How to Build Ships & Fleets | Stellaris

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That actually is a decent tutorial.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Diogenes_of_Sparta 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2023 🗫︎ replies
war in Stellaris is fought by your fleets which are made up of ships which are made up of individual components you can leave the ship Auto build on and throw a bunch of random ships into your fleece and hope the best or you can watch this video and find out exactly what ships you want from a building and how many of them to put into your fleece before we enter the actual shipbuilding you need to get the most exciting part out of the way and learn what all these stats mean little time upkeeping costs are pretty obvious I'm going to trust you can work those ones out power is what's required to well power everything on your ships you must at least break even with this for the design to be valid and having some Surplus gives a small bonus to evasion speed and weapon damage by using some super complicated looking maps that breaks down to something like 0.001 bonus for every one Surplus power what I'm getting that is unless you're gonna have like thousands of spare power it's probably not worth worrying about this as long as you're in the green health is then separated into three areas Hull is the actual HP of the ship so if this reaches zero you're gone armor goes on top of hold and shields go on top of armor now you might think this means you can build tons of Shield Nama and be unkillable but different weapons can do different image the different HP bars and some can completely bypass Shields and armor so it's best to have this somewhat balanced and have Hull be your biggest by far if possible evasion is basically the ship's chance to dodge damage thrown their way speed is obviously how fast the ship can move inside of a system damage is the ship's average damage per second which is calculated from all their weapons and damage fire rates again this is a little bit redundant since different weapons do different damage to different HP bars so I won't worry too much about this and finally special values are any special effects the ship has such as piracy suppression sensor range and anything else is a little bonus effect aside from the standard things the ship already does components are what make up everything on your ship and there are a lot of them but to make things marginally easier they're separated into different categories first of all weapons both standard weapons like Auto cannons or lasers win three sizes small medium or large represented by s m or L the bigger the weapon generally the more damage at the cost of worse tracking which basically means they have worse accuracy bigger weapons are normally better versus big ships and stations since they can't really evade and small weapons are better versus smaller and faster targets like enemy freezers also so this goes for all weapons but there are certain weapon types that are better versus HP types you can see how each weapon will perform versus different bars by hovering over the module size icon so just have a read before you pick you also have X or extra large slots which can only fit in massive weapons that deal huge damage but have terrible tracking G components are guided weapons that cannot miss once fired but are vulnerable to being destroyed by Point defense speaking of HP is point defense these are small weapons which are more defensive than offensive they're used to destroy incoming guided weaponry and strikecraft protecting your Fleet from potentially high damage such as Torpedoes HR hangers which allow larger ships to launch tiny fighters to do damage for them these are basically impossible to get rid of without Flack Point defense and that excellent versus smaller ships since they have near perfect tracking t or Titanic weapons are weapons that can only be used by Titans and normally one shot most other ships if they land a direct hit they spot insane damage while equally and insane cooldown time so you better pray that they don't miss and finally W or World devastates weapons are only available on Colossus ships and do what they say on the tin against other ships they won't really do much against planets the devastates there's a few of these to choose from depending on your Empire and these rules and ethics and all that stuff but one way or another they take that planet out of the game at least for the time being now the other size base components are utilities s m and L are the same small medium large sizes from the weapons and the same logic applies the bigger the components the bigger bonuses at the customer power usage your options for these utilities are armor or Shields so you'll be making your ships tougher versus different forms of damage a or auxiliary utilities uh can you miscellaneous ship Buffs like automatic repairing more power capacity and modifies the different HP bars and finally we have these components on the right and each of these house a unique type of item first you have your reactor which determines your ship's power capacity Baseline your sensors will determine how much of the local system the ship can see as well as how many jumps away they can gather Intel the combat computer can do many things such as increase fire rate range and tracking a jump drive determines the charge time for FTL jumps thrusters determine these ship's movement speed in the local system and Titans and juggernauts have auras which both are debuff nearby Allied and hostile ships so now you know the stats and components we can actually talk about what parts make up a ship and how to choose the right ones so every ship in the game fits into one of nine sizes you have these seven Fleet ship sizes and two defensive ship sizes for using star bases each of these sizes is made up of at least one part and within these parts you fit your components this sounds really overwhelming but it's not that bad you basically just click at the top and select from one of the parts there based on what components you want to use so if you want to make a new Corvette we have the choice of two sections to use for the main body you can see what slots are available on each section so choose one that fits your needs if you're going all out damage you're not worried about missiles or strikecraft we can go inceptor otherwise the picket ship will be the way to go for Point defense get rid of those guided weapons and small crafts for large ships there'll be more sections to choose from but the principle is the exact same of picking parts so you have room for your desired components now you might be wondering what the best parts are and as with most things in life there is no single right answer to start off with you need to know what your ships will be fighting against and to do that you need intel if you have Intel of an enemy Fleet you'll be able to click on the little magnifying glass and look at the details of every ship in their fleets and see what weapons they're using what HP types they have and all the rest of their components in this example we're going to use the Grand Dragon class ether Drake which is one of those big spoolie cos monsters these sorts of enemies are really easy to build for since it's a one unit's Army so you'll only need to remember one load of stats as you can see it has a crapload of Hull and armor but no Shield so any weapons that are shield focused are gonna be a waste of time it also doesn't have a ton of evasion so we don't really need to worry too badly about that so for damaging this good picks would be laser plasma face disruptors missiles and graviton Torpedoes since all these will do great versus Armor and Hull when there are no shields in the way look at all of its weapons they deal less damage to Shields so the more of those can get on our ships the better so now we just go through make ships in each size that work well against this specific Target being shots give them a name which glitter indicates what they're good at because if you have a lot of ship templates this can get pretty confusing so you're gonna want a good naming convention so now we have all of our ships ready we need to actually put them in the fleet and that means choosing how many of each chip size we want and again there's not really a right answer for this going back to our Drake his weapons have a decent mix of high and low tracking making it threat to both large and small ships so I'll bring the mix would probably be the best way to go generally you'll have more of these small ships and few of the land ships and this is for a few reasons first of all the small ships are harder to take out especially as against late game and enemies have light ships with worst tracking they're also cheaper to build and replace if you do lose any so they aren't as much of a drain on your economy something like what I've got here is a decent mix as you get a few ships of every size so you'll be ready for whatever you come up against also be sure to give your fleets Admirals they can get some great skills and will only make ships more powerful so if you're serious about them fighting then make full use of them so now we've got our fleets and our specialized ships and we simply get the men's combats yes the Drake isn't the best example since it's very focused on one thing but you get the idea if you have Intel of an enemy you can see what ships they have and what they have on those ships and build your own ships and fleets accordingly if you don't have full Intel you'll just have to work with whatever info you've got and do your best to build something that will work well versus most enemies and hope the best finally if you're going to be attacking stations you don't even need intel since every Empire in the game has these same stations so just look at your own to know what you'll be up against so now you know everything that you need to build your own ships and fleets why not check out this video here where I go over how to have a strong economy in-game so you can build those fleets and not run out of money whilst doing it
Channel: Colonel Damneders
Views: 35,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Colonel Damneders
Id: TDQr0upeGPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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