Editing Tips & Tricks For BETTER VIDEOS In Final Cut Pro X

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today when you're sure if five editing tricks to make better videos such as zooming in on your face if you're doing like these YouTube videos or zooming out whoa that's a little bit too far let's see if we can get it back here there we go and I'm recording an idea thank you bye I'm also going to share how to do that and editing videos is by far the step that I enjoy the most when I'm creating my videos I really love the whole process of like sitting down piecing together different clips that you've shot during the day and then creating that whole sequence or video that you have in your head and then spend a lot of time with the sound design and color grading and stuff like that and that's also why I think editing is so important to practice when you're starting out to create videos because that is where you will put your own style to your videos and in this video and shoot five different tips to help make your videos better because these are a couple of things that I wish I'd known when I was starting out editing my videos the first tip is going to be how to zoom in to your video clip just like that's because it's actually like super simple but it also gives the viewer a feeling of a different camera it's a really simple way of making your videos more interesting so to do this the only thing that you got to do is to mark the clip and then set the playhead at the place where you want these zoom in to start so I'm gonna choose right here and then we want to go up here to the right and we are going to choose scale and we're gonna set a keyframe as you can see right here so we're gonna hit that and then you can see it turns yellow and the reason for that is because now the keyframe has active now we're gonna move forward six frames and then we're gonna go ahead and set another keyframe and now we want to increase the scale 250 all right so when we play that back it seems in on our subject and the cool thing is that if you're making a youtube video then just basically cut the clip where you want to cut it so you're gonna hit B and then you can choose that clip and then can increase the scale to say 150 and where you played that back is basically a hard cut that just zooms in on my face because we didn't do any heat framing we just split the clip in two and then on the second clip we increase the scale and this technique is something that I personally use a lot in my videos here on YouTube because then it feels like there's way more camera angles than it actually is so I highly recommend you to use this if you're making any kind of interview videos or YouTube videos because it like it helps the pacing of the whole video to be a lot smooth smooth smooth smooth smooth smooth criminal' tip number two is probably the most easy tip that you'll ever gonna get from me at least because this this busy just playing things in Reverse say for example I don't want to use this clip and instead of having the camera like going away from the tools I want to have a camera moved in towards the tools so the only thing that you got to do then is basically select the clip and then you're gonna go up here to this icon and then you're gonna press that and then you're gonna choose reverse clip and when you play that back voila this of course doesn't work for all the different Clips because when you have someone walking they're gonna be walking in like moonwalk but it does work especially if you're doing some establishing shots or anything like that this is also something that I use a lot in my videos when I'm planning does like whip pan transitions because then I can go from going down into panning up and then when I reverse that it's gonna be the same kind of effect so that I can piece those two clips together and the cool thing is that this doesn't just apply for video because you can just cool things with audio as well and if you've been watching a lot of my videos they probably recognize that sound but if I were to play that back the way that it's originally meant to be played then it's gonna be like a big hit with a lot of reverb but again when you play that back gives you a whole different effect so it's really cool to play around with and I highly recommended to do it tip number two done the third thing that I want to show you is going to be masking to have yourself looking at you this is actually not as hard as you might think of it but a couple of things that you need to think about to make this work is one that you need to have a constant light source like the lighting cannot change in the scene because that is gonna ruin the whole illusion if you may another thing is also just shoot in manual focus when you're planning to do a scene like this because then you don't have to worry about the camera like hunting trying to find the focus if you're not in frame or if you're like in the edge of the frame and what you do then is better that you just record yourself sitting talking whatever you want to do and when you're done with that you just move to a different place within the frame and then do the same thing like until you have enough footage that you want to have and when you're done with that it is super simple to do the editing so what you want to do is that you wanna have both clips on the timeline and then want to drag one of the clips on top of the other and this basically works like two layers as you can see right now only the top layer is visible because we can't see the bottom layer since the top layer is covering the whole screen but if we add a mask to this then we can choose what parts of that layer does can be visible together with the second layer so what you want to do is add a draw mask and then drag it onto the clip and then we're gonna see where my head is and then we're gonna set points like so all the way around and voila I'm leaning in too far from where we set the points so we're just gonna like adjust the point and then scrub through the footage really simple and see if yeah I'm still standing there looks good we just can add some feathering to this so we're gonna drag this down in this case we're gonna dry it down to like 200 and then I'm gonna play this back this looks really good you're young that's actually pretty simple and now I can just make as many copies of yourself as you possibly can the fourth thing that I want to show you is a before-and-after just like this and that is usually something that I use when I'm gonna show off the results and how the color weighting looks when you use one of my Lots and if you're interested in one of those then you can just go into the description below and it's gonna be a link right there saying like my Lots the first thing you wanna do is just duplicate the clips so we're gonna mark the clip hold down alt and then drag upwards to do a duplicate of this and since I've done some collating with my YouTube a lot onto this clip I'm gonna choose the clip below and I'm gonna remove the check from cinema grade because if we hide the top layer now you can see the difference that the lot does to our footage now I want to show off the sliding motion onto this clip sliding from the top clip to the bottom clip and then back to the top clip and to do this we are going to set a keyframe so we're gonna go up here to the transform tool and I'm going to go to the right side and we're gonna choose right and we will add a keyframe right here and I'm gonna jump forward like three seconds maybe and then we're gonna drag this all the way to the edge 38 60 or something like that and playing that back you can see that like smoothly removes the color grading and now we want to make it come back in again from the right side because it fades out towards the left and now we want to make it come back in from the right side and to do this we are gonna set a keyframe here for the left and I'm gonna just jump one frame forward and we'll set a keyframe for the right again and this time we're gonna drag the right all the way down to zero and then we're gonna drag the left all the way up to maximum now we're gonna jump forward three seconds maybe and then back set another keyframe and then drag the left all the way down so playing this back it basically looks like this [Music] that is kind of cool right super simple but really effect 'fl and like it does make a huge difference to showing off those before-and-after images when you're doing some color grading or editing your photos or anything like that anyone have some animation to it right the last thing that I want to show you is in my opinion one of the coolest things and that is to get the muffled sound on your audio or music or whatever is that you have so sounds like this that is usually something that I use a lot when I'm shooting my sequences to get that slow-mo intense feeling that that short second is really slowed down and it's actually really simple do with a couple of key frames so the first thing you want to do is to go to the effects panel that is right here and then you want to type in fat EQ and then want to mark this and drag it on to your music and then you want to go up to the effects panel and then you want to choose parameters and I'm gonna click that so he expands and they want to go all the way down to band five and then we're gonna change the mode from shelf to cut and then we're gonna set a keyframe right here and then I'm gonna move forward a couple of frames like so and then we're gonna drag down to 250 and then we're gonna jump forward a couple of frames and then we're set another keyframe and then move forward a couple of frames again and go back up to 10,000 and now we have that part muffled out so it sounds like this that is kind of cool right super simple to do really effect fall all right I really hope that you enjoyed those tips because those are a couple of tips that I personally think is really cool to know and it's gonna give your videos like that extra edge that you want to have when you're creating videos for YouTube or your clients and if you like the video please do give it a thumbs up because it does make a huge difference so thanks someone for that and also don't forget to hit that subscribe button because it's also appreciated well thanks so much for watching and until next time ah look at that I bought a size too small so like I get this this whoa I know [Music]
Channel: Peter Lindgren
Views: 141,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5 Editing Tips For BETTER VIDEOS, tips for better editing, tips for better video editing, video editing tips, video editing tips final cut pro, video editing tips and tricks, video editing tips for beginners, final cut pro x, final cut pro x effects, final cut pro tutorial, final cut pro x tutorial, final cut, premiere pro tutorial 2019, final cut pro, how to edit videos for youtube, filmmaking tips for beginners, video editing tutorial mac, editing tips, video editing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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