AR500 Armor vs Hunting Rifles

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welcome back to everybody this is Eric here with Iraq veteran 8888 today we're going to be doing a really fun test on some AR 500 body armor now we're no stranger to this armor we've shot a lot of this stuff in the past and we always have fun with these videos and today we're going to be shooting them with a wide variety of different hunting cartridges hunting season is right around the corner I can feel the air starting to get a little cooler the deer starting to move around guys hunting season is nigh upon us so we thought it'd be fun to kind of shoot this armor with some different hunting rounds and guys the thing is a lot of these rounds that we're slinging at this armor today are definitely not a slouch okay this is a level 3a plus rated piece of armor and of course they have a lot of different carriers and everything that they offer I've just got my old Safariland carrier here because we are going to be pretty much ruining the armor carrier but you'll see some shots of some of the other carriers they offer and they've also got a lot of new options for armors since the last time we've done videos on their stuff now this particular piece of armor is rated for multi hit protection against 556 m193 m855 that's running at 3,100 feet per second give or take 30 feet per second in either direction and that's multi hit protection also m80 ball at 3,000 feet per second so it's rated for some pretty gnarly threats and in multi hit categories so I've already got one of these plates in here we're going to start out by back in all 50 yards hit it with a 45 7300 grain fort scott munitions T UI that's a pretty gnarly round and 4570 is no slouch so let's start out we're gonna we're going to cover some really cool classic hunting cartridges today to get you guys in the mood for hunting and we're gonna shoot some armor because it's fun so let's do it alright guys we backed off 250 yards we're gonna take a little Henry single shot here with a 300 grain to you I go ahead and send a round downrange this is a very handy type of setup here very indicative of what a hunter might use so and of course I don't have my extended hammer spur on there I'm wearing gloves alright we're going to launch one into our level 3 A+ plate here alright we're on the plate let's go see what happened sound like it hit with some pretty good authority there all right so that 4570 smacked it pretty hard and the thing is you can't deny kinetic energy Energy's energy your body still has to stop the round you know what I mean it's still going to hurt guys but you know I can't imagine a situation where you know you would be shot at with a person with a hunting rifle but if you do you're good to go that's looking pretty good the anti spalling coating did its job we don't see any spalling getting out of our little Safari land carrier that looks pretty good so tell you what we're gonna back off 200 yards and we're going to continue to Pelt this thing with a variety of different hunting cartridges this is gonna be fun so let's give it a try all right we've backed off 200 yards we've got a 1951 Marlin 336 and 35 Remington a well storied gun by the way well-worn and well used definitely hunting the rifle right 35 Remington this is a hornet II 200 grain FTX lever revolution ammunition alright let's plug this armor 35 Remington is a great cartridge let's see what kind of energy we deliver to the target oh yeah that was a hit man this round will absolutely rattle your cage really cool stuff let's go see what kind of damage we did to the armor I have a feeling the armor shrugged it right off but I still would have to be a scary thing to be out in the field hunting minding your own business for whatever reason you're wearing your body armor because you know I don't know reasons and all of a sudden BAM you get shot with a hunting rifle would you survive let's go see all right guys let's see how the 35 Remington fared here alright initial observation no stalling made it through the cloth here that means our plates doing this job in terms of the anti spalling characteristics whoo-hoo scary stuff but you're alive that's the most important thing you know that round has still got some energy it may not have the velocity of something that would be armor-piercing like if you hit this thing with a really gnarly 338 or if you hit it with a 408 cheytac or a 50 it's got the energy to make it through but you know it's just crazy to think a lot of people associate oh well body armor you know a guy with an AR or a 308 AR 10 or something like that they always think 30 Cal in two to three because I guess you know those are the standards for this sort of thing however you know hunting rifles carry some energy alright we're going to send a 9.3 about 57 downrange here give it a try let's do it see if we can shoot our armor here that felt like a nice solid hit there let's go have a look see what happened alright we're not going to talk about these two bullet strikes up here on the top side of the carrier let's just say that that 9.3 by 57 with that lighter bullet shoots really high and I stacked two right on top of each other we tore straps up but then on our shot there we're able to get it on the plate and we ripped our zipper apart that's okay that might close back up alright let's look at the plate now anti spalling looks good and it called it that's a lot of energy I don't know if you saw there I mean it smacked the ever-loving crap out of this stand definitely a lot of energy going downrange 9.3 about 57 is no slouch that's a lot of bullet alright we're going to run a Ruger m77 mark to all weather all stainless in 3006 we're going to run the new norm AB on strike 180 grain alt six round here against the body armor this particular round it's it's pretty gnarly we're gonna have a test on it coming up so just stay tuned for that and I love these Ruger bolt guns or the m77 s definitely one of my favorite rifle actions whoo all right guys 30 all six definitely not a slouch a lot of bullet going downrange there with that 180 bomb strike all right let's pull it out and have a look all right now I'm gonna make an observation that we have separated our coating from the plate yep whoo that thirty-aught-six did our in in terms of getting the the coating now another thing look back here where that uh 4570 hit earlier wow it flattened out that 4570 tu I all right that's what that is guys there's a lot of mass going through this anti spall coating and this is multi-hit rated okay that's a lot of rounds going downrange hitting that plate now we got one more to try now our anti spalling coating is pretty much give out after this fourth you know big bore round that's a lot of mass to stop that that round okay in that anti spalling we did get a little bit of spalling go out of the side of the plate here but you're not gonna stand around and get shot four times in the chest with a high caliber high-power hunting rifle okay so I'm gonna put this back in we're gonna shoot it with a seven millimeter Magnum now we're getting some speed going now I know it's gonna you know if the spalling isn't gonna catch but I'll shoot it anyway alright we stepping up to seven millimeter Magnum okay we got a savage model 111 a savage anyway let's have some fun here we got 140 gram Winchester extreme points what they call it it's basically just their white box deer season hunting ammo nothing overly fancy here but we're gonna give a shot Belted Magnum cartridge at the muzzle this thing is 3,100 feet per second by the time we get down to a hundred yards our velocities are going to be down in the 29 high 29 so this is hmm on the edge guys let's see what happens this is a smoking round seven millimeter Magnum is no joke alright here we go seven mag good general-purpose hunting ground here oh man that that has some power and some speed I don't know did the armor stop it alright guys seven mag definitely no joke I want to make a quick mention about this carrier this is a soft armored carrier it's not really designed to handle what we're throwing at it so I kind of figured it would get ripped up you know especially after the anti spalling gave way on this particular plate the carrier's the AR 500 makes are all Cadore a-- really really heavy-duty carriers and you'll see a shot of those I just didn't want to ruin those carriers in this particular video yet we're going to but just not in this video alright alright let's have a look okay so the round impacted a little high on the plate and of course the anti spall we knew was already loose on it and it tried to get through there's a bit of indentation and it's kind of cool that it hit near the edge too because a lot of times on a lot of Steel the edges are susceptible to being damaged but it held it now I wouldn't want to be standing down there and take that realm but it's nice to know that if you're in a hunting situation I don't know maybe you're a law enforcement game warden whatever and you're going out to check on the spot and or I don't know whatever situation we weren't really trying to prove anything this is just kind of a what if you're wearing body armor and you get shot with a hunting rifles so it's nice to know that just about every hunting rifle out there yeah this armor is gonna stop it three A+ so guys thanks for watching today's video we hope you enjoyed it we always love testing body armor go check out ar500 they're good people great products lots of good selection definitely want to thank all of our patreon supporters folks who purchase Mankins t-shirts over on the website all the funds we earn go right back to supporting the channel thank you for being a part of what we do thank you for watching we hope you enjoyed it and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 528,107
Rating: 4.9058046 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar500 armor, body armor, ar500 body armor, personal armor, plate carrier, body armor vs hunting rifles, ar500 vs hunting rifles, hunting rifles, body armor testing, level iii+, level iiia body armor test, level iii body armor test, level iii+ armor, level iii+ lightweight body armor, ar500 armor test, ar500 armor review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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