DRUID in WotLK Classic: Was It Any Good Though?

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As they say, "Anytime a news article asks a question, the answer is almost always 'no.'"

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Gh0stMan0nThird 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] we started this journey in 2019 and with wrath of the lich king classic confirmed for 2022 it is time for another class retrospective series during vanilla we asked was it any good though in tbc we moved on to ask is it any better now and for wrath well it's no longer a question of asking if your class is good or not because every spec in the game is great at something so we're going to be looking at what is new to your class baseline the pve talent changes as well as raiding how well your class is expected to perform in raiding throughout the expansion pvp performance in the arena as well as taking a look at your tss and then through this hopefully we can give a proper answer to your class in wrath of the lich king classic just how broken is it now [Music] i always end up starting these series covering druids why is that i wonder well it's the only class in the game with four effective specs they always have so many talking points and they continue to go from strength to strength as world of warcraft progresses during the burning crusade i said that they were overall the most improved class coming from classic moving into wrath of the lich king they once again have had a lot of work into focusing each of their specs to be viable in their niche rather than having this jack of all trades the master of non-class fantasy in fact i think the idea of that was well out of the picture even by late vanilla as the druids struggled to find their space anywhere apart from healing tbc sure did improve on vanilla at least feral tank became incredibly strong moonkin a utility powerhouse restoration a welcome addition and feral cat was um yeah well i guess it exists if you want it to outside of tanks though druids weren't really a clash you ever stacked whilst viable for their buffs their individual performance could often leave much to be desired though in wrath of the lich king wild roads continue to be the unsung hero supporting from the back line or is it their time to shine at the top let's find out obligatory youtuber intermission start of the new series and all that if you've been looking forward to this can't wait to see your class or just want to help out the channel in general drop a like and the sub if you think that i deserve it it's free and takes a few seconds gets the videos out there and hopefully the extra effort on the series will be worth it okay then what is a new bass line none of the talent stuff just the existing ability changes and new spells notepads out because there's gonna be a lot of it the balance tree first you know when you're standing on some kind of platform or ledge outside and you try and cast entangling roots and the game says what are you crazy you can't cast this spell indoors at least it creates some memes but in wrath you can cast entangling roots indoors giving the druid a fairly reliable source of cc speaking of roots nature's grasp is now baseline and has three charges instead of one barks can get some nice buffs moving from a 20 damage reduction in tbc to 30 and is now castable in all forms great change for actively tanking ferals gaining another cooldown to use armor reduction effects such as that from fairy fire on our percentage and not a flat amount this is an across-the-board change for all armor reduction effects in fact a big one now balance gains access to a spammable aoe as hurricane has had its cooldown removed this is a change that when we talk about balance in more detail with talents you'll see how they go from kind of meh aoe to you can really start to begin to top meters and delete entire packs as a boomi finally for balance innovate is reworked it goes from a six minute cooldown and basing its mana restored off the target spirit to a flat amount of mana equal to 225 percent of the druids base mana pool and a three minute cooldown so this means wrath of the lich king innovate will restore about 7 800 mana it will have a shorter cooldown but now any target that needs mana is a good target for an innovate which will of course not stop your arcane mages informing you that they need it on cooldown every single fight feral combat tree next so you know how in cataclysm feral druids got skull bash as a proper interrupt while in wrath of the lich king they just kind of had a scuffed version of it added on to existing abilities so now bash and mame will cause an interrupt effect on non-player spell casting for three seconds though if you really have to interrupt as a druid you can it's a pain but it is possible oh and there's this visual update too for both cat and bird forms as well say hello to your brand new improved shapeshifts and now in case you're wondering there are no glyphs to not have to look at boomkin form that was golip of stars and it was also in mr pandaria and they didn't even update the moonkin form properly until legion either so yeah if you're playing a boomi you better like looking at it they don't change tree form either energy is no longer gained in increments of 20 this will be true for rogue as well and will instead continuously regenerate at the same rate it was gained previously meaning that scenario that happens where you're like one or two energy off a finishing move doesn't mean you're gonna have to wait for a full tick anymore nice mame is now also a stun and is basically the cat form equivalent of kidney shot but it has a shorter duration and does some damage cats also now have an aoe similar to what bears have been doing since vanilla cats now learn to swipe which does a large percentage of your weapon damage great aoe burst on low health adds not so good sustained but better than nothing yes totally first new spell for druids is savage raw this is the backbone of feral dps and is a mandatory you must have this up as close to 100 of the time as you possibly can all your damage is just gonna instantly disappear it grants a massive 30 damage buff to physical attacks that can be 33 percent when glyphed for up to 34 seconds needless to say maintenance buff playstyle isn't for everybody i know it's not for me but we can look more at all the plates you have to spin as a feral dps soon and why people always rate it as one of the higher skill cap dps specs tigers fury now has a cooldown which is 30 seconds but has had its energy cost removed and will actually be useful for the first time ever as we'll see when we get onto feral talents as for the feral tanks savage defense is a new passive when you crit you take less damage on next attack simple enough finally growl and all taunts in fact have a little rework they are now a 30 yard range because much like real life you do not have to be in melee distance to start talking also you can glyph taunts so they well you know work last four bass line changes are the tree enthusiasts over in restoration so we don't have a bunch to say here there'll be two new spells nourish which is like the druid small and efficient heal that they were missing from their toolkit heals more depending on how many hots or heal over times a target already has active basically replaces healing touch in all scenarios so it's a very nice spell to pick up and oh my god how has it taken so long dungeon healers rejoice and that one guy who survives a wipe in a raid and then just has to stand there in afk because he can't do anything finally is useful because blizzard are actually giving druids a proper resurrecting revive and they still have combat rest too this is one of the best quality of life improvements they could have done no really look combat res is cool and all just not at the expense of having a normal one that's all i'm gonna say so that's our general changes overview not a huge amount of new stuff in the baseline kit for the druids but the talent trees are where we will really see the difference let's start with balance again both druid dps specs get way more interesting than they have been during tbc first things first your rotation now is well it's a rotation not just press start fire till the enemy red bar has disappeared off your screen in fact this is an across-the-board change for spellcasters which i think is super welcome because boomi like many other casters have been pressing literally one button since molten core so let's get the talent tree up and have a dig about and see what the new shiny and interesting bits are first off let's just cover the support parts in the restoration tree because each talent has had something added on to it so it's interesting for a variety of play styles yora for example gives 10 more intellect while in laser chicken form omen of clarity is now passive and can proc off well anything that the druid does a master shapeshifter is new and gives a bit of extra bang for your form of choice over in the balance tree i actually want to start towards the bottom of it because this single talent defines your playstyle and understanding it will be key eclipse simply put if you do not like how this talent works you will not like boomkin essentially when you crit with either wrath or starfire the opposite spell is empowered for 15 seconds and only one of these buffs can be up at once meaning broadly speaking you aren't just spamming starfire 100 of the fight anymore and are tracking your eclipse timers whether it be a good time to proc them your trinket procs when to use starfall and more why you may not like this is because procking your eclipse states which contribute a huge portion of your damage both have rng attached if heroism is up and your trinkets are rolling and you're fishing for a proc that doesn't feel good it's a small thing but it's worth a mention let's move back up the tree then nature's grace gets a huge buff increasing all casting speed for three seconds instead of just the next spell cast nature's splendor is new increase in the effect of both damaging and healing periodic effects nature's reach gets some much needed threat reduction tanked onto the side of it and celestial focus gets totally changed it doesn't have that chance to stun any more on starfire and now prevents spell pushback on a few abilities as well as giving a bit of spell haste you'll notice improved insect swarm isn't taken here and when considering increases damage taken from wrath by three percent or create chants from starfire by three percent with dots up that is surprising it's recommended in later game gearing but boomies are just short on gcds to apply their start when they want to be blasting their active eclipse more often than not improved fairy fire gets reworked and also now applies a spell hit debuff on the target and even more correct chance for the boomkin for real though boomkins do really make things go boom dream state isn't taken anymore we don't use the word umkin anymore in wrath the lich king partly thanks to another small rework to moonkin form itself offering more defenses and getting rid of the highly questionable restore mana on melee attacks what was that all about tbc moonkin form now spell chris wow that makes more sense can restore mana amazing improved moonkin form adds to your impressive utility toolkit giving three percent spell haste and spirit scaling force spell damage alkyn frenzy is a bit of a questionable one you need to be getting hit to get value from it and in raiding content well as a dps you tend not to want to be getting here some fights however you don't have a choice like saffron for example where it's going to be up all of the time it's a substantial buff but not a consistent one by any means gail wins buffs up the power of your aoe spells mainly very cool and typhoon is a brand new spell which i'm pretty sure the main use of it is to prowl up to lumber mill in arathi basin knock people off the edge and then laugh at them not taken here but if i were me i'd try and figure out where i can borrow a point to get this earthen moon is just some extra stats and essentially makes it so your main spells apply a curse of elements type effect and finally the big one the reason boomkins kinda pop off in wrath one of the most iconic spells of all time starfall now this is the o g starfall in more recent wow expansions blizzard have made it well more how can i put it controllable you press this bad boy in wrath if it's in 36 yards of you whether it's in combat or not whether it's an enemy or a passive it's getting starfled it does a lot of damage it scales super hard with trinket procs and man it's satisfying to have this ability up pretty much every second pull when you're raiding boomis bolster their playstyle of burst and sustain dps with glyphs such as starfire starfall and moonfire let's head on over to the feral tree then first thing to consider is there are now more tailored talents between you being a cat or a bear than there was in tbc more so the case for cat but we'll get on to that in a moment because i want to start with bears similar to moonkin there's some support tants in the restoration tree which i don't really have much to add on apart from they make you do a bit more damage in the feral tree a new cooldown has been added or last stand uh sorry survival instincts but no it's it is just last stand still it's a nice extra cooldown for both cats and bears primal precision is a huge 10 expertise for free as well as energy cost reductions you'll still want that expertise as a bear it's a super valuable stat predatory strikes also gain scaling off your equipped weapon natural reaction is new and adds some more dodge chance for bears and survival of the fittest also has a mini rework to give you the baseline stats you really need to be able to tank bosses infected wounds is only really taken if no other classes such as a death knight for example are in the party to provide the 20 attack speed reduction and predator of the pact is another huge pile of stats for bears including a 12 damage reduction just passively king of the jungle adds more damage on top of enrage for bears and improved mango is another new talent that reduces its cooldown which is very important for tanking as this will be a large chunk of your threat brendan tur and primal gore give even more damage and make certain abilities be able to crit though honestly they are nice it's a bigger deal for cats than it is for bears at the bottom of the tree is the new active ability berserk for your bear tanks this will be a 3 minute cooldown 15 second duration and it will make mangle hit 3 targets and have no cooldown i don't know how you even think about pulling off a bear when they have this running obviously this is highly fight dependent you kind of need to cleave or this end of talent tree ability is just doing well pretty much nothing if i'm honest i mean t to fears though but that's more of a pvp thing burst beast themselves up further with glyphs such as growl frenzied rejuvenation survival instincts and maul again it's content dependent if i'm doing a dungeon as a bear tank you bet i want a mullet cleaves raids though maybe not so much kitty cat next we've covered a bunch of the talents so let's go over the points we missed from a few important ones barrel charge can now be used in cat form and allows you to leap behind your target and daze them briefly predatory strikes has a new effect added onto it that gives you 20 chance per combo point spent to make your next spell which isn't revive essentially instant cast this is more of a pvp thing but when combat res is called for at least you can do it instantly and the buff will always be active when you're playing in pve improve the leader of the pack fixes feral mana issues and king of the jungle finally makes tiger's fury actually useful as it transforms it into a mini cooldown that restores energy kind of like this or t used to be primal gore means some of your bleeds crit which is great because they ignore armor and berserk reduces energy costs by 50 for 15 seconds which is great burst at the start of the fight and for setting up your rotation that shoes glyphs like savage raw rip and shred and i suppose i should also mention it's not expected that you will power shift or will have to wear wolf said helm anymore fiora doesn't give you energy when you shift into cat as it does in tbc it just kind of passively tracks your energy when not in cat form as if your energy bar is always going up whether you are in cat or not last set of pve talents for now and thankfully the restoration talenting is a bit more interesting than tbc which is just take every single one of your points and throw them into the restoration tree so resto druids are one of those classes that care about haste break point values exciting this is a bit of a new thing for wrath of the lich king mainly so you can get your gcd or global cooldown as low as possible to allow for maximum heal over time spamming again i want this to be a bit of an overview so i've gone with what i believe to be a more early game build so we can just take a look at some of the newer talents over imbalance we get some nice additions like genesis for five percent more periodic healing moon glow for better mana efficiency nature's splendor for more hot duration and celestial focus which again is a consideration depending on your haste resto druids have overall incredible mana efficiency throughout the entirety of the expansion back in the restoration tree master shapeshifter has been taken for more heals apart from that a lot of this is the same as tbc to be honest further down in the tree living seed is new and makes it so critical heels do a bit more once the target next takes damage you can take this if you don't need the extra points over in bounce for spell haste tree of life has had a bit of a rework it doesn't slow you passively anymore it used to by 20 and you can cast a whole bunch more spells in tree form now like healing touch yes in tbc you cannot cast healing touch in tree form there will be no point where i believe this isn't just a huge oversight that was never fixed not that you really do cast healing touch outside of nature's swiftness anymore but it's just a principle on top of that improved tree of life gives some more bonuses from spirit revitalize gives some hearts a chance to restore resources such as runic power rage or energy this is actually quite nice and a unique selling point for resto droids kind of like the tier 3 2 set if you remember that back from original max gift of the earth mother is just a pile of stats goodness and wild growth is your final new talent healing five nearby party members over seven seconds another solid addition to your ability to just cover the raid in heal over time effects resto druids will use glyphs such as swiftmend which is such a nice quality of life improvement wild growth and the last one varies a little bit on your roll you could pick one such as nourish rejuvenation or renovate for example so how do we think druids are going to fair in rafa the lich king then overall this is a new section for these videos i would usually cover leveling here but back in tbc i barely made two sentences out of leveling and in wrath just do what you want for it have some fun it'll be fine it's not challenging or super time consuming every class has better manner efficiency personal cooldown self-sustain and so on it wouldn't be much of a talking point especially when compared to how well we think the class is going to do on average so it's always hard to say and i do encourage a very large grain of salt here if you remember back at the start of tbc we all expected warriors to be pretty average until they started picking up armapen during tier vi in reality even at the start of tier 5 they were proving one of the top dps it's all well and good saying everyone was wrong with hindsight but that's what hindsight does and we don't have it right now there are servers who have tried rafter the lich king time and time again but at the end of the day we don't know until blizzard puts it on their servers with that said i'd full-on expect the majority of raids to consider taking one feral dps one moonkin and one restoration druid feral tanks will at no point be as good as they currently have been in tbc at any point in wrath of the lich king yes people will clear all the contact with bears yes they will work but the other tanks notably prop pal and blood dk just get kind of really really overpowered feral single target threat isn't as good as their counterparts and the aoe doesn't compare either they are still some tanky boys and scale well but they lack external cooldowns if you're dead sat on continuing playing pharaoh it's gonna be possible but i just think there'll be a bit less demand for them overall moonkin should absolutely pop off on clearing trash and fights with consistent adds coming in especially when it lines up with their starfall cooldown but they do really need the stars to align quite literally to be seeing themselves anywhere near the top end of the dps even then i wouldn't expect to remain there for a prolonged period of time i would say they'll be higher up in the dps on average compared to where they've been in tbc but they're not i want to be the best dps material they're still highly desirable to have one as the boss they provide are incredibly powerful also they are way way more fun to play and that certainly counts for something i think feral cats are one of the specs which could be a surprise and come out on average much higher than expected and we already think that they will be good they are in a strange place of doing well early game as their bleeds ignore armor whilst also scaling super well with armor penetration in later game raids they're an absolute single target machine with strong burst aoe and the aoe is mega bursty and just not sustained whatsoever the difference for cats will be on experience with the playstyle and knowledge of the fights you need to know where the target swaps will be when best to pop cooldowns will this mob live long enough for me to reapply dots each fight will have its own trial and error learning curve of how to optimize a feral druid's rotations which will make it super interesting for some and frustrating for others if you want a chill raid with a nice simple playstyle feral cat might not be for you finally restoration druids you'll want one more or less it's the same deal as tbc they fill a niche they bring great utility you know what druids do by now the combat res the innovate and so on no real bad words to say against resto druid if you like it now you'll like it in wrath even more however much like tbc it's not going to be that topping heels when compared to others if that's what you want out of the game you need to be thinking about holy power again these are speaking from experience talking with others and personal research on each specialization we've had surprises in the past we will be having them again i'm sure but those are my current impressions of druid performance in pve so that's about enough on pve let's talk pvp and head over to the arena if you're an avid tbc pvp i'm sure your impression of the druid class at the moment looks something like about 95 of them are restoration five percent of them are ferals and boomkins don't exist this changes in wrath quite a bit restoration goes from arguably the best healer in tbc to the least represented in wrath though it still fits in a number of extremely powerful comps it's just not in every second game anymore barrelcat becomes considerably more threatening and gains a wide variety of tools to become more effective and boomkin um yeah not in the best spot still so restoration do they fall after they just get terrible what's the deal with that i'll put it on two main reasons why the other healers have caught up everyone else just gets absolutely an insane volume of buffs while in some ways restoration gets some of their utility and cc taken away from them and number two only having a poison and curse as defensive dispels and no offensive dispels is not a very good toolkit when it comes to wrath of the lich king everyone has just kind of caught up to their level now is a talent tree that a restoration druid may consider for the arena there isn't a huge amount of changes compared to our pve healing spec notable inclusions are natural perfection over in the resto tree giving you both more offensive and defensive capability and of course improved bark skin which makes the druid just have more baseline armor additional damage reduction on bark skin and it makes it harder to dispel you can also glyph bark skin on top of this to make it even better changes in the feral tree have made it much less attractive to dip into that for the likes of brutal impact or feral charge both of which have now moved deeper into the tree leading to part of the druid's pvp utility taking a hit and as you will soon find out early raph the lich king is arguably more burst heavy than tbc was which isn't great news when the majority of your heals really need time to take effect droids often pair up well with classes that cover their weaknesses or they can cc chain effectively with with comps such as resto druid shadow priest mage aka god comp or resto druid destro warlock elemental shaman aka lsd in fact they fit into many more caster comps than melee overall and caster comps in wrath are real scary speaking of casters boomkin surely it's in a better place in wrath than classical tbc right well it kind of just does the same thing that it's always done if you let a boonkin sit at the back and cast their spells they're gonna delete your team but it's just too easy to stop them from doing that except after the lich king boomies will turbo delete your team between the bonus stats from eclipse and starfall boomi's out of combat burst from stealth is really high practice teams however have too many options to shut it down through stuns and silences and if you are under any effect that causes loss of your character starfall just gets turned off like a light switch and then you're left jumping about applying not too scary dots and waiting for peels so you can play the game again talent-wise there's barely any deviation from the pve spec apart from of course picking up alkyn frenzy and obviously in this case you always get typhoon because believe me you are going to need the ability to kite as much as you can get also boomies don't do very well defensively they get a nice chunk of physical mitigation from their form but improved bark skin is all the way down at the bottom of the restoration tree meaning for every other speck it's just going to get dispelled more often than not leaving you with travel form and running for your life is it a fun battleground spec yes can you boot people off the middle of eye of the storm you bet you can arena though yeah it's still gonna be a rough pick to get good value out of a quick mention for feral or bear it's not a thing in arena it just doesn't do enough damage and doesn't have the utility cat does cat however is the most improved druid arena spec by a lot but they are pretty rare in tbc at the moment and have a very narrow number of comps where they work a whole host of changes in wrath makes them considerably better first up feral does very high damage and has practically infinite mobility which they can really take full advantage of now that they've had mana issues solved through improved a leader of the pack they can choose a target and stick to it like nothing else here is an example tantry additions such as nurturing instinct give a lot of bonus heals you do and you receive primal tenacity is a solid two-part talent to reduce the duration of fears and a huge 30 damage production when stunned in cat cat also now has a slow which they practically spam just by playing the game in infected wounds king of the jungle reduces the cost of shape shifts by 60 in addition to the other effects it gives and every five combo points spent by the druids means they're going to be popping out of form and instantly cycloning somebody on the enemy team thanks to predatory strikes this makes feral druid a high pressure high damage choice that usually fits alongside another physical class that can provide a much needed mortal strike effect for their pressure to be effective such as rogue or hunter oh and berserk can both clear active fear effects and then makes you immune to them for 15 seconds that is a lot of uptime on some classes that rely on those forms of cc overall feral gets a good look into a number of comps and should be seen a bunch more than it is in tbc which brings us on to tss something you'll notice about tier sets in general for wrath of the lich king is that they start off kind of being a little bit dull just adding a bit of damage to your regular rotation and then in tier 8 they start getting a little bit interesting and then tier 9 somebody at blizzard went crazy with them and then in tier 10 they went mega crazy with tier set power levels nevertheless let's take a look at the looks and the effects of the tsh that the druid will be getting ts7 the dream walker garb hey if we're gonna reuse the entirety of max rammus again might as well reuse the tier sets again as well right you damn right we're gonna do that and they still look awesome all of them the druid's no exception set bonus wise feral first it of course has to work for both specializations here i'd say cat gets the better end of the bargain an extension on finishing moves helps smooth out that rotation and more tiger's fury is only ever good for restoration a reduction on the cost of life bloom is okay but druids aren't a class that are overly hurting for mana efficiency in the first place bonus nourish healing can add up and make them quite the spot healer but this is often a role that other healers are doing in the first place the balance five percent damage on insect swarm is just pretty meh to be honest it's far from your best spell in the first place five percent crit on wrath and starfire though is really really good boomies already have a huge baseline crit chance through talents and benefit hugely from dealing critical strikes making this seem like quite an attractive four set here eight from ulduar the knight sankar best tier looks wise of the expansion hands down always been a big fan of this suits the druid theme really well both bonuses for feral cats seem kind of insane player casting procking from your dots is like a dream scenario it means more shreds easier rotation and just the chance to pop off and the four set is eight second more on savage raw which is again fantastic or bears it feels once again it's just okay with the nature of tanking and rage generation you aren't as in need of clear casting progs and an extra 8 seconds on survival instincts is probably just not seeing any value most the time the restoration tier 8 2 set is 10 more heals on swift mend which isn't too exciting it's a nice spot heal but not usually something you're popping on cooldown the four piece makes it so rejuvenation also does an instant heal when you apply it i had to look into this and appears to just be an additional tick of redo when you apply the spell so in other words not terribly exciting balance looks pretty good so the seven percent here appears to be added on top as a flat amount i think who knows the tooltip doesn't exactly give it away old wow head comments don't say either if it's seven percent extra as a percentage though this is a pretty tiny bonus the four piece just says it has a chance great blizz i prefer to not know what my gear does another session of looking into it later i believe it's an 8 proc chance with no internal cooldown which is pretty good actually i would say tier 9 from trial of the crusader these are the rune totem or malfurion's garb though looks wise i don't know if it's because they wanted to do two different sets between hoarder alliance or what's going on here but all of tier 9 without exception looks bad it doesn't even look remotely good what a downgrade from the ottawa set the same however cannot be said for most of the tier set bonuses well i say most of because the feral set looks like a downgrade from ulduar the two-piece reduces the cooldown on growl 5 more damage on lacerate and three extra seconds on rake nothing too exciting here all set hey cat can benefit from both here that's quite nice shorter cooldown on park skin and five percent extra crit on rip and ferocious bike which is a decent damage increase as your rip will be gritting baseline anyway thanks to a talent restoration five percent more crit on nourish which is okay more spot heals more living seeds going out and the force that makes it so rejuvenation can crit which could be quite interesting there's also a glyph called rapid rejuvenation that allows rejuvenation to benefit from haste too balance as per every set so far has great tier set bonuses by the looks of it the two set means moonfire's periodic damage can crit the vengeance talent in the balance tree also says it affects moonfire so this should be a nice bit of synergy the full set though a bit dull is four percent flat damage on your big spells which should be decent the final stop is ice crown citadel for tier 10 the elisha weave garb i don't know about the looks too much i get it it's meant to be a thorny looking undead plant thing going on i just prefer the urdu one bonuses then feral first 20 more damage on swipe bar and lesser rate okay now these are some tier set bonuses no more of that five percent nonsense cats on the other hand only get ten percent less energy cost on rip which is pretty minor the four piece makes enrage into a damage reduction for bear and removes the armor penalty which is again very strong and for cats it lets rake though both bleeds you're constantly keeping up are now critting which sounds like a lot of fun restoration two set has a rather strangely worded wild grow feels more and the full set gives rejuvenation a chance to jump and reset its duration which despite only being a two percent chance sounds really cool it could proc more when clift it can proc off itself i bet this adds up over the duration of a long fight where people are consistently taking damage the round it out as per usual the balance set looks amazing the two set is 15 more damage for six seconds after gaining clear casting this should have great uptime particularly during your burst when it should be just chain procking off of starfall the force that makes it so when some of your spells quit they add seven percent of the damage as a damage over time effect by icc you're going to be hitting some big boy crits as a boomi so this should add up if it's worth taking so with all that said having talked pvp expected performance pve the tier sets and many points in between can we give an answer to druid in wrath of the lich king classic how broken is it now it's better overall without a single doubt but certainly on the lower end compared to what other classes bring to the table now if you put raffle the lich king druid in tbc it will look absolutely unreal insane but that's testament to how much each class gets really powered up in the expansion barrel tank takes a bit of a downgrade when compared to tbc cat gets a massive boost in all areas of content and boomkin and restoration feel that good utility niche whilst both gaining a much more engaging and fun play style druids continue to be that all around can do it all and can do it all well type of class now so if you're somebody that enjoys a variety of playstyles and being able to fill the gap in your group druid might be a consideration for wrath that wraps it up for the first class in the series i will try to do some polls later on so you guys can let me know what you'd like to see next as we have plenty of them to go let me know your thoughts on everything we've gone over today whether you're planning on druid and whether you played it back in the day thank you all so much for watching and listening in and i shall see you all our next one very soon [Music] [Music] you
Channel: WillE
Views: 218,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wille, classic wow, wotlk, wotlk classic, wotlk release, wotlk tier list, wotlk dps tier list, wotlk pvp tier list, was it any good wotlk, feral, feral dps, balance, resto, wotlk pve, wotlk pvp, dk, death knight, wotlk dps, paladin, mage, warlock, priest, druid, rogue, hunter, shaman, warrior, naxx25, ulduar, icc, dragonflight, best mmo, free mmo 2022, best mmorpg, best free mmorpg, best mmo 2022, mmo 2022, eso, gw2, ff14, osrs, riot mmo, ashes of creation, dungeons and dragons, gaming, pc
Id: eNF4M8zfvZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 5sec (2045 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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