Top 7 Glock Mods Under $100 // No Way?!

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today we're gonna do a little bit of a different video and it's a video that's been requested by a lot of you guys in email and comments you guys are always asking me about what do you think it the best magwell is or the best trigger is or the best thisthisthis and then honestly guys like I love every single one of you but I can't answer emails all day so it gave me an idea to make this video we're gonna be talking about the top seven glock mods that you can buy for under $100 so before we go any further just so you know everything that we talked about there will be a link down in the description below along with coupon codes for most of the parts and some of the links will be affiliate links and some of them aren't just FYI something I just literally learned about a week or so ago if you're using iOS do me a huge favor if you are gonna use the links please use Chrome browser don't use Safari because when iOS 11 rolled out it blocks affiliate links so even if you're trying to support me and use our affiliate links you don't have to but if you do want to I just we greatly appreciate it if you would use a Chrome browser instead of Safari that way I can get credit for it and that's what supports this channel let's just jump into this and we're gonna start out this is in no particular order but let's talk about the top seven Glock mods that you can buy for under $100 number one Ameri glow fiber optic sights these sights right here can be had for literally about 35 to 45 dollars just depending on where you get them for me you know because I'm doing so many different types of Glock builds and I got different slides and throw sights on I don't want to buy night sights for every single gun that I build if I could afford it I would get to chicon hd's or the xsf eights but those are above $100 you know it's just nice to have a set of sites that aren't OAM Glock sights that are fast easy to acquire and super accurate and I gotta say that the america fiber optics are definitely the way to go for this and you can get them in green or red and I believe amber as well so that's number one is the America love fiber optic sights for the money you just really can't beat them moving on to number two now this one I don't actually have here in the office but it is something the I've used a long time ago that is Tallinn grips or the new Fox grips for me my very first gun that I ever purchased for concealed carry was my Gen 4 Glock 19 and the grip on it wasn't bad until my hands started sweating I would start having to reposition my grip quite more often than I do now you know at that point in time I was on a very tight budget and couldn't afford to get stippling I needed something that was a really good option the downside was I really didn't want the sandpaper style grip so what I did was I went out and I purchased the Talon grips that were rubberized and I applied them and they worked great quite a long time until I was able to afford to get stippling you can probably buy five sets of these for a hundred bucks they are just great options if you want to get a better grip on your gun and you don't want to go shell out the money to pay for stippling and you don't want to permanently alter your frame all of my grips are stippled right now so I don't even have a need to even put them on my guns but those are beautiful next up on the list is an aftermarket Glock trigger there's only one trigger in my possession that I've ever tried that you can get for less than $100 that I also highly recommend as a lot of you guys know who know me the apex tactical Glock trigger these aren't competition triggers guys so if you're looking for the lightest trigger that you're ever gonna pull this isn't going to be it however it really does smooth out the pull and lightens the pool just a wee bit now there are multiple ways that you can purchase this trigger the this trigger right here I actually purchased over a year ago and I believe I got it for about $75 if you want to take it and make it even better for twenty dollars more you can get the apex trigger kit which comes with the apex - connector as well as a rounded safety plunger and that is my all-time favorite but I can't really say that one because it is $20 more a hundred dollars but we do have coupon codes so you might be able to get the money off of it and get it for around a hundred bucks highly recommend triggers well some people say they don't like them because oh if the policeman can't carry them then I'm not going to carry them now every state is different ISO I can't tell you what your state allows or disallows however I can't say this apex tactical is the only aftermarket trigger company that has been approved by some law enforcement jurisdictions I don't know exactly what jurisdictions those are but I do know that I've had many police officers comment on our videos saying hey I love the apex they actually let us carry them at such-and-such PD and I'm like whoa that's awesome hats off to that if you're wondering about reliability super reliable this thing has probably 14,000 rounds through it has not failed me yet highly recommend that next up on the docket is weapon lights now these both are the enforce a pls can't say this one because this one is about a hundred and forty dollars but you can get this one which is the APL compact you can get it for right around $100 and with coupon codes it will be it will come down even more and this one is fantastic this comes in two different models you can get it for only glock rails or you can get it in the nineteen thirteen style rail which is what i have on here in my opinion they both fit both style rails very well I can put the Glock one on a Picatinny rail and I can put the 1913 on a Glock I will say you know obviously if you get the one that's specified for that rail 1913 versus the Glock model yeah it's gonna be a little bit easier to fit on but I have no issues with it on either rail now this isn't the only weapon light that you can get for under $100 however it is the only weapon light that I have tested personally that you can get for less than $100 but with the APL compact 200 lumens there's no strobe on it which I like I like having either constant on or a momentary the paddles are super easy to depress press and hold for momentary quick flick turns it on I've noticed I've had zero issues with flickering or zero issues with it coming undone off my gun and I've had this for approximately ten months and I always try to put it on whichever gun I'm testing that day that way I can really put it through its paces 100% recommend this one number five mag extensions now these two are two mag extensions that I've had for over a year now these are Barracuda tactical plus three slash plus for mag extensions for the Glock 26 and the Glock 19 they're available in many different colors the Glock 19 one does come with an additional Springs a little bit longer and the Glock 26 doesn't need an additional spring now I've had zero issues with these in the 13 months that I've had them and I've never had any issues on failure to feed or any jams anything like that I definitely highly recommend them I also have a coupon code for these with an affiliate link below that way you guys can get some money off of them if you like them now something to keep in mind is a lot of people ask me well why do you really like these mag wells other than the fact that they're super reliable they work with all of my mag wells I have a blacklist industries mag well on my gen 3 Glock 19 fits like a glove and this is a full mag by the way what we're going to talk about mag wells more here in a second but next up this is the zev pro mag well fits like a dream we have the agency arms mag well has no issues then right here we have the polymer 80 mag well fits like a dream one cool thing about these is although they are labeled as +3 mag extensions I'm always able to get four rounds in them it's probably dependent on how broken in your mags are because I know when you get new Glock mags they can be super tough even if it 15 rounds into a brand new OEM Glock 19 mag but I'm able to fit 19 into this one which is a Glock 19 and 14 which was originally a 10 round Glock 26 mag so I'm able to carry 14 plus one which is literally just one round less than my Glock 19 and then with this one if I did carry it like this it would be 19 plus one but I usually carry this in my appendix rig this right here with a splush mag so I have nothing but great things to say about these they work fantastically well link will be below now let's talk about mag wells for a second on these two guns right here I have the Black List industries mag wells what I love about these mag wells is they work for Gen 3 or Gen 4 because they come with different plugs that go into the grip as you can see here it fits my polymer 80 frame this is the Glock 19 polymer 80 frame I don't have any Glock 17 mag wells to try on the polymer ATS yet but in the future I will get to that but right now these mag wells are amazing because they fit three different types of guns gen 3 4 and polymer 80 now yeah these are more than $100 but don't worry because I have a coupon code for $10 us it makes it a hundred dollars next up next up on the docket is the Zev technologies minimalist mag well this one's on my polymer 80 frame as well and this isn't designed for polymer 80 this is designed for OEM Glock I believe this one's a gen 3 one the only downside is if you screw this screw in here too tight it will start pushing in on the frame which brings me to an ex point I really don't like that screw that's right there that screw right there is just kind of obnoxious in my opinion so if that doesn't bother you then this is also a great mag well the one thing that I do love about it is the fact that it has a really nice lip right here on the bottom of it makes it super easy to get a full grip on your gun and just go to town on some steel targets next up I have the agency arms mag well you can get these for Gen 3 or Gen 4 of the mag Wells I've tried the agency arms have actually been the most scratch resistance and I think that is due to the fact that it is a the finish on them is a lot more polished and smooth than any of the other ones that we've talked about and I think it just makes it more scratch resistant I don't know if the coating is different but I definitely dig them I like the minimalistic look and feel of it it does give you a better grip on the firearm pushing your hand up higher so definitely recommend that one and then mine my latest acquisition for mag wells is the new so the polymer 80 mag well it's pretty much designed exactly like the Black List industries except this is only for polymer 80s that way you get that nice flush fit for your frame and you don't got to worry about if it's going to fit or not it's definitely going to fit now let's talk about the price of mag wells for a second I I agree with all of your guys's comments everybody that always comment says holy cow why are these things so expensive I guess it's because they're made of cnc aluminum the metal that's wasted when you're carving out CNC I'm guessing kind of goes into that I don't know I'm just speculating however if you really want to get a mag well I would highly suggest the new mag wells from Magpul they're a polymer mag well they got them for Gen 3 Gen 4 and 17 and 19 I don't have one in here today but I have tested them in the past on a friend's gun and it seemed to work great so I'll put links below for those as well last but not least let's talk about compensators for a sec now these are the only three compensators that have ever tested for Glocks you know my experience is a little bit limited the very first one that I tested is the Texas black rifle company compensator this one is there I believe they're Version three and I've had zero issues with this one I've tried it on Glock 19's I've tried it on Glock 17s polymer eighties it is always ran 100% reliably with the OEM spring and this one is the art division compensator and it is very similar to the Texas black rifle but you can get these in a gold anodizing and you can get them in different colors things like um this one runs 100% reliably on Glock 19 has a cute looking little smiley face right here it is run really great for me and I kind of feel like it's slightly softer shooting than the TVR C however it's very subjective I've had friends tell me that they think that this one is more softer shooting than this one in my personal testing it runs 100% great on the Glock 19 platform without any upgraded Springs or guide rods however when I tested it on my Glock 17 both on polymer 80 and OAM Glock I needed to get an 11-pound spring and an upgraded guide rod so I could change the springs out because I would fire around and it would not cycle [Music] No so I put some lightened I think I got 11 pound on here would extract around but it wouldn't load another round that's my experience with these they're not badly priced and I do believe they have new short ones that are more stubby than Nesta just came out I have one from both tbh RC and art comp coming in for testing in the future so stay tuned for that and then last but not least I can't really recommend this one because it's not nowhere close to $100 but this is the mayhem syndicate carry comp they're not using s3f solution barrels this was a prototype of their so that they let me have and test and things like that but it is a proprietary barrel with a very very small compensator if you haven't seen that video I'll put a little link right up here where you can check that out because I can't recommend it in this video because it's nowhere close to 100 bucks but both of these given that you have a threaded barrel they're less than $100 so that is my top seven list for custom Glock mods for $100 and below let me know what you guys think down in the description below I know there are many other glock mods that I probably could have mentioned in this video and didn't and the reason that maybe some of them Glock mods didn't get mentioned is a I haven't tested them yet or B I tested them and I didn't like them so this is the ones that I've tested and highly recommend links and coupon codes will be down below and like I said earlier guys if you do choose to use my links and you're on iOS please do me a favor and use Chrome browser that way we can actually get credit for the sales because if you use Safari it will block it and the people that run the affiliate stuff won't be able to tell that those sales came from me so thank you guys so much for your support let me know if you guys have any questions down in the comments section below and until next time you guys stay sexy and I'll love you
Channel: Tactical Toolbox
Views: 847,736
Rating: 4.8690209 out of 5
Keywords: Top 7 Glock Mods Under $100, glock mods under $100, Top 7 Glock Mods, Top 7 Glock, glock mods for concealed carry, Best glock mods for daily carry, custom glock mods, edc glock mods, top glock mods, glock 17, glock 19, glock 19 edc mods, Glock 19 mods, Glock 26 mods, glock 34, glock trigger, glock trigger upgrade, best glock upgrades, custom glock, custom glock 19, apex tactical, concealed carry, tactical toolbox, Apex Glock Trigger, Glock Mods, best glock mods
Id: qCLnLzU2V5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2018
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