What is the MOST FUN HEALER in WOTLK Classic

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if you haven't seen the video that went out in the last couple of days about what i consider to be the top three fun dps specs in wrath of the lich king definitely check that out after you've seen this but today we're going to have a quick run through all the healers in wrath of the lich king and how i would rank them in order of fun this is by no means a tier list where i say oh druid is zest here holy paladin's d tier or anything like that this is an extremely subjective video where actually it is just my opinion it's what i have the most fun playing on so it's not about throughput it's not about mana efficiency it's not about the toolkit and what they bring it's what i would say is the most fun hero to play now toolkit will come into that actually a little bit because the more diverse the toolkit you've got probably the more fun the spec is going to be to play so firstly if we talk about the resto druid the resto druid hasn't really changed that much it is all hot based still you're going to be keeping up some life blooms some rejuves using regrowth where you need to and now you've got your new ability wild growth which heals up to five friendly party or raid members within 15 yards of the target for 686 over seven seconds the amount healed is applied quickly at first and then slows down as the wild growth reaches its full duration now it's really really nice to have an aoe hot obviously and it's very unique in terms of what it does and how it works because most healing specs have got some form of aoe but having an aoe that's actually a hot is just amazing you of course also bring revitalize which gives your breed and wild growth spells a chance to restore energy rage mana runic power on each tick which of course is a dps game to your raid but doesn't necessarily make it more fun the thing that does make resto druid fun is how life bloom works now so life bloom heals your target over seven seconds and when life bloom completes its duration or is dispelled the target instantly heals themselves and the druid regains half the cost of the spell so the fun interaction here is making sure that you life bloom when owen are clarity proc so you're gonna get a free cast of your lifebloom but gain half of the mana back from it as well so it's a way to constantly be getting mana back through the fire in another way that's not just mp5 or innovate now for me this is where some of the fun actually lies as a resto druid so knowing fights is extremely important so if you're going into a fight like saffiran for example as a prime example in tier vii you know that there's going to be constant aoe so you can almost global cap yourself by just rejuvenate wild growth rejuvenate your region constantly which i wouldn't say that's particularly fun but then weaving in whenever you see a clear casting go off boom you use lifebloom and you know you're going to get some mana back like that is actually quite fun and when you see all of those hots going off and you've just got green numbers all over your screen during boss fights you know that can be quite rewarding but ultimately the resto druid isn't one i'd say is overly fun i think there are more fun healing specs to play so let's move on to the next in terms of having to understand boss fights the holy paladin is very similar to the resto druid but for different reasons so the resto druid will preemptively hot all of the raid knowing that in x amount of seconds there'll be some aoe damage coming into the raid the holy paladin needs to understand when the damage is coming in because when there's a downtime in damage you want to use your divine plea now your divine plea will give you mana back but being able to go into melee and hit a boss with judgment of wisdom on whilst divine plea is up it means you can more or less get a full mana bar back in that 15 second window but of course you don't want to be doing that when there's loads of damage coming in so you need to know when there is them spikes in damage and when there's those periods of no damage or low damage that you can afford to go and use that time to get your mana back for when you need it but the holy paladin really just pumps out massive numbers having beacon of light so you can heal two targets at a time and then the target that you're healing with your holy light is splashing using glyph of holy light so all that are melee around are getting like 10 percent of that heal at the same time having holy shock to use when you're moving or just for a quick heal on someone having so many cooldowns like divine illumination reducing the mana cost of spells or being able to pop your wings and do even more healing it makes for a very unique experience because you bring things like aura mastery as well so you can stop your raid getting silenced at certain times you can bring divine guardian which is going to be a raid wide 20 damage reduction for six seconds this on top of blessings and auras you really are just a utility machine but in terms of fun there's not that much to it and there's not really many props that you need to look for well there's no procs that you're looking for and ultimately you're gonna have beacon of light on your tank and you're just gonna be holy light in anyone else who takes damage preferably healing anyone in melee so all the rest of the melee with the glyph of holy light are taking additional healing the only real complexity or rewarding moments come from when you are nearly home and then you can go and get full mana by hitting the bus and that doesn't sound fun but when all the other healers are like screaming out for innovates and stuff like that and you can just go oh i'm right just somebody else cover the raid for a sec i'm just going to go and get full mana and then you can just keep pumping it is quite fun i just say it's not that engaging so i'm a big fan of the holy paladin and really do enjoy playing a holy paladin to the point where it is going to be my second main in wrath of the lich king classic because i really enjoy playing it but in terms of fun out of all of the healers i wouldn't rank it much higher than resto druid if i'm completely honest so now you know how this list is going you might think you're going to know what the best healer is or what i find the most fun healer once i tell you what this one's going to be but you won't but it will be between two because we've only got three healing specs left and what's coming in next for me is disc priest now this priest can be fun if you really are ruled by meters because when you're pre-bubbling everyone before some aoe comes in nobody else's hill is gonna even get a chance to do anything because with things like borrowed time which gives you spell haste after you cast a power word shield it means you need such low levels of haste to get your shield down to a one second gcd that is absolutely amazing and you bring some really strong cooldowns like pain suppression and even power infusion for your casters which they're absolutely going to love and because of a talent called rapture which doesn't just give you mana back when shields are absorbed it also gives the person who had the bubble manner rage energy or runic powers so this is like the disciplined priest version of revitalize for the resto druid now the thing i do find fun about this priest is being that guy who knows how every boss fight works predicting who's going to be taking the damage next and getting a bubble on him before they take the damage that is what makes this a fun and engaging spec it doesn't actually come down to the rotation because ultimately you're going to be using lots and lots of bubbles prayer mending on cooldown and penance on cooldown outside of that there ain't that much to do the vast majority of your healing is gonna come from bubbling people but knowing when to bubble is the key and what keeps you on your toes it's what ultimately makes this a fun spec to play because if you're a disc priest who's waiting for people to take damage they heal them reactively that's not gonna work you need to preemptively be getting up these shields on as many people as possible so when that big aoe comes in you'll go from being on bottom of the healing meter to top of the healing meter in a couple of seconds and it really does happen like that you'll be sat there just chugging along in let's say fourth fifth place as the healer and then all of a sudden when that damage comes in boom your bar will double with the amount of effective healing and that is one thing that i really do find fun obviously you still have things like prayer of healing that you can use but ultimately you're just an absorbed machine your whole job is to reduce the amount of damage that people are taking rather than actually increasing their health by healing them i personally quite enjoy playing a disc priest it's not my favorite spec nor do i consider it the most fun spec but it is engaging enough to put it above the holy paladin and the resto druid in my opinion so now we've only got two healing specs left what do you think's going to be first what do you think is going to be second i'm going to sit here and wait for you to put it in the comments oh we'll just carry on the next one for me is resto shaman so all you holy priests are probably jumping up and down in excitement now that i think your spec is the most fun to play but the resto shaman has just got so many tools so many hills so many totems you've got so much that you can do to control a fight now most people myself included say it's just chain hill spam you will press chain hill a lot there's no doubt about it chain healing into the mealy is very very fun and seeing all of those numbers and you absolutely could go all the way through a nax run without pressing anything but chain hill but ultimately you wouldn't be playing your class as you should be but with the addition of things like riptide so you've actually got a hot now which also then synergizes really well with chain hill mind you because it will consume the hot and increase the amount of your chain hill by 25 percent when you cast it on the person who's got riptide having earth shield to keep up on your tank and using tidal waves now tidal waves is amazing because when you chain here or rip tide it will lower the cast time of your healing wave or it'll increase the critical strike chance of your lesser healing wave and this is for two hills so if you're tank healing you know putting a rip tide up and then knowing you've got two nice quick big healing waves or if you're spot healing the raid using a chain hill to proc tidal waves and then throwing a couple of spot hills around with lesser healing wave it's just a very fun spec to play because there's so much to do and like you probably know if you watch my dps video i really like procs i like things that you have to react to whilst you don't necessarily react to this because you know it's going to happen after a chaney who are a riptide it just means you can mix up the hills you use and ultimately if you're a good resto shaman you'll be using these hills on the right people at the right time so why do two chain hills back to back when one chain hill is going to top everybody off and then there's that one guy who's still at 70 there's no point chain healing just for that one person you might as well consume one of your tidal wave procs by using a lesser healing wave on him aside from that being able to get cleansed spirit so you can get rid of poison diseases and curses with one button mana tie totem to obviously get you and or your healers or your caster dps whatever you're in a group with some mana back and even getting earth living weapon is absolutely amazing increasing your healing and giving you a chance to get another little hot that goes on the target you just have so many different things you can do and ultimately if you're a good resto shaman you'll be able to perform very well it might not be that healer that everybody wants to stack or even wants to take in wrath of the lich king because you know you're going to hear people talk about holy paladins disc priests you know being absolutely bonkers now i'm not saying they're not and i'm not saying that they're below the resto shaman in terms of healing remember i'm talking about absolute just pure fun we're not bothered about what the top healer is or what the best healer is or what the worst healer is we're just bothered about what is enjoyable when you're playing it and resto shaman for me definitely sits at number two in terms of enjoyment which means yes the holy priest is what i consider to be the most fun healing spec with things like guardian spirit where you can give someone essentially the right to die but not actually die or having it glyphed so that target's taking 40 additional healing for that 10 seconds but assuming they don't die you only get a one minute cooldown on guardian spirit so being able to increase somebody's healing every one minute that they receive by 40 is absolutely huge and as you know holy priests have so much aoe potential with things like circle of healing prayer of healing light well joke and even empowered renew where it's now doing an instant heal when you renew someone and surge of light so your spell crits have got a chance to cause your next flash hill obviously smite as well but we're only interested in flash hill to become instant cast and cost no mana yes it can't but it's still free healing and again i'm all about procs so looking out for that that's something else to look out for when you see it and then you can just throw an instant cast free flash hill on someone it's just awesome and spirit of redemption i know it's a minor one but it is quite good still anyway if you do happen to die at least you can pump out some hills for 15 seconds and sometimes you might use this as a bit of a kamikaze move because you're completely um the fight's only going to last another 20 30 seconds you're better off actually just stepping in that void zone and getting loads of free healing at the end of the fight whilst it sounds like a mad thing to do it can be useful sometimes especially if you've got a soul stone on you but i just like the big tool kit that a holy priest brings having a hill for every scenario having procs get in increased regen from things like holy concentration if you want to use body and soul your tank will love you for being able to bubble somebody to increase their movement speed for example you this priest won't like you but you know and ultimately just as i say having a hill for no matter what happens need a big tank hill you've got a big tank he'll need to quickly aoe hill a full group you can get him up nice and quick and as i say does it look like your tank's about to die and they're out of cooldowns put a guardian spirit on him a holy priest really is a jack of all trades they've got every kind of hill they've got really powerful hots like renew as well let's not forget and played right they are actually very mana efficient and that's it in order of least fun for me personally to most fun and remember this is not what is the most powerful this is what i consider to have what i have the most fun on when i'm playing if you agree let me know if you disagree let me know so let me know in the comments what you think is the most fun from top to bottom so is holy priest the most fun or do you think holy paladin is the most fun let me know in the comments because i'd be interested to have a read through them and see what yeah what you enjoy but ultimately this was my take on it like subscribe and do like the video costs nothing just click the like button really helps the video out get to more people check out the rest of xp guide roll the outro there's lots of ways you can support the channel to keep me here putting out world of warcraft content and covering all future mmos consider 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Channel: Scottejaye
Views: 171,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wow, tbc, classic, wotlk, wrath, of, the, lich, king, scottejaye, scottejaye87, world, Warcraft, Blizzard, mmo, new, fresh, server, Druid, PvE, PvP, feral Druid, feral, item, raid, guide, how to, dungeon, heroic, resto, metagoblin, rogue, hunter, priest, shaman, twitch, Dk, ulduar, servers, hard, Raiding, Feral, DRUID, dps, Resto, healer, change, best, quest, items, glyphs, aoe, max, farming, beta, news, Hunter, pet, warrior, mage, druid, class, picking, tier, list, paladin, 10 man, 25, phase, launch, before, Pre, patch, naxx, 71, pre, fun, most, holy, disc, pala, prot
Id: Shk8meAOIhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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