Top 5 Ways To Farm Gold / How to make 1 Million Gold Per Hour | Palworld Patch 1.5

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today I want to go over all of the best ways to make gold in power world these are the top five best ways to farm gold after the Nerf to nail selling in patch 1.5 these range from really simple methods to some more elaborate ones this is going to be a quick and fast video just to help out those that might not be aware although everyone has differing opinions on which is the best method right now it's best to do more than one some of these are passive methods requiring very little upkeep While others are active methods I personally do mostly all of them and Alternate between what want to do for the day so for the first method let's look up just selling items borax the mighty on Reddit has made a spreadsheet showing all of the best items he's theorycrafted in order to sell to make the best profit possible ever since this Reddit thread people are saying that pizza is the best thing to craft and sell that might be true by just pure numbers alone but the time invested means that in my opinion for cooking items I think that the cooked berries Takes the Cake in this regard a Discord user by the name Mr 200 showed his cooked Berry Farm this took him less than 5 hours to cook and will net him about 900,000 gold this is a passive method that takes very little time to set up and should be coupled with one of the active methods I list later on the second method are farming Pals at your farm or your base the top three Pals to farm items for more passive income are first off the mauo with the Mau Farm it drops gold using its find money skill when in a farm it starts off at 10 gold per bag but it goes up to 50 gold if you level it up all the way cilx is next up which drops high quality cloth when put in a farm it drops at a rate of 1.1 that can be upgraded to 1.5 and lastly we have Vixie which drops pal spheres arrows and gold depending on its level shown here by upgrading these Pals using the condenser aka the pow blender you'll be able to sell the excess and pocket more gold passively all of this information was given to us by username blah Hubble on Reddit everything that I talk about today that has a link to it will be listed down below next next up is the black marketeer farm this still works I'm not sure who figured this out first but narrow backx has a video dating back a month ago and he's the one I watched to find out originally I'll have his video linked down below for a full tutorial but I'll briefly cover it here all you need to do is go to this specific black marketeer location and farm him for his gold drops one thing to make sure of when you're farming the black marketeer is you'll look over to the left and you'll see this Tower right here you're going to want to zoom around the tower so of this and by the time you get back he will respa this is why this is called a farming method and not just a oneand done depending on the server or game settings he'll drop between 10,000 to 20,000 gold sometimes more if the settings are high enough this is the strategy I use and this coupled with any other passive method listed in this video will net you over 1 million gold per hour this is an active method While most of the others are passive methods so you can do them both at the same time even if you're a lower level you can still do this strategy and farm the black marketeer as nerox pointed out you can easily kill him with just a few wood and a few Stone you can set up a hanging trap and you can use a pal to attack him be sure not to use any attacks or Pals to have knockback abilities as that will break the black marketer free the fourth method is simply running Dungeons and chest runs these are two that I personally do as well and I alternate between everything you're going to preferably want to do it in the desert and the snow region but you're also going to want to farm the city right below the snow region and farm the sanctuaries chests respawn every 3 days in game so make sure to keep on them the last method is simply farming the PF officers there are tons of ways to do this such as the floating tower that pieza gaming channel showed in their video that has got to be the most hilarious method out of them all I personally just go to the sanctuaries and farm them there as it's the most reliable but definitely a lost slower than the way they showed the benefit of farming them at the sanctuaries is you can clear the areas of all the lootable items and chests and by the time you do you can also be farming the PF officers this turns two of the methods I've shown today into one now no matter which method you choose they're all viable in their own right you should choose whichever method you find to be the most comfortable for you consider alternating between methods to keep your sanity in check burning yourself out to maximize profits isn't really the way to go about it that's all I got today though have a nice day bye-bye
Channel: notmymains
Views: 5,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld
Id: dBA9b4rfAqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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