2023 Stellaris Beginner's Guide | Part 7 | WARFARE!

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[Music] welcome back to part 8 and the final part of our stellaris tutorial series we are talking about warfare and how to win the game now this is probably going to be our last main episode in the tutorial series but i would like to do one more if we get enough comments down below uh i would love to hear what other questions you have about solaris and about the game and let me know what more you would like me to talk about i'll do an faq as our last episode if i get enough of these and i'll cover a whole bunch of little odds and ends in the game that maybe i didn't explain the tutorial or maybe you just like a little bit more info about so drop the questions in the comments let's jump right into warfare now at the beginning of our last episode we had met the spirit kata who are bordering our empire and actually funny enough we are boarded on both sides we've got the ancient mining drones to the east and we have the spirit guitar to the north and we know that this is a hostile empire that does not like us they do not they are not going to be our friends and we are probably going to come to war with them so there are a couple things that we should do to prepare for that the first i've already started in the last part of the series is i started building defensive platforms which we use on star bases as a static non-mobile way to defend our territory you can build defensive platforms by going to your starbase by clicking on this icon going over to the defensive section and choosing the defensive platform you can build a bunch of these up to a cap which you'll see here your star are your defensive platforms cap one out of six because we've got one here already we're building five more because we only have one way into our system i would recommend that we use defensive platforms instead of ships to defend if you are running an empire that has a bunch of sprawling hyper lanes that are going all over the place and different ways of getting into your opponent's space i would recommend you build ships instead but bang for your buck defensive platforms are the best way to defend your systems from your opponents now i'm actually gonna undo this and i'm gonna uh you know actually no i will go with our defensive platform that's fine i'm gonna take one of these off and i'll explain in a little bit why i'm doing that because not only are you going to want to build ships but you're going to want to customize your ships as well and that includes defensive platforms so we've been building these corvettes right that have been moving between seoul and naranga because we wanted to make sure that the trade that was being collected here was actually uh was actually being collected in one of our old tutorials we we tore down that starbase so i'm gonna take these these corvettes and i'm gonna bring them up to the front line definitely definitely definitely you should be housing your ships at your front line before war it's very important similarly on this def uh on the star base i've got these modules that we could build up and there are a couple of different defensive buildings that you might consider building the crew quarters is going to reduce your upkeep costs of the ships that are docked there and you know if we were in a bit of an energy crisis i might consider the crew quarters but we're not so i'm not going to worry about them instead i'm looking at these last three the target uplink computer the communications jammer and the disruption field generator all of these are really powerful defensive options for your starbase and frankly if you upgrade your starbase high enough you can get all of these as as buildings on the starbase but right now we can only choose one we've got a couple of different options that are interesting we've got ship weapons range increase which is actually particularly good all of our defensive platforms will be able to shoot 50 farther so as our enemies ships are flying in we'll be able to shoot them down as they're coming at us not all of them but you know we'll be able to have a little bit more damage against them than we would otherwise the communications jammer will will create this debuff on our opponent's ships which reduce their sublight speed that is the speed that they move inside of a system by 20 and it reduces what's called combat disengagement chance which is when two fleets come head to head and fight each other what percentage of your ships will actually be saved and can come back in a new battle right their combat disengagement chance will be reduced by 20 which means out of their normal disengaged ships 20 of that will be destroyed forever which is kind of what we want that's a great one and another good one actually is the disruption field generator which will reduce their shield hit points by 20 so if i'm looking at these three right now disruption field generator feels like it's it's a really good one i i think that's that's a good one to build any of these are particularly good and especially because we don't know what our opponent's ships look like or how many of them there are we don't really have a lot to go off of but i bet you they got some shields so we're gonna build the disruption field generator at the end of this list here cool and let's let that run now we also built a stereo into a into a shipyard right we built our two shipyards here and what that allows us to do is it allows us to build new ships just like we were doing at our capital i'm going to use this as our forward military ship base but while i could build the corvettes in this list there is a better way to do it and i haven't shown you this because it hasn't really been relevant but it's becoming relevant now so let's take a look at that if instead of clicking on this icon going to shipyard and slamming a bunch of corvettes down i'll cancel these instead we go to the fleet manager and in the fleet manager we can manage all of our existing military fleets this doesn't include your science vessels it doesn't include your your construction ships but it includes the corvettes that we have in our little group there that are flying across space trying to get to the front lines here they uh i don't know where they are right now where are they oh right here these little guys right here right the fleet manager allows us to quickly manage that fleet right now we have a fleet of eight corvettes because we just built them and and put them out there and we can increase this to a total of our fleet command limit this is something that can be increased in the technology tree as you play the game but right now our fleet command limit is very low it's at 20 only and if we increase this number of corvettes on this fleet we can increase it to 20 out of 20. so we'll have 20 corvettes each one has a fleet command power of one and each one of those takes up one of our fleet command limit what that means is i could have a fleet of 20 corvettes but if i had to build a sec if i wanted a 21st corvette that corvette will stand alone in its own fleet sometimes there's a reason to do that most of the time it's better for you to really build up your fleets and have really focused fleets that are good at a particular thing that are good at the thing that they need to do you can build well-balanced fleets that you use in your everyday usage but as you get further in the game you will unlock better and better ships battleships move a lot slower than corvettes do and if they're in a fleet together your fleet will move at the speed of your slowest ship so you'll have all these corvettes moving at the speed of a battleship sometimes that's a good thing sometimes you actually want a dedicated corvette fleet not only for stuff like uh you know patrolling your trade routes but also for doing surprise attacks really quick in and out attacks against your opponents using your corvette fleets just keep that in mind if we wanted to we could build a new fleet and we could choose what designs for that fleet we have on the right side you'll notice that we only have a single corvette design and that's because we haven't customized any of our ships we're going to do that right now so let's go into the ship designer and i'm going to take a look at the existing corvette design this is the design that all of our corvettes have right now and it includes a uh a single because corvettes are so small a single section which determines what that ship does and what its capabilities can be you can customize all of this you can choose to put on only lasers so that your ships only fire lasers or put on only mass drivers so that your ships only uh fire projectiles but why would you want to do one versus the other the game doesn't really explain this very well i'll explain it to you so instead of customizing this corvette i'm going to create a new design a new corvette and in here i'm going to choose a section now we've got the option for a missile boat an interceptor or a picket ship a missile boat is a a ship that fires both a turret weapon and a missile which is kind of notated by g i'm not sure why yg exactly but it gives you two options for nuclear missiles and a single turret right um nuclear missiles are usually a little bit more powerful than projectiles and lasers are but missiles can be shot down with point defense and so if you have a sense that your opponent doesn't have any point defense using missiles is usually a good idea similarly uh each one of these weapons that you can attach on a ship has a different strength and weakness so if we just hover over the small red laser let's take a look at this you'll notice that it uses an amount of power it's five power and it has a cost which means for every small red laser on our corvette it will cost us an additional 10 alloys to build that corvette so you can have corvettes that are very cheap to produce or you can have corvettes that are actually a little bit more expensive to produce based on the type of weaponry and the type of utility components that they have equipped on them okay so this small red laser it does 6 to 16 damage it fires every 4.6 days i think that is like cycles it is 90 accurate which means it's really good at tracking targets and and shooting or sorry at hitting targets once it's tracked them and hitting them and it's got 50 percent tracking and this is a very very very important number for you to consider when building your ships tracking is probably maybe the most important number second to the type of damage that it does okay so i'll get back to tracking in a sec uh the range is how far it can engage bigger weapons can engage further smaller weapons can engage at a shorter distance on corvettes of course we're flying around in really tight circles around our opponents so they've got a pretty short range and then skipping average damage we'll skip down to the section that shows you what type of damage this laser does it does 50 reduced damage to shields and it does 50 percent increased damage to armor this is a really really really good weapon to take down your opponent's armor and it's not as good as taking down your opponent's shields okay this will come into importance in a sec when we drop down to the utility section right most ships the utility section is always the same regardless of which sections you choose for your ships if i chose to turn this from a missile boat into an interceptor we have the exact same options down here but for now we are going to just throw this back on here throw this back on here and let's take a look at utilities which are equally important this is your armor and your shields how you choose to trade off between armor and shields will determine how strong your ships are against your opponents based on their weaponry this is kind of this game of like cat and mouse right if your opponents are using ships that have a lot of red lasers remember lasers are weak against shields you might want to go into the utility component and put on deflectors okay you'll even get some components here i don't think the reactor booster is is what i'm thinking of now uh but you might even get some components here that improve your your shield value right if you put a ship with all shields but no armor keep in mind that if they've got a bunch of lasers and they break through your shields now they're going straight to your hull your ships have three types of hp they've got hull points armor points and shield points and the amount of each one of these is determined by which of these utilities you place on the ship you'll notice that our shields just decreased by 50 and our armor just increased by 50. and this percentage trade-off of whole armor and shields determines how susceptible your ships are in combat for the most part i would recommend that you have a pretty balanced like when you have three of these options you're either gonna have two shields and one armor or you're gonna have two armor and one shields but the very important thing to note about the difference between these two is that shields consume power and your ships only have a certain amount of power to provide to their systems everything from your lasers to shields to sometimes i think even yeah even some of these kind of modifiers on the right side use an amount of power ideally for the best possible ship you don't have to do this all the time for the best possible ship your power will equal zero at the end of creation what that means is you have an equal amount of power generation and and and uh combat capability okay if i were to take this armor off and place a deflector you'll notice that the power now is in the negatives which means i can't build this ship i can't power it if it can't be powered it can't be built so keep in mind that balancing that is a really important balancing act for your ship design now there is a way that we can bypass this which is we have researched the reactor booster technology and this reactor booster if we hover over these little hexagons here it tells us what they do the reactor booster will generate 20 power for for us so i can place that on the um the augment kind of section here and now our ship power is plus five that's pretty good that's good you know we've got a little bit of extra power generation not the end of the world really and it allows us to build three shields i don't need that and it's more expensive if i do it that way so instead i'm just gonna throw on two shields and one armor and we're good to go cool our ship looks good our evasion number is pretty important smaller ships have higher evasion bigger ships have lower evasion kind of makes sense right and this evasion number is what allows them to bypass um things like accuracy so accuracy and evasion are these two numbers that determine whether a hit will actually hit a ship or not corvettes are notoriously very fast they've got high evasion and high speed which allows them to zip around and avoid a lot of big hits from big guns so i want to create this in our ship designer what a lot of people run into and this is an issue that is kind of frustrating even to me after 400 hours 500 600 hours of the game was you try to press the save and it says auto design takes control over upgrading and usually you've got this this like menu over it and you're like well what the heck i can't save my ship it's because you've got to click on the x in the upper left hand corner and then you have to click on auto generate designs and once you've unchecked that now you can create a design that uh suits you and suits your you know your goals in the game uh let's let's do it let's create the gazelle class corvettes i'm gonna choose save and in fact not only to save really important one to choose is the auto upgrade check mark box here because as you're gaining new technology your weapons and your shield and your armors are going to improve in value but you won't actually have these upgraded on your ships unless you either go back into the ship designer and swap them out or the auto upgrade button is checked so i always check this it's usually a good thing to do until you get really good at the game and you understand which ones you want to auto upgrade and which ones you don't and choose save cool and now our gazelle class ship is created and we can actually go back to asterion and we can now choose between the jackal class which is the first type of ship that we built or the uh gazelle class which we just built now so i want a couple of gazelle class ships i'm gonna slam some of those out and because we have those two shipyards in the starbase we are actually able to build two ships at a time that's the value of building a shipyard uh multiple shipyards on a starbase cool so similarly if we go back to the fleet manager our fleet of jackal class ships we could add some more jackal class ships if we'd like to or if i click this add ship design to fleet i could instead use the gazelle class ships in this list now i'm clicking on this it's not working because our design allows us to create 20 jackal class ships if i lower this and now add to fleet i can add the gazelle class and say we want 10 of each you know i wouldn't recommend you necessarily do this i think it's a little bit bloated and gets a little bit confusing you can always go back into the ship designer and delete an old design if you'd like to because you're not using it anymore or because you don't need the auto generation that the that the ai built for you right so we could delete this jackal class chip if you want to i'm not going to do for now because the one thing i want to show you is something that's actually really really really helpful we've built these gazelle class ships which are great i think they're better than the jackal class in fact i would love it if all of our jackal class ships were changed into gazelle class ships because i think that it's the superior design from the fleet manager there's a couple different things that we can do the first is we can choose the retrofit tool and i am going to say that all of our jackal class ships should be retrofitted into gazelle class ships sounds great they're going to go back into our shipyards they're going to rip off all these different sections of our ship like the the the extra turrets and they're going to install the uh the missile launchers for us on those ships but before we do that before that happens we have to upgrade the fleet and upgrading your fleet will take it and it will send it back to a shipyard to be upgraded so here's our fleet here of jackal class ships if i choose the upgrade action you'll notice that they've changed from going to feynov to going to a stereo because this is the closest place with multiple shipyards where our ships are going to be able to upgrade themselves which is great so let's let them do that let's dismiss some of these pop-ups let's grab maybe an aggressive technology like ceramo metal armor actually would be good and if i'm not mistaken if we go back to ship designer yeah that's what i thought we actually just unlocked a new technology which is coil guns 2. and coil guns 2 is an improvement of our small mass drivers you'll notice that our small mass drivers used to do 5 to 16 damage our coil guns actually do 7 to 21 damage which is you know a small increase but every increase in this counts and you might have 20 corvettes so you're multiplying that increase by the number of ships that you have if i take this coil gun and i place it on this uh on the small mass driver you'll notice that our power generation has now become negative and that's because we're not producing enough power to support the improved value of our coil gun our power generation primarily is determined by your reactor on your ships which is a technology that you can that you can research i haven't researched that technology but again we can take a reactor booster and balance that right out and now we have an improved coil gun that we researched in the technology tree on a ship with enough power generation to support a lot more upgrades we could support two more upgrades for small red lasers if we were still using the uh the jackal-class ships but we're not right so moving on our ships are going to head back to asterion they're going to dock at the star base because it's got a bunch of uh a bunch of shipyards and then those ships are going to be retrofitted with missile launchers and turned into gazelle class ships here they come and they're just going to chill out there for a second i think this only takes a little bit to happen these little icons kind of come off the top of your ships when they're upgrading and uh boom our fleet has been upgraded successfully now what we have is a fleet of eight gazelle class ships and a fleet of five gazelle class ships pretty sweet in the fleet manager if we come back to here we can see that our two fleets are separate from one another and i could go into our second fleet and build a whole bunch more corvettes on this fleet if i'd like to but i've got them they're they're already built you know we've got a total of 13 they're just in two separate fleets so instead of doing that now actually in addition to doing that i'm gonna merge these two fleets together so i'm gonna take my fleet of five i'm gonna hold shift take my fleet of eight and you'll notice that on the left side with these selected we've got a whole bunch of buttons all these blue buttons to press but the one that you're really interested in is the merge button which is going to merge your two fleets into a single fleet together of size 13 and all of your 13 corvettes hanging out there together why you might want to merge instead of keeping your fleets separate is because just like science and just like your armies and just like your governors you can recruit an admiral to this fleet and your admiral will bring very powerful bonuses to your uh to your potential right our new leader our new admiral will have a trait that allows us to have a really powerful benefit sometimes even some powerful um debuffs to our ships in exchange for something else so we've got two traits that we can take a look at right now just because of the leaders and what they what they have right now uh magdalena gives all of our ships increased evasion and sublight speed and that's actually really good for corvettes because corvettes have high evasion and they've got high sublight speed that just means that this admiral is really good at piloting a fleet of corvettes uh otherwise we've got a admiral horatio or that is a name masuku that give our ships increased hull points and weapon damage but corvettes aren't really that powerful they don't have big guns they don't have a lot of hull points so i think in this choice if we're thinking about the early game gale speed is usually a really good choice for corvettes i'm going to choose a gale speed admiral and i don't know if you caught that but the fleet power the military power of this fleet increased just a little bit it increased from 502 which it was previously to 538 because of the power of our commander our admiral so that's pretty cool now this is only 13 out of 20 ships the way that you can build more of course as we can go back to our starbase and go to our shipyard and build more corvettes but those corvettes will sit in this system and that's like that's not where you need them you need them at the front lines so instead here's what we're going to do we're going to take our ships bring them to feign off and i'm just going to let them uh get there so i can i can show you what this looks like and get rid of some of this while that's happening and take this just because i want to get off the screen our corvettes have made it there and now i want to build up a fleet of 20 corvettes again we could build them here but our corvettes will sit here and we'll have to manually move them and manually merge them which is just a big pain in the butt instead if you use the fleet manager from anywhere in the galaxy i can click on my fleet and i can choose reinforce and what this does is it cues up these ships to be created at the nearest starbase and those ships will automatically move through space secretly not on the screen but actually they are they are flying from system to system to catch up to our corporates we actually have a pop-up that shows that reinforcements in transit and in a couple of months those corvettes that we've just created at that star base will fly and join our corvettes here in feynov that'll happen in like just a second here i think it's on the 10th they've arrived in the system i think that was the sound of them arriving yep and now they will automatically merge in with your fleet of corvettes you don't have to merge them manually you don't have to worry about it you can reinforce your fleets from the fleet manager or you can reinforce them from the fleet panel by clicking this button this little icon with the two arrows really valuable really worth using cool so we've got a small fleet of corvettes they're stationed at a station with a number of defense platforms and you remember that i chose to build five instead of six defense platforms that was because in the ship designer you can also customize your defense platforms as well you can build defense platforms that have coil gun twos on them instead and we can save this we can even overwrite that uh that design if we'd like to and in this view we can now build the new design that i've just built or we can upgrade our existing uh our existing defense platforms with the new style remember to do this frequently because the game will not do this automatically for you look at that i i swear i could not have planned this better i could not have planned this better uh we have just been declared war on by the spirit kata and they want to conquer feynov now what they're trying to do is they're trying to go to war with us for a single system because it's actually a very valuable system between our two empires right it's it's really valuable and it would be great if if we too could win something from this war right now we can't but we've got a couple of options in our arsenal to do so and i'll show you what those look like first of all when war is declared on you you have to set a war goal and your options in these goals are are the things that you have the ability to do you can just for by default in a defensive war you can humiliate the attackers you can destroy them if they declare war on you and you win imagine how humiliating that would be for them that is the de facto war goal that you can have on any empire at any time but wouldn't it be great if we could get something from this war like wouldn't it be nice if we could actually win some territory and and grab a little bit of space from the spirit guitar and that would be more interesting to me than humility humiliating them personally right you can do that i'm going to click out of this x carefully i don't want to click out of this one you can do that and probably should before war is declared on you in the claims panel now let's talk a little bit about systems and claims remember how your construction vessels go across the galaxy and they they grab star bases by building star bases on them those star bases cost alloys and they also cost influence okay claims are a way for you to say you own that i own that like that's mine that is my that is my territory that is supposed to be mine i deserve that system and if we face off in a war and i take it i'm gonna keep it claims are incredibly important they're incredibly powerful so we've got a system here yakiri it's actually the only system that i can see in the space owned by this empire uh yakuri that we can claim and by claiming it we will be able to win that system in a war where our war goal is to conquer our enemy okay so i want yakiri i'm going to add to the list i could claim spear kata but you'll notice that the claim costs for sphere katah compared to yakiri yakri was like was it 40 40 influence spain the claim cost for spirit guitar is 220 influence and why that is because it becomes more and more expensive for you to claim systems that are further from your borders you can do it but it's much more expensive so if we wanted to claim the home world of the spear guitar we could do this right now but two things it's very expensive to do it and the only way we could actually win that is by claiming the system and keeping it and i'm not sure if i could pull that off right now that's pretty far and i don't even know how to get there so i'm not going to claim this one but i will take yakiri because we believe it's ours we deserve yeah great yakuri should be our system and i will make my claims now that my claims are made if we go back to the set war goal you'll notice that because we have claims instead of saying i just want to humiliate the the spirit guitar they're kind of jerks you know they declared war on us let's get rid of them uh instead we can say you know what you've declared on war on us i declare war on you you're going down and we could choose the conquer option for our wargle you can only get systems that you have claims of if you choose the conqueror wargle so keep that in mind whether you are declaring war yourself or whether war is being declared on you so i'm going to set that as our war goal and this brings up a panel here it's also accessible in the bottom right hand corner i'll try to move my my video when this happens the bottom right hand corner which shows us the progress of the war this will include all details how many space battles did we have who won those space battles how much attrition was done to our own people to our own systems to our own planets and who's winning right at a certain point this war will end and it will end in one of four ways technically three kind of four either one side will surrender and the other side just de facto wins or both sides decide you know what we're gonna stop this war whatever you own right now is what you keep if you have claims for it and whatever you don't own you lose okay this is usually the way that most battles most wars uh end if the two sides are are kind of duking it out for a long period of time or and this is very very very rare one side has achieved all of its war goals it has completely decimated the other side it has gathered all of its claims it has humiliated and destroyed the opponent's fleets and it's time to time to end it we can move on this is very rare to happen but it does happen in the game what is most likely to happen is that these percentages represent exhaustion what's most likely to happen is your empire or the opponents get so tired of fighting that they can fight no more and at that point the opposing side is able to say we're ending this war this is it it's over and whether you like it or not the war will be finished at that point if your opponent's exhaustion is is brought to a hundred percent you can determine the terms of what that ending looks like if your exhaustion is brought to 100 they will determine the timing and the terms of what that looks like exhaustion is created from damage to your planets it's created from losing ships and battles it's created from losing systems there's a lot of different ways that your empire is just going to get sick of this like why are we still fighting this is ridiculous and so keep that in mind as you're playing that your exhaustion and keeping an eye on it in the bottom right hand corner your exhaustion is really important to manage throughout the course of a war okay so we're in our first war let's let's do it let's war uh we have this system of yakiri which we have peaked into before and so we see that it has a small starbase of 150 power easy enough for our fleet of 700 fleet power to take on so i'm going to move them into yacuri now and and take that system the other thing worth noting is that there's a whole bunch of systems out here that we have no idea what the heck's going on in these systems there's a couple of tools we can use to find information out about that the first is remember we have our spy master who is sitting in the in the spirit guitar and they're learning about them we can actually gather some information about that empire i'm not going to go into this panel because there's a lot here it's a whole explanation all to itself but i will say i want them to gather information on the spirit guitar so let's do that the other way is just how we do with our science vessels i'm actually going to need sort of a let's call them like a military scientist i'm gonna need a military scientist to come join us and and find out about these systems so i'm gonna bring them with us here and bring them into yakuri now i can't actually give the order for them to go into the system and it's because scientists by default try to avoid conflict makes sense right they don't have ship uh weapons on board their ships so they're going to try to avoid conflict systems you can disable this by choosing your fleet stance and setting it to passive on that science vessel and now they'll move into yakiri no problem and they'll be able to explore it so let's go ahead and do that you'll notice that our ships now i'm going to set this to slowest like i said uh in one of our tutorial videos with solaris uh our ships are now attacking the starbase owned by our neighbor and they've almost got it down this is the health and above it i didn't get here fast enough would be the armor and the shields but our ships are circling around the starbase attempting to blow it up and seize it for ourselves which we'll do in just a second here boom there it goes we had a successful fleet uh uh engagement inside of yakuri and now something has changed here yakuri has this icon with these little spikes coming off of it and if i scroll over this it shows me that the system is fully occupied by the united nations of earth which is our own empire what that means is we occupy the system but we don't own it we will own this system at the end of the war if we settle status quo or if our opponent surrenders but until that happens all we do is occupy it the starbase in the center belongs to us it it will shoot down and and shoot at our opponent's ships but other than that we can't do much with it and and we can't just decide to to you know to control it in many of the ways that you control the systems that you actually do own yourself i'm gonna build another defense platform here so keep that in mind uh i'm gonna take now because we got our first victory our vessels and we're gonna send them to uh let's send them inwards towards our opponents and while this is happening too i would love to reinforce our fleet i can't right now because i don't have the alloys to do it but i'll go into the market i'll buy a bunch of alloys because we're at war right and i'll reinforce our fleet to round out our fleet 19 out of 20. i could build a second fleet now with the alloys that i have in fact i would recommend that you do i think that's a very strong move even though it's going to break something in the game which i'll explain in just a second but let's go ahead and do that let's go to the fleet manager great new let's add our gazelle class ships here add 20 to them and build a new fleet of gazelle class ships in asterion to back up our our second fleet here that's moving in we'll also want an admiral for that fleet we'll also want to make sure that that fleet is uh is like looking good and catches up to the battles here now our uh our military vessels are moving through yakiri they are about two i'm on the slowest speed that's why this taking so i was like what's going on um they're about to move into the next system adjacent system here and here we have another battle to do where we are going to engage against this star base you'll notice that every single time you take a starbase the view of the next system becomes available just like that happened that's because this starbase is sort of blocking our view we've never been in these systems before we've never seen their hyper lanes so this is a really really really really risky thing to do when you're moving your ships around right would you move your ships into a system where there are three paths for your opponent's ships to possibly come through and destroy you i i don't think i would in real life i think that's really scary so instead i'm gonna dock our ships here we're just gonna wait for our military science vessel to come in because i would rather risk a science vessel than i would risk my majority of my fleet right i think that makes the most sense i think that makes a lot of sense okay our fleet unfortunately third fleet i think was built in the fleet manager at the wrong uh at the wrong system they were built in um in out like further away from the front lines which is not what i wanted i should have chosen their home base as the feynov system and assign them there so that they could actually be uh be brought there but you know here we are so i'm going to actually take this fleet and bring it up to feynov and have it move in that direction so that they can reinforce our our main fleet up front in front of uh of the battle this fleet that is up here is i'm a little bit scared to bring them forward so let's get our science vessel to go and explore that system they're going to do that first but here is what i was waiting for i was waiting for our opponent's fleets to come into view because i have no idea how powerful they are they now have shown their cards and they've got a fleet power of about 1 000. we've got a fleet power of about 800. those are not good odds for us we are going to lose this battle we've got a little bit of sight into what our enemies are doing right they're actually taking their corvettes and it looks like they're beelining it for ether etheuk ethyuk and that means that we are going to probably lose this battle if we go head-to-head against their ships so i'm actually going to take this opportunity to back up to feignoff wait for reinforcements to arrive and then we are going to engage them when the odds are on our side cool now these ships are uh are heading across this portion of the galaxy they are going to go into ethio and take back this system because remember we took the star base it it shoot it fights for us right now i don't think it's strong enough to counter the the larger fleet of our opponents but it is something that um that it will do a little bit of damage to our opponents for us as it's at as it's on our side for the time being so in just a second here we're going to see them pop in here they are and just like we did they are going to fire at the starbase and take it back and this is going to rest control of this system back to the spear kata okay too bad that's fine a small small loss a tiny small battle lost no big deal we are going to be i think the victors of this combat at the end of it their fleet of 1000 has now um has now solidified itself it's now a thousand fleet power in a single fleet which is a little bit scary because we could only actually muster 868 fleet power in a single fleet probably because of the weaponry that we have on board our ships but if we can win in numbers we can definitely win win the battle so that's that's what we're going to have to do i'm going to build a couple more corvettes by reinforcing our second fleet and let's also make sure that we put a leader on it we have two different new traits here we've got a trickster trait and the resilient trait trickster's the way to go i don't really like either of these particularly but it's better for combat and so i'm gonna run that one and our fleet power of 394 is coming in we should be able to take on their 1000 with our combined power of about 1400 here so let's do it uh 1200 technically 1200 uh so let's do it we are going to take our fleets with admirals and we are going to move them into yakuri they have a very small starbase that they now take you know have control of and we have a little bit of a larger fleet it just repaired itself a little bit of a larger fleet in terms of numbers that may win this battle i hope it does but it really depends on a lot of things it depends on what the weaponry of their ships are it depends on whether they're using shields versus uh using um using armor it depends on if our weapons are really tuned against their their defenses and if their weapons are tuned against our defenses but we'll speed this up this just beautiful flashing of lasers and um and spirals and in a second we will see who the victor of this is now we can keep an eye on this and see a couple of things that are changing right our fleet power is decreasing this used to be like 8.96 it's now 7.85 it's because our ships are being destroyed their fleet power used to be a thousand it's 500 now baby it's looking good so we are going to let this play out because i think unless they bring in more ships we've got this one in the bag and not only that but some really good things are happening yeah looks like we won this one easy beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful okay our fleet has taken a lot of damage but we won the battle we did a bunch of damage to them a bunch of damage we destroyed their entire what i think is probably their entire main fleet and what that means is it's probably time for us to press our advantage we are going to just ram through these systems and take as many as we possibly can why we're doing that is because i want to push our opponent's uh exhaustion to the point that we can say it's time to end this war it's time to finish it while i'm doing this though we can also make some claims in the middle of this combat keep in mind claims made during wartime are more expensive than claims made during peace so this is kind of an expensive venture for us but i think we deserve the systems so we're going to make a whole bunch of claims on the adjacent systems that our opponents own technically right now for the time being they're going to be ours in a little bit so we are going to go ahead and ram through and take as many of these as we can we'll take a thuke and we'll take after after sean after sean sounds good let's grab that one because we've got a claim on it and hopefully we don't see like a massive fleet here or here on these adjacent systems when we take this one now we're good and then let's head back to shariat and grab shariat or you know what actually let's not and i'll show you the importance of owning systems when you perform a white piece so you'll notice you may have noticed that if i go into this view here we have the option to settle status quo this is because we've achieved our war goals our opponent is at 40 war exhaustion and most importantly our relative strength of our navy is so much higher than theirs because we wiped them out that's a really really really powerful thing which means that we've got the option to do what's called a white piece or settling status quo this is hey we're done we're done fighting we have what we own you have what you own let's just end it there and you can actually see what the results of this decision will be um when you when you take a look at uh oh you used to be able to actually it doesn't it doesn't seem like you can you can do it here anymore but what this oh here it is if you scroll over this what this is saying is the defenders will take control of the systems etheque yakuri and f jason sounds great to me the attackers get nothing at all they will lose those systems and you'll notice that we don't win shariat and that's because we haven't conquered it we don't own it we don't control it and if you don't control a system that you have a claim on when you choose to settle status quo you will not gain it so i would not recommend doing this if i were playing the game for real i would take my sis my ships here bring them down to sheryot and take it but for the sake of this tutorial just to see just to show you what would happen let's pretend i forgot that a shariat even existed and i have a claim and i didn't take it or our opponents have taken it back and we have to settle status quo it has to happen right now we would go here settle status quo and send the offer which the opponent can either accept or deny in a multiplayer game the player actually has a choice in a single player game or up against ai the check mark means that they will accept it the x means they will not accept it so the spear kata ah they're their their phrasing has changed here a little bit the circumstances dictate that we put an end to this war we must accept this for now and look at that the empire of the united nations of earth has expanded to the three systems that we just claimed and took and won from our opponents we can now do a couple of different things here because we own this system i can actually build up this starbase into a star port and it is now the forward operating force of our of our empire and this could be our defensive position where our ships sit and wait for our next battle against the spirit kata uh keep in mind doing this this way with the shariat was a really bad move our opponents could turn this into a star port with a bunch of shipyards and in the next battle those ships could destroy yakuri from multiple different directions we now have to fight a war on one two three four fronts that's a little bit scarier than what we had before when we were completely defended by the spirit guitar so just keep those in mind when you're when you're making decisions in terms of war and wartime during that war a couple last things for you to know i built more uh more ships than my naval capacity can support remember there's two numbers that are important fleet command limit tells you how many ships you can have in a single fleet and naval capacity tells you how many ships you can have across your entire empire without incurring penalties this entire time i've been incurring a gigantic penalty a 55 increased cost to the cost of all of my ships because my uh naval size is above my naval capacity naval capacity is increased just like fleet command power by increasing your technologies and researching new technologies so keep that in mind my energy credits could have been much much higher but they're but they are incurring a large cost because i am exceeding my naval capacity now we just won that war which is great a couple things happened that you may have noticed the first is that we now have open borders with our neighbors and this allows our science vessels to now move through their space and find out like we've never been able to see this stuff before what's what's out there what's going on you know what are these star systems what are they called what's in them our our uh science vessels can now explore those and check those out and they'll be able to um find out more about the spirit guitar and their kingdom i could go this way through the spirit guitar which would be a really good uh benefit for us militaristically because in our next battle i want to know what their space looks like or i have a sense that there might be some kind of sentient species out in this part of the galaxy we haven't been able to see them because the mining drones have kept us apart but maybe we'll be able to find an empire that kind of feels like ours it feels like home maybe an empire that has the same ideals of egalitarianism and xenophilism that we want to live in harmony with them and and incorporate them into our own our own empire our own kingdoms growing side by side in friendship or maybe form a military alliance with them maybe they hate the spirit guitar just as much as we do and they could be a militaristic ally to us after a war there will be 10 years of peace and you cannot declare war during that time what you can do that you normally can't though is you will have open borders through any of their systems so whether you win or lose whether you use the war as a way of taking territory from your opponents or use the war as a way of getting through your opponents and out into space war can be the way that you break free from the clutches of a bit more of a domineering species and you can use this to your advantage to expand your empire elsewhere this has been the final part of our stellaris tutorial thank you so much for watching the whole thing i hope it has helped you don't forget i haven't covered everything but if there any other questions that you have i want to hear them in the comments if i get enough comments with questions related to solaris i will do an faq episode after this answering those questions otherwise you can always check us out on twitch we stream solaris pretty often and you can come and ask questions about solaris while we're playing the game this channel probably is going to pivot to a different form of content it's not that i don't like stellaris i actually love the game a lot but i think that we're probably going to start looking at a bunch of different games out there i want to introduce you to the world of indie games and show you gameplay content that exists out there that you might be interested in if that interests you hey you should subscribe to the channel i would love to see you on on future videos moving forward your support in this series has made it possible for me to create it so i just want to say thank you so so so much keep an eye on the official solaris paradox channel for more videos that may or may not be created or produced by me i actually created a beginner's 10 first steps to playing stellaris that went out on the official solaris channel which is a blast to create and until then i will see you on our next video whether that's a solaris video or maybe a stream or maybe somewhere else on youtube i'll see you then [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: MaxTheCatfish
Views: 92,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Stellaris Beginners Guide, Stellaris Tips and Tricks, Stellaris for beginners, Stellaris Overlord, Stellaris 2023 guide, Stellaris guide, Stellaris guide 2023, stellaris beginner tips, stellaris beginner strategy, stellaris starting guide, stellaris for dummies, stellaris tutorial, stellaris beginner tutorial, maxthecatfish, stellaris aggressive neighbor, stellaris war guide, stellaris warfare guide, stellaris ship designer, stellaris ship guide, stellaris early war
Id: -6hc5wcbKHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 38sec (3218 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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