Do these before WOTLK Classic Launches

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every video you look at telling you about things to do before wrath of the lich king or even wow head posts all say the same sort of thing get professions done get loads of gold to buy stuff in wrath get your alts ready and whatever load of generic boring things you can think of well that ain't gonna be this video so when it comes to things to do before wrath of the lich king actually launches firstly and probably most importantly to be sure to get done is your professions on all your characters because using them now to make gold ready for wrath for the lich king to get your dark moon card greatness is going to be really important that leads me nicely onto the second point getting loads of gold i'm joking i'm joking generic boring i know let's get into the real things so firstly we're gonna start with pvp which is one that we don't talk about on the channel that much and mainly because it's not something i do on a regular basis but capping your honor is going to be really important so going in with the honor cap should absolutely be possible in the transition from cbc to wrath of the lich king in 2008 the honor was not reset and there's plenty of blue posts like this one stating that it wasn't reset and there was no plans to reset it and part of this is to do with the amount of cost involved in the items so for example for a 200 pair of hateful wrists it's 31 600 honor for one item if you was to go for the belt it's almost 50 000 so you're never going to be able to get more than one free item from your honor anyway and yes the amount of money you actually get in battlegrounds is quite high in wrath for the lich king to make up for these very very high cost items but you gotta remember the high cost items like these are only high cost because they require no arena rating or no nothing you know you can just buy them with flat out honor and to show you what i mean by that if you look at like the hateful gladiator wormholed spoilers you can buy them for 31 600 honor or they're a lot cheaper being only 9 600 on her if you put some arena points in with it as well there is also the option to buy with emblems of valor so there's lots of ways to get this pvp gear but going in with the honor cap will ensure that you can at least get one item and the honor caps 75k by the way but you might not want to get 75 you might want to just get 50k because you've got your eyes on one item that you're going to want quickly in wrath of the lich king so just getting 50k might be enough for you and the next thing start stacking consumables that you ordinarily don't use for raiding but they will come in useful for leveling in wrath so things like health pots you know if all you use are super mana pots or haste parts or whatever sort of pots you use but you don't use health pots regularly because all you're using is warlock stones then stacking up on health pots is just going to reduce downtime when you're leveling so if you're engineering getting injectors would be even better obviously and even swiftness pots you know having a big stack of swiftness pots and using them on cooldown while you're running around killing mobs questing whatever you're doing you're absolutely worthwhile and picking them up now while they're cheap again will be worthwhile because as we get closer to ralph and more and more people start thinking about doing these things they're only going to go up in price now i said we wasn't going to talk about things boring that's covered everywhere else like professions but one thing i'm not seeing a lot of people talk about is the fact that your profession bonuses in wrath of the lich king start at 400. so things like the extra sockets for blacksmithing the shoulder and chant from inscription big gems for jewelcrafting the procs on your cloak for tailoring your engineering gloves and rocket boosts and things like that all of those good things that we're going to get in wrath come around 400 skill level now if you use atlas loot which is probably the easiest way to do it in game and let's say you're an alchemist having a look at what skill you can get to with the tbc crafting recipes is key because some of these don't cost a lot you know if you was to think about making flasks of relentless assaults for example let's say you was planning on using those whilst you're leveling as a rogue and maybe your alchemy this is just an example rather than stacking up on the flask themselves you can stack up on the mats follow manifest or terracone and imbued vials stack up on enough mats to make them whilst you're leveling while you've got downtime you're sat at a boat or you're in dalaran or you're doing whatever you're doing because these will go yellow at 390 and they go green at 397. so if you was to make these until 397 you only actually need three points from the new materials in northrend before you actually get your big profession bonus for most of the professions you could do the same thing with blacksmithing making dawn still braces for example or swift steel braces or any of these where you can see that they don't go green until 395. don't get me wrong some classes are going to be far more expensive than others like i personally am doing engineering and enchanting this way though i plan on getting 390 in chanting and engineering basically before even worrying about any northrend materials which is going to not just cut down on cost but it's going to cut down on time and i'm going to get that profession bonus quicker which is going to actually assist me in leveling faster definitely one worth thinking about and as i say looking at atlas loop is probably the easiest way to do it one more minor thing about professions but getting herbs to max ascribe is gonna be important you probably aren't even considering this because you might not want inscription but trust me playing the let's see if i can craft the nobles card game will not only make you some gold but benefit your guild or even your main if you need a darkmoon card greatness so looking on any profession website and getting a rough idea on the maps that you're actually gonna need having them all stockpiled now and then in the pre-patch just one of your alts just get max inscription and then even looking at atlas loot again once inscriptions added to it during tbc and getting it to 390 you know you want to get to making the darkmoon cards as quick as physically possible and then if you've got a bit of downtime or you're bored or you know you want to fly around get some herbs or even you've got guys in the guild that are farming herbs and you can be one of them that's milling the herbs to make the darkmoon cards just really briefly because this isn't about inscription but basically to get the darkmoon cards you mill herbs you know you milk five herbs at a time so a stack you'll get four meals you create inks out of those and then you create a darkmoon card and you're hoping to get a nobles the nobles deck is what turns into the darkmoon car greatness some of you will be bothered about achievements and some of you won't if you are bothered about achievements getting some of the boring ones out the way now while there's limited things to do will be ideal so things like law master and the explorer they're a prime example they're time consuming and the odds of you wanting to go back and spend that much time in the old zones where northrend's there waiting for you to explore is very unlikely even reputations in getting mounts or getting exalted achievements whatever they're all worth working on now to save time in wrath because you're gonna have lots and lots of things to do in wrath if this is something you're looking at doing i'd heavily recommend the add-on all the things classic so that's att classic you can filter by zone so you can just look at kalimdor you can then go to ashenvale for example see what achievements in ashenvale you've not done so i've not on this character done explore ashenvale you can look at the exact points that you haven't explored and it even gives you the coordinates you can then look at the quest that you haven't done and again it gives you the coordinates and a little brief introduction into what you're meant to be doing so it's a very very very useful tool for doing the explorer and law master now and as i say if you're just stood around in shattrath like my rogue is doing nothing why not go and start on some of these achievements because you might later on down the line be like oh i actually wish i'd done that because now i've got to waste 30 40 hours you know during wrath when i could be raiding or leveling and all to go back and do this and i know this one gets mentioned everywhere but it gets mentioned for a reason getting your armani warbear from the za timed run is gonna be important it's only gonna be important if you're bothered about uncollectible items going forward so this is gonna be something that you can't obtain or you shouldn't be able to obtain it should be removed with wrath of the lich king so you can still do a timed run but you just can't get the mount anymore and this obtaining the mount becomes a feat of shrimp we gotta remember it's classic so i don't want to say you definitely need to go and get it because they could easily turn around and say well no we'll just leave it in you know they've done crazy things over the last few years leaving this in wouldn't surprise me at all same thing like with hand of adele and champion of the naaru you know they should be removed as well once we go into wrath of the lich king but it wouldn't even surprise me if they got left in but we need to air on the side of caution and say they should be removed so things like getting your hand of adele title and champion at an aru and getting the armani warbear of course go and do it because they then become unobtainable anymore but who knows they could quite easily still be in the game another one to consider is things like illusion dust small brilliant shards for the 100 health on chest you will be able to put these onto a scroll and sell them on the auction house of course you can get the major manner as well which is three greater eternal essence and a small brilliant shard for a hundred manner on chest things like crusader so righteous orbs large brilliant shards life stealing with for six large brilliant shards essence of undeath and living essence enchant weapon spell power which is quite a pricey one but people are gonna be buying them and why heirlooms if you can start farming some of these maps now especially if you're an enchanter so you can then just bang them on scrolls when the scrolls come in the game and put them on the auction house the people who are getting their heirloom weapons they're gonna want good in chance to go on their own weapons same goes if you're an engineer making scope make the good scopes that don't have a level requirement for the item because that's important you can't just go putting mongoose on these weapons and stuff like that and get them on the auction house but stocking up on these sort of mats now so you can at least get them enchanted for cheap or sell the mats and make a lot of gold they're things that are well worth getting ready now thinking about right first airline bits i'm gonna get is leather chest let's get under elf on it you know i'm gonna get i don't know the two one-handed maces or something like that you know and you're gonna want crusader on them both go in strat get the get the orbs and things like that because at the moment while people are not thinking about it they'll be cheap you might even just be able to buy them off the auction house really cheap come i don't know week three week four of the breath of the lich king all of this stuff is just gonna spike and that's about it really i was gonna include all the pre-patch bits as well because i've got a lot of really good useful things about the pre-patch which trust me until you hear them you'll be like oh wow yeah i didn't know that but they're things that can just give you a little bit of an edge i suppose of things that you know no one's talking about particularly if you're horde there's a lot more horde things in the pre-patch than there is alliance which will make sense but i'm going to do that in a separate video i'm going to literally record it now so i'm guessing that this will go out the next day the pre-patch one will go out the day after this this will be things to do in raf the next one of your things to do in a pre-patch maybe i should call it minor things to do in the pre-patch because they're not massive but anyway like and subscribe roll the outro there's lots of ways you can support the channel to keep me here putting out world of warcraft content and covering all future mmos consider joining the channel as a member you get access to emotes everyone will know you remember when you comment on future videos because you get a nice icon next to your name and you get access to members only videos which i'll be putting a lot of on the channel throughout the year additionally there's a patreon link in the description as well thank you for watching all the way to the end and i'll see you on the next one
Channel: Scottejaye
Views: 87,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wow, tbc, classic, wotlk, wrath, of, the, lich, king, scottejaye, scottejaye87, world, Warcraft, Blizzard, mmo, new, fresh, server, Druid, PvE, PvP, feral Druid, feral, item, raid, guide, how to, instance, dungeon, heroic, resto, metagoblin, warlock, rogue, hunter, priest, shaman, twitch, Dk, lk, ulduar, servers, hard, Raiding, cat, Feral, DRUID, dps, Resto, healer, change, best, quest, items, glyphs, aoe, max, farming, beta, changes, news, Hunter, pet, mm, warrior, mage, druid, class, picking, tier, list, paladin, Comp, 10 man, group, P1, 25, phase, launch, before
Id: dkaMhTnHjso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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