DxO Quick Start - Control Points

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hello this is a quick tutorial on a get start guide to diesel here i haven't seen many of them for the latest diesel 4 we're on right now right here you see the latest gui on the left-hand side you have your metadata histogram you can easily change what you see on your left by hitting palettes up here and you can just you know add things like advanced history take away this is what i like to see i like to see uh basically my metadata a little zoom sample picture and i got my histogram things i like to look at so instead of looking at this big list like diesel used to have they've modified it so you have uh this little guide up here so you can just easily tab your way through exposure details uh color geometry and then you have basically your list of control points and we'll get into that in a second here and effects is really really cool get into the water marking the end of your picture makes watermarking really quick and really easy let's start because this is just really about control points really quick the library is your whole computer um so you don't need to worry about going to root folders any of that bs just bring this up right here this is the folder i'm looking at uh when i if you had seen it when i brought it up you'll see a just a just a regular like what do they call it just a breakdown just like you would a little schematic of your whole computer and just pick a folder and right now we're at a folder of some beat shots i took this is the entire folder scrolling through this is a image that i have edited little symbol up here if i hold my mouse over an image you can see the metadata for that image once again all the parameters can be tweaked um in the preference guide you can tweak how you want these pictures to behave when you hold your mouse over it if you want and what information you want to see do you want to see these these ratings however you want to do that anyways i've selected an image here a little beach shot of a cute little house and what we're going to do today is go over different control points you can see i have my highlights and shadows selected the detectors and so we can move through here really quick and just do some some basic enhancements uh these sliders are super super effective um so sometimes i just like to use the buttons to get a little more control but let's just do some basic little enhancements here to get us started on this image and we'll look at the control points and how some of this stuff works and we can throw just a slight curve on there really quick and get ourselves going here uh this is uh smart lighting it's on uniform right now because spot weighted would be more in for a portrait someone's face but on a landscape picture like this with no one in it we just have uniform lighting you can adjust the intensity you can adjust this the overall how it affects slight medium strong so we're just going to double click on that and it'll bring it back to the default setting clearview plus is really really powerful if you haven't messed with that something to tweak on it really just it's kind of like a it's kind of like a d haze on steroids mixed with uh contrast and it's really really really effective on a hazy image you can see what it's doing to those back mountains there if you look at the background those mountains you can see how it just really really clears them up and starts to add a lot of definition we're going to leave that off for now we don't want to mess with that then we'll just set it back to its default setting and leave it off i'm going to hit it with some contrast uh and the microcontrast is this will this little auto little magic symbol it's on auto i'll let it do its own thing so let's get busy with what we planned to do here and start looking at um of course you could you know you could keep going with all these global global edits uh but that's not really what diesel is you know best at uh you can really get in here we're gonna go to local adjustments and have some fun with the control points so let's check out the basics of a control point and we'll start with these windows it's a wonderful place to start we want to say bring down the exposure values of of these front windows so we can get some beautiful color out of that sunset so what we're going to do is start by just right clicking and we can see that right now it you can select whatever you want right do you have auto brush we have an eraser we have a new mask reset uh regular brush uh gradient and all these all these can all do basically the same functions as far as your control points uh they can all adjust all your perimeters uh so whatever one you want to use is really up to you there's no wrong or right way so in this case we're going to select control point so when i click again it's going to enter a control point so we're going to put a control point in a strategic location on these windows because i'm keeping in mind that i want to pull out my little ring of adjustment circle over as much as this as i can so i'm just going to put it right here and pull out my little area of adjustment in fact i'm going to drag it kind of right over here because i can just get more of the area there just want to get maximum area here i think i'll just leave it right there now what happens is instantly this little uh schematic comes up your little heads up display and with this heads-up display you can change literally everything about that tonal value or the area you selected uh whether you want to exchange anything about the exposure midtones highlights all that good stuff you can do that independently so now everything you want to change has been localized into just this tonal value right here let's start with the exposure it's very powerful so you only need to touch it just a little bit just bring it down slightly and you can already see it's going to work it's bringing down only the values the tonal values of these front windows as you can see it is not touching anything else to show that i will bring it down very drastically and you can see only the tonal values of these windows are being brought down nothing else is being affected so we'll bring that back up to a tasteful level and we'll just leave it there for now now if this is in your way if you want to do something else say you want to sharpen the window say you want to bring some color out of the windows we can just go down here and you got vibrance right here and i'll just kick up the vibrance on those windows so anything you want to do to to the tonal value you've selected within the control point can be done right at that time if this is in your way boom click it and now it's out of the way let's take a look at something else and we'll go down to these other windows right here and what i'm going to want to do is say i want to make the same adjustment say i want to let's just pull this over here and i want to make the same adjustment and that would be adding a exposure adjustment now what's going to happen is if i were to just uh enter a control point right now and because i'm just so stoked on the fact this is so easy and i were to just start bringing this down you can see that what's gonna happen is uh you're gonna run into this is also going to start uh bringing this down it's gonna affect this control point too if it's oh i'm sorry i'm color my my bad my bad so if you go to exposure you can see that if you bring the exposure down it's going to affect this one too and so you're going hey what the hey and that is because uh what we got to do before we do an a new control point we're going to delete this we're just going to delete this is we got to uh add a new mask because until we add a new mask all these control points are going to be select connected so are you with me still so what we're doing is we added one control point if i want to i want to adjust the exposure on these windows but what we got to do is add a new mask so that it disconnects this new control point from this control point and that really is a beauty because you want to be able to keep control points connected because you want to keep say you want you want to keep the same evenness and color values so it all looks nice and even and that's really the beauty of it is you can select whatever areas and control whatever precise areas you want and you can keep them all connected and move them all at once or independently so however you want to get into your image or adjust it is totally up to you so now we have a new mask selected i'm going to move on in here and put the control point desired radius of the control point and i'm just going to put it in a nice location so i can get maximum area and so we'll just go ahead and grab our our exposure value now you can see it's only affecting this front window area not affecting this top area at all i'm going to get it out of it and so we can just adjust that to our liking and if i were to turn it up totally independent but we'll just bring it down slightly to our liking so we can get some color out of that sun it's not necessarily good or bad but this is how the control point works and we can just click right there and get it out of the way so just the same uh let's try something like uh auto mask so if you wanted to auto mask we could uh right click new mask and actually i wouldn't really auto mask right here i'd probably use a gradient so we could just right click and a gradient and we can just go right here and bring the gradient right up like this now this is the hard edge of your gradient and this is the the gradient itself that that that starts to uh whatever taper off right there so if you wanted a hard edge gradient you could just bring this down and that just becomes a hard edge right there and if you want it a soft then you can just soften it up and it starts to taper off just like that so if i were to use a gradient you could just kind of taper it right into the rocks there and you could kind of bring down the exposure value of the front yard or the front sand there very easily and we'll get rid of that what i want to do is is start adding enough control points so that you can see how you can organize and how they can be organized later on so let's take a look this one also will right-click remember new layer because i don't want this window perimeters to be connected to what i just did to the sand that would be horrible so new layer and excuse me a new layer and we'll just go ahead and select control point and we can just bring this radius area down and once again bring that exposure down let's take a look at something else real quick oops once again i i added a control point accidentally no big i'll just erase that and i'm gonna take a look now look at these trees i haven't done any sharpening to these to this picture yet and i accidentally clicked the control point i haven't done any sharpening to this picture yet so but and say i don't say i say i don't want to do any sharpening to the picture i just want to do everything in a localized sense i don't want to add any big global adjustments so once again we're going to right click and we can just add a new mask area this time we're going to just right click right there at the control point we can just broaden it out to this tree once again it's only selecting or affecting the tonal values of this tree we can come down here to uh details and i'm just going to selectively sharpen only the tree so in luminar it'd be like if you were just selecting um like foliage enhancement the the better the cool thing is that i am completely everything is independent i can sharpen as much as i want de-sharpen as much as i want i can go to color uh i can take the the shadows if i wanted to erase the shadows in this tree the contrast uh maybe i just want to use some clear view some clear view plus on the tree see what it does uh so all that can be changed independently let's just let's bring up the shadows on that tree see if we can get some more detail in there and the leaves and all it is doing is affecting the tree that is all it's affecting is just the tonal values of the tree it's sharpening the tree giving us more definition i'll just bring that up and you can see hopefully that those tree leaves are indeed uh gaining detail and becoming much sharper so let's take a look at another one we'll come up here to these uh mountain this mountain range here new mask and we'll just select now what we can do let's just let's do a new one let's do a auto mask right here now auto mask i want to show you what you can do is if you hit control and use your wheel you can easily just use your will kit control what is it on a mac as command and just uh use your wheel and you can easily expand the circumference of your area now on auto mask it is the inside that inside where the plus is the darkened area that is the area you want to worry about as long as that area is painting in the uh desired tonal range you don't have to worry about being sloppy so we're just gonna kind of paint and just we're just gonna hit that tonal just make sure i want to bring this down huge so we're just gonna make sure that inside ring is hitting that tonal area and it doesn't have to be really neat at all i'm just going to make sure that inside ring is hitting the tonal area and you don't have to be precise at all we're just going to get that stuff and so now that that mask is applied we can just go down to let's see we'll go up here and we can go to say where did clearview go clear view and we'll add some clear view just to those mountains and that's all that's affecting now if you wanted to just say uh add the or adjust the exposure um of just those mountains then we can just bring down the exposure of the mountains and you can see it's not some artifacts right in here and this is just basically where i didn't hit the mask yeah that was a you want to watch yourself with clear view here so add that and then we can bring down the exposure safely and a couple artifacts there and i think that was i think that much better so the artifacts disappeared i would uh let's see i can go in and i can basically erase there if i wanted um what was my erase button let's see eraser and i can just like erase this area out if i want anyways i added a new control point there but let's take a look here it's kind of made a mess of that and that was my there's my auto mask so we can go back here and you can see i was erasing my auto mask i can just get rid of my auto mask altogether if i want right there and redo it which is probably what i would do because i kind of really messed up this area here but i think you see the point um all my control points are now here if i want to hear that window the graduated filter here and then that first control point right here super super easy these uh once again the uh the adjustments are super freaking powerful they if you uh if you go too far one way or the other as you can see you get some artifacts sometimes you have to give it a second to uh process everything and those artifacts uh go away or get resolved but just like any other you know just like any other editing program you can go too far with anything and you start ending up with artifacts so you can easily make that control point disappear anything else let's take a look at cropping real quick it's so quick you know i don't know if people are losing you luminar other things you know has to think about it for some reason before it crops i just select crop i'm going to go to geometry and uh unconstrained and i can just bring this up wherever i want there and just hit enter in this boom what you see is what you get um i'm looking at this image and let's see oh you know what i think i want to uh mess with the i don't think the uh the chimney is popping enough so i'm gonna go this is taking a little bit to process because i got obs going too and this computer is not the most powerful thing in the world so i can go to uh local adjustments and uh i'll right click and hit a control point in there because this is just you know it's pretty basic i don't want to waste time masking a freaking chimney for 10 minutes i you don't have to but i don't want to waste my masking and me for two seconds in this program uh but anyways i'm gonna add excuse me by the way that little button just shows you all your shortcuts if you wanna if you wanna hit that kind of convenient thing little question mark but i'll add my control point there and let's just work on the chimney so we're going to make the chimney pop a little bit and we'll start with some exposure on the chimney we can bring the exposure way up on the chimney if you want and i didn't add a new con i didn't add a new mask did i so let's you know what let's control z real quick and get rid of this and we'll add a new mask and then we'll add a control point and then we can go to exposure and yeah there we go bring exposure value up or down it's lagging slightly behind i'm asking a lot of this right now so we'll just give it a second there we go so exposure value can be changed if you wanted to get into the details you can see more of those little bricks there start to bring up the sharpening on that quite a bit too much there but anyways that is a quick look at how control points work and basically you just kind of wrap your head around choosing tonal values and how you want to uh strategically apply and set up all your all your control points what you see is what you get once you get used to that it just becomes uh super easy so any questions hit me up talk to you later
Channel: Paul Bertsch Photography
Views: 2,950
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Id: rGyMzwWkgLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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