10 Beginner Tips For Final Cut Pro | Video Editing & FCP Tutorial

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hey everyone it's matthew here at midland pictures today we're talking about the 10 things you must do if you're going to switch to final cut pro 10. check it out all right so we're back to talking about final cut pro 10 thanks everyone for joining me i know a lot of you out there are using premiere davinci maybe even avid and you're curious about final cut pro 10 maybe you've been hearing some good things now that these m1 chips are out on the new mac mini and the new macbook air and macbook pro maybe some of you are in a lot of pain premiere pros crashing on you da vinci is maybe a little bit more complex than you want to deal with even though it is free which is great there are a number of reasons i'm sure all of you are looking to switch to final cut pro 10 so the first thing that i want you to do if you've switched or are switching to final cut pro 10 is once you have the application installed on your computer i want you to do a couple of things in your settings before you even begin to edit a video so we're going to go up to final cut pro 10 and then preferences i want you to click on playback and here i want you to know where you can toggle on and off background rendering background rendering is something that is responsible for frustrating a lot of new users to final cut pro 10 because when you're editing in final cut pro 10 your graphics your transitions your titles and even your footage are going to be rendering in the background and generating files that take up space on your hard drive whether you're working on an internal or an external and because final cut is creating those files it's taking up space and some of you are getting the not enough disk space error i go over that in another video called top 10 mistakes in final cut pro 10 you can check it out above but you want to be able to turn this background rendering on and off so that you can control how much space your final cut pro 10 libraries are taking up so you can control the file size of your final cut pro x library by checking this on and off so the other thing that you want to know about in the playback menu is create optimized media for multi-cam clips if you create a multi-cam clip with this box checked final cut is going to automatically create optimized media for that multi-cam that footage although it plays back much more smoothly on your computer takes up a ton of space on your hard drive so from the beginning you're probably going to want to have this unchecked so you're not seeing space issues with your hard drive and as you get more acclimated to the software and understand what this means you'll be able to toggle that on and off as you see fit so for those of you first starting out with final cut i would recommend unchecking this box in your preferences as you get final cut ready to start your first project so next we're going to look at the import tab and there's two different ways that new editors in final cut pro 10 import footage first type is someone who inserts an sd card or whatever from their camera and they use the menu that pops up automatically in final cut to allow you to import your footage so you're taking that footage from your sd card cf card whatever it is and you're going directly into final cut because final cut is wanting to simplify the organization process with your original camera files it's going to automatically copy all of that footage into the final cut library and take up space on your hard drive so if you're someone that just wants to plug in an sd card or whatever your card from your camera is and have it captured to final cut or imported to final cut and then stored in final cut so you don't have to worry about choosing where to store those files you're going to want to leave copy to library storage location if you're someone like me again who captures your footage from your sd card for example and into a folder system you're going to want to check this preference leave files in place then the last thing that you're going to do in the preferences is you're going to uncheck create proxy media by default when you first open final cut you'll probably see this create proxy media checked here and the reason it does that is because a lot of footage especially h.264 is very intensive for your computer and final cut wants you to create low-res proxy files so that your editing experience doesn't have any lag drop frames stuttery playback etc for most of us who want control again over our file size and we want to work with the original camera files especially if our computer is more than capable of playing back h.264 footage you're going to want to uncheck create proxy media so these menu settings are the first crucial step if you're someone who has switched or recently started using final cut pro 10. so the second thing that you should do once you first start using final cut pro 10 is locate all of the keyboard shortcuts in the help menu so if you go up to help and then choose keyboard shortcuts you're going to see this menu box open up and you can go to the second line and click on keyboard shortcuts and final cut and you're gonna have a list here of all the different keyboard shortcuts that work with final cut pro 10. if you're someone who has not really used keyboard shortcuts in your editing in the past this is something i highly recommend learning how to do it's going to help you orient you to what all the keyboard shortcuts are for the most basic editing functions and some of the more advanced editing functions it's also going to show you keyboard shortcuts for editing functions that aren't in like a preference menu a drop down menu they're not a right click option when you right click on something there isn't an option for it in the user interface it's something you can only do with a keyboard shortcut so you'll want to keep this handy maybe in the background something that you can switch to you can save it as a pdf and print it out and have it handy at your workstation but you're going to want to start referencing these keyboard shortcuts so you can start building up that knowledge base and start editing faster and more efficiently as well as use tools that are going to help you navigate some of the unique features of final cut pro 10 like the event browser and all of the organization and metadata you can do as well as the magnetic timeline so make sure that you have these keyboard shortcuts available and that you're actively working to learn them all right so the third thing that i want you to do if you've recently switched to final cut pro 10 or if you're using final cut pro 10 for the first time and also if you're someone who has been using it for a few months a few weeks maybe even a year and you really don't feel like you have really learned how it works and you're struggling still after months weeks a year of working with it i just want everyone to quit final cut pro 10 just turn it off close the application i want you to calm down take a deep breath and just relax some of you out there are so anxious to get started with it you're just gonna dive into the software you're not going to look into tutorials final cut user groups you're not going to look at any of the resources that i'm going to outline in this video you're just going to start learning it on your own and what this is going to do is it's going to start creating bad habits it's going to set you up for more frustration and pain and it's going to put you at risk for throwing the software out whole cloth because you haven't taken the time and deployed patience to look at some videos and other resources that get your head around how it works so that's my third piece of advice just quit the application calm down take a deep breath and start going through some of the resources that i'm going to outline take a moment to watch some tutorials understand how the program fundamentally works and establish that foundational conceptual knowledge so that you can start using the application the way it's intended not the work arounds and the different things that you've tried to come up with to make it through an edit so the fourth thing that i want you to do is to watch the original sneak peek keynote event from las vegas nab 2011 presentation that apple made so uh if we pull up youtube here we can search for let's see we're gonna search for jimmy gilliberty jimmy so you're gonna see jimmy gilaberti here and he has uh put the final cut videos into a couple of different parts four parts total almost all of the videos of this keynote are people in the audience in 2011 filming it with their phone or cameras or whatever they were using so the quality is not the greatest but i think it's really important to watch the first presentation of this software so you can not only hear the audience's reaction but you can see the original user interface and hear some in-depth explanations from apple directly of why the software works the way it does and how it works so you can start with part one and give that a watch again the quality is terrible but you can get through it and and really i i can't emphasize this enough watch all four parts kick back get a cold beverage a snack and just go through and watch it so you can see the presentation where apple is talking about again what they intend with the software so the fifth thing that i want you to do is i want you to subscribe to rippletraining on youtube rippletraining if you search for it will come up and you'll see their channel they have uh 800 or so videos where they do tutorials for final cut motion davinci resolve and logic pro 10. you're going to focus on the final cut pro 10 videos and you can see here that there are quite a few of them so if you look at ripple training's playlist you can see there's a number of different playlists you can check out for final cut pro 10. there's a playlist here for getting started with final cut pro 10.4 and exploring the user interface those are those are some great videos i mean there's some basics here importing media assembling a movie trimming clips adding titles adding effects color correction 360 movies sharing your stuff these are really good tutorials from the folks at ripple training to help give you a basic understanding of how final cut pro 10 works so definitely subscribe to ripple training and they also have paid classes and courses that you can take i believe at rippletraining.com if it's something where you really want to look at an in-depth course on final cut pro 10 and you want to pay a little bit of money to get like all of that information condensed down into one place instead of sort of picking things off on youtube to try to teach yourself this is a great place to go to learn all about final cut pro 10 and i think that this is the most sort of concentrated resource of how-to videos for using final cut so definitely check out ripple training if you're new if you just switch to final cut pro 10 or if you've been using it for a while and you're getting really frustrated so the sixth thing that i want you to do if you're new to final cut is i want you to subscribe to larry jordan's youtube channel if you go up to the search bar and type in larry jordan we can find his youtube channel and larry jordan has a lot of great tutorials on how to use final cut pro 10. if you look at his playlists he has a number of different uh software tutorials apple motion premiere pro all of that he really has some in-depth training here for final cut pro final cut pro 10 editing uh final cut pro 10 getting started this playlist i think is probably one of your best bets and it's going to be good for learning the sort of foundational fundamental knowledge of final cut pro 10 you can certainly look at his other playlists on final cut especially the more recent ones because therefore newer versions of final cut where the user interface is going to be more familiar to you some of these older videos not a lot has changed about where things are in the user interface with final cut but they've definitely added a lot of new features this is going to be really good for getting a fundamental understanding especially of the event browser and the magnetic timeline some videos that you really want to watch is this one and this is these are relatively short but like creating a simple edit in fcpx 7 minutes and 15 seconds organizing clips in the timeline transitions importing and managing media in final cut let's take a look at his final cut pro 10 editing yeah these are all great much longer tutorials faster editing faster editing duplicate projects using the precision editor creating auditions larry has a lot of great resources and just like ripple training larry also offers paid courses on his website which i believe is larryjordan.com so definitely check out larry jordan's site if you want to do some of his paid course work otherwise just check out his youtube channel and subscribe and start going through all of the final cut videos so the seventh thing i want you to do is i want you to subscribe to fcpx tour on youtube this channel has a good amount of videos where filmmakers in the industry especially a lot of european filmmakers do in-depth sessions with working with final cut especially in situations where it's a documentary it's a tv show stuff on the higher level where there's a lot of footage a lot of organization and a lot of professional high-end workflows being used i don't think they have updated their videos in quite a while so it i don't i don't think it's an active channel anymore it's been about a year since they put a video up but there is one filmmaker in particular here named ben mercer who has done several videos through the channel and those videos i'll link down in the description those specific videos but they are really great at showing a very in-depth look at what his process is for editing these videos and then i'll link to another video where one of the presenters talks about the differences between final cut pro 10 and premiere pro and although some premiere pro users have kind of called them out in the video for not really understanding some of the keyboard shortcuts and a few of the tricks that premiere has that makes what he's doing not as difficult still a great way to get a comparison of what final cut is doing with the magnetic timeline and what the limitations are of track-based editing so i'll link to that video as well but definitely watch all the ben mercer videos and this video i just spoke about again linked in the description this is going to be a great way for you to get a more immersive look at final cut pro 10 especially if you're an editor who has worked on higher end projects or more complicated projects with a ton of footage again a documentary a documentary tv show or maybe even an independent feature film so definitely check out fcpx tour if you're new to final cut alright the eighth thing that i want you to do and this is a hugely gratuitous plug i want you to subscribe to my youtube channel so if you're here you obviously are watching my video or videos already but if you haven't clicked the subscribe button go ahead and click the subscribe button because i have a lot of final cut content on this channel and there's going to be a lot more final cut content to come admittedly most of my videos are for people who are already using final cut and they either want to learn more keyboard shortcuts or they want to sort of solve some of their frustrations i do intend to do more tutorials about how i go about importing footage organizing my media things like that so stay tuned but some of these videos like nine magical tips for fcpx and especially this one if you're new to final cut pro 10 top 10 mistakes in fcpx i go in depth on a number of different areas where newer users are really struggling with the software so you definitely want to check that out and i also have a video up about the magnetic timeline which i think has been really helpful to a lot of viewers and that video is here it's learn to love the magnetic timeline seven tips to help you master the magnetic timeline again that video is more for people who are already understanding and using the magnetic timeline but we're having some frustrations and i'm going to help you unlock some tricks features tips that you can use to get even better with it so definitely subscribe to my channel we're really growing a community here and pushing final cut pro 10 into production and post-production workflows that i i commonly use all right so the next thing that i want you to do the ninth thing is i want you to bookmark the fcp.co website so we're gonna pull that up here and uh this is a website for final cut pro 10 users and i've been on this website for years peter wiggins who's a huge final cut pro 10 advocate and personality in the video editing and final cut pro 10 world he runs this website and there's a lot of great resources here plugins free stuff tutorials all kinds of things that are coming out with final cut pro 10 so you definitely want to add this as a bookmark in your browser and come back here regularly to participate in the forums learn about new final cut features software updates find user stories different tutorials and just connect with the community here at fcp.com alright so the last thing that i want everyone to do the 10th thing that you should be doing if you are new to final cut if you've just switched or if you've been using it for a while and you're frustrated is i want you to join a few final cut pro 10 user groups so the first one is final cut pro user group these facebook groups are a great way to not only read about the other things that people are experienced with final cut good and bad but for you to post any questions that you have or if you need to get specific help for something it's always good to either post a screen grab or a short recording of what your issue is so the community can help you out admittedly sometimes when people you know post an issue that they're having some of the users in here can be a little bit condescending or snarky but for the most part there are users like me who are constantly looking at these posts and any chance that we have to help someone break through with final cut pro 10 or figure out an issue that they're having resolve bugs crashes whatever it is this is a great place to go the other user group is final cut pro 10 users and very similar to the other one again just a place where a bunch of final cut pro 10 users get together help troubleshoot share articles do whatever we can to move ourselves forward in our editing so those are the first 10 things you have to do if you've switched to final cut pro 10. so again hit me up in the comments let me know why you've switched to final cut or why you've chosen final cut as your nle feel free to post to the community any resources that were really valuable for you as a final cut pro 10 user maybe it's a different youtube channel or a website or a set of tutorials whatever it is let's share in the community in the comments everything that people can be using to learn how to use final cut pro 10 more more quickly and more efficiently but that's going to do it for this video everyone thanks again for watching again the most important thing you can do to support the channel is to click that like button below if you've been watching my videos or you're excited about what we're going to be doing in 2021 and you haven't subscribed yet click that subscribe button and the bell so you get notifications every time we upload a video thank you so much to all of you i wouldn't be able to make these videos if it wasn't for your support encouragement and your continued watching of these videos so thank you very much until the next one i will see you all [Applause] [Music] it soon conversations
Channel: Midland Pictures
Views: 13,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beginner tips for editing in final cut pro, how to switch to Final Cut Pro x, best fcpx tutorials, best Final Cut Pro x tutorials, Final Cut Pro x user groups, how to switch to fcpx, magnetic timeline tutorial, final cut pro tutorial 2020, final cut pro tutorial for beginners 2021, how to use final cut pro x for beginners 2021, how to edit on final cut pro x for beginners, fcpx for beginners, final cut pro tutorial, how to use final cut pro, Final cut pro for beginners
Id: _t2zf1rpNNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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