two really rubbish units warning each side and I'll give us enough time as they make their way very gradually slowly ex Kearney says hi all Happy New Year nearly finished two more themes for the accenture feeling bad for the delay don't feel bad awesome to relax with the stream good enjoy relaxing and carefully al is a new member thank you joining anyway I'm looking for a pompom tree yeah let's jump some with a pompom on top of it yeah hmmm just to the left of the north this is where the divide is it might not be on this upper plateau might be on down down on the have you got it but let's have a look anyway around we can move around yay so stomp stomp stomp with a pompom on it go around the back maybe but we're in sandbox mouth mode right now right yeah you can you can find them inside where are you pom pom I see you think if you really stand out if it's a blue no they hide them hmm we go back to map mode let's see said let me read you the description again yes yeah look a tree stump with a pompom on top of it on the north edge of the map left at the blue red dividing line okay is that it I don't know how i zoom in no couple controls let's check the controls settings controls new darkness why would you not put a controller mapping in there collect it you have to look at it okay d-pad doesn't work oh that's good this is gonna be it right give me it yeah all right now I want to see every unit buffed yeah I want to see a poem Eric we know what difference it is okay well let's go back to campaign and carry on with what we were up to you all right final destination club Sarah Ella's that Sarah Alan's or he says have you guys heard of epic a very awesome symphonic metal band great female vocals and sick guitars and drums right Ellery J says hello will there be more control videos most likely not sadly I tell you what I've nearly finished control Andy when I finished it do you want to talk about it you could do like alright well if I capture a bunch of my footage like it and then we can talk and look at it cool yeah I finished a while ago so they remind my happened this is a squire okay there we go okay right definitely have enough for a cheerleader yeah oh vampire and cheerleader vampire and cheese yeah oh no what like a super-powered vampire one vampire yeah because it's like a comedy you want to see right vampire meets cheerleaders and stack they go on like this together give me a V has it changed at all give me a name he looks about the same he's being buffed oh oh he's being torn apart by hobus Oh rip to shreds try pirate to cheerleaders and a ballista write in the comments suggested because it turns it into like an airborne aircraft and here Oh auntie I got two cheerleaders and a blister all right hunter herb says I love the excitement and chaos of these dreams PS thank Luke for introducing me to pup I got to see them in concert last October thanks for introducing them to pop if you're well you're welcome I doing so well I don't know Western mark amazing the answer that's a question we ask ourselves every day how am i doing so well oh wow the reloads are so much quicker Wow good fire ballistas thanks for the cheerleaders I still don't know if it's a guy boom the guy running the ballista is so cheered yeah yeah he's so into it now but he's gonna be overwhelmed spirit max health points out the cheerleaders buff the attack speed of a unit so the most useful in combination with a high damage unit with a long cooldown cheerleaders with Mesa spinner another secret unit it's amazing spinner we can get them a spinner if you want we need to solve this problem okay I think the pirate queen needs about what about the snake snake arches plus cheerleaders and snakes for days thanks Casey McConville says you guys are great PhD application break I'm hoping to work on infrared rec tanners for renewable energy time to save the planet boys bTW Jane is my science Idol I was about to ask what's a rec tender cuz I don't I don't know oh well let me find out good luck doctor to be that's awesome and yeah good job saving the planet yes yes someone's really gonna do it we're not gonna save the planet doing this yes during the planet if anything a wreck tenor is a rectifying antenna or a special type of receiving antenna that's used for converting electromagnetic energy into direct current electricity well obviously a rectifying antenna I didn't know the cool Street lingo that's really cool good luck with your PhD Josh chuckles hey guys you helped me through a very tough time last year so I hope this goes a small way to helping all you lovely people thank you let's rock and Ride says hey guys any chance of a singing commentary Andy well Andy's gonna deliver Street right now hobbits they killed the cheerleaders were there everybody died it was good right I want to see this part a buff pirate queen okay pirate queen and her army of cheerleaders her legion it's the the first to Chile okay the first squadron of cheerleaders she's going in and she's going in hard okay see the Chile does not need to be like in proximity they don't need to be right close by now they're just cheering phone you can still hear them they're quite as they've got a ranger area-of-effect they're in full voice so you can recharge her bombs quicker presumably you'd have same okay see more bombs yes pirate queen zoom in I want to see that I want to see that killcam he was going with that gang he was going with that no remorse yes no pity okay what did you want to unlock the mace mace spinner okay go to medieval to may spin Duke yeah and look inside the tool tower to the right near the castle okay tall tower to the right near the castle this is this tall or not way yeah I mean it's near the castle isn't it yeah look inside it look inside it yes I see something yeah what is it they're amazed Oh two bases I love this way of unlocking things yeah that's brilliant look at him going hog-wild with those maces let's try them out all right some more comments because we've got a few here Tom Butler says hey guys quick on Spencer question how much how much do you guys know ahead of time about the adventures specifically the ones about individual adventurers like out of order or spotted bother almost nothing yeah we wrote backstories for our characters and we shared them with Johnny and I don't think we we all know everything about each other's characters but Johnny Shaw knows everything that we've written some stuff I suppose we filled in as we go just we didn't write comprehensive backstories yeah um but Johnny will generally draw on that will occasionally he'll like verify or like elaborate on something with one of us beforehand but even then he won't be like hey Allen I'm gonna do this so get ready yes you're like I wonder why Johnny needs to know X Y or Z yeah so we really we go into it pretty much completely fresh yes and that can be quite alarming when it's like a live show we've got no idea what's gonna happen yeah it's exhilarating yeah all right let's give this a go Serendip says Manny's the mammoth the city's the slothful fake Ice Age fan can't even name the characters I say Patrick long says start a battle with bugs they'll never kill each other okay but what about cheerleaders versus cheerleaders speaking of buffing yeah and cheerleaders yeah crimson track says all this talk of vampires and cheerleaders is giving me major Buffy flashbacks oh [Music] and Jamie McNally says it's not on xbox but I need you guys to either series or a stream of Star Wars Empire at war 2006 RTS game it's really really good okay thirteen-year-old RTS game can we patreon it well there it is that one billionaire out there patron i stupid okay shout out to Justin yen whose new member just joined thank you very much for joining and days ursa CEO walks box been replaying rock stars stone cold classic bully recently what are some of your favorite games of the ps2 era know you like Bowie no other rock star games that might people forget more is is great do you remember as well yeah open-world racing yes Wow the King absolutely are down yeah that's what he's the king that's why he's got divine right yeah Dino Crisis they should do a Resident Evil remake just like do you fun do you remember PST was such a game yes that's a tough one because they basically always here to those high splitters I'd loved another time splitters yeah Code Veronica that was Dreamcast I'm really hoping they'll do a Code Veronica remake navigator right so what tier leaders one may spinner that's what the people want but what are we facing off against let's just have a look at our competition in the first tennis level ago says any chance of Andy doing a lusty woodsman commentary by the way happy new year and best of luck to both ox box an extra from Czech Republic over the lusty woodsman woodsman character and he was a woodsman from the the Pope romance novels to stop Carrie Smith the lusty woods budget Lady Chatterley's over yeah he was acting down trees in the grounds of her palace or something exactly okay alright I'm there I'm here for oh no I'm a spinners died now it's just a cheerleader Massacre I think we could do could we do some sort of like Buffy themed vampire yeah cheerleader team sis I don't think they were what about cheerleaders versus vampires Katy McConville's are asking a fox or a streaming later the others gonna be a life is strange yeah we're gonna talk about life is strange to the endings final chapter endgame yeah so if you wanna see some analysis yeah Johnny's gonna be here as well yo Johnny adeney himself we hear you might even bring what some don't unconfirmed at this stage so yeah if you want to ask more extensive questions as well Johnny will be on that stream yeah yeah with there was a question that we said we'd address in the stream which was like the the bad dude in the most recent expenditure was called vex hmm and oh no we need Johnny here to answer this and he said it wasn't a reference oh ok so there's a character in critical role called vex and there's a character in Oxfordshire called rectifiers but yeah we put the question to Johnny like oh is this a tribute was this an easter egg and like no I think it was just a Cohen got into his head if I know Johnny Reaper surrounded by three cheerleaders okay Holland is a new member welcome hey Charlie Holland that was amazing all cheerleaders dead but then everyone's day hello police yes I'd like to report a murder yes it was the Grim Reaper he murdered so many so many what tribes will invite you tribes I just mean in their spare time like breach fights okay right um oh cool momiji men someone who could just like yeah oh no not spear like um like guys listen to this Monica Dietrich says thanks for getting me into DT he always seemed too big before had my first session as a DM last night I sorry last Friday a one-shot set in Nightmare Before Christmas nice boot door are you killed Jessica you watched before class I watched you again at Christmas and I can't afford a spear thrower what what about the pikemen if they're you pike me everyone everyone's really expensive what about harvester I guess squad no they're like the place where you go from casual dining I like I tried a farmer and he got right all right ten hobbits is there a is there a class that's lucky one it's two hobbits I mean lusty Harvester let's talk about a medium libido so he'd get sweaty but doesn't remove this [ __ ] commander Jose Erica viola says what sequel slash franchises do you want for Xbox series X X launch titles wait so like cameo - wonder brother to keep teasing the new Batman game maybe up for that because I saw on Twitter there was like a Warner Brothers like tzt Batman thing yeah I think so - like a court of owls ear okay you know what else is that we're Thomas Wayne is Batman I don't know it's but it's there's a load of connections to stuff Thomas Wayne was opportu making a game about the Batman is ten hours in a bat suit right and then Thomas Wayne is his dad he's also there he's about like a secret Illuminati starlight sure sure group that run Gotham okay yes again going nowhere went wrong it went wrong this point I do like the historical accurate pistols where you basically they're single I tell you what else is getting a new franchise entry soon maybe Tony Hawk's Pro Skater don't say don't mention on your live stream by Tony Hawk yeah I'm working on the new game and everyone's like canary or not imagine inventive shields and they're not understanding how they work we really do have a lot of options here with only a hundred points to spare I told you ten hobbits we can only afford two hobbits tonight skeleton warrior right skeleton warriors gonna farm come on Skelly yes Kelly getting there getting there my Danny get there my ponies after him Jason Oh is he possessed maybe he's terrified maybe he feared Oh it's like a fear effects kind of thing um that didn't work so what about the me spin another van Oh way too rich for my I mean this has got to be so loud painter I don't know what they do the paint is d don't we're about to find out like the warp corresponding they're painting poetry can I afford a samurai no no bottoms faction here yes I do I do he attacks units with his paintbrush and palette which do low damage thousand now what do you want to see I want cheerleaders I want a spinachy-- elitism a spinners and then some more cheerleaders and more my spinners how anime spinners doing I want even numbers of each what's the middle oh just a bunch of squirrel farmers farmers yeah but they've got sickles they got like sickles so I guess they were in the middle of their harvest and then a bunch of cheerleaders and may spinners came along and said we'll have your harvest no one says since everyone's requesting Andy to do something can only do a wrestling promo against the blue team or so I just bought tabs because you guys make it so you need to know that they're a bunch of harvesting farmers and laborers okay the name of the game is totally accurate battle simulator if you want a totally accurate prediction about how this match is gonna go down it's gonna be defeat for the blue team and victory for the red team friends oh no the back while we could see them if they were still alive there's friends friends okay maybe more what you need is what was the ratio of cheerleader to my spinner that's optimum no two cheerleaders per may spin okay all right so one third may spit okay okay Charles Davis says hey guys just wanna say hi again from Kossoff Louisiana also to say thank you for helping me get through a rough time last year you're welcome Charles in a place called cut off Louisiana cut off in Louisiana like the shorts like denim castles no that's where they were cut off historically named like OOP is a census-designated place in the Bayou Lafourche the cut amazing yeah okay and a single extra may spinner yeah CJ I've done here yes tell me okay apart from this guy who's on Oh No I'm lucky that guy we ran out of cheerleaders mate I'm sorry available southwest of New Orleans lovely all right do anything they do wow that guy is anything that guys to you oh my gosh has killed a lot of the cheering NATO I could not tell you well I mean their computer nurse says you need a cheerleaders perm a spinner right so we need a lot of cheerleaders then I think we got to that stage well we reached a critical mass of cheer then there was a cheer NATO that's beautiful where are the living ones Salman says death looks like slender which is true yeah he does let's rock and right I'm sorry what game would you like to be made into a movie Tony Hawk's Pro Skater would it be like a fast and furious action franchise about family yeah and Coronis that the family is Tony Hawk's family yes a little girl is amazing yes daughter and also his son he's got a son called smiley he does skateboarding he's really good amazing he looks like Tony Hawk but with tattoos all right pitch me pitch me this Tony Hawk action franchise right so there's a heist someone has got a briefcase full of bearer bonds yeah and it's on it's in it's really high above a halfpipe is owned by the yeah they've got a the police have got handcuffs that can get people but yeah if you do a 900 they won't know great yes about family and then they will drink erroneous okay done and it's called T hawks yeah Wow I nailed that one oh and pieces hey oh love from Norway and love your D&D a live stream for my birthday you shouldn't have happy birthday Telman happy birthday all you January babies - I'm a Capricorn and I know - well I am a genuine baby as well oh that just went straight through the spear oh no he's he head-butted himself on to the space feel like that was that was a minor miscalculation on his next time he's getting it right this time yeah Kos just what effect yeah yeah you see a drop of water on the back of your hand sometimes run the other way and Japan yeah I like bombs rose they were really good okay all right so bombs frozen cheerleaders yes okay we've got good results okay so let's have a few tomatoes bomb NATO yeah liquid liquid sneaker sink can my kazoom in a bit God's eye view is so impersonal the pain I'll try and get in a bit closer obviously the framerate goes oh that's a good point but we want to see you want to see those googly eyes yes bomb throwers yeah yeah it's a kill box why would you continue marching on kill bridge because the battle discipline you don't just wreaking havoc yikes okay we've got to do something about the king and older comment but this ends the silver says even numbers of each even numbers of each yeah did you have even numbers of units anyway this entity silver found that pleasing so that's good Alexander Hanson says Happy New Year thanks for the content you're welcome you are welcome Blair sheds is this bring it on remake is way more violent bringing always a great film I wonder if we could use like carefully placed bards to kind of divert the forces and then rake across the sides I think you might already be dead posture Oh No in the heart like Harold Zelda boy wants you one says hello you all list idea musical Easter eggs eg Luigi's Mansion theme showing up in Pikmin 2 have 20 of each color at once and they hum the song Oh 20 of each that means it's a shared universe cuz the bombing oh dear Wow lots of heal isn't a single no I kill I killed the guy they were stayed 10 get a perspective where we can see the blisters coming they say come in okay Geneva Convention violation is happening let they only want to heal they surrender they surrender now but only should have thought of that before just heal each other the power of love the healing power of love will win this battle these two are making out in their final moments oh yeah regrets and this one guy the one remaining healer that was intense kemberly hours are speaking of totally accurate have any of you been to a Renaissance Festival I work to one in Arizona and it's not totally I would I would love so hard to go to an American Renaissance Festival yeah next time we're in like I don't know anywhere in America but we're in California most often can we go to make at an American Renaissance Festival yeah you know D&D course I'm gonna go in costume I wanna yeah I wanna drink Mead do some jousting do some jousting yeah exactly can we do that yeah got it medieval times if you want I mean Renaissance Faire though okay so we get to it's in the same space food bus going to a Renaissance Fair would be that our accents would be legit okay we don't even have to put one on okay oh no another king oh no him oh he's being Grenada debates the King called the night King can't blow him up you got grenades he's on dope grenades he's just shrugging it off the Grenadier units nobody's got a friend as well no oh this is not cheer leaders drop the ball here cheerleaders traditional Oh till the end team spirit oh right making of renfa's I watched the Christmas night over Christmas I was very Christmassy and that has got strong yeah response fair energy yeah I couldn't believe that bit where she let him borrow her car yeah him being a medieval yeah yeah I mean like even if there was someone from modern day who hadn't passed their assurance yeah you can't just drive my car yeah mmm that was that was the plot hole in that film yeah yeah what are we thinking guys alright so what do we got what we thing I found is that you had like a hundred totes hundred different coats never her ex-boyfriends plates yeah she donated a different case because her ex-boyfriend really like coats Netflix is just hot people in coats hate to admit so we've got three say V DS the king is the problem slightly boys and two and a king and to slightly boys with bare heads on okay I like the blister as a concept generally all right Melissa and cheerleaders yeah so let's have a blister way back way back to cheerleaders cheerleaders okay and then hopefully the Valkyries will kind of get in amongst it yeah 600 left [Laughter] it's like petty sweets you got to spend your spare change on hold it exactly whatever you've got left just spend on hobbits I think this is a winning strategy okay do you know puppets hobbits ballista the Kings already been hit by a blister and the Valkyries slowing him down this is tanking with about crews if it is the King dead it's done the king is dead the king is dead boy boy still be alive yeah check if the X is on the bed yeah I mean they're monsters they're the bad guys for sure okay well Oh God are we fighting all right bring it on here we got knight black knight yeah - okay so you gotta chop all his limbs off okay calculating eyes blinking under that helmet okay what's good against him I've got two hobbits two hobbits Nick Geoffrey says tell Mike I have my new t-shirt ready for like really okay let's get rid of a I think should I say try it again Mike are you looking forward to seeing Nick Jefferies yeah okay sorry I didn't mean to talk over Nick Jefferies and he bought me a paladin t-shirt okay Christmas all right Hobbit oh yes yes all right German off this Oh way job of it is he still like a bit get off also say that the pirate queen is very very good against [ __ ] I tested one against 350 hobbits lost its just because they all bunch up there just the worst possible unit again its chaos theory there we go land on him yeah that's the flow effect in action small permutations and initial conditions it's a radically different outcome Shane said yes gave us like yeah so they're all gonna try and like at race off the any damage can they just hit it with below if we fall off into the sea okay okay break their bones so what do we what do you want I would like to see Musketeers because we haven't had any muskie okay where are they they were there they are yeah middle section there so musketeer Your Honor these of majalis of Muscat yeah I want to know that's all my reload those muskets no it's very slow hurry hurry my boy are they gonna be attracted oh no what the birds are bunching yeah I mean these bars really sucks down this is way needs have two lines of they can get one in front of the other yeah they duck down while they reload the other [ __ ] I don't think these guys are smart I mean have you seen their googly eyes it's nice in love with the wall these guys are immune to the bards charms it seems they just have not been effective Oh No yeah okay good maybe those round head helmets yeah about the sound of music all right they've got cats bolts what do we got Alex ape says good morning everyone I have a new Friday thing to do put on my time for work boy shirt and settle down to watch a live stream nice morning I assume you're in the States must be shown to be not time for work seem to be time for weekend yeah it's I know it's not the first weekend of the new year but this is the first weekend Blair shared knows a Ren Faire in Massachusetts isn't it's in July though okay maybe more accurate like miserable medieval England for it's me just Chucky I'm stupid I'm super into let's let's do a run fair yeah would you get like a wimple okay so I can just so after we put it onto a horse by for other people or metal jousting yes that like modern-day dancing reality TV it was totally amazing I assume you can't move you're just you just hold you hold like a jousting stick like a pole and then the horse does all the work really put some justice in yeah let's do some jousting don't even know what we're fighting ends for let's go Jess Jess Jess Jess Jess Jess speaking of speaking of battles Katie just says Happy New Year all where do you guys stand on the new turf war between dice breaker and Eurogamer I lean towards the Icebreaker because johnny has what's and see you all the rest well I think this one to do is not take aside until it's clear who's gonna win yeah and then support them going into the case because the thing come here let's just assume we're winning okay I don't know if we are the horses are down no there are some dead horse factory no because the ones that survive will be the strongest so it's kind of natural selection of right gesture on the bridge Brandon else's love you guys you should do another video of your personal favorite hit man kills witty closing statement Horrible Histories should be a game what say you I know yeah it'll be like a graphic adventure we had to recreate historical things I mean I think it would could look a bit like this oh yeah again yeah too hot lights for the ages Horrible Histories oh yeah yes what about the Roman yes the Romans in Britain at the moment I think wishing death from above good luck they've got a callback for the school play tonight and a terrified do you have to do you have to do a monologue yeah what's the play we can yeah we can help I need motivation yes do you know it costs 4000 exactly what DaVinci tank yes I wish what happens if you have a cheerleader and a DaVinci tank yes I do she's working so hard yeah like bouncing off the spinny tank yeah so much better than the one in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood show Wow it's a whirling death machine just like da Vinci intended you're done you are done son no no this one more Sun you are done son you are so much done like that to be done there we go watch this I'm getting done I can't believe you're not done yet he caused oh my god snow crowd even she won't be done now DaVinci what are you doing sister you don't need to spend no oh no oh the solar stills are coming not Dunning is just gonna get hit by a cannon just smacks with a is there another there must be another I loved it he just launched himself first at the night yeah and yes I don't expect any damage is the thing no no it's just getting up [Music] emergency [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at this Jared he's about to fall off as well this guy would defeat one of the greatest minds of a generation again so I move it slightly further away from them yeah yeah justice to be served yeah put it in the hope it doesn't just tumble off the thing all right Callum Linton says want to thank you guys for getting me and my friends into D&D better fan for ages and I've loved every minute keep it up guys I really love it when people say we got in 2d okay yeah and I like to think it's because we're so bad at it that they're like if you can do it anyone can it's that accessibility that we came to communicate all right can clothesline by cannons yeah it's quite a lot of them in fling them away at high speeds I love how this is just not at all what this thing looks like but it didn't spin any muscle okay I guess it must have had some weapon guys Campbell you can sort us out with tickets to a Renaissance Faire in Arizona and North Carolina Wow let's go to boats let's do it mini tour we did can we do not spent your life you're after renรฉe's yeah I bet they don't like D&D though because it's not I mean relation about fantasy in this little Grove oh no how's the face plate yes Jack Parkinson says the tank needs to take no damage for full sink callback right what happens if I put a DaVinci tank and then hear me out cheerleaders yep it's Ben's even faster I hope so I'm hoping it's centrifuges Leonardo DaVinci flat separates his liquid and solid components but he's a tornado now okay thank you off davinci tornado yes yes I think he's going off to space now and oh I think we wrecked it I mean it must still be alive otherwise we find everywhere mamas we'll knock it back over onto yeah maybe oh it's free okay animal okay it's on its side like a big wheel yeah yeah it's still firing okay yeah that's it Mike money in the jar all right we've got two two mammoths down no yeah only one left what was the name for the Ice Age guy Manny okay Manny I think we can win this yes all right problem was we just didn't have a lot of space why don't you put the cheerleaders up on the rooftops because then they might not get one thing is maybe I can let the two or a net co-invented Pilate yes hmm I hear some coffee and he's like you should make it a lot T tripod cheerleaders out harm's way maybe a couple in here yeah protect the cheerleaders pleasured says people go to renfa is dressed in Star Trek and Doctor Who what's I can't be the spirit of a Ren Faire did you become the Renaissance let's definitely go in D costume yeah I'm going it's Robocop all right role players judge straight and okay right so the one that I put in the courtyard has jumped out into the fray yeah the mom has tried to escape now there you go well did we die paused are we died Aleksey t says hello they're so nice to catch your stream thanks for joining us DaVinci just got all so real oh we got all centrifuged I really feel like this should work well what can we do to make it work but the cheerleaders further awakes I don't know if they need to be if there's like an AoE or if they're just being on the same team helps because if they start further away then they won't get minced up by the spinning okay your machine shall we put a tank on here and then then the cheerleaders on the roof yes agreed cheerleaders on the roof yep and further away I don't think they've got AoE I think they just have to be on the same side we can get some real good free tickets to self Cameron Gore can hook us up with free tickets and beer for the Virginia Scottish Games Festival okay we tossing here we can cut some cavers okay let's do a tour of all the Ren Faire and Scottish caber tossing fairs in North America okay you try to toss the caber the techno it looks hard we crashed oh good job DaVinci I thought you were history's greatest genius a butterfly effect it's going tears it's got like shopping trolley car still can oh no you underbelly you're exposing it to the mammoth in a way in a way because is not mental this is actually somehow more effective than our previous yeah we killed two the first time angel B thinks we should go as our D&D characters Bart Breen Star Trek communicator yeah it's a holodeck chaos episode I believe all gone to do holodeck episode and then all the Renaissance Holograms come yes agreed that went bad him strongly agree I think you might have to give up this da Vinci tank cheerleader combo so I just set up t blisters down them down the streets yes [Music] lines of sight kinda like you know when there's like little channel that is leaning that's it I'm thinking of leaders death tornadoes mace spinner Plus cheerleaders yeah alright if this doesn't work may spin isn't cheerleaders who Alan Jackson says hot take Archimedes was better than DaVinci what did Archimedes paint they welcomed me DS did the thing in the bath yeah DaVinci got yeah so Archimedes moved the world with a really big lever take me a place to stand then he did it yeah and that's why the year is 360 party for history lessons in Jane DaVinci probably did they just and tell anyone yeah in code the blisters are just going into the corpses of these there we go all those mammoths with yes oh ballistas rooftops ballistas okay lick their catapults oh it's a well known history fact is that's the exact same according to Alex Age there's a place in Utah called evermore it's a place for people to go laughs and it's filling vests and loads of people in cost you probably more into the real world it's like a theme park yeah all right I found the cult oh yeah okay can I go on live and work there maybe probably eight cheerleaders only unit creates a super unit since John Taylor like a tornado yeah okay well the critical mass of do you see what happens maybe okay a tornado may be a way oh no maybe everyone's dead both maybe everyone's immediately hailed with ballista stones wait I mean I mean that guy's cheered but he's not Oh No yeah oh there yeah that's the tornado how's your tornado he's a mace bit all right yeah and he's wrecking yes Wow okay no chill op8 cheerleaders and one may spinner is here's a little something for Jane super accurate history fact specs good luck or a quick death says rent fares a 10% history 20% crazy costumes and seventy percent drunkenly beating your friends with wooden swords nothing I don't like about any of those things there we go I've no winning strategy yes Oh God what Oh his love for you is like a truck no she's do you think to ragdolls hurling work yes cows there we go there we go again Wow yep initial conditions slightly different okay we need something a bit more power you know the unit hopes that just fling themselves at each other hobbits are those versus the Berserker okay yeah all as many hobbits yeah just a line a queue of halfling that's how many hope is like Anna flap only four okay is terrible but they're not dead well that one is its merry Pippin Frodo and the other one kick him kick him on the floor while he's down oh it's just like it's just like two towers oh that is it then hold me now okay Oh Sam Sam maestro Sam you can do come on my boy mister Gamgee come on yes yes him in the waist all right you're three minutes left it's gone so quickly what are we very absorbing this game yeah what do people want to see let's have a big final battle in sandbox mode can we see what happens if we just put one single pirate queen okay I'm just like a ton of cheerleaders like aging oh you want to see what the critical I mean isn't she just gonna really go like I'm a bee gees yeah well maybe it's on a do you hate cheerleaders is the required number for a super union yeah yep what's the collective noun of cheerleaders gaggle is it okay what are these lawnmower guys I don't know oh the bed they will bury guys oh okay not that makes a big Queen she's not way too soon look Bob roses are coming Rosses I don't think it's gonna work in this scenario because the cheerleaders but if we have some more slow-moving units against the pyro cream than eight cheerleaders yay he's dead Bob Bob roses Bob Ross his hair oh yeah oh they just wanted to paint it's like the Bob Ross or David Hasselhoff let's rock and write says I saw a documentary da Vinci was the idiot on his planet isn't that a Futurama episode oh he was like he was the stupidest person on planet on the planet genius the dumbest one okay right May spinner let's go okay let's go May spinner okay let's end this trace pindy dawn cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer hey buff spin up spin up you jerk yes alright okay whipping them up oh honey killed all these cheerleaders oh no just to celebrate yep he's in the middle of the spin Nadeau is nice Kenny Stoneman says outside Seattle is Camlann all about historical accuracy in English village in 1364 built using medieval meth they even compiled the world's largest collection of recipes from the era Wow about all that food tastes like garbage I really think we should hire tour bus and just go from this place they should raise a child in that village in 1364 when they turn 18 they should but also they've got twin who's been raised in the present day in the big city and then they do a life swap and Christmas time whole yeah we give them like I don't know an Apple watch this is a time travel let them drive my car and then we drop them in the middle of Times Square yeah okay this is this choke point is amazing so choked dumb hay bales why were they disguised as hay bales hmm senses can we have a super Hobbit I don't know how many eight cheerleaders and one Hobbit okay we can try it because this is going badly can reload its hope it powers oh no what a critical hub it looks like yeah maybe don't do your cheerleading directly in front of the bit where the arrows coming you idiot cheerleaders making us all look bad yeah look at this all right super Hobbit all right I'll give it a whirl you guys single single Hobbit single Hobbit right here eight cheerleaders and then if you've got enough left over another eight cheerleaders in an argument I don't know if you up okay let's see what this Hobbit can achieve anyway okay but let's go into sandbox mode into a super Hobbit to finish yeah okay cuz six cheerleaders just isn't enough to cheer this little hobbit all right you wanna you want to see it in there alright we're gonna end the way we all knew it would with a superhot because this is a scientific simulation yes we're gonna do it on a sign grid so what are you eight a cheerleaders a nearly one horse it's yeah it's like The Bachelor and then on the other side regular just the Dracula yeah just a Dracula okay trakula yeah I put the dragon dude one Hobbit betta Dracula if he had eight cheerleaders - we're about to find out come on hop it do you think oh my god not a vampire because they're too fast Oh King what about King okay fine cuz king - way too powerful just like a squire just like a dumbass Squire slow-moving and expendable yeah okay it's happening it's happening come on super whole bit alright alright alright well thank you so much in 27 minutes time on outside extra we will be discussing the ending of confirmed Lucas over here also in the building also get tickets for the Red Sox benches if you want tickets please don't jinke once a row to herself we said we'd make it try to the next week and we gonna make a trailer and then we don't have to make a trailer if we've already said the point of the trailer is to sell tickets if it will sell out that's the point of faking the trailer they want a trailer they want a fun trailer all right anyway what's the goal they want the trailers with you anyway thank you so much for joining us for this tapestry we will see you soon for the Oxford stream please come and watch all be fun bye see you soon [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 93,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, tabs, tabs xbox one, totally accurate battle simulator, totally accurate battle simulator xbox one, livestream, live stream, tabs live stream, tabs livestream, totally accurate battle simulator live stream, funny, funny moments, tabs funny, tabs funny moments, xbox one
Id: MpBFuk3SQBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 9sec (5769 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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