Top Final Cut Pro Plugins 2021 (That Are Worth The Money)

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on this channel i talk a lot about fixing  it in camera but there are times when you   need to take your work up a few notches all  the way up to 11. put it towards 11 exactly   why don't you just make 10 louder and make 10  be the top number and make that a little louder   these guys are 11. these are my  top five plugins for final cut pro hey guys i'm rafael and welcome to the channel  where our goal is to always fix it in camera   and then finesse it in post and i always  appreciate the early thumbs up because today   is all about finessing it in post there is no  shortage of plugins that promise magical results   some do but the vast majority don't help  with most day-to-day tasks that really make   a difference in your workflow these are my top  five plugins that i use almost daily because   they actually deliver on their results we'll  start with the least expensive and work our   way up because they actually do get pricey  but i promise you they are worth the money the first one is add motion by osmf cpx you  can't really work with final cut without   add motion that's how good it is it fixes  one of the biggest drawbacks to final cut   animations and keyframes i won't get too much into  it but it is such a time saver especially when you   need to do specific movements that the simple  transform control wouldn't be able to handle   it's a great utility for creating animated  stills graphics and text all without keyframes   this plugin works simply by adding it  to a still or graphic and then changing   the parameters it's available  from fx factory for about 49   it does go on sale from time to time and there's  also a trial version available if you just want   to test it there are some presets move pop swing  along with the three basic motion it also allows   you to give objects either a motion blur or a  color trail there's also an adjustment layer that   allows you to apply a single effect to multiple  objects making the task of animating even faster   i've spoken about color finale in a video before  but before i use this plugin i used to round trip   to da vinci to do all the color work and when  da vinci started adding all the editing features   i really thought i was going to move away from  final cut but now that i use color finale i find   myself staying in final cut more often and  just finishing more of my projects within it   i definitely use this plugin on all my youtube  videos and on client projects that don't have a   preference for which nle they want to use make  sure you check out this full in-depth review i   did on color finale some of the things that i  really like about color finale over the other   color grading plugins in final cut is that many  of the tools are normally only found in higher   end standalone color grading systems the tool  set found in color finale has been designed   specifically to simplify the workflow between  editing and color grading one of my favorite   features that i use on every project that is  shot on log is the assume log function if i have   to run dailies or select i drop this plugin  on all the footage and set it to assume log   and it does a simple base color correction so the  client or director see the footage the way the dp   intended and doesn't get used to or fall in love  with the washed out gray look which happens all   too often some of the key features include color  management masking area tracker shot matching tool   set lut manager a modern sharpening algorithm and  my favorite the video analysis tools it has two   versions 100 for the standard and 150 for the pro  version with all the tools that i just mentioned   and there is a demo version for you to test  so i suggest you give it at least a test drive   motion vfx okay what can i say about this company  it's one of the reasons that makes final cut   so great in my view there isn't really one plug-in  from motion vfx it's a slew of many of them the   care that they put into the suite of projects is  amazing they build them the way people would use   them and so many features are editable which  makes this a breeze to use there's the m title   series the m flare plug-in the m transition  series m tracker 3d m callouts actually all   the m packages that they have surely there is  something that you can use i love how they made   it so you have to leave final cut less and less to  do complex animations and many have the built-in   industry standard mocha tracker so you can do  things like this simply with a few clicks and   if you have even a little bit of knowledge how  to use motion you can tweak and customize them   even further each one of these modules runs  anywhere from 50 to three hundred dollars but   they are so well thought out and implemented  that it is definitely worth the checkout   noisy video neat video clean video there isn't a  better denoiser that i have found and i have tried   all of them i've gotten to the point where if  need video can't fix it then it's going to be   hard to find something that actually will anyone  who works with video will eventually need to deal   with flicker or noise neat video has been  the best and most powerful noise reduction   plug-in that i've used for years and it works  well even in automatic there are two flavors   one for hd for about 75 bucks or 430 you get the  full pro version but it only works with one nle   and it works with a host of other apps including  premiere resolve after effects and many others   this is a plug-in that i avoided getting for such  a long time and i regret not getting it sooner a   because i spent money on other plugins that didn't  work as well and b actually delivering on all the   things that i need these plugins to do i've used  other audio plugins but none of them produced the   clean results that izotope does and it was really  mainly because i didn't want to spend the money it   is an expensive plug-in compared to the other  cheaper options but it is so worth the money   and i'm not an audio first creator but i know  the importance of great audio good audio can   be the difference between someone watching your  video and skipping neck i have used isotope rx   on every single project that i've had ever since i  bought it and if there is audio it passes through   at least the d noise and nectar but the rx suite  also has the plosive the reverb the clip breath   control which is great for removing distracting  breaths which otherwise you'd have to manually go   and reduce those noises rx is deceptively simple  packing a host of editing and visualization tools   which makes rx essentially photoshop for audio you  can use it as a plugin or a standalone app which   allows for more flexibility there are three  versions rx elements for about 129 but it's   actually currently on sale as of this recording  the standard version for 3.99 but it's also on   sale and there's also rx advanced but there's  a steep price jump to over a thousand bucks   but at that point you better be serious about  your audio production but just to be clear   there are professional results in all of the  version it really depends on how knowledgeable   you are in audio engineering and if you want to  take more precise control in the audio processing   and i noticed that from time to time they have  random sales or holiday sales throughout the year   and i've taken the upgrade pass from version  to version and this isn't even considering   that rx 8 is newly updated and features all new  machine learning tech that i'm looking forward to   but before you make your decision there are free  trials for all their plugins so make sure you   check them out and since we're speaking of izotope  there's also nectar 3 which is one of my favorite   mixing tools in final cut i love how you can stack  all the filters in one interface and jump back and   forth between them and just keep finessing it also  has a built-in vocal assistant that i use as a   starting point for many of my mixes there are two  versions of nectar elements which does most of the   work for you but with little ability to tweak and  nectar three plus which gives you all the controls   for you to finesse as you want these are just  a few of my favorite plugins for final cut pro   what plugins do you guys use or recommend to  make your workflow even easier as always thanks   for watching give me a big thumbs up subscribe  i'm rafael i'll talk to you soon bye for now you
Channel: Rafael Ludwig
Views: 24,297
Rating: 4.937439 out of 5
Keywords: fcpx, learn editing, final cut pro x, final cut pro plugins, fcpx plugins, final cut pro effects, pixel film studios, fcpx plugin, final cut pro x plugins 2021, my top 5 final cut pro x plugins 2021, final cut pro vs imovie, final cut pro, video editing apps, motionvfx, izotope final cut pro, neat video final cut pro, addmotion fcpx plugin, color finale vs cinema grade, color finale fcpx, color finale 2, color finale 2 pro, accusonus era 5, accusonus, final cut pro x effects
Id: bBTGvL-U1Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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