Stellaris Guide 3.0 - Starting Choices (1)

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hi there and welcome to my advanced guide for solaris 3.0 in this series i'm going to be doing a let's play but with a bit of a difference i'm going to be narrating my gameplay talking about why i've done things what i'm going to do and why i should do things from it you can draw your own conclusions and you can decide which pieces of information are great tips and which pieces won't help your gameplay now i'm not going to be playing with a very specialized civilization in fact i've designed a civilization which should have the minimal impact on my actual gameplay so i've gone with some very generic traits civics and ethics i'll show them now if you want to pause it you can have a look in addition to that i've chosen a very generic origin and you'll also see now the settings that i've chosen for this play through in this video i concern myself mainly with the initial choices and decisions you have to make with your civilization you can check out the full list of topics in the description let's dive in so here we are the other interplanetary assembly is our civilization and let's dive into the game let's start with the things that jump out at us technology so we have our research physics society and engineering research to deal with starting with the physics research we've got a few choices available to us at the moment i'm going to recommend going with the increased ii uh physics research output here though having said that the global energy management technology which allows us to build the energy grid building is now a really good building that's a really good technology and a good building however it does cost quite a lot 3000 which for us would be around 10 years so so we're not going to take that and on top of that the fusion reactor which would give us better engines on our ships we really don't need that at this stage and probably for quite a while actually so the moment we're going to go with the plus 20 to physics research now in society research we've got some interesting choices i would normally go for this one if i were to see it the plus 20 percent but we've also had genome mapping come up now this gives us a bonus to pop growth speed and pop growth is one of the most important modifiers in the game the faster you can grow pops the more pops you'll have and the more economic output you will have from your empire making it bigger better and stronger on the other hand we've also got the plus two unity planetary unification that's also an important technology which will allow us to go down the path here it's the administrative path which means we'll be able to build better planetary capitals and unlock better technologies around that area so that's also a good technology but but we're going to go with the genome mapping here and then finally in engineering we are we're going to go with a plus 20 to research for the same reason as physics better armor we don't need that immediately increased hull points is nice but quite a bit too expensive so we're going to go with the plus 20 research now if i'd seen any technologies down the robotic path at this point as well i would have taken those but i don't so i'm going to go with this plus 20 percent the way that exploration works has changed quite dramatically at the start of the game now your shipyards or your starting star base here provides some sensor range for you which means that the adjacent planets to your home system you'll be able to see what they are the the planets in adjacent systems so for instance i am a savannah world species i can see there is a savannah world planet here so the first thing i'm going to do is send my science ship immediately over there to survey that planet the reason i want to do that is i want to survey that system i want to get a colony ship down on that planet as soon as possible and the first step to doing that is surveying on top of that i'm also going to send out my constructor there just to speed up this process now there are some other things i need to do at the start of the game before we get going i'm also going to go into my policies and have a little look around there so one of the initial things that is quite important is your unity so i want to get an increased uh unity generation and to do that as a as a regular species i'm not a hive mind i'm not a machine empire i have trade value at the moment i am converting each trade value directly into one energy there are two other options for my species i could switch it up and make some consumer goods instead of getting one energy i get half an energy and a quarter of a consumer good or i could do the same thing with unity now i'm pretty balanced right now on consumer goods i don't need more of those so i'm going to go with this marketplace of ideas because i want that extra unity generation at the moment i'm getting 14.75 per month i really would like to increase that my trade i'm going to go down by about 10 energy but i'm going to be converting that 10 energy into 5 extra unity which which is going to be really quite good that's going to really help me speed down this traditions tree very quickly we also have our starting world our capital now let's take a look at our capital well are there any things we really need to do here on our capital and the answer at this point is not really we don't have the minerals to build new buildings and we don't have the energy yet to clear any of these tile blockers but there are some things we can do to increase our production the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to unemploy some of my bureaucrats and the reason i'm going to do that i'm going to unemploy both of them because i at the moment have 30 administrative uh 31 empire sprawl but a cap of 50 due to my jobs but i don't need all that 50 and these bureaucrats use two consumer goods each so i'm going to unemploy both of those and they'll go from costing me 2.5 consumer goods to per month down to 0.5 yes they're going to drop my happiness slightly but i have on my species right so if i go to that quickly we'll see that i've got decent conditions enabled so when my pops are unemployed they do have reduced happiness but not by a massive amount it's not like they're on basic subsistence where it would be a real issue if i were unemployed the next thing i'm going to do before unpausing is i'm going to unemploy my enforcer and i'm going to fire my governor and then i'm just going to quickly unpause just for two days okay and now we've got a little bit of crime that's probably a bad thing i would think but luckily we can negotiate a deal with the criminals on our planet and what that will do it'll increase our stability by 10 percent there we are now we're up to 73 stability but we've got quite a lot of crime well we should really do something about that crime let's let's employ a governor and let's put an enforcer in and let's just unpause again for a moment oh look we fixed our crime problem and what was the secret ingredient everybody the secret ingredient is crime and so what's that's done it's increased our stability by 10. now every point of stability you go up by gives you an extra 0.6 increased resource output in addition to that you get an extra 0.6 percent trade value and it also increases your immigration poll at the moment we don't care about the immigration that's fine and there's a few more things we need to do before we really get going in the game so i'm going to go to my ship designer here and i'm going to untick auto generate designs now if you are starting in a particularly competitive game even then i would say that this is this is almost completely necessary i'm going to clear the design and do one more thing and that's remove the hyperdrive so now i've got ships with no weapons no defenses and no hyperdrive but these ships only cost 45 to build if i if i just go off the design again so we go from 100 down to 45 so i'll save that design and now i can upgrade i use that term loving here we're going to upgrade our ships to that new and improved design and it's going to give us 145 alloys so i'll do that upgrade i'll unpause it just for a moment they've been upgraded and now we have 245 alloys well that's fantastic that's a lot of alloys and you might be asking what are we going to do with these alloys well what we're going to do is trade them on the internal market some would say i could say black market take your pick we're going to sell 50 alloys to get some more energy we're also going to add a monthly trade to sell almost all of our food we don't just sell all of it we don't want to risk going down below 200 food and then once we've done that we're going to buy we're going to buy 50 consumer goods and then we're going to wait if you've been enjoying this video and other videos on my channel please consider subscribing it will help get my videos out to other players like you let's just let the month tick over oh first thing actually before that we've had first contact protocols come up so there are two options here there's the or two options for us if we had um first contact protocol set to aggressive we could go with the the the bottom option but but uh i have tended to find that the cautious option tends to be the best um due to the fact you're not going to get uh negative events as often and you can decrease um other empires spy network growth on you and the less information the ai has about you the less likely they are to attack you i've found so i'd recommend cautious there are merits to taking the other two as well but but i personally recommend cautious and there we are we've gone over the month and we've got now we've got 130 energy well what can we spend on let's buy another 50 consumer goods so now we have we're in the second month of the game and what can we do with we've got we've got 200 food 200 consumer goods and 200 hours well i'm going to buy a colony ship so that's going to be finished in 12 months time i'm going to finish that at 22.01 and february hopefully by that point my science ship will have completely surveyed this system my construction ship will have begun building and hopefully finished my star base there meaning that i'm going to be getting a colony down there in the in 2201 you know 18 months into the game in this game it's massively important to have your colonies built the first two initial colonies if you're having two habitable worlds which you probably will to get those down as soon as possible because the sooner they're down the sooner they will finish and the sooner they finish the more pop growth you'll have the more pop growth you'll have the more pops you'll have and the more pops you'll have the more economy you have and in this game you just want more more more more and let's put the speed up too fast there and we'll just flow through the game now so the next thing i'm really going to be doing is i'm going to wait to build up enough energy credits and enough minerals to start making some decisions on my home world with regards to buildings districts and tile blockers i'm not going to buy minerals with energy because that'll end up costing me overall more i just want them to naturally grow to a point where i have enough but i'm also quickly i'm going to remove this monthly trade because i want to be at at least 10 food per month so i can get back up to a second colony ship because somewhere around here i don't know exactly where but somewhere there's going to be another planet just like this one this is a reasonable planet starting carrying capacity 52 it does have five tile four tile blockers blocking five districts in total but it's but it's a pretty good plan i've got a reasonable number of energy districts and there's loads of food districts but but that's not really so important to me the mining districts is what i'm looking at really so i now have enough minerals to build pretty much anything i want on my capital in terms of buildings and in terms of districts i can build anything except the city district but what do i want to build so my planetary capacity is 64. now that's that's pretty reasonable that's giving me at the moment additional pop growth i'm getting plus 2.53 per month which is that's pretty good i can't really complain about that but it could be higher now the way i'm going to increase my pop growth because you can see i'm getting regular base growth of 3 plus this 2.53 which is logistic pop growth and that's based on uh that's based on the number of pops i have which is the moment is 28 and the carrying capacity which is 64. now i've actually done another video about uh where the specific goldilocks zone is on on this carrying capacity and population i'll link that down below in the description if you want to watch it but but in essence you want to get your capacity as high as possible above around 80 and and you'll be really quite comfortable at 82 we can have 25 pops and be at max pop growth so i want to increase that planetary capacity now if i build any of these districts other than the city district they each only have two additional housing whereas my empty districts each provide for carrying capacity so if i build one of those new districts and thus remove one of my tile blockers the net change to my planet capacity minus two in addition to that while i'm waiting for the district to build i'll actually go down by four planetary capacity which isn't so great i don't want to build any of these districts on my capital no resource districts not at the moment because if i reduce my planetary capacity i'll be reducing my pop growth i don't want to reduce my pop growth so what are the options available to me how do i employ these people at the moment who are doing clerk jobs rubbish how do i give them a new purpose in life well i'm going to be building buildings so the initial buildings i could choose between that are really useful i've got a big list of buildings here as you can see there's the research labs now that's going to give me two researcher jobs and some extra science extra science is really good that'll give me an extra 30 science that's fantastic otherwise which other buildings are useful well looking through this let's see the stronghold i don't need soldiers the resource silo never ever build it if you build this i don't know what you've done wrong but just don't okay just don't build it um precinct houses if your crime has gone through the roof if you're next to a mega court the crime mega court then then yes that would be useful luxury residence well this is actually quite a good building now it's going to increase both your amenities and your housing and housing will increase your planetary capacity so if i had to build this i'd go up to 67 planetary capacity and 13 amenities i don't need that right now and it's 400 minerals i want to spend that on something which will be much more beneficial to my empire immediately so so i'm not going to do that yet but it's definitely a good building now on top of that we've got hollow theater well that's my preferred building for amenity production because you both produce amenities and unity and you get a bucket load of amenities plus 20. that's going to balance your amenities out for a big wide gap of population commercial zones well in this version of the game now i would actually recommend not building commercial zones never there's there's really no need to build them because of the auto pop resettling you shouldn't be at a point where you have unemployed pops that can't migrate to another world that has available jobs for them so if you're building commercial zones you're employing them in clerk jobs we now have less pops in 3.0 and that means that each pop has to be more valuable to us it has to do more and and because of that lots of the resource producing jobs your miners your your farmers your technicians they've all had buffs to that output clerks haven't had buffs they're still plus two clerk uh no plus two amenities and plus two trade value and there are no technologies that increase that there are technologies which increase the output of all of your other jobs your minor jobs your food jobs your base worker jobs there's no technologies that increase your output of here there are buildings short you can increase your trade value with ethics buildings and civics absolutely but i'm i'm not going to spec into that i mean you could specialize completely in that and make a workable empire but this empire is generic it doesn't have any bonuses like that it's not worth it to me civilian industries and alloy foundries they're really good buildings in the early game because they allow you to get artisan jobs or metal urges jobs so you're going to produce more consumer goods or alloys without reducing your capacity on your planet because if you build an industrial district you'll be reducing your planet cap by two and you don't want to do that you want to keep your planet cap as high as possible so those two buildings are really good and the upgraded versions are good too there's also the autocathon monument that's a building that does have merit but at the fact you're only producing eight unity and seven society research for four consumer goods for only two consumer goods i could produce five unity and a bucket ton of amenities so i would actually recommend going with uh going with the hollow theater over the autocathon and then admin offices you'll be building that to reduce administer increase your admin cap reduce the impact of empire sprawl but right now we're not worried about that so i'm going to build the research lab and then i'm waiting to get to 300 and i'll be removing one of these tile blockers to increase my planet cap probably the sprawling slum to generate an additional pump and that's where i'm going to wrap up this episode if you've enjoyed it please leave a like if you have any feedback please leave a comment and if you'd like to see more content like this please subscribe thank you for watching
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 53,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, stellaris nemesis, stellaris gameplay, stellaris guide, stellaris guide 3.0, stellaris let's play, stellaris let's play ep 1, stellaris let's play 2021, stellaris nemesis guide, stellaris update, stellaris 3.0, stellaris 2021 guide, stellaris 2021, stellaris nemesis gameplay, stellaris episode 1, stellaris ep 1, stellaris ep 1 playlist, montu plays, montu
Id: 3oXlAYz4U6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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