Music Video Editing Guide (Rap / Hip-Hop) | Final Cut Pro X

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all right what's up guys anastas here with subtle cinematics and today we're going to be going over a music video editing tutorial this video again is going to be on final cut pro 10. i just kind of wanted to do an updated part 2 version of that i will say i'm not going to go from very beginning to very end i just want to show you guys my music video editing process on final cut pro and kind of my thought process and show you guys my process of how i bang out these music videos super quick and as efficiently as possible um i guess before we get into the edit i will say usually i'll edit off of a samsung t5 ssd drive so it's going to give you quicker rendering times quicker import times and export times but today we're just editing off a passport 4 terabyte hard drive so this is more of a storage drive than editing drive but you can still edit off these perfectly fine i got a little uh mac track pad here just to sift through my timeline a lot easier and more efficiently i'm just a little macbook keyboard here and a gaming mouse and a curved monitor that i plug into my late 2017 macbook pro let's get into the edit here so what you're going to do is plug in your hard drive and guys this is the ritual that i do for every single music video edit i plug my hard drive into my laptop here and then i'm going to make a folder for today we're going to be editing a music video for a calgary artist named swag simmer song is called a boogie and i'll import every single clip that we took throughout that music video set or that shoot for the day and i'll import it into a folder right here after i've done that i'll create a project file which is going to look like this once you do create the project file within final cut pro x so once you have final cut open here you're going to go to the top left and click file hover over new click new library and you're going to type in you're going to click your hard drive so right on the side here make sure you click your hard drive so that's exactly where the event is going to be created and or the library is going to be created and you're going to type in your music video that you're editing in this case i'm going to type this in now what i'll do just to speed up the project creation time i highlight this go command c to copy save that's already existing i'm just going to go one so save and then i go over here um same thing file new and now event and i'm going to command v so to paste that in there and then i click ok and then i go command n or you can hover back over here again and hover over the project i like to just click command n because just a quick shortcut pops us up here so this is actually creating your project so you're going to go command v again and your title is going to pop up here now pick whatever video format you recorded in if you're shooting off a t3i or a camera that doesn't offer 4k and only 1080 you can upskill the 4k um i mean it doesn't hurt to but we did shoot in 4k on the shoot and then resolution and 23.98 and then you're just going to click ok and once you do that you're going to come up to a timeline that looks very similar to this so again i have already imported all my footage just so we could cut out all the rendering times and import times but basically this whole event area or the clips area is going to be empty for you at this point of time i'll let everything import so right on the top left here is your background task so this will show what's importing um rendering backing up sharing whatever it may be that you're doing so once you let all that render out you'll come back into the edit here now again this is kind of like a ritual that's what i do for every single music video that i prep and i'll go and click this right here this drop down it'll have a little arrow here that drops down to create this drop down what i'm gonna do is i'm going to go right click and click new keyword collection and basically what that's going to do is create a little drop down here and sometimes it doesn't work i'm going to command z to redo there we go so basically what i'm going to do here is just type in performance i've already done this but i'll type it in again so you'll do that about two to three times so i go performance intro and b-roll basically what this is doing is just creating little subfolders within your project so you can further organize your project and your the whole music video so i usually go performance song just so i can have the song on hand really quickly and i don't have to scroll through this entire clip section so i'll go performance intro if we do have an intro or a cut scene intro of some sort and b-roll for the most part i only have performance and b-roll clips so for performance scenes performance scenes if you guys don't know these are the scenes where the artist is singing along to the song so they're performing the song on camera b-roll is basically anything that is going to be like slow motion or any type of footage that that doesn't have the artist singing along to the song so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go into my clip folder here and i'm gonna start going through all my clips one by one and dragging each of them into um whichever folder they fit into so what i'll do here so for my performance scenes for the most part i shoot a performancing 24fps sometimes i'll do it in 60 fps so i have the option to use it as uh b-roll i mean if you've shot the music video you can tell which one is b-roll and which is performance but if you can't for whatever reason or you're getting to this edit a little later go into the top right here click on the clip that you want to check and see if it's a performance or b-roll clip and click the little information icon here the eye icon and it's going to tell you here 20 this was shot in 23.98 so we shot this in 24 fps so at least for my shooting i know that that was a performance scene so i'll click this clip and i'll simply just drag it into performance go to the next clip and as you can see here it says 59.94 so it's 60 fps um but you can see simmer still singing along to the song so we actually have the option to use this as b-roll or as a performance scene so what i'll do with this is i'll drag it into performance as well as the b-roll subfolder here so just again further organizes everything so scroll down here a little bit um there's some clips in here that are purely b-roll as you can see this is obviously slow motion this was shot in 120 or 150 fps so again slow motion so i know that this is obviously not a performance scene this is strictly a b-roll shot so what we're going to do is move it into b-roll after you've gone through and organized all your clips the next thing i will do is as i said i make a separate folder for the song and i drag the audio that the artist gave me into this folder and i import it also into the event folder this is something i guess to tell artists that you're working with you don't need the mastered version of the audio it can be rough audio i believe this is even rough i don't think this is like fully mastered you can get into these edits without the mastered or final version of the song it's super easy to swap out which i'll show you a little later on here so next thing we're going to do is um take the song and drag it into your performance scene clip so only drag it into the performance scene clip so now your performance scene folder is going to look like this every single performance scene we took throughout this music video set next what we're going to do is go to the top right here so you're going to click your performance go to the top right here and click this drop down so what this is going to do is basically just change the layout of how this looks and it's going to show the actual file names of all of these performance scenes that we took as well as the audio for the song so what i'm going to do is hold shift and i'll click on the very bottom or the very top click on the top this time i'll hold shift and click on the audio here the very last file make sure you're hitting the last file you're getting every single file in there then you right click and then go to new multi-cam clip so what this is going to do is bring this drop down here so i'm going to explain what a multi-cam clip is it's going to make for a cleaner timeline and a more organized timeline honestly guys i can chop up an entire music video from beginning to end for the performance scenes only and maybe less than i'd say 25 30 minutes so this definitely speeds up your editing time by a lot and it keeps for and it makes for a super clean timeline or what i'll do here is type in swag simmer multi-cam clip is what i'll call it and these are the settings that i always use and make sure this is clicked as well use audio for synchronization so um basically what you're going to do is just click ok and you're going to get a super long rendering time for that so this can take anywhere from two minutes to 20 minutes it totally depends on um how crisp and how clear your audio was on set with your speakers so basically what this multi-cam clip is doing is it's syncing the audio from the mastered version of the song to every single one of these performance clips so um it's basically just it's syncing every single one of these performance clips up to each other so they're all in perfect sync with each other so after you're done waiting for your multi-cam clip to finish up rendering you're going to want to click your event folder here go to the very bottom and your multicam clip will sit at the very bottom a boogie multi-cam clip that's what i called mine toss in the timeline here so as you can see i already tossed in my timeline you're probably wondering why i have a custom tab right here or custom block for some reason whenever i get into pretty well almost any edit i will always drag i'll go into my titles go to generators i believe yep generators and i'll drag down a custom black box all it is is a black screen so i just like to separate like the very beginning of the timeline and the very beginning of any video that i do edit and this doesn't have to be music videos is really any video that i edit so what we're going to do is double click click the multicam clip and this looks a little confusing a little overwhelming but i'm going to break it down for you guys here so up here we have the mastered version of the audio or the audio and next clip will be the first performance scene that we shot so if you want to view this first performance scene live which what you're going to want to do is click the little tv icon here so that's going to pop this specific clip up if you want the audio from the real time to be playing off of this clip you're going to click the little uh volume button there so now we have the volume of or the audio from the master track turned on and the real time audio turned on from this performance scene clip i'm going to toss my headphones on here real quick see if this is all synced up i think i synced all this up just the other day when i was prepping this music video for an edit but we're gonna click play right here so as you guys can see this clip is perfectly in line and in sync with the mastered version of the audio and i'll show you guys why after i explain the multicam clip a little further as to why this is going to save you guys a ton of time with your music video edits in final cut pro 10. moving forward this is kind of um something that can take quite some time for me i clip actually a speaker either to my belt buckle or on top of my gimbal just so i can keep the speaker super close to the camera that i'm shooting off of in doing so then you have crisp audio for final cut pro to easily sync the audio from your camera to the or from the real-time footage from the performance scene that you shot to the audio that the artist gave you or the final audio so moving along this clip sounds perfect if it is off um i'm gonna actually pull this track back by a few seconds let's say final cut didn't sync this up perfect this is what it's gonna sound like so as you can see it sounds super off the beats off the artist's um singing is off so it sounds very equity that's kind of how you know that your performance scene is thrown off of the multi-cam clip if this is pulled back and it's not sounding perfect what i'm going to do is i will mute this clip and i'll only have the audio turned on for for the master version of the audio now i'm going to scroll in i'm going to zoom in here and i'm going to find um just a beat drop so i'm going to find a b drop that is very noticeable and easy to sync up to so i'm going to click play here getting all this [Music] so generally when i do do this i try to find that opening beat drop of any uh music or of any music video so our song so um right here when he says money right at the beginning that's when the beat drops so i'll actually click m on my keyboard i'll get rid of this one so i literally just click m and it leaves a marker so i got to click it on here and it leaves a little marker on here a little blue marker so next what i'll do and this is why this can get a little tedious but like i said it will help you edit music videos a lot quicker in final cut so now that i found that beat drop right there so i know that the beat drop is right there what i'm going to do is mute this audio or turn the audio off of the mastered version of the audio and i'm going to click the volume button on here so now we can hear the real-time audio from this performancing clip so i'm gonna press play getting all this money so as you can hear you can actually hear the audio of um our real-time audio here so we want to we'll find that beat drop that we found in the master version of the audio it was right there so we're going to click m it's the exact spot now we're going to drag this and now we're just going to use our snap tool and snap these two markers in line so to do that sometimes it's turned off a shortcut for that is n you can see it toggle right on the right side here so when it's highlighted it means it's going to snap if it's not highlighted it's not going to snap so as you can see i can skim over it's not snapping on top of the markers click end now it snaps in and you want that turned on because you want these perfectly aligned so now when we run this back we'll turn both pieces of audio on getting all those money keys thinking that i'm dreaming now what i'll do to just kind of um make sure that the audio is perfectly perfectly synced up i'm actually going to turn off the audio on the real-time footage and run it back and see how it looks make sure everything's looking synced up so yeah that's perfectly aligned and like i said this can get a little tedious because you have to not only do this for one clip but every other performance scene that you shot so as you can see guys there's like what 12 performance scenes here so you want to perfectly align everything um together again final cut for the most part does a pretty good job with this for like automatically syncing everything up but again you want to go through everything yourself and make sure that everything's in line because final cut could miss one or two clips and have them just slightly off by like half a second and it does make a world of a difference for lip syncing the real-time audio to your master version of the song so to get out of the multicam clip now i don't know why this took me a while to figure out right here it's kind of a small arrow pointing left you're just going to click that and it's going to shoot you back to your timeline so the next thing i'll do now is again this is one of the performance scenes that we have here um i'll spike the audio to about one or two decibels there and then i'll actually take the real-time audio or our mastered version of the audio of the song and i'll place it underneath the multicam clip so next what i'm going to do is sync up the the song with the multicam clip so right here already i've done that but you basically just look at the wavelengths make sure everything's nice and synced up and then i will actually mute the multi-cam clip so turn it all the way down to pretty much nothing just completely mute it so what this does is and now we'll get more into this multicam clip here let's say we're at this part of the song and we want to click let's say the second performance scene that we shot so i'm gonna click two so here's the first performance scene that we shot and here's the second performance scene third fourth fifth and so on so forth so um basically what this does is it just organizes every single one of your performance scenes and all you have to do is just click one through nine now if you shot more than eight or nine performance scenes it's gonna bunch it up into here so you're gonna go to the top right click view click angles and boom here's all your performance scenes perfectly matched up and synced up you can kind of click through all these so let's say we did want to um if we want to stick to the airplane hanger shots i would click this first box here and i can click through all my airplane hanger shots by clicking one through nine if i want to click the or go to the car scenes i would have to go back into my view click angles and then i would have to click this little box here the middle box and now i can access all my car shots or my performance scenes of the car shots if i wanted to access any of the shots in the house then i would have to go back into view back into angles and then click this third box where it has the remaining performance scenes that we took these look uh blank right now it's because at this point of the song so 40 seconds in we actually didn't sh we weren't shooting but at 40 seconds in we were actually shooting this performance scene and this performance scene in the house kitchen so if it is blank it just means you weren't shooting at that point in time of the song yeah i don't know if you guys break up your performance scenes when you're shooting but i like to shoot the song from beginning to end it gives me more footage to play with and that's why throughout pretty well the entire video you can see that there's not much that's really blanked out because we were always shooting next step of editing my music videos on final cut is i'm going to start from the very beginning here so beginning of any song you're going to have an intro i usually skip the intro i do it after when i'm laying over my b-roll shots so you're going to have an empty timeline here basically what i'm going to do is just going to play the song back and wait for the beat drop of the song so right here is where we're gonna want to introduce the first performance scene so you can either use a b-roll shot i personally like to uh if you watch any of my music videos whenever the beat drops in a music video i like to have a performance scene just kind of slap right at the beginning something that's high energy especially in this song it's very high energy so we want to have a performance scene in there most likely a handheld movement rather than a gimbal shot but again i forgot which exactly like which shots um we had for the beginning intro shot so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go into my angles i'm going to click the first box here exit out of this by clicking angles again and now i'm just gonna play the first like five seconds or three seconds of the beat drop and i'm just gonna go through every single one of my performance clips and see which one uh makes sense to use or which one i like the most to use getting all this money thinking getting all this money thinking that i'm dreaming getting all this money thinking [Music] so i think we're gonna use that handheld shot right here so it's just a good opening shot there's a lot of movement and everything and just looks hype so uh we're gonna cut it pretty quick though so we're not gonna let simmer finish one bar before we actually switch out of this just to keep the energy really high for this first hook so click play and then we're gonna literally get out of this shot right away probably to a more smoother shot a gimbal shot let's say i want to make a specific cut right here rather than clicking that same performance scene right there i'm actually going to grab the trim tool hover right in between these two clips and if i want this scene to start like half a second earlier i'll hover where i want it to start grab the trim tool and i'll just drag it back to right there so yeah it doesn't mess up the timeline or anything um it just brings the clip back by like half a second [Music] so yeah whenever there's a punch line to you guys i kind of like to like even if it's a quick edit music video like this where we're making really quick cuts um if the artist ever has a punch line in the lyrics i like to kind of let that play out not have too much happening with the visuals so people can really take in the lyrics a little better uh when they're actually watching the music video so when he says feel like a boogie i'm going to let this play out with one seat or with one clip so right there so we're going to keep that entire clip as one performance scene so again this is how i edit my music videos you guys might be editing a lot differently but it's kind of my style is how i do it um this is totally just my thought process throughout music video editing [Music] [Music] or another uh quick tip here for you guys whenever i'm going through my music video edit and i'm chopping up the performance scene so or i did explain this earlier i touched on it but i'm going to start from the very beginning of this timeline and i'm going to go to the very end by just editing the performance scene so i'm literally just gonna clip out the best performance scenes that i got um just so i know that i uh picked out all the best performance scenes that we captured and then after that i'm gonna start laying over b-roll and then i'll start fixing up any of the performance scenes and tweaking anything and then i'll start tweaking the b-roll then i'll maybe add the intro and a quick outro and then the very last thing i do is color grade so probably be a separate tutorial on the color grading side of things or i'll time myself and actually show you guys like how quick this is my guess is that i'll be back in like 15 minutes so we're going to quickly time-lapse this i guess but yeah i'll be back and i'll let you guys know how long this takes to snip out all of the performancing clips and show you guys how much this multi-cam clip actually helps you for the editing process all right guys so 23 minutes to chop up the entire music videos performance scenes only from being beginning to end on a two and a half minute music video so i mean i got the time right here 23 minutes 23 and a half minutes so this would honestly be quicker if there wasn't like what three featuring artists in my opinion like if it's just one artist on the track it's a lot easier to go through all the performance scenes if you have less locations um that process is going to be sped up a lot as well yeah i mean 23 minutes 20 minutes to chop everything up and now i'm going to kind of go through the entire timeline once more and tweak a few things and then or tweak a few performance scenes maybe swap out some performance scenes and then i will go through and start adding b-roll throughout the entire music video so for the sake of the tutorial like i said i'm not going to edit this entire music video for you guys but i'm going to start somewhere in the middle for you guys and show you guys how i'm adding my b-roll so in the edit here we're going to click b-roll and this is going to be a drop-down of every single one of our b-roll slow motion clips so we're going to go to a part where the rolls-royce is kind of brought into frame for the first time so that's around here so if there's like a you know a luxury car of some sort or a prop of some sort that is definitely going to stick out throughout the music video i like to have some b-roll shots of the car so as you can see here i shot all this in 120 fps so very slow motion so i kind of want to expose the car prior to actually showing a performance scene of simmer in front of the car okay so scrapping the idea of finding b-roll shot of the car i just didn't think that it would flow as well as maybe just grabbing a different b-roll clip of simmer in front of the car as i said before sometimes i shoot my performance scenes in 60 fps so i can have the option to have that extra b-roll so i don't have to shoot like an extra scene here for this specific scene we were pressed for time as the sun was going down and we didn't want to pull out any external lighting or like mess up the um the look of the scene so i wanted to shoot this natural light so i shot a performance scene of simmer in front of the car with some of the extras in the background um at 60fps in doing so i can go into this clip so this is actually a performance scene shot in 60fps and what i'm going to do is to introduce the rolls royce so i'm going to scroll through here picture some of these clips in slow motion so as you can see simmers like adjusting his jacket i thought that would be a good clip drag it in here now all i'm going to click here is command s really all that does is just slow-mo the clip i just added it as a hotkey so you'll have to actually customize command s as slow-mo by 50 i just slow motion a lot of clips whenever i film 50 fps or 60 fps and i want that clip slow mode i have to slow it down by 50. so instead of clicking here clicking the clip clicking here slow 50 percent i can literally just click on the clip command s and it's slow mode by 50. so i did that right here we have this clip here we're gonna play this back so maybe we'll chop this up into two separate clips i'm gonna find another b-roll shot i just want to look good you just only shoot bricks it's kind of going like that clip that right here i'm the youngest hottest brown boy on the internet but you just only shoot bricks i'm the youngest hottest brown boy on the internet they just just bricks i'm the youngest hottest brown boy on the internet i'm the youngest hottest brown boy on the internet [Music] yeah that's looking pretty clean here so we introduce the car chop it up into two separate performance scenes and then hop right back into a performance scene so that's just like one example of adding b-roll shots i mean it's kind of what i'm thinking about when i'm going through this um usually when i'm going through b-roll clips especially the 120 fps stuff that's slow-motioned in body like in the camera body i'll run through the performance clip i'll just um shim through it and click m make a marker for any spots that i'll maybe want to come back to or use like this clip as well click m again this one so again guys this is just um you know just being as organized as possible when um editing these music videos uh saves you so much time i mean we're technically i mean if i wasn't doing this voiceover i'd probably be about maybe 45 minutes into this edit so it's not really too long so i mean with coloring and everything added on top and tweaks couldn't see this music video taking me more than about three hours three and a half hours to edit fully end of the day i could probably bang out uh you know three of these in a day if i really wanted to a lot of the times too when i do edit a music video i don't send it like even if i finish this music video today i'm not going to send it off to the artist for at least a couple days or a few days unless it's extremely pressing and we need to get some re-edits done really quick i like to sleep on all my music videos come back to them kind of look at the timeline again let it sit go back to it let it sit and then make any last minute adjustments and send the first draft off to client uh if i can bang this out in one draft or first draft and have some very minor changes like adding cover art at the end or at the beginning or something um that's always a plus i just don't like going back into these and having you know 20 different time stamps of things to re-edit you know make sure the colors are perfect the first time just do everything right the first time rather than um getting hit with a bunch of re-edits after sending the first draft it's kind of like a cool transition that i like to use for music videos or a bunch of other edits too but literally all you have to do is um speed ramp but it's a bit of an unorthodox speed ramp so um when we have simmers part right here i'm just going to play this back real quick [Music] all right so we're gonna pull this back here so we're gonna start it we're gonna start it right here so i'm gonna clip this and i'm gonna copy paste and now this throws up throws off the entire timeline from this point on so what you're going to want to do is drag the pasted clip up here and now i'll click command s or you can go into here click fast four times speed and then what i'll do is actually drag this out by 400 times out there and then i'll speed it up i just grab these little three little dots here speed it up here to about right there before the new line starts and then i will come out and copy the clip right after paste v pull it on top now what i'll do is i'll put my line marker right here and i'll pull this clip backwards then i will clip blade tool right there click this fast forward by 400 and i'll even drag this out a little more grab those three dots bring it back in and this actually creates a cool little speed ramp transition that requires no plug-in so it's what it's going to kind of look like i might have to adjust it i probably will actually just looking at it but i'm going to speed this up a bit drag this out slightly it's kind of cool um very quick transition effect i'll only do this like maybe maximum twice throughout a music video i just don't want to overuse it too much but very simple editing tip or transition tip that you don't need a plug-in for so you literally just unorthodoxy like speed up the or like speed ramp the clips and the reason for pulling this clip back was for when i started speed ramping at the end of the speed ramp it actually goes straight into the clip of like it go it naturally goes into this clip or transitions into this clip rather than having this clip be like completely separate timing it just like speed ramps right into the clip and you're good to go so play this back um another quick tip too when i'm editing music videos if i ever see a good opportunity for a key frame while i'm doing a gimbal shot i'll just quickly do it and or edit it in and see how it looks so normally shots like this look pretty good check this out so we can try it on that one actually so we're gonna go i'm gonna click click on the clip and i'm going to go to the beginning of it i'm going to press crop so what that's going to do is give you the options to ken kent burns you can kind of choose what your ending clip is going to be so once you're in this stage here and you click on ken burns you're going to go to the very last frame here so just so it doesn't snap into place i click m and i go to the last frame and i'll adjust the ending position of the keyframe so i'll try to put the artist or whatever i'm trying to keyframe at the in the middle of it so let's see how that looks [Music] yeah that looks a little more cinematic a little nicer see how this looks so yeah that actually looks pretty clean and again you don't have to have a plug-in to do any sort of keyframing pretty simple and it adds a cool cinematic look to your ronin shots because ronin shots are honestly very simple to um you know it's very simple to achieve like a clean ronin shot all you have to do is just semi-circle around the artist on a music video set and keep them focused and pretty clean shot so to add that extra little spice to the shot you're just going to keyframe i use keyframes all the time every single one of my music videos especially when i'm shooting um just those clean running shots where i'm semi-circling around the artist so it's another quick tip i think i have an idea of which scene i want to use i really like this scene i love this shot where i was just circling around simmer at i believe like 50 shutter and like 1.8 aperture so i blurred out as you can see everything behind him is completely blurred out and i was literally just circling around him while he was singing straight forward but at the end of the song he actually looks at the camera points at the camera acknowledges it again by pointing while staring at the camera and then um he kind of fades out or pokes out so i kind of i think i'm going to use that as an ending shot i'll show you guys what it looks like it looks pretty clean [Music] either i'll hard cut it so i won't have this fade to black so a hard cut where it just goes boom just fades to black or goes straight to black but in this case i'm probably going to fade to color so really all i did was i went into my effects tab or my transitions tab go to dissolve fade to color drag it at the end and then actually to make the the fade out a little more cinematic looking i'll drag the right all the way to 100 and then hold all the way to zero and what this does is just fade it out a lot slower so yeah it looks pretty clean i'm going to skip to the very front here of the timeline this is where the music or this is where the music video will start so you'll hear the beat drop so here we need an opening scene so opening scene can be one of the most difficult scenes to kind of fish out um these ones are ones that i always come back to for intros you want that first 10 seconds to really slap and hit hard so i'm gonna go through and just find some really dope clips of simmer or any of the extras with wild nation that looks sick i'm gonna drag that there that looks sick drag that there as well so i'm just dragging like any really good performance scene or b-roll shots that i think i could possibly use for the intro and i'm just literally shoveling them all into this space right here this is generally what i'll do i'll just like quickly just grab them place them there if i end up using this one cool if not i just delete it simple as that and see how easy it is to just go and grab those b-roll shots because we already looked for them and made those markers so maybe we'll do like a zoomed out shot and then a zoomed in a punched in shot i think this would be a pretty hard intro shot just because we can easily put text over top here and then we'll probably skip to these b-roll shots right before the beat drops just to introduce the airplane hanger but give people a sneak peek glimpse of um the dole pulse that we were shooting in for this music video what i'm going to do here so i think this is going to be the opening shot this looks really sick so it's going to cut hard cut right into there slowed down at 50 with the money falling down over the balcony and then boom next shot close up so let's put right here artist name will pop up first thing now i'm probably going to change out this text but let's just do something for fun here turn the opacity down a little bit so we can see the money falling a little better let's go drop shadow it looks good bring this down track it out a little bit just so it's in your face the artist name will pop up there keep this text just for now [Music] so actually i just got a new idea let's um just put first part of his artist name here so we'll put that there and then we'll just toss simmer right here and then wow this full artist name like that so it's gonna go like this so i'm basically just um syncing that up with the beat of the song so i might have to zoom in a bit because it's not perfect so as i can see as you can see right here there's a little notch right there so we're going to line this up because i know that's when the beat is going to change bring this back it should be perfect pull this back a bit that's not perfect so then we'll introduce the song name right here go a boogie again i'll probably change this text out take it out completely for one shot just because it's a lot of text in people's face just so they can get a glimpse of the actual shot that we got for like half a second so go here boom and now we'll cut into a shot of the featured artist wild nation so we want like a group shot of at least the performing artists i don't know if we have a shot of everybody at once the featured artists here well nation we're going to start with a close-up shot so i got a bunch of 120 fps of all the artists here together in the airplane hangar so i just want to grab some slow-mo close-ups of some of the featured artists so grab this checks toss it there see how this looks just for fun i'm going to toss the artist title as well let's go featuring validation all right so what we're going to do here is do a little speed ramp into a slow motion so this is one of my favorite transitions or b-roll tricks to do for music videos um i think it just looks so clean i'm a very natural editor and natural shooter you're not going to see after effects or anything crazy in my music videos for the most part so i'm going to speed this up by 450 percent because we shot this in 150 fps so we're going to go to 450 so i'm going to clip that right there and i'm gonna go to normal speed and then keep this at 450 percent trim it up and that's how it's gonna look getting all this getting all this money thinking that i'm dreaming so i like that look too so right before the beat drops i'm actually going to speed wrap so again like i showed you guys earlier um i'm just going to extend this clip out to about here and i'm going to speed this up what's it at like 2200 so um this is going to be like a cool hype intro for the actual intro of the music video click play i like that looks dope so um i think that should be good for this tutorial here guys again this is just kind of i've said it many times i'll say it again this is my thought process while editing a music video you may do it differently other people probably edit music videos differently i think that this is the most efficient process for me i mean this would be even quicker on a solid state drive but for the most part this is how i go through my music videos and honestly i can bang these out in like three four hours each so if you guys have any other editing tutorial questions make sure to leave it in the comments and i'll check it out and maybe look into doing it but i hope you guys enjoyed this um kind of sort of part two video of how i edit music videos with final cut pro 10. if you guys want to see you know what type of gear i'm using to edit all of these videos like my laptop keypad this mic anything it will all be in the link description i'm going to leave all the gear down there but anyways guys thanks again for watching make sure to like comment and subscribe see you on the next video peace you
Channel: Subtle Cinematics
Views: 50,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mutlicam final cut pro x, how to edit a music video, Simple fcpx edit, how to edit a music video fcpx, how to edit a music video on final cut pro x, how to edit a music video 2020, music video guide for beginners, music video editing 2020, how to use final cut pro x for beginners 2020, top effects in final cut pro x, best fcpx effects, top music video effects 2020, music video guide 2020, fcpx editing guide 2020, final cut pro x tutorial beginner 2020, final cut pro x effects
Id: 9eFGr1gi0dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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