Stellaris Guide: Complete Beginner Tutorial

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so you are new to Stellaris and either don't know what to do or are extremely confused at all the vast options and complexity of the game in this video I'm going to give you an easy introduction and good starting build to learn the game I'm not going to go over all the little mechanics as there is an in-game tutorial that teaches that like which buttons do which and how to build the ship using the shipyard for example I assume you already know the basic mechanics of the game I'm also not necessarily teaching the best metastrat or Min maxing as this guide is for beginners not necessarily Pros or highly Advanced players this will not be teaching PVP as PVP requires more advanced styles of play and can be a lot more challenging for beginners I recommend getting good at PVE then PVP if that's what you want to do so I'm going to be giving an example of a way to play Stellaris in order to learn the game this may not be the absolute best way to do things but it is effective and will teach you to survive and thrive in your first playthroughs I'm basically giving you a direction to go in so you don't get overwhelmed and you can deviate and use discretion as you see fit take what I teach and make it your own again this is an example game every game is different so I have to make up the tutorial as the game progresses instead of saying do this and this then this in this order I have to address events as they unfold also forewarning I will be playing with some DLC but don't worry I will show you how to do it without any DLC and basic concepts I teach can be applied to the base game too with or without DLC so we start at the menu screen we are going to make a new game Let's click create new this will take us to the Empire Building window so we can choose our build after we click select choose appearance species name and name list the most important thing to us here is traits and government ethics origin is also important but we won't be doing anything special for that since we we aren't doing any established meta builds for this video so go to traits next select intelligent for technology then pick slow Learners and solitary as they have a very low impact on the game for negative trades we are picking negative traits so we can pick up two more positive ones that will greatly impact the game so now select traditional for Unity and conservation list for extra consumer goods this way you get more research unity and consumer goods which keep you from being broke and enable you to have even more research and unity whatever you choose make sure trade points and trade picks are at zero next choose your Homeworld name and City appearance what type of Planet preference is slightly important as different planet types tend to have more of a specific resource type but in the long run it really doesn't matter much now we are at Origins there are many options here but for our build we are going to pick the default prosperous unification option I would like to pick mechanists but I think it would be better to stay with the default for now but if you like this build we are going to play with I recommend the mechanist origin otherwise pick prosperous unification next we are going to the government and ethics screen for this playthrough we will pick fanatic materialist so click that this will make us learn Technologies faster and reduce the cost for using robots now there are a lot of good options here but we need to pick something so let's pick authoritarian for more resources and more influence now we picked our ethics let's pick Authority for our build and example playstyle we want Imperial so click that this will give us even more influence over our neighbors which is used for making outposts claims habitats vassal agreements megastructures hyper relays and all kinds of real really cool useful stuff next is civics for this build we picked up research but we also want Unity bonuses to our Empire as well so we are going to pick Byzantine bureaucracy for more Unity then efficient bureaucracy for more edict funds which let us use edicts without spending unity and gives us more consumer goods for even more unity and Tech we will pick technocracy as our third later once we research Galactic Administration and get another Civic point choose advisor voice that's mainly your preference this is basically what the in-game announcer sounds like choose Empire name choose flag or symbol choose ship appearance choose ruler and give them a name click save now we are at game details I could spend an hour on this but I'm not going to just choose the following settings for now small 400 Stars Galaxy shape doesn't matter choose the amount of AI Empires you want to start with I'll be going with six for this playthrough we'll turn Advanced AI starts off Fallen Empires off and Marauder Empires off leave Tech tradition cost at one habitable Worlds at three primitive civilizations is your preference I'm going to have it off crisis strength will be at the lowest at 0.25 crisis type random mid game start year 23 300 end game start year at 2400 Victory year 2500 this is really your preference you can put difficulty on civilian but I'm not going to instead I'll set it to Ensign there are no bonuses to Ai and no bonuses to the player on instant difficulty I don't recommend going any higher than this your first run scaling difficulty is off difficulty adjusting AR modifiers is off AI aggressiveness is normal Empire placement random Advanced neighbors auth hyperlane density abandoned gateways and Wormhole pairs are all at one guaranteed habitable worlds is set to two caravanners off L Gates on Xeno compatibility off warning turning this on can make performance terrible logistic growth ceiling 1.5 growth required scaling 0.25 I highly recommend Iron Man mode not because I'm against safe scumming but because you get credit for your achievements and hard work when playing if you don't have it on then you won't get steam achievements so we will be turning Iron Man mode on for this playthrough click play okay so we have finally started the game you can read the RP I won't really read all the role play dialogue otherwise I would tack on another hour on my time here click begin now the game is paused we are going to do many things before we unpause first we are selecting our science ship and clicking on auto survey hit M to go to the map screen click the construction ship and move it to the first habitable planet this playthrough we chose Continental world as our preference so we are going to move to that system that has a planet on it next we want to set our research click these at the top we will set physics research first the blue colored research these will be random as to what we can pick first just choose a tech that either increases resources or increases research let's go with quantum theory as an example next we'll set Society research it's the green colored research Unity is a priority so we will pick planetary unification last we'll be picking engineering this is the orange colored research afterburners is essential to our ship builds so we will take that we can't afford to pass that up we might not get it again for a long time technology that is critical to your build should always be prioritized first because you don't know when it will show up for you again now these Technologies I just picked may not show up for you that's okay just try your best to pick something that will increase your resources or give you a decisive advantage over other Empires like a new weapon type star base type or new research Alternatives let's go through policies we will leave diplomatic stance to expansionists for now where philosophy should be on unrestricted Wars subjugation War terms should be left alone orbital bombardment is fine for now resettlement should be on allowed otherwise it can be a lot harder to fix problems first Contact protocol should be set to proactive for more influence and faster Discovery lead border status as open for now set economic policy to mixed economy to avoid consumer good problems early game leave trade policy alone for now don't even worry about this unless you're running a trade build make sure robotic workers is set to allowed lead population controls to allowed for now okay now for slavery I highly recommend not having slaves for your first playthrough to avoid stability issues so set that to prohibited so your Empire doesn't enslave any pops or populations Purge should be set to prohibitive for the same reason you don't want to be dealing with extra stability problems as a beginner okay so we are done with policies this should prevent us from having too many problems later on next go to species click set default fault rights make sure it's on full citizenship academic privilege full military service colonization Allowed no population controls and no migration controls we turned slavery and Purge off already so they should be grayed out go ahead and click on pause for this video I'm going to pause frequently and put it on fastest speed you don't have to read most of the pop-up Windows just Mouse over the dialog option to see what it gives you in this case it's 258 Society research we have Traditions available so click on the pop-up notification click select we're going to pick Prosperity first and learn each tradition within it adopting Prosperity gives our mining stations a bonus giving us more resources when your science ships find an anomaly just click leave at B for now the bonuses are greater if you investigate them in mid to late game as soon as our science ship surveys its first system we will order our construction ship to build an outpost which acquires the planet while we wait for the Outpost to build we will queue up a colony ship go to the shipyard and click Colony ship when you have enough Alloys consumer goods and food to make one the first district we are going to build is an industrial district the job upkeep will cost 12 minerals per month so we don't want to build more than one for now plus us we don't have enough minerals right now we are at 30 minerals per month so when this district is built it will put us at 18 minerals if we don't add more mineral income we can select a new tradition so we'll pick standard construction templates first this will make buildings and districts cost less and build faster our Outpost has been built so now we will wait for our Colony ship to build let's turn automatic construction on for our construction ship so it will start building Mining and research stations giving us monthly resources our Colony ship is built click on the nearest habitable planet that will show up as green on the map right here click colonize and click the ship at the top this will tell the ship we just built to automatically colonize this planet it will start moving to this planet and colonize it on its own let's make a second construction ship then tell it to claim another system another tradition is available click on administrative operations this reduces upkeep cost for our buildings and districts making them cost less per month we've spotted another green habitable planet let's move a construction ship over there so when the science ship is done surveying we can immediately build an outpost next tradition will be pursuit of profit this gives more Alloys consumer goods research and unity from our Pops or population as well as strategic resources like gases and crystals we're going to replace our commercial building with a research lab since it costs four monthly consumer goods and we have 14 mean there are also two or less available jobs we have more than 50 monthly energy credits so we're going to buy Alloys on the market we will start by buying five then wait a month it put us at 44 so let's reduce it to four our planet's Colony has finished we can now build things on it let's go to it and cue something up this planet has a fair amount of generator districts so we're going to make it a generator world this increases energy credit output on this planet let's queue up a generator District as long as we have a population working that District's jobs it will produce 19 monthly energy credits our energy credits are below 50. let's reduce our monthly Alloys trading to two next tradition we pick is going to be Interstellar franchising this makes our jobs cost less resources per month we have more than 300 Alloys so we're going to start making Corvettes to increase our Fleet power try not to go below 300 Alloys in case you need to build a colony ship keep in mind though we want to keep our monthly energy credits at 50 or above the more ships we make the more energy credits we spend a month we are expanding our Empire but there are still a lot of systems we haven't surveyed so we are going to build another science ship once we've researched Global Energy Management we can use the capacity subsidies edict generating more energy per month we can then use this energy to build Corvettes and buy Alloys unfortunately we don't have enough edix fund or fake Unity to afford this right now so we will need to build some administrative offices with efficient bureaucracy this will eventually increase our edix fund so we can use it we have enough monthly consumer goods so we will make an administrative office this will generate Unity for us we have a new Colony so even though this has a lot of energy districts we need minerals so for now we will make it a mining world we can always change it to a generator World later in the game this will give us more monthly minerals from our miners let's now make a mining District the last tradition in the prosperity tree is available take it and then Ascension perk will become available we will want to pick technological ascendancy first for more research and more rare tech make sure as you're acquiring systems that you get every system you survey that has a planet on it even if it's not habitable now we will terraform it and colonize it later our amenities on this planet are low we need it above zero at all times so let's build the hollow theater it will cost two monthly consumer goods and we have six so we can afford it every once in a while you get a dangerous event pop up like this one when you see an event like this asteroid event you want to pay attention to it and do what it says it could be sending a signed ship or in this case we are taking our Fleet and killing an asteroid this is a good opportunity to set up our Fleet first thing you want to do is Select each Fleet and change stance to aggressive this way they will automatically engage enemies in the system they are in now we are going to right click the asteroid in the system if we don't kill this asteroid our planet will get wiped wait for the fleet to get there and make sure it is attacking the asteroid good we killed the asteroid before it hit our planet this gave us 969 minerals a new tradition is available it's time to adopt a new tree this time we are going to adopt Supremacy in case the first AI Empires we meet are hostile Supremacy increases our Naval capacity and our army damage Naval capacity is the amount of ships we can have before we incur a penalty this system has a rare Crystal you want to acquire systems like this also we discovered a new alien click the notification and click the little Envoy window then select an Envoy I wouldn't colonize red worlds but yellow worlds are fine because you'll raise habitability later anyway through Tech and genetic engineering the first Supremacy tradition we want to take is Fleet Logistics Corps making ships cost less per month and increasing our Naval capacity we want to pick up Fusion missiles as soon as possible this gives us new weapons on our ships speaking of which let's go to the ship designer and set up our ships uncheck Auto generate ship designs click new design and then Corvette add all missiles afterburners one shield and two armor then check Auto upgrade and name the ship design then click save delete The Old Ship design upgrade old ships to our new design we have a new faction go to the faction screen and suppress anything below sixty percent approval then promote anything above sixty percent approval that's simple let's clear some blockers go to our Capital Planet select features click clear Blocker on each feature provided you have enough energy to do so we just got Fusion missiles on our Fleet designs let's upgrade our ships next tradition is Master ship brights makes our ships build faster and Cost Less since we are not running a trade build we are going to eliminate clerk jobs by lowering the priority on each planet like this we want to research Fleet command limit whenever we see it we've discovered our first AI Empire let's click the top dialog box to raise our opinion of us as high as possible let's improve relations and build a spy Network looks like they like us so far so that's good we're going to change our policies from expansionist to Cooperative reducing border friction and making our improved relations more effective next tradition we take will be war games for Fleet command limit meaning bigger Max Fleet size ooh swarmer missiles we have to get that as soon as we see it for our missile comps we found a new Empire this one doesn't like us yet but we have the subjugation casability against them already this is likely due to us pumping out ships so fast and so early we are going to try and improve stations and see if we can subjugate them without having to go to war with them we have to wait till we get another Envoy we can make bigger fleets now so select all your fleets at once and click the merge fleets button to merge fleets and make a bigger Fleet size if it's grayed out then The Fleets you want to merge are too big our energy credits are low so we can't build any more ships buildings or non-generator districts we can build generator districts but make sure they have enough Pops to fill their jobs another thing we can do is prioritize technicians or generator jobs hopefully that gives us more credits our energy credits are doing better so we can now build more ships build ships until you reach Naval cap next tradition is overwhelming Force giving our ships more fire rate or brittle bombardment gets better too you want to unlock basic combat roles as soon as it comes up yes we want to establish embassies so we have the subjugation cast belly on this Empire too and they have good relations so when this happens we are going to propose subjugation they are in acceptance but we need a hundred more influence we can wait for that but another thing we can do is adjust the agreement if we select independent diplomacy expansion permitted and unified sensors it will lower the required influence and raise their acceptance if acceptance is green check marked that means the computer will accept the agreement or proposal make sure this is green or you will waste influence and that's bad looks like we have enough influence so click proceed and you should now have a vassal Empire which is really cool they accepted their subjugation agreement excellent we can adjust the agreement later to get resources from them but for now this is enough we are not a trade Empire and we don't want to lose our monthly influence so we do not want to accept any commercial agreements we don't lose anything by declining we don't want to accept any non-aggression packs or defensive packs unless we are in danger of being invaded as this kills our monthly influence we want more consumer goods so we will build a civilian Industries building this will add 15 consumer goods and cost 12 monthly minerals which we can't afford then we are going to change this world to an industrial World soon we will replace the mining districts with industrial ones nice doing this gave us a good amount of monthly consumer goods and some more monthly Alloys now we can make some more science labs and administrative offices we have zero monthly food so now we need to build star bases with hydroponic space and an agricultural District awesome we can subjugate another Empire now this doesn't always happen but if you keep pumping out military ships and staying able-capped it is much more likely to happen with that being said if you get stuck with a game where your Empire is boxed in or you are surrounded by hostile Empires there is no shame in restarting the game for a luckier start however you can make just about any game work if you try hard enough but for this tutorial I wanted to give a good example okay we got two vassals and we have a holding slot on each one so here's what you do go to agreements Click on each Empire and click the holding plus button build a Ministry of Truth on each one this will give us a massive influence boost you need to pick Destroyer Tech as soon as you see it come up so we have the galactic Community prompt I would ignore the galactic Community as the computer AI can give you some nasty debuffs later on but if you want to try it go for it we want to finish Supremacy by picking the great game tradition since we have vassals we absolutely want shared Destiny as our second Ascension perk this removes penalties for having multiple vassals and in addition more envoys to work with if we don't have vassals and it doesn't look like we're going to get any then I suggest the executive Vigor Ascension perk for more edicts fund so you can activate edicts like capacity subsidies without costing you precious Unity but for this game we are picking shared Destiny we got a new star base we want this one to build ships we also want more food so we'll build shipyards on this star base and hydroponic space on all our star bases we only need one star base for making ships since we are continuously making them the rest of our star bases can be full of anchorages for Naval capacity we want to get strategic resources as soon as possible so unless there is a more critical technology grab them as soon as they come up no research agreements as they cost influence as well our Naval capacity is considerable now however I want to wait until we get the Destroyer technology researched before we make any more ships we are going to optimize our economy to generate more Alloys go to the market screen we'll sell off all monthly food in Access of 10. we'll sell stored food until we only have 2 000 left that gave us 2 000 credits each time we make a change like this we wait a month to see how our economy changes our energy went up so now we want to configure our economy to produce as much Alloys as possible without going negative or low on our monthly resources so buy Alloys tell monthly energy credits is no lower than 10. even an extra five Alloys a month makes a difference we also want to spend some credits we have stored on more Alloys another thousand equals about 1K Fleet power we have a new tradition tree available to adopt this time we will pick discovery for more Tech choices and more research we researched destroyers so now we can build them and we shall all those Alloys we saved up will pay off now but first we need to remove our energy deficit get star hold technology as soon as you can with star holds we can build more anchorages shipyards and build other constructions like Naval Logistics offices and resource silos so we have -11 monthly energy credits we will remove the monthly alloy buying by right-clicking it then queue up some generator districts if our generator world doesn't have enough space it's okay to build generator districts Elsewhere for now doesn't look like our available jobs is slow enough so we aren't going to build any generator districts yet okay let's start pumping out destroyers but first we need to design a new ship this ship is going to have a gunship bow with swarmer missiles and fusion missiles next an interceptorship Stern also with Fusion missiles Shields and armor afterburners and very important and artillery combat computer name and check Auto upgrade and hit save then delete the default ship design okay with that done we can start pumping out destroyers until our monthly energy credits gets to 15 or less or we hit enable cap terrestrial sculpting is a critical technology you want to get as soon as it comes up this allows us to terraform all those red planets into green planets we can colonize without a huge penalty we will be terraforming and colonizing planets soon so we want faster Colony development speed we have enough edict fund to activate the capacity subsidies edict drastically increasing our Energy Credit generation from our generators we'll store this extra energy to buy more ships and save up for terraforming which will eat up all those energy credits we have been floating the next tradition we will pick is science division for more research choices if you have the overlord DLC get hyperlane breach points as soon as it comes up so the hyper relay Tech shows up you also want this if you want to use wormholes or make gateways we got a subjugation request from another Empire they want to be our vassal see this is is what happens when you keep pumping out the ships always click accept see we are conquering Empires without firing a shot don't worry though we will go to war soon enough in the meantime look at our score we are getting a massive Boost from our vassals we'll build a Ministry of Truth on this Empire too now it looks like we've gotten extremely lucky this game but this is only possible by having a lot of Fleet power and trying to stay Naval capped at all times building star bases with anchorages strongholds Supremacy all this stuff adds up okay so far our fleets have just been sitting here we are going to now use them to clear out all these NPC fleets and hostile aliens in our territory and unclaimed unsurveyed systems around us there are some systems we still are not powerful enough to clear but there are several we can let's hire some Admirals for our fleets by the way if you want to keep your ships from accidentally entering a hostile system you can restrict it by clicking on this button now we are moving our fleets to engage this group of aliens oh look we can upgrade our missiles we definitely want to get that as soon as possible we researched the starhold technology we should upgrade our Shipyard star base first then upgrade the other star bases later our fleets have engaged the hostiles let's watch doesn't look like we lost anything we'll clear out the rest of the hostiles once we get more than 12K Fleet power right now we have 6K so we have run out of stuff to survey for the time being when this happens select your science ships one at a time and tell them to research any situations in the situation log if there aren't any start researching anomalies select science ships and right click on systems with the microscope symbol with a number next to it click research anomalies and system do this with each system until you don't see anymore if you don't have any more anomalies assist research on your planets that have the most tech labs when you get self-evolving logic research it as soon as you see it for more research Alternatives a scientist died you have to recruit a new one our starhold is finished we can now add two more shipyards do this so you can make four ships at a time then we can make a crew quarters building to spend less monthly energy credits when all our ships are docked here which they usually are when they are not at War the next tradition we'll pick up is to boldly go this increases survey speed not incredibly useful right now considering we've surveyed most systems around us but we'll take it finally we researched terrestrial sculpting we can now terraform planets let's do that immediately normally I would get Fleet command limit but atmospheric filtering is badly needed for our yellow planets this will help remove or reduce the bad debuffs that we get from low habitability planets okay let's terraform a planet click on one of the red planets click terraform click the choice at the top in this case we are choosing Continental World red planets cost 5K energy credits to terraform yellow planets cost 2K Two Worlds cost 10K do this until you have 2K energy credits stored or less I want to get Cruisers but we need crystals so we'll get that first we've reached Naval cap so now we need to increase it so we will start upgrading our star bases and build more anchorages the next tradition is data uplinks this increases our research and unlocks the research subsidies edict we might use that later okay next we are getting Cruisers these will be the Mainstay of our build Cruisers are hot right now in the meadow we are going to design some good ones every time we get more than 5K energy credits stored we are going to terraform another planet looks like our starholds have finished we are going to make new anchorages and raise our Naval cap considerably next tradition is Polytechnic education which gives leader bonuses not really anything super important but is required for us to finish the tree so every once in a while piracy happens as long as you have over 3K Fleet power you can easily Crush those pirates we have a lot of influence and we don't have habitats yet so instead we are going to change our vassal agreements if you have the overlord DLC you can turn a vassal into either a prospectorum A scolarum or a bulwark we'll be turning this vassal into a prospectorum however before you post about this not being in the base game I will show you how to change your agreement so you are getting similar results out of your vassals with or without the overlord DLC if you don't have the overlord DLC don't pay attention to Steam Reviews out of all the DLC I think Overlord brings a lot to the table as far as content is concerned Overlord is a really good DLC and I highly recommend it but if you don't have the overlord DLC do this set Overlord conflict to all independent diplomacy expansion permitted and unified sense answers said basic resource contribution to 15 percent advance to fifteen percent and research to 15 do this and you should be all right without any DLC if you don't have enough influence or acceptance to change it all at once that's fine change what you can and change the rest later when you have more influence and they should have more acceptance later on if you have the DLC great your first vassal should be a prospectorum to change click vassal at the top right corner select prospectorum from the drop down menu set to Independent diplomacy expansion permitted unified sensors leave everything else untouched we can set Overlord conflicts to all later word of warning this costs three influence a month while transitioning so make sure you got plenty of monthly influence gain like we have now don't do this unless you've claimed all the systems you've wanted to claim timing is key okay acceptance is check marked and we have enough influence let's click proceed you should get the message that they're converting into a prospectorum by the way look at all the resources we are getting now that we changed our vassal to prospectorum because we are taking 30 percent of their basic resources and 15 percent of their Advanced resources however we are sending them research so it can be a trade-off we will need to make a scalarum next to offset this we are getting a lot of energy credits now so we'll make sure to be terraforming constantly now time to make some Colony ships to prepare for our expansion hyper relays from the overlord DLC are really cool they allow fast travel in your Empire but also your vassals they also provide stability for yourself and your vassals making it harder for planets to rebel I make a point of getting this as soon as it comes up but if you don't have hyper relays that's fine you can always get gateways to travel fast in your Empire it will just take longer hey our vassal finish converting to a prospectorum let's see if we can convert a scalarm next scolarums are really cool they generate research for your Empire but they require protection and return for that research as they will have handicapped fleets from Naval capacity penalties and whatnot so let's select it and see if we have enough also I forgot to go over this with the prospectorum but the scolarium once converted levels up and each level gives you more and more research looks like we can do this so proceed again like prospectorum it costs three influence a month to transition the prospectorum levels up too and more levels the more resources you get it's pretty powerful we terraformed our first planet colonize it like any other habitable planet rare Crystal manufacturing is a must as soon as we can take it we finish Cruiser research so it it's time to design ships and expand our Fleet again so we got broadside bow broadside core and gunship Stern for sections swarmer missiles in the M slots missiles and the small slots three Shields since we don't have a better reactor five armor three afterburners and an artillery combat computer once the design is saved remember to delete the old design start pumping out Cruisers okay we now want Wormhole stabilization to see if we can expand our Empire's borders some more I'm mainly looking at the wormholes in my Empire that I could explore once I have this technology okay we've got our last tradition for the discovery tree so we got a new Ascension perk to go with it we will save our Ascension perk for now for genetic Ascension or cybernetic Ascension whatever comes first we need to get exotic gas refining as soon as we can get this ASAP now we have 12K Fleet power we are going to clear all the Hostile fleets from these systems good habitats Tech is available we want to research this one as soon as we see it we got another tradition tree we can adopt but I'm gonna wait to unlock the genetic Ascension tradition tree first meanwhile we'll take our science ship over here and explore the natural Wormhole we just explored another Wormhole if we left click it when it's explored it takes us to its destination on the map oh look our vassal reach tier 2 prospectorum even more resources and minerals I may explain about the tears and what they do later the important thing is prospectorums give tons of resources alarms give lots of research bulwarks are all about defense okay so we are clearing out the hostiles looks like we lost five Corvettes we didn't lose any Cruisers so that's good so what are our ships doing except the Corvettes the Cruisers and destroyers are using their afterburners to stay out of range of the enemy's attacks while they pummeled the enemy with missiles it's pretty effective until battleships come out looks like we lost a lot of ships but we could have lost a lot more I think the problem is I haven't been able to research Thruster technology yet so we cleared it now we need to rebuild our Fleet let's go to the fleet manager so if we click new Fleet and select Cruiser we can then click the plus sign until it is grayed out when it's grayed out that means that we can't add any more ships to the fleet now if we click reinforce all it will use all of our Alloys and keep using them as we get more that might be useful later but for right now if we click reinforce here we can use up what Alloys we have and then press it again later when we are ready to build the rest of the fleet while that's building we need better thrusters so we will research low-cost Tech to try to roll for it and there we go ion Thruster let's grab it excellent we got Gene tailoring this is the prerequisite to genetic Ascension researching this will allow us to pick up the perk which will allow us to adopt the genetics tradition tree oh that's right we can build habitats now we got a lot of influence so we can start putting them down remember you need the Utopia DLC to make habitats I have a whole video dedicated to orbital habitats so check that out if you want more info on all the types of habitats you can build you want to pick up space Torpedoes at some point for when the enemy starts using battleships looks like we got another vassal having such overwhelming Fleet power is really helping us soon we will start going to war with other Empires to take the rest of the Galaxy finally Gene tailoring is finished we can pick up the engineered Evolution Ascension perk then adopt the genetics tradition tree we get cloning Vats which give us something to dump our food into we have enough Unity built up to take another tradition you want to complete this entire tree before you do any species modification we had like 400 monthly energy credits we terraformed every planet available to us in our borders so we can turn all this extra energy into Alloys okay so now we've got a lot of resources and minerals so we are going to focus on building industrial districts and making Alloys and consumer goods for Unity ships and research we can upgrade our research labs and Administrative Office Buildings but remember most upgraded buildings cost monthly strategic resources so make sure you're making adequate gas Crystal volatile moat buildings to cover those expenses oh and you need to upgrade your Colony building before you can do this also I may have mentioned it already but each time you build the city district you get an additional building slot our habitat's complete click the go to button whenever you get this window click the habitat and open the planet screen we are making this an industrial habitat so add that name to the original Planet name to remind you what the habitat is for okay so we're finally ready to research star Fortress the next upgrade for our star bases this will let us build more anchorages and shipyards our orbital habitat is finished we will build the hollow theater for industrial districts and designate this as an industrial station we want Interstellar Fleet Traditions as soon as we see it for the naval Logistics office that will increase the name able capacity that anchorages give us we'd like to know more about this alien contact like their Fleet power compared to ours technological and economic strength but we have zero Intel so we are going to build a spy Network by clicking here and selecting an available Envoy this will increase our Intel so we can see this information as well as their ships and systems the higher the Intel the more we will see Star Fortress is done so let's start upgrading our star bases now weather Control Systems is required if you want to build an acumenopolis otherwise known as an arcology and have the megacorp DLC megacorp is another good DLC that I recommend now that we have Interstellar Fleet Traditions researched we can start building Naval Logistics offices to increase our Naval capacity and build more ships look at that jump from 130 to 180 Naval capacity if we want in a humanopolis arcology then we want to take anti-gravity engineering next we are going to build a mining habitat next for more minerals make sure the planet has a mineral symbol on it to get mining districts when you build it next is a research habitat build the habitat on any planet with any research to get research districts when built we have more food after adjusting the agreement with our newest vassal we couldn't make him a prospectorum but we were able to get 15 percent basic resources per month so with the extra food we will make some cloning Vats but be careful they cost a lot of monthly food but if you can support it they are worth it okay so when you want to go to war with an Empire you need to prepare and Advance most of the time we are going to start by claiming some of their systems until we run out of influence claiming enemy systems before you go to war with them costs a lot less than influence them while you're at War go to claims and claim their worlds click the plus signs and then click make claims any claimed worlds you take over become yours if you declare peace or win the war our nearest system to them is Through the Wormhole over here we should put our forces next to their border so when we declare war we are at their doorstep ready to invade immediately we finish the genetic tradition tree now we can modify our population with more bonuses we have another Ascension perk this is tough we could get arcology now but we won't be able to build one right away let's pick voidborn for better habitats this will give us two building slots on our habitats to play with we will take arcology later now that we've finished the genetic tradition tree let's modify our species for insane bonuses to our Empire I'll show you how to do it here's what I do go to the species window click create template now what we select here is just an example if you like another trade more feel free to mess around with it this is just what I like to do remember the trade screen back when we first made our Empire well it's the same thing here except you have a lot more points to work with first remove all trades and wipe the Slate clean so to speak we'll pick the slow Learners trait robust erudite natural machinist and traditional we're wasting a trade pick but we have no points left so it's not a big deal this template will give us huge bonuses name the new species click create template now we need to apply it click apply template check the little box next to the species to select everyone available to be changed click apply template at the bottom note how many months it will take to complete also remember that while you're doing this for this duration you won't be researching Society Technologies so be prepared for that click research and we are done for now battleships is another important Tech we want to make a point of getting even if we are not going to put them in our Fleet this technology is still required for megastructures which is critical to end game when we are ready for war we need to recruit ground troops to invade planets to do this go to the planet screen of the highly populated Planet click armies at the bottom and click the recruit button then select the Army you want on the right and click it each click costs one Energy Credit a month and a hundred minerals so recruit what you can afford usually a transport army with a power of 500 to a thousand is adequate to capture most planets early on of course during late game armies will need to be much bigger than that and take months to capture we got a new tradition tree available we get the most out of adapt abilities so we'll be picking that next it gives us more strategic resources more habitability and building slots are all something we can use right now our species has finished modifying now we should see a considerable bonus to our resources from this yeah all of our resources made a big jump build the habitat on a planet with energy credits for reactor districts which provide way more energy enough of the armies we have recruited have been built and have about 500 power altogether so far I think we can finally go to war now make sure you get Gateway Travel as soon as it pops up this is a prerequisite to the technology that lets you make gateways oh real quick first thing we want to do with our new transport armies is put their stance on aggressive so they automatically land armies on planets they think they can conquer that are in the system they're in they will also follow your fleets around next thing we want to do to prepare is set up planetary automation that way we can focus on the war while the computer stays on top of our planets but we have to do this right so first we need to set up our sectors at the bottom right click sector View mode the lightly colored area that popped up is our Capital sector our Empire capital is also the sector Capital let's look at our Empire every planet in a sector is within four system jumps away from the sector Capital however this might be changing in version 3.8 we see over here to the southeast that there are a cluster of planets that aren't in a sector select the planet in the center that is within four jumps of each planet go to the planet summary click create new sector it will then take this planet and create a new sector now visible on our Empire map everything in that lightly shaded area that was just made including planets is a part of that sector now keep doing this till every planet is a part of a sector once done go to the planets and sector screen each sector has a governor slot now recruit and assign a governor to each sector return to the planets and sector screen click sector settings for each sector and select the type of resource you would like the sectors automation to focus on we really want Alloys for our war efforts so we will select manufacturing Focus for all of our sectors by the way I do not recommend planetary automation until you have at least 10 or more planets the more planets the automation AI has to work with the more powerful it is next thing we want to do is go to the top right and set a monthly resource contribution to the shared stockpile the shared stockpile is basically an imaginary bin you throw resources into for the automation AI to play with and build with I like to give the AI half my monthly minerals when I'm doing automation you can also click the shared stockpile box and throw resources in there okay now that we've given the AI some resources to play with let's go through each planet's automation settings go to Planet summary click the gear button called planetary automation settings first if you use or can build clonvats it's important that you uncheck pop assembly for all of your planets this will keep the AI from spamming clone Vats and destroying your food supply I don't know why it does this even though prevent deficit construction is turned on but it just does so control left click this to uncheck and turn this off for all your planets then shift-click to disable it so it doesn't check it for new planets the next thing to turn off is rare resources it is better off to manage this on your own because the AI will overdo it just be in the habit of building some strategic resource buildings now and again so control click to uncheck and shift left click to disable in the future do the same thing with crime unless you're having crime issues you don't want your valuable building slots taken up by enforcer buildings like Hall of judgment besides you can build those yourself at your discretion okay that should be it the rest the computer can manage just fine while you're away at War okay we got automation set up we got troops we got fleets upgraded we claimed our Target Empire systems time to go to war go to contacts select the Empire you want to go to war with click diplomacy click declare war click conquer or claim you may also have other options you may want to vassalize for example but for now claim is the only thing that's available click declare war okay unpause for a second for it to take effect then jump to an enemy system and start conquering notice the transport ship Landing armies automatically start taking systems use smaller fleets like this one to capture non-planet systems without star bases keep your biggest fleets together Citadel is required for making megastructures so pick that research next see the spikes on the little icon here that's a quick way of telling if you completely control the enemy system if the spikes aren't there you probably haven't taken the planets or it's in Allied territory looks like we've spotted the enemy's main Fleet we currently outnumber them by a good amount but that doesn't mean we can't get countered good they don't have any battleships that's what I was afraid of we should be able to win looks like we soundly defeated them the war should be ours as long as they don't have more but I'm confident that my ships won't get wiped we got another big battle coming up we crushed him okay the enemy Empire surrendered therefore we get all the systems we claim before and during the war so this is one example of how a war can go notice that I didn't take all their stuff just some and this goes both ways let's say they were stronger and they claim my systems I could surrender before they destroyed any of my fleets and live to fight another day just like they did to me now that war ended pretty quick but if it hadn't one of us would have reached 100 War exhaustion and if it's us then we can be forced into a peace treaty and possibly lose some systems so you want to win the war before your War exhaustion reaches 100 percent if you go for a peace treaty make sure the enemy hasn't taken any of your systems that they have claimed otherwise in a peace treaty that will get those systems even if you got some of theirs that's not good the Empire I just fought entered a defensive pact with the other uncleaned Empire so now if I fight this Empire again I'll be fighting both of them okay so when you have vassals you're going to have rebellions from time to time usually you can step in and crush them so looks like we are at War again so we are going to come over here with our fleets and retake these systems going to be using these Torpedoes soon in our builds the second I see battlecruisers I'll switch looks like my vassal already cleaned him up for me you want to get this too when you see it Galactic Administration gives you another Civic slot we'll go over that later now when you put down rebellions you might get their systems instead of the game giving them back to your battle which is really annoying but I haven't figured out a way to stop the game from doing this you know what I think since I'm down here I might as well go to war with this Empire down south too but first I have to make claims so we have a Civic slot we are going to spend it real quick here go to the government screen click reform government so I've given it some thought my first impulse is to pick technocracy but I've thought more about it and I think functional architecture is a better choice for right now because we have a lot of planets and will be getting a lot more that's one building per planet that really adds up and will allow me to get research and unity both that way so let's select functional architecture now click reform okay back to the war we are fighting on two fronts these fleets are about to do battle up here I'm just trying to hold them back down here I'm fighting to gain territory oh cool orbital ring definitely going to research that this will make my Planet stronger and do all kinds of stuff big battle about to go down here they got whooped okay so we are at the war screen this shows War exhaustion and the breakdown of it at the bottom in the middle is settle status quo now we are just taking two systems so when status quo is green we will send an offer and we'll get those systems even though we didn't technically win really we did huge battle coming up it looked close there for a second but we stomped them we are beat up though we need to repair just click on your Fleet and click the repair button they will go repair at the nearest Shipyard okay we are going to build our first orbital ring now all you do is build megastructure and then click orbital ring and then click on the inhabited planet you control you can systematically go through all your planets and do this oh snap I didn't see this here they have a bigger Fleet than what I have here and my transports are vulnerable so be careful fighting on three different fronts Paradox please fix this looks like our other transport is getting chased I'll order them back to Friendly territory looks like having my vassals only fight defensive Wars is really paying off they can't enter my vassal's territory but I can so cheesy what the heck this is so annoying the system I was camping rebelled so I got booted and now my transport is trapped and my other one is missing okay status quo is green checked and we have all our claim systems let's send an offer so I can focus on this Rebellion look now we have those systems this will be a good launching point for my fleets we'll put a Gateway here as soon as possible take climate restoration to turn all those two worlds into habitable planets whenever you have an imbalance between Alloys and consumer goods production change one of your Forge worlds to factory worlds or vice versa you can also change to Industrial or change one of your industrial worlds too once you think battleships are going to start coming out add Torpedoes to your missile Cruisers and change the computer to torpedo from artillery so we finally finished the adaptability tradition tree so we got a new Ascension perk we are most definitely picking up ourcology project now remember if you don't have the megacorp DLC that's fine you could always choose defender of the Galaxy to do lots of damage to the end game crisis so since we took ourcology project we are going to start grooming one of our unification centers to become an acumenopolis or arcology we will need 20K minerals we will need all districts to be filled as City or industrial districts then we need to wait for it to build it also costs 200 influence so all of those mining habitats we've been building are really going to start paying off next tradition tree is the expansion tree all but one of the traditions in this tree will benefit us directly so we made some orbital rings from the overlord DLC another great addition they cost influence to build and upgrade but they are worth it because they give you more districts and other things to play with habitation modules are the modules that give extra districts they do cost influence though you can also make shipyards and anchorages Okay so we've set up planetary automation let's do some Planet organization here we've got a lot of planets now so we are going to organize them by Planet designation to do this go to your outliner click outliner options the little gearbox and outliner options check show Colony designation icons then what I like to do is click the up and down arrows to move categories to the top of the outliner list I like having my fleets at the top my Army second my shipyards my civilian ships like Constructors and science ships them planets and star bases after that sectors and everything else you'll notice if you do it right your planets will show the designation icons instead of Planet icons so you can easily tell what each planet is producing at a glance next click on reorder planets let's group each planet with its designation type click the planet title then click an up or down arrow then click follow on another planet on the list and it will reorder that planet next to the selected one most of the time if not simply use the up and down arrows to move each planet accordingly see now all the generator planets and habitats are together in fact I usually rename my planet to include their designation for example tedora mining world or Sarah Farm world to make it even easier to organize my planets now for mining there we go industrial and Factory and Forge Farm unity and Tech there we go all organized nice and neat now we have an accurate count of our planets and what's doing what and how many of them is doing that so I only have one research world that tells me that the next World I acquire I should turn into a research world since I only have one of those or I should make more research habitats Etc like right here I have nine Factory worlds but only three Forge worlds so I should probably make some forged worlds to balance out so Mega engineering is critical make sure that you research it when it comes up you get it by researching zero point reactor battleships and Citadel technology then wait to get lucky it can take a while but you will eventually get it to come up this will allow us to research all the megastructures in the game like science Nexus and Dyson spheres oh and sites like this ruin megastructure here this is a matter decompressor when I'm build it it gives me 2 000 minerals a month insane another great gift from the mega Corp DLC and if you don't have DLC that's okay too the science Nexus and sensor array are great to have so we are consolidating our power getting more and more powerful this Empire that rivaled us for a while economically and technologically doesn't anymore that's a good sign that we are headed in the right direction we are at number one on the victory screen with twice as many points as the runner-up if we stayed till year 2500 we would win I could quit now but there's still several things I want to cover before I end this tutorial at last we have mega engineering research this opens a load of new doors for us Dyson's fears Mega shipyards science Nexus matter decompressors and last but certainly not least gateways gateways are going to help us out immense we are going to connect our scattered Empire across the Galaxy into one huge Network best part is you don't need DLC for it okay so now we're going to save 20 000 Alloys to assemble this matter decompressor while science Nexus would be nice we are going to go with gateways it basically teleports your ships to any other friendly Gateway across the Galaxy instantly so if you build a lot of them you can be everywhere all at once so if you get a lot of energy credit generation and start getting more energy than you'll ever need you can pour it into buying minerals and Alloys minerals to buy buildings and districts Alloys to buy ships and build Mega structures we research Gateway construction this is a game changer we are now going to take our construction ships and start building gateways so we'll select our construction ship then we'll click the mega structures button then click build Gateway site go into the system you want to build the Gateway at move the ghost to the outer edge of the giant red circle in the middle of the system place it there so when we start exceeding the capacity of our star base anchorages we can start making Fortress worlds like this one build a military academy on each one and fill them with strongholds this will drastically increase Naval capacity looks like our construction ship has built a Gateway site click Gateway site under megastructures in the outliner that has an up Arrow so we finished the expansion tradition tree now we got a new Ascension perk we are going to pick up Master Builders building megastructures 50 faster is awesome and being able to make two at a time instead of just one is also very cool okay so our next tradition tree is going to be domination for more influence and edix funds speaking of edix funds let's check that out looks like edix fund still isn't high enough to take two edicts yet if you get the Federation DLC you can build Mega shipyards they are a pretty powerful building that will let us build up to 26 ships at a time looks like my vassal declared war on the Empire I just fought but it didn't throw me into the War I wasn't quite ready to fight but I think I will declare war anyway and try to subjugate this Empire it won't let me because the enemy is the galactic custodian well that's kind of dumb we may not be able to vassalize but we can have an allegiance war and take his vassal anyway having all these gateways built is really going to pay off now my fleets can easily travel to the enemy Empire's territory I have 200k Fleet power so I believe I will crush the enemy here whoa what the heck this star base has 69k Fleet power this might hurt a bit okay we beat them that time oh the enemy surrendered we have a new vassal nice we now control most of the Galaxy looks like my vassal is beating the Empire I was just at war with our matter decompressor finished its first stage so now we should be getting 500 minerals a month that's insane however now we are negative in energy we'll need to do something about that our Sentry Hub is finished so we should upgrade it to the next level going to place a mega Shipyard this megastructure is from the federation's DLC it's going to allow us to build an additional 26 ships at a time the Strategic coordination Center is a megastructure that gives us a lot of Naval capacity and ship bonuses this comes from the megacorp DLC the Sentry Spire for our Century array has been completed this allows us to see where all the enemy's fleets are and most importantly what kind of weapons they have the mega Shipyard site is done let's upgrade it you want to research Ascension Theory as soon as it comes up this gives us an extra Ascension perk and unity ambitions we can upgrade our Mega Shipyard again the first stage gives us plus 33 ship build speed nice the century array is completed now we know all and see all we've finished the domination tradition tree and got another perk we're going to get a second one soon time for Galactic wonders so we can build the Dyson Sphere now that our Century array is complete so now we need to research Dyson Sphere before we build it it will take 56 months we got another Ascension perk from Ascension Theory let's pick Defenders of the Galaxy this way when the crisis comes we'll be ready let's research Ring World why not think of ring worlds as giant planets they come with the Utopia DLC Dyson's fears also come with the Utopia DLC and we just researched it let's build a Dyson Sphere right away same as any other megastructure except with the Dyson Sphere you want to choose an inhabited system then click the star in the middle of the system when you zoom in now we've finished our Mega Shipyard now we can build 26 ships at a time and get considerable building bonuses let's take a look at it when you have the mega Shipyard selected click the shipyard tab at the bottom to access the shipyard let's build a strategic coordination Center for more Naval capacity and ship bonuses build it just like you would any megastructure we need more Naval cap as we have tons of Alloys just sitting there in our storage so we need to pump out more ships and build resource silos which we haven't built yet and built a lot of strongholds so I built strongholds and silos on almost every planet I had a thousand Naval cap now I have a whopping 1300 Naval capacity I had just a hundred and fifteen thousand resource storage capacity now I can store 295 000. all of this is to prepare and get ready for the end game crisis let's pump out another Fleet our Dyson Sphere site is complete now we can start building it let's begin the upgrade process our strategic coordination Center site is finished let's upgrade that too since we have no more tradition trees to adopt we can start planetary Ascension and unity Ambitions we have three really good choices but by far the best is architectural Renaissance at least until our Dyson Sphere is finished Will To Power is also very good giving five influence a month a grand Fleet will also be very powerful giving us 20 percent Naval capacity and ship upkeep reduced by 20 percent for now let's activate architectural Renaissance faster megastructure build speed megastructure capacity Plus One and planetary build speed is doubled so our buildings and districts build twice as fast now let's move on to planetary Ascension to do this simply click on a planet that you want to boost and click upgrade planetary Ascension tier this reduces Empire size and increases the bonuses you get from the planetary designation in this case generator District build speed and technician output was increased so more energy overall a great way to use planetary Ascension is to use it on your Unity world for even more Unity for more Ascension you can Ascend a planet multiple times or as many times as you have Ascension perks so I have eight Ascension perks so I can upgrade a planet eight times we built a Dyson Sphere frame now we need to upgrade it each time we build it we get 1 000 energy credits monthly we built the first stage of the Strategic coordination Center let's upgrade it further okay we got a partial Dyson Sphere this gives us 1 000 energy credits a month let's upgrade it so it produces two thousand okay strategic coordination center stage one is complete let's go to stage two I forgot to mention each time you upgrade this you get plus four star base capacity so let's make some more star bases and fill them with anchorages when we reach here 2400 or the set end game Year we will get a crisis within the next 20 years crisis factions are very powerful enemies that are out to cleanse the entire galaxy usually it is very important that you are prepared by the end game year as the crisis will pour tons of enemy flea power into your Galaxy okay the second stage of the Dyson Sphere is complete now we are going to upgrade to stage 3 to get three thousand energy credits a month now we can really start pumping out flea power we're building a mega R installation site should give us some more Unity our Dyson Sphere is finally complete 4 000 energy credits a month we're going to use it most likely so next we are going to activate gram Fleet and Will To Power with all this extra Unity we aren't using so boost to flea power and reduction and ship upkeep and plus five influence next stage of art installation complete on to the next one it's 2420 and we still haven't got the crisis yet it's sure taking its sweet time getting here finally the crisis is here I'm thinking it's the unbidden yep it's the unbin and they are on the opposite side of the Galaxy awesome we got lucky sometimes it spawns in your territory and that sucks so I probably could just step in and fight it right at their home system before they spread out but I kind of want to let them spread out to show you what they do we have 12 fleets all at 70k flea power we should be able to handle them especially with everyone in the Galaxy fighting with us that's right the computer AI even your enemies will team up with you to fight the end game crisis so machine uprisings like this one can happen if you don't give AI full rights in this case this happened to one of my vassals okay I've decided to throw everything I have at it because it's time to end this tutorial you can experience for yourself just how bad this can get if you don't prepare like we have this game okay here we go this is it we took some damage but we rolled them pretty good we have strength in numbers okay so we defeated the crisis I know I made it look easy but again this is a tutorial and there are many difficulty settings so if it looks too easy just keep playing you'll run into some games where you're not so lucky and if that's not good enough by all means up the difficulty there's Captain Commodore Admiral and Grand Admiral difficulty you can also up the crisis strength so whenever you defeat a crisis you can get a relic relics are special artifacts that get bonuses depending on on what The Relic is some relics are game changing and very powerful you can activate them by going to the special screen that pops up once you get one this is found in the tradition screen in the relics tab at the bottom of the window this Relic is for jump drives and Quantum catapults but it does give us a passive 30 percent speed and range to ships which is really good for our Fleet composition once you've defeated the crisis completely you get a large sum of unity so we went over how to start a new game how to mess with settings how to set up policies and set up government And Trades we went through our first steps into the Galaxy we went over how to expand and manage economy we went over vassalization and different specializations we covered traditions and research how to colonize planets how to claim systems how to survey how to build and organize planets how to use the market edix funds and how they work edicts and Ambitions planetary Ascension dangerous events Fleet Management combat Naval capacity influence Generation ship design jobs and managing pops alien Empires diplomacy Fleet economy important Tech star bases facile agreements Holdings Ascension perks upgrading ships to terraforming hyper relays gateways hyperlanes downloadable content like the overlord DLC and Utopia Admirals Governors and other leaders system restriction anomalies the situation log the victory screen shipyards piracy prospectorums skull arms strategic resources Ascension paths like engineered Evolution and the genetics tradition tree rolling for Tech species modification and upgrading buildings habitats assessing strength of other Empires versus our own Intel a humanopolis arcologies going to war negotiating peace winning wars claiming enemy systems cloning Vats recruiting armies invading planets transport ships planetary automation making sectors the stockpile megastructures War exhaustion performing government and Civic slots orbital Rings repairing fleets rebellions the outliner and outliner settings outliner organization Dyson spheres Mega shipyards strategic coordination centers matter decompressors Sentry arrays and facing the crisis that was a lot of stuff however there is still loads upon loads more that I didn't cover in detail the reason I didn't is because it would take me multiple playthroughs and many more hours of footage to get every nook and cranny so I may take some stuff I missed and make separate detailed videos on each topic as it comes up if I miss something feel free to make a comment that will tell me what I could cover next in a future video also before you comment check my videos to make sure I didn't already cover it this was a lot of work and I may do a condensed version in the future that isn't nearly is long so stay tuned we are going to end the tutorial here again thank you so much for watching until the end if you like my stuff you know what to do thanks and I'll see you next time
Channel: Volairen
Views: 1,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stellaris beginners guide, stellaris, stellaris guide, stellaris tutorial, stellaris tips and tricks, stellaris beginner, stellaris gameplay, stellaris tips, stellaris 2023, beginer
Id: 3iTaF7zYkUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 19sec (4819 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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