TOP 50 WOTLK Classic Questions...Answered!

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Didn't answer why my poops all red. I want my money back

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/CalgaryAnswers 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2022 🗫︎ replies

I really dug the video format, thanks for posting it.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Arrav91 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2022 🗫︎ replies

Good video thanks for the post 🧊🧊🧊

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Suitable-Classic9237 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2022 🗫︎ replies
what level does my scribe need to be you can max inscription at level 65 so i know a lot of people who are going to slowly level a death knight during the pre-patch just to be basically their inscription character can i max professions on my 70 alts yeah so you can max all gathering professions at 55 which is a bit strange because you would expect the gathering professions to be slightly higher than the crafting professions purely because you've got to go to the zones to actually be able to max it out so yeah i don't know why but at 55 you can max gather in professions at 65 you can max all crafting professions but you've got to bear in mind at level 70 you'll be absolutely fine but there are level requirements on things like alchemy specializations like potion master elixir master for example so probably 68 is safe but yeah if you're level 70 no problems is epic flying cheaper it's quite an interesting one because technically no so the normal fly-in actually goes 150 speed now instead of 60 so it actually feels like it's moving and that's 250 gold but the big thing that they've done is actually allow reputation discounts to go for learning flying so initially in wrath it was thralma on a hold but that got changed to stormwind or ogrammar so basically if you're exalted you get a 20 discount and that does go for epic flying as well so it's actually a good tip to just handing cloth if you aren't exalted on your character and you haven't got epic flying just hand cloth in or do the old quests you know back in the starting zones to get to exalted with either stormwind if you're alliance or orgrimmar if you're horde then you'll be able to get epic flying for 4 000 gold during the pre-patch easy way of saving a thousand gold are epic mounts for paladins and warlocks still a thing as in doing the quest so the quests are still there they weren't actually removed until the cataclysm pre-patch but there's no need to do them so you can learn them at level 40. initially you actually learned them at 61. it was around 3.2 when they actually changed it so you can just flat out learn it from the trainer at level 40. what about flight form quest for epic flight form no the flight form quest's gone you just learn it from the trainer at level 71. but another interesting little fact for druids is if you've got a free 10 speed mount so let's say you do the glory of the raider achievement or something like that or if you're lucky enough and you've got ashes your flight form will also go at 310 speed and paladin's crusader aurora also counts are elemental shamans bad so they're not bad elemental and not bad it's a similar story to tbc really where they came out pumping you know in phase one of tbc elemental shamans were doing crazy damage because they're not very gear dependent and it's quite similar really i would say all the way up to the end of ulduar they're actually quite competitive and in tier seven in particular so phase one of raph they'll be doing lots and lots of damage but they do then start to taper off you know as you get into the end game like towards icc and stuff like that you'll still take one in icc just because actually the buff from the totem goes towards the demonic pact from a warlock you know for the overall spell power buff for the raid but yeah people who are saying you won't take elemental shamans they're probably saying it more because they're fixating on like the war main way of thinking where all anybody thinks about is icc but actually early on and for the first couple of phases they'll be really strong are enhancement shamans bad i don't get what it is about enhancement enhancement's fine i mean i've seen enhancement shamans top in or in the top you know one two three dps even as far through the game as lich king 25 heroic anywhere there's a bit of cleave absolutely amazing spell hans is another option which if you don't know it's just so you basically got spell power weapons it changes the glyph that you use can even change your trinket slightly or even your totem that you use you know as in your relic but overall the rotation's still very similar but no enhancement a good enhancement shaman you got remember skill ceiling's quite high on an enhancement shaman you get a good one they'll pump from start to finish i don't care what anyone says are warriors ever going to see a raid before icc again very warm we're thinking when you're talking about warriors yes we know protection warriors aren't as strong or they're not going to be as sought after as paladins and blood dks you know that's just going to be a fact but in terms of actually getting into a raid i truly believe if you're prop warrior in cbc you'll see all the content in wrath and you won't have any issues with your guild they'll take you you're you're a strong tank you just bring less than the other two tanks and i say the other two obviously there is feral as well but feral's a little bit of an all-rounder and then when it comes to dps yeah you come out of the gate a little bit slow but again it's classic there's so many warriors and there's so many warriors that are really well geared and there's no way they're going to re-roll just because they're going to be a bit weak in tier seven but by the time you get to order our hard modes which ain't going to be that far down the line you're going to creep up and you're only going to keep creeping up until you're on top will dark runes still be useful in wrath of the lich king or should i sell them now that's a weird question really yes and no i mean no they've got a 15 minute cooldown in wrath now if you didn't know so i would get rid of them you know a 15-minute cooldown for quite a minor amount of mana when you consider the amount of mana you're gonna have you know in terms of your mana pool in a real clutch situation where that little bit of mana is going to help you out possibly but 15 minute cooldown will titanium spellblade beat in at launch it's quite a strange one purely because it was the only weapon missing at launch so it didn't actually get added until 3.1 which would have been ulduar but it was only a 200 eye level so it was the same as all the others you know you had basically a weapon for everything that blacksmiths could make but they was missing a dagger a spell power dagger so it makes sense that it's in at launch can't say 100 but it was more of an oversight by blizzard they know it should be in at launch so as long as we make them aware that you know it needs to be in at launch because it makes sense there's no reason it shouldn't be does the darkmoon card have a 24 hour cooldown no it doesn't i've had a lot of comments saying about you know the darkmoon card used to have a 24-hour cooldown no it was never changed the only thing that actually changed with the darkmoon cards of the north was later on in cataclysm the actual materials required from got reduced but there was never a cooldown so you can pump out as many cards as you want what's the best profession setup for alts for passive gold well i would definitely say mining actually on as many characters as possible for using the titan steel bar cooldown that will be valuable later on so when the epic gems become available definitely definitely alchemy to do the transmute so you can turn a blue gem into an epic gem every day we are talking passive income here for the first couple of phases like i would be tempted to go with alchemy mining on multiple characters and even just use the transmute early on even if it was just on eternals or whatever are you a virgin what will dungeon farming to level be a thing sorry i'm still trying to get over the never mind yes it absolutely will be a thing of course and it's mainly gonna come down to server population so i've said it in multiple videos dungeon grinding is gonna be slower than just grinding in the open world or questing like there's no doubt about it and probably a bit more monotonous as well but due to the amount of people on some of these busier servers i can absolutely see people just getting grouped up and going and spamming dungeons and it's still feeling relatively quick there's probably not massive amounts of time difference between a really really efficient dungeon group versus someone out questing you know it's not going to make mass amounts of difference do i need to get sons of ho dear rep so you don't need to but there's no reason not to you know especially on your main because these in chance eventually will become account wide as well so you only need to do it on one character and then you can send them you know to your alts and stuff like that so it's definitely worth doing once but there are alternatives you can get the pvp shoulder and chance from winter grasp and you can get the head in chance as well yes you lose out on that small secondary stat but you're still going to get similar attack power similar spell power can i snapshot corruption or shadow word pain with spell power procs yeah so that's quite an interesting one now it's something that i can see changing but we can't be hundred percent sure so if you don't buy private servers then yes the only thing that snapshots is things like crit and percentage damage so you'll see warlocks getting tricks at a trade and then keeping that corruption up with stacking like a potion and trinket and whatever else but it's quite interesting because there was only a small period of time and it was actually during icc where spell power snapshotting actually stopped and haste which was the main one so the main offender was haste was changed and removed from snapshotting because of hasted corruption so you know he was getting corruption up with like haste potion haste trinket procs power infusion and heroism for example all of those so corruption was doing crazy damage but most of these crazy damage passes were on things like safang so that's in icc by the way so icc was already in progress once they actually stopped the hasty corruption effect which also removed spell power from it so i was reading like a historic document by a warlock about sort of the hasted the hasted corruption change and now warlocks went from absolutely miles ahead on damage you know they were still doing decent damage but it brought them down a bit why aren't paladin tanks so overpowered so it's not that they're overpowered you know their survivability is great don't get me wrong that aoe threat is incredible it always has been it always will be and their single target threat and damage all of that is really good but that's not really why you take them because you could take a bear who can do decent fret all round not as good aoe but you know their survivability is good as well dk's fret single target's amazing aoe is good warriors fret all round single target and aoe is good and their damage is you know they're probably one of the highest dps tanks to be fair but you take them for their toolkit you know the fact that they can do a 20 damage reduction across the entire raid every two minutes you know that's huge for these mechanics that are coming in from bosses especially on like hard modes where you really rely on that 20 damage reduction across the raid just to ease the amount of healing needed from your healers on top of that everything else that they get obviously being able to die and not die you know with ardent defender they're just they're just overpowered but again don't fixate on their actual ability to tank that's not really why you take them it's their toolkit do shadow priests still give mana back to the group uh yes and no so they don't give manor back as such not in the way that you think with vampiric touch from tbc so now it's replenishment and there's more than just the shadow priest that brings it but it does only affect ten party members so you normally want more than one more than one person that can bring replenishment but you know you've got things like rep paladins shadow priests frost mage destruction warlock survival hunter you know there's several people that can fill that role now so shadow priests no you're not a mana battery anymore but still useful what's better for boosting major paladin i'm not going to get into the specifics of this but paladin low level for sure you know up to sort of 65 66 i think paladin is going to be the best even better than sort of slave pens boosting and stuff like that having a mage do it because the paladin will be able to boost in other places a lot easier than a mage can higher level stuff when you're talking in sort of northrend like doing utgard keep and things like that absolutely a mage because a paladin's just not going to be able to take the hits and a mage doesn't need to take the hits so i would say for boosting characters up to the point of where you're nearly getting northrend paladin any further on than that mage what level can you learn dual spec and how much is it you can get dual spec at level 40 so you can actually get it while you're leveling which is cool that's why it's a shame no random dungeon finder while levelling because it'd be great to have a holy speck or something like that as a paladin let's say and jump into the odd you know random dungeon thunder and hill i'm not getting into that oh when it costs a thousand gold can you get the undying and immortal still when all door comes out oh yeah you can get undying and immortal all the way through the expansion that's not actually removed until kata what about the mounts ah that's a different story so yeah the mounts from the actual glory of the raider achievements they're removed when ulduar comes out or they was removed historically but they were the only mounts that got removed from the glory achievements so the glory of the ulduar raider you can go back now in retail you know 15 years later or whatever it is and still go back and get it so on the basis it was only the nax ones that got removed who knows this time round they might keep him in but get it during phase one just to make sure is there any five mans that i can get mounts from yeah there's actually a few so oculus heroic you can get a drake the reigns of the blue drake in utgard pinnacle you can get it reigns the blue proto-drake and then if you do sort of the timed run which you've got to be a really bad group to foul to be honest but in culling of stratholme if you do the time run and kill the riflord at the end you can get a bronze drake oh and it's worth mentioning that obviously only one of them drops so it's not the whole party gets it you will be rolling with a new caverns of time rep and no dungeon finder will be beneficial to have keepers of time rep for the portal there from chat interesting one actually so no you don't there was a reputation requirement obviously in tbc you needed revered to be able to use or speak to the zephyr to portal you to caverns of time but no not in dalaran it's just up in the violet tower and anyone can use it is there a boost with wrath of the lich king there is a boost of course there's a boost it's not free like people need to everyone seems to think that oh if you come back and play raph you'll get a 70 boost it will be like the 58 boost was where it will be part of the deluxe edition or maybe just a standalone purchase but you're not getting three 70 boosts but it is 70 by the way once per account is it worth leveling to 70 now or wait till pre-patch for the boost it's quite a difficult one really because it depends if you want to get prepared if you want to get prepared and get some gold and maybe even get a little bit of gear on your character then it's probably worth starting now but if you're not really bothered about that and you'll just have you know four weeks of gearing up which is probably plenty enough time to be fair and plenty enough time to go around and make some gold even if you just done all the quests on your level 70 dinged character to get 5k to buy your epic flying do a little bit of whatever sorting your professions out there'll be plenty of time just waiting till the pre-patch to buy your boost and start then but if you want to play now play now obviously it's a lot of fun will current tbc raiders have a massive advantage over me and wrath of the lich king if i start right now yes i and i don't see any other way to answer that question really because yes they absolutely will the amount of gold that's in the economy the amount of gold that these people have got doing gdkps every week and stuff like that of course they're going to have an advantage because they can buy any boes they want off the auction house when they drop at level 80 they can get their dark moon car greatness just like that you know of course the people that have been playing through vanilla and tbc are going to have an advantage and there's no way around that but it is only really going to be a gold advantage you know they might be able to get one or two items a little bit quicker than you you might have to work from a little bit harder but ultimately it's not a massive advantage it's only probably gonna seem like a big advantage in the first you know few weeks of launch so shouldn't they do fresh servers then yeah they should and they spoke about doing fresh servers for tbc they said they weren't going to do it at the start but they said they'd revisit it you know once all the communities had established and all the servers had balanced out that worked but we never saw him i mean i think raf would be a great time to do fresh servers absolutely should i like this video yeah should i subscribe to the channel do you need to ask that it's free just hit the button is there an auction house in dalaran there is yeah there's a there's an auction house in dalaran but only engineers can use it slight downer for anybody who's not an engineer other than that what else does an engineer have oh they've got loads of stuff that's why engineering's so good it's not just about any dps increase or bombs or anything like that you know it's all the quality of life stuff portable mailbox jeeves which you're not gonna be able to get until sort of phase three when we get trial of the crusader but yeah around that sort of time a northrend teleporter so you can just teleport to any zone you want as well as all the other old world teleporters that you've got to like toshley station or winter spring or anything like that it's just the quality of life stuff and repair bots if you're not going to get like the repair mount obviously the scrap bots are so cheap to make you can more or less just use them when you're out farming and you know not miss one so should everyone be engineering i shouldn't say yes i want to say yes i wouldn't play a character that's not engineering as i said for all the things that i've just listed you know the quality of life stuff rocket boosts i think if you're going to be doing any serious raiding yeah most people would be engineering but it's not just about serious raiding you know it is just the fun and the the quirky little things that you get from engineering that as i say for me personally i just wouldn't play without it are there herbs and mines in any dungeon to stealth farm like we do in tbc yes yes so there is but obviously we've only been able to test on dodgy servers we can't be sure that it's going to be like that and i'd almost say it's definitely not going to be like it is on private servers but yes there are going to be herbs there are going to be mines i've looked historically at you know the original version of raf where people used to farm in instances and stuff like that and it is all the same so yeah yeah having a stealth farmer for herbs and mines especially with how contested some of these servers are going to be with fighting actual people farming and bots it'll be beneficial can do druids do it yeah druids can do it so druids can definitely do it but rogues do it better let's be honest it's more that if you get seen on a druid and your druid can't handle killing the mobs that's a corpse run a rogue can vanish a rogue can preparation and vanish again if it goes wrong or if he's got a dot on him he can cloaks first then vanish you know when you're running through you can sap and you can make a bit more money from like pickpocketing and stuff like that i think rogue is the ultimate herb and mine sort of stealth farmer what instances are there yeah so you'll be able to mine in somewhere like halls of stone that goes without saying there's normally a couple of mines in there and again historically there was always a couple of mines in there at least it's generally two mines per run you know in whatever instance it's going to be but the best one would be halls of stone and then herbin you can do drac fare and keep around where the dinosaur boss is there'll be gun drag there's lots of herb spawns in gundrac and most of them are all accessible as well again i've tested this as a rogue there's even herbs and mines in utgard pinnacle will the druids still be the best urban mine farmer i think that goes without saying but i would still place dungeon stealth farming above out in the world farming unless your server population is quite low but yes they of course they'll be the best you know not having to dismount to pick herbs up okay you need to when i say dismount i mean come out of flight form yes you need to come out a flight form to mine but you know herbs you can just pick up whenever you want what level can i fly in northern so you can get northrend flying at 77. so you'll have to go to dalaran yeah you just speak to the guy that's next to the flight master in dalaran pay him a thousand gold and you'll be able to fly for those last three levels eventually there'll be a tomb not sure whether that's going to be in at release or not but there's the tomb of cold weather flying so you can actually buy that and send it to your alts and then they can fly at 68. is it true i can get a free mount if i don't have cold weather flying yeah it is so you can speak to honest max so it only goes 150 so it's only like normal flight speed but if you haven't learned cold weather flying yet and you haven't got epic flying you know where it's not going to matter anyway so you can go to storm peach just outside the main town there and you can speak to honest max and get a loner mount which you can only use it in shoulders are ice crown and storm peaks but on a farming character where you haven't got epic fly maybe it's gonna be your stealth farmer probably worth saving the thousand gold on being able to fly anyway and just get this for now are heirlooms out at launch yeah heirlooms will be our launch yeah they was out launch originally so no reason they're not gonna be now what heirlooms are there so pretty much all the weapons you can think of you know like a two-handed sword a one-handed sword of offhand daggers but you can get trinkets as well so you can get spell power trinkets that give you mana back as well you can also get a haste version of it that gives you health back so this is when you kill a target that yields experience or honor and then the main ones that are going to give you the xp you can get chests for basically each type of armor user which gives you 10 extra xp from killing monsters and completing quests and then you can also get the shoulders that give you 10 percent as well and again you can get a different pair of shoulders for each different type of armor user if you happen to win the callaway fishing derby when it's out you can also get a ring that gives you a further 5 experience game from killing monsters and completing quests are there pvp heirlooms yeah there's some pvp heirlooms as well you can get those from wintergrasp so for stonekeeper shards so they give the same amount of xp in terms of 10 on shoulders 10 on chests but these have just got resilience on them as well you can only get the shoulders resilience weapons and of course trinkets but these are actually pvp trinkets so obviously inherited insignia of the alliance and inherited insignia of the horde for the horde they've got a five-minute cooldown but on pvp servers while you're leveling could be pretty useful and if you didn't know stonekeeper shards you can get just from doing pve as well so as long as your faction owns wintergrass because your factions won it and when you're doing dungeons you'll get stonekeeper shards from the bosses is leveling quicker in wrath of the lich king for the old zones actually the xp requirement from 1 to 60 is exactly the same but the outland portion so 60 to 70 is reduced by about 30 percent overall so it's not like 30 off of every level but it works out basically about 30 percent quicker but unfortunately the really boring bit of one to sixty is still exactly the same will be the best new paladin strat farm for gold i mean strat will still be good technically just because of the raw gold and the amount of mobs you'll be able to pull and if you're getting a few boosties in there as well to get a bit of gold off of them but actually i would say the best one once you've got a couple of trinkets in particular which just check my paladin boosting video that i've done and it'll tell you exactly what setup you need and what you need to do but i'd say shout out at all it'll probably end up being the best one because you can do big pulls not really worry about health and we're talking just in sort of pre-raid this gear you know we're not even talking about being decked out in raid gear but yeah i could see shadows being the new strat farm purely because you're going to get those high level enchanting mats or even just the greens that you know you get a green weapon that's going to sell for like 8 to 10 gold or something like that just vendoring yeah i would say most paladins will be using shadow dolls can druids change the color of cat and bear yeah yeah a few different colors so if you go if you're a tauren you can go to the barber shop and change the like the skin color of your complexion or whatever it's classed as on your on your tour and i'm a night elf and that will change this the sort of tone of your bear and your cat and if you're a knight or if you just change the color of your hair change your bear and your cat will world war hard modes be as hard as sunwell plateau it's quite an interesting one yes i i genuinely think that there's going to be a couple of fights equal to that of some well plato and i only mean a couple you know out of all the bosses in order i think yog no light so i'm alone in the darkness that's going to be very challenging for most guilds and i would say comparative to some well and bear it in mind we are talking this is only phase two content and i'm comparing it to the final phase of tbc and i think things like firefighter which you know it's hard mode mimiron i think on 25 man that could cause some problems because you know the whole raid needs to understand what they're doing and where they're moving and what they're doing what their you know priority is what they should be dpsing i would say that tactically is a challenging fight but other than those two i honestly don't think that there's anything comparative to some well it'll just be those two particular fights that will be the real challenge do mages get time warp why does everyone keep asking this the amount of times i've mentioned blood lust or heroism and everyone's like you're forgetting mages i'm not forgetting mages you don't get time warp until cataclysm or the pre-patch the cataclysm pre-patch now if you want to be specific yes you get it in wrath of the lich king but in the cataclysm pre-patch can you track both herbs and mines at the same time well yeah i mean you can do it in tbc but no you you in raph it's not like you can track both at the same time legitimately you still need an add-on or a week or something to switch between the two you know 10-second intervals or something so no unfortunately not not properly is there any new battlegrounds two in wrath of the lich king there's strand of ancients first which 100 will be out at launch and strand of the agencies played in two rounds each lasting up to 10 minutes and each team has got a maximum of 15 players a team will be assigned to be either the attacking team or the defending team the attackers prepare for battle by splitting into two boats that approach the northern end of the strand while defenders spawn at the southern graveyard and move towards defensive positions the attacking team lands on the island at the start of the battleground and will use siege weapons to break through the island's walls and capture graveyards along the way after the team captures the relic or 10 minutes of elapsed the factions will switch so the attacking team will become the defending team and vice versa so basically you just gotta get in smash the walls down get to the like temple that's guarding the relic smash through the walls touch the relic you've won the round if you've done it quicker than the other team or if you got through and they didn't you win obviously by default whoever gets the furthest wins and the other ones isla conquest which is like av2 it's not like av but you know it's the big faulty man 40 v40 but that didn't actually come out until 3.2 so that was when trial of the crusader launched i would expect it to be held back for when trial of the crusader launches again so there's some more pvp flavor added during the phases but the basics of it when it comes to primary objectives the battleground can be won either by defeating the opposing general or through attrition aka lots of reinforcements once again there'll be lots of siege vehicles that you can get to knock down walls and get into their keep to try and kill their general and there's certain areas that you can hold such as the docks the hangar the workshop the refinery the quarry and depending on what ones you own depends on what either siege vehicles you'll get or any bonuses that you'll get like being able to go up on gun ships and parachute down into their base now is it true if i'm subscribed to this channel i get a chance at getting a beta key when it's out it is true if you subscribe to the channel i'm gonna put a video out as soon as i get the beta keys all you have to do is comment on that video i'll use a random youtube comment picker with oh you know only taking comments from public subscribers and whoever wins wins i'm predicting to get quite a few beta keys this time because i think i got 50 or 75 or something like that back in cbc when the channel was a lot smaller this time it will be a lot bigger so we'll see do you realize you patted out these 50 questions with five that had nothing to do with wrath of the lich king well yeah i mean putting out a video saying top 45 questions don't sound as good as 50 does it so yeah i had to pad it out okay bye hello is he gone there's lots of ways you can support the channel to keep me here putting out world of warcraft content and covering all future mmos consider joining the channel as a member you get access to emotes everyone will know you remember when you comment on future videos because you get a nice icon next to your name and you get access to members only videos which i'll be putting a lot of on the channel throughout the year additionally there's a patreon link in the description as well thank you for watching all the way to the end and i'll see you on the next one
Channel: Scottejaye
Views: 98,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wow, tbc, classic, wotlk, wrath, of, the, lich, king, scottejaye, scottejaye87, world, Warcraft, Blizzard, mmo, new, fresh, server, Druid, PvE, PvP, feral Druid, feral, item, raid, guide, how to, instance, dungeon, heroic, resto, metagoblin, warlock, rogue, hunter, priest, shaman, twitch, Dk, lk, ulduar, servers, hard, Raiding, cat, Feral, DRUID, dps, Resto, healer, change, best, quest, items, glyphs, aoe, max, farming, beta, changes, news, Hunter, pet, warrior, mage, druid, class, picking, tier, list, paladin, 10 man, group, P1, 25, phase, launch, before, Pre, patch
Id: xpkpBuKEg_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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