How-To Install Glock Sights // FASTEST & EASIEST WAY😮

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alright guys so I was literally just getting ready to put some new sights onto this this is the Safari precision Glock slide that we literally just did a video on the other day and I realized that I don't have any videos on how to install Glock sights and I'm also gonna be putting a set of aftermarket sights onto the gin.5 Glock 19 I'm gonna be putting some fiber optic sights from a company called angry bear orange new company they just hit me up said hey would you like to try some of our sights I was like hey why the heck not so I'm gonna go over a few things and the tools that we need I'm also gonna be talking about you know things to avoid when you're in uninstalling or installing new sights because I've broken sights and I've broken sight pushers in the past also with the angry bear arms there's three different height front sights that we can choose from so we're gonna talk a little bit about using a sight height calculator and which one that we should choose for our purposes so let's start with the Glock 34 first first things we want to do is you're gonna take out our guide rod take out our barrel and then we've got to remove this arm are I almost locked I did it in the other day and then I realized that I needed to put sights on it alright so now we're gonna take a look at our dovetail right up here sometimes these dovetails depending on you know if it's OAM or aftermarket sometimes these dovetails can be a little bit incorrectly sized so we just definitely need to ensure that our rear sight is gonna go into place without a whole lot of resistance for this one we're gonna be installing some mera glows and America Lowe's are one of those kind of sites where they're very easy to install meaning you don't have to really do a whole lot of fitting with them something to keep in mind with a mere glows is the rear dovetail is hollow so if you install these and uninstall them off of too many guns this dovetail will kind of collapse in on itself and you'll have to buy a new rear sight just keep in mind though I mean they're great sights but just keep in mind that it is a set it and forget them type of sight once you've taken them off about two or three different slides this is really close to being collapsed and that's what happened to one set that I have already the way I'm gonna get started we got two different site tools right here we're gonna this is the vism this is actually I think this is made by NC star I've actually had this one for a while now and this is probably going to be your safest and probably best bang for your buck budget-friendly site pusher they're around $40 however I will say this I did attempt to push some sites that needed to be fitted and I broke both of these ears however vism saw my post on Instagram and instantly sent me a message and said we got to get you a new block out and they do have a warranty on them so it's no questions asked if you do break any of their stuff so that's about forty to forty five dollars and then right here this is the mgw site tool this thing makes life a million times easier than any other site pusher that I've ever used when you pick these up you get I think you can choose which type of block you want to have already installed and then if you have different types of guns you can just buy individual blocks here for different style stuff like MMPs or sig p220 nine stuff like that but this has worked for all of my guns so far so been very impressed with it and this one you'll see it's the most expensive one but I would say buy once cry once unless you're on an extreme budget then get one of these whatever you do don't buy one of those crappy square Universal ones that you see on eBay and stuff I had one it was just so difficult I ended up breaking it pretty quickly I'm going to be using a little bit of this shooter lube this is some stuff I've been using for a while to clean my guns two-step system I do have coupon codes for this so for everything that you see in this video just check the first link down in the description if you're watching us on YouTube that'll take you to a page where you can find all the products and coupon codes that you see just in case it's something you want to pick up but if you're on full30 or gun streamer all that's already going to be in all the links will and coupon codes will already be there for you so I put a little bit of lube on this rear rail and I'm just going to wipe the excess off we don't need a lot we just want to make sure that this rear sight is gonna go into place a lot of people say push left or right like this and so that's what we're going to do I have noticed though that it doesn't really matter which way you go but you know just find a system that works for you and then stick with that and you'll be fine alright so with this vism here we're just going to back out these side pads we're gonna raise up this back one over here then we're gonna turn this to the left a little bit just like so and let me install the way we're gonna do that we're just gonna give it a line so that we can get these sites into place just like that then we're gonna turn this bottom piece and raise it up so that this will sit flush that makes sense all right cool so we got it to where this rear sight is barely lifted off of this base you don't want it completely lift it off but you don't want it dragging either so a little bit of a tedious process here see if you can see that just a tiny little gap between this in the rear sight now we're gonna lock down our rear Pat's here okay then we're also going to be locking down this front one right here alright and what that'll do is that'll put a little downward pressure on the slide just to keep it from moving then we're gonna just start turning this and we're gonna see how much resistance we get and you know typically with these Amerigo sites and or even Trijicon sites you're not going to get a lot of resistance they always fit perfectly the first time at least in my experience I mean these are going on very easily all right back it off they almost went on a little too easy which hopefully I don't need a different set of sites a lot of people also wonder you know what is the real big difference between Trijicon and Ameri glow and pretty much everything the quality of trigger cons are way better their rear sight isn't hollowed out like this one so you can take them on and off mini guns as many times as you like so no issues with that now we need to test I think it's gonna have to come right a little bit more but we need to test and make sure that this is centered the way I do that is I take a long like flat ruler I played against the slide and I measure from this side to my dovetail no I don't know where I put my hammer someone use this wrench to bang on this punch a little bit all right that should be good let's take a look these rear sights are a little bit loose and so what we're gonna do to kind of counteract that is I've got some red loctite right here I don't know if this is the same as the red loctite brand these actually came with my excess sights I'm gonna put a tiny little bit down into this dovetail over here and what that'll do is once we get this centered up that will lock them into place because I'm let me show you how easy these sights are to move so all right so we've got a little bit of Loctite on the rear you're gonna wipe that off with your finger just to make sure you don't have any on the actual slide but that looks really centered so now let's move to the front sight now some sight systems come with a front sight tool some don't so I always suggest getting these little sight tools I really like this one there is one that is made by it looks like a screwdriver that one I just don't like it as much although it's easier to grip it just doesn't hold the nut of the front sight as easily like this one does if you didn't catch that we just took the screw out now I'm gonna set this on it's just like that and it's gonna hold that screw right there we're just gonna take a little bit of this red loctite this is made for sights so I'm not telling you to go get red loctite this actually is made for sights for sites if I'm using the actual name-brand of Loctite I actually just used blue because blue is removable and I put a little bit right there on the blade okay so then we are gonna just stick that into this top hole today sometimes if you have a Sarah coated slide it can stick a little bit so I'm just going to take this rubber side of this wrench and gotta go find my hammer I don't I just had it the other day I just got it just don't know where I put it so now we're gonna take a DAB and put it onto this screw head just like that not a lot just a little and what I do is I come from the bottom just like this now I just start threading it into place now get it finger tight and just hunker down just a little not too much because you can't snap these screws now let's look at our front blade make sure that it is parallel and not kinked looks good to me now we can reinstall this red dot sight the shorter one is going to go on the right side over here because this one can't be drilled as deep as this side because of your sit on your extractor plunger right here so keep that in mind guys if you ever doing this your red dot mounting aren't Hardware should always have one shorter screw for this right side so I just a little bit of Loctite on it I am like I said I typically use blue because it's easier to take out and I need it alright so we got the longer one on the left side the shorter one on this side so it doesn't interfere with for that extractor plunger spring right here now all we got to do is we know we just got to go out to the range get this all zeroed up the way I typically zero these I'll slave the dot to the front side then I'll go out to the range and I'll do a 45-yard zero and because there have been times in the past where I just slaved it to the front side and I didn't realize how far off I was I was shooting really high and then I went to the did a 45-yard zero everything was good I will put a link below where you can actually find like Trijicon RMR zeroing targets I mean it doesn't matter what red dot you use with them but they were originally designed for the Chicano rmr but any red dot will work with those targets so highly recommend those and then after I get the red dot installed I make sure the trigger is functioning okay because a lot of times this thing right here if it gets any pressure put on it with this screw it will mess with that safety plunger that's on the bottom of your slide right here and so I want to make sure there's no interference whatsoever we're getting a decent ko witness so now let's move on to the gin v and install those sights clear your gun make sure it's clear pull the trigger take your slide off just like so Oh running the apex trigger one of my favorites were to June 5 and I just got these really cool mag releases from tyrant C&C literally just got it works for Gen 4 or Gen 5 there'll be links below for everything if you guys want any of this stuff but I won't show you that real quick also have the Wheaton arms barrel in here this one's actually designed specifically for the June 5 I've already done videos on the Wheaton arms barrel and trigger so if you want to check that out just go stretch my channel see what's that alright so like I said earlier we're only going to be using this sight pusher for the rest of the duration just because of how easy and awesome it is so first thing we're going to do is we're gonna do the rear sight we're gonna take this set it in lock down this plate alright we're gonna go left to right taking this rear sight off it's really easy I love this sight tool well worth the price point guys I know it's expensive but man I'll just be really honest with you I was never able to remove a rear glock sight without destroying it until I got this one no other site pusher would push them out without messing them up so I'm super excited about that usually what happens is when I when I do and install these sights that little metal piece on the bottom gets 100% destroyed on the front side here we have these little screws in here just like we did on the Glock 34 we're just gonna catch it and unscrew it now I'm gonna wipe off any residue here wipe off any residue and here you can clean this with alcohol a lot of people suggest it I'm just not going to because I'm just not that anal alright so fiber optic sights can be a little bit tricky guys when you're installing them because you actually have to in install the fiber optic Roger self so these are the ink these are the angry bear sights right here we'll do a review on these later comes with our red and a green fiber optic rod got a couple of set screws and an allen head and rear sight here it's completely blacked out it does have a set screw right there which I love I wish every single set of sights put a set screw in it and then we get three different height front sights and I'm just going to go with like I'm just gonna go with the medium one so we have this from left to right from smallest the largest the the smallest one I believe is a hundred and seventy-five thousandths the medium one's 195 thousands and then the tall one is a 215 thousandths if you google like front sight height calculator it will actually tell you at what distance your gun needs to be zeroed same thing here we're gonna get this rear sight just started and I already feel a little friction there all right lock that into place again and now we're gonna turn it and get this centered up this one's actually adding a little bit of force to it so that's good it's gonna be a nice nicely fit rear sight it's not so much force that I feel like I'm gonna break it but it is quite a bit of force so that's good I like a good amount of force on it because I know that the rear sights gonna stay in place now we can kind of eyeball it to see if we're too zeroed I'm gonna get it as close as possible looks pretty close I will get that fixed up later like I showed you guys earlier on how to make sure that it's you know properly Center so I just double check that with the calipers and it is pretty darn close to being perfectly centered we're gonna take our set screw here I'm gonna put a dab of this Loctite on here just a DAB it doesn't got to be a lot and now we're gonna put that down into here and this is what this is gonna do is gonna be a little extra protection as far as you know our rear sight moving and so what this will do is it'll put a little upward pressure on the sight inside the dovetail and we should be good to go so I've got that installed now we can just do the front sight and like I mentioned we're going to be doing the medium-size sight so I'm just gonna do what I did before just a tiny little bit of Loctite on this hole see when it's not sarah coded you know that front sight doesn't stay in place as easily now this one actually comes with a this is a punch so if you don't have a sight pusher it actually comes with this and you can put it in a vise and bang the rear sight in I don't like doing that it's too easy to break it they also include a front sight and a rear sight punch so you get a frontside tool rear sight plan so now let's take our little bitty guy right here okay set it into the tool I'm gonna take a little bit of Loctite get it into place start turning it we look down at our slide here we can see that this isn't completely square it's pushed a little bit to the right so I'm going to just twist it a little bit to the left so now that those are installed I think I'm going to go with the red right here is we are going to insert this believed from the rear and we're going to make sure that it comes out the front just like that okay so this is where it gets kind of interesting right we're gonna need a lighter or some kind of heat source it's best to use like those torch style lighters because you know like they have a more controllable flame but the trick is we got a little bit of a tail sticking out right then as it heats up we pull it and then pull it right on into there and then it will create a little bulb on the end and you'll see let's see if we can get this going here [Music] [Music] just like that so now when you look down it let me get this light you could really see that front sight lighting up so that's pretty cool then on the front we're gonna take a set of cutters and for this I am just going to use fingernail clippers because these are going to be the easiest flush cutters to use for something like this and there we go well I probably cut that just a little bit too flush on the front but there's a little bit sticking out then we're just going to heat that up and just let that bulb up and then I press it with the lighter a little bit it gives it a nice little seal and let's make sure this is gonna stay in place I'm going to heat that up some more cuz I don't want that coming out but if you mess up on it you know you can just rip it out and you know you got more to work with and honestly like if you if you accidentally just screwed up really bad and used up all of your sticks there's more available I'll have links below so there we have that installed let's put our barrel back into place and you turn this light out right here there we go so I have no backlight and you can see how well it just zeros up for you there we go nice alright well anyways guys I hope you found some value in this video I just wanted to make it real quick because I don't have any videos on how to install sites on a Glock it's super simple probably the easiest gun to install sites on ever but if you are interested in any of these tools or the sites or the shoot early of anything I've talked about all the links are down below or on youtube just check the first link where you can go find them I'll see you guys in the next video and I love you and you guys stay sexy
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Views: 215,835
Rating: 4.8642225 out of 5
Keywords: how to install glock sights, how to install glock sights without tool, how to install ameriglo sights glock, how to install fiber optic sights glock, how to install new sights on a glock, how to install night sights on a glock, how to install sights on glock 19, how to install trijicon night sights on glock, how to install truglo sights on glock, glock sights, glock sights installation, glock sights removal, glock sights upgrade, glock sights without tool, tactical toolbox
Id: dZdIjpyMc3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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