5 Essential Guns for SHTF

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guys we're going to take a look at the five firearms that I recommend in an shtf situation there are different categories for farms whether it's rifle shotgun rimfire handgun and a lot of stuff in between and there are reasons for those categories and so each has is specific purposes it has its advantages and disadvantages we're just going to kind of briefly go over each one and of course the first thing is what is your go-to rifle the ar-15 is America's most favorite rifle is one of the best-selling rifles in the country there's a lot of great reasons for this and parts interchangeability with military and police firearms because they use a lot of these real easy to mount an optic on here the ammunition is fairly inexpensive because of the five five six or 223 and there's a lot of different things you can do to these rifles and there is the ak-47 which is the most popular rifle in the world used all over the world in a number of different conflicts this is a battle proven very durable firearm and there are a lot of accessories a lot of things you can do with these as well and surplus ammunition is very inexpensive especially the steel case stuff and this is what this rifle was designed for one of the things though that's different between the AR and the a K is durability with the a K with the ar-15 which is still durable but you can it's easier to mount an optic it's a little more accurate and the range it's just a little better yeah I would say that 300 to 350 yards with your a K with your ar-15 you can get out to you know four or 450 so it gives you a little more range in fact you can really get out to a thousand yards but it's you know it's gonna be pretty difficult because of the light bullet but these are both great options for medium-range firearms but if you really want to kind of reach out and get some distance and have just more firepower more capability you know something in the 308 now this is the m14 it's a James River Armory these things are awesome but there's also the FN FAL the HK g3 or the set me actually is pretty decent rifle the century arms C 308 and obviously the scar is an excellent choice I mean there's a number of 308s out there probably one of the most modular would be the ar-10 and it is very personal there's a lot of things you can do with that and and they are very accurate as well so that just gives you more firepower now the big thing about that between it and the ar-15 is definitely weight even with the ar-10 it's considerably heavier than your standard ar-15 so a little more bulkier but then yet you get all the same controls and so an ar-10 is an excellent choice as a go-to rifle if you want to go a little heavier but also your range is really one of the biggest factors you can get out easily to a thousand yards with a 308 and again with your AR or a K you know typically you're looking at you know again four or five hundred yards now with the ar-15 you can get different calibers of 6.5 Grendel and you know 300 blackout I mean there's a number of different calibers that can suit and possibly just have an extra upper to be able to change it out and have a very versatile rifle or say we have the FN FAL this is a world-renowned rifle but you know parts things like that extra magazines and the ammunition is going to be more expensive with 308 but few guys that live in the states that are very restrictive to semi automatics a good lever action rifle is fast there's a lot of different calibers of course the traditional 3030 you can find that ammunition everywhere this is a 357 Magnum it's a cannery color case pardons a little I love this little rifle is real short you know if you want a little more range you could get something a little longer but this would be excellent for you know around really about a hundred hundred and fifty yards and then if you want to get out there there are calibers that will extend that range so it is very quick real quick to get on target now one thing is is you're limited to round capacity but still I believe this one will hold ten rounds in the tube so that gives you just some decent capability again for those guys who work and those not so free states one thing that's become very popular are the pistols that are in the rifle style just like this ar-15 pistol this is a st. edge it is excellent it is in five five six you can get you know nine-millimeter you can get ten milliliter forty five you can get different pistol calibers as well to be honest with you looking at a strictly an shtf in an environment I think that the five five six is a great option but it can't over penetrate whereas a nine-millimeter you know is going to have less penetration so if you're in a high density area you know possibly a pistol caliber carbine might be better but as far as these go this can definitely replace the standard ar-15 rifle and so you can still get really good range out of this small package and so to me I almost would rather go with a pistol like this in an shtf situation because I can hide this or be more discreet with it whereas with the full-sized rifle you know it's definitely a little larger and collapsed you can see I mean there is quite a bit of difference in barrel lengths and so you know that is one thing to consider with the pistol and again these have become very popular the next on the list is a shotgun one of the things about a shotgun is its devastating it's one of the best home defense options there's nothing that beats this up close and personal I mean these are very effective now we have a really thin 870 here with a longer barrel but I have one of the 18-inch barrel it's actually 18 and 1/2 inch and they're very easy to switch out and so I can have a home defense option but then if I need to do some hunting this definitely would be a good option for bird hunting and things like that rabbits and you know squirrel for that matter you might want to use some lighter loads but the 12-gauge in particular I mean there's so many different choices of ammunition out of the market is very plentiful but the big limitation with a shotgun is your range you know even with the slugs you're looking at a max of about a hundred yards and so while this is great for up close and personal when you get out the distance you need a rifle to be able to reach out now bring it a little closer to home the handgun is an excellent self-defense personal self-defense firearm one of the things about having a good handgun in an shtf situation this is fairly easy to conceal you know you can conceal it nobody knows the difference you don't draw any attention to yourself yet you have some capability and so that is one of the big things about having a handgun honestly the Glock and we did we just did a review on the sensible prepper Channel about the ultimate shtf firearm and one of the reasons why is because they very rarely have any issues and if they do they're very easy to repair and we talked about the different parts that are just great to have on hand and that goes with all the different firearms that we show you know having just the right parts on those that are prone to break that's one of the great things about the ar-15 because you have a lot of different parts you know you can build the rifles straight up with an ak-47 you know you need something to be able to place the rivets and grind the rivets off and you know so even though it is very durable if something does go wrong it could be a lot of problems but of course the Glock is not the only handgun out there there's a ton of different choices like I've said before guys we live in the Golden Age of firearms it just gives us more choices to be able to really fine-tune our preferences if I only had one is to be able to have something that's fairly large as far as at the range but yet is concealable that mid size handgun is really something that I look for for shtf if I need something larger I'm already going to my rifle now many would say that the ultimate survival rifle is a small little 22 especially one of the breakdown models of a rifle this is a little Pappu's from Marlin these are great the barrel just screws right off Henry makes the US survival rifle which is awesome that's the AR 7 style and everything collapses into the butt of the gun and then you have your take down 10 22s and in fact I think Savage just came out with a takedown model so there's a lot of different options where you can put this on a pack and carry it and it's still a rifle you can still get about 100 your out of it but you know it's really compact easy to use twenty-two is extremely cheap but I would not depend on this as my only survival rifle definitely look at all the other options yes it can be used for self-defense but if you really need to stop an attacker this is honestly a poor choice and you can even go with a 22 pistol you're not going to quite get the range but it is again very discreet and you know there's a lot of different pistols out there you could use for hunting this is one of the Ruger Mark 4 lights this is a great little handgun you can even put a little optic on here if you want but really as far as I'm concerned I think that the rifle is a better choice for 22 long rifle you're going to get more velocity there's a lot more that you can do with this and because these break down it makes a fairly small package but still having some kind of 22 though is to me one thing you need in your survival arsenal so to wrap things up definitely you need some kind of go-to rifle that you can defend your home where that you can defend yourself in a grid down situation you know the ar-15 the ak-47 or any of the 308 type rifles and there are some others out there guys that are in all those calibers but that gives you kind of some capability with the 308 obviously it's heavier but it gets more range and so to me I almost separate the two with my go-to and then my long-range rifle and especially if you live in areas that have wide open spaces going with a standard 308 or 6.5 Creedmoor or something of that nature is a really great choice to be able to reach out because if you need to reach out they're coming in at you from distance and so it's good to have that kind of capability for up close and personal there's nothing that really beats a shotgun for home defense for over penetration those kind of things especially in an urban environment having a good shotgun they're just devastating they are limited in range and in round capacity but there's still a very effective tool for your survival arsenal and it's something that you really should have and then with a handgun that's something that's personal defense something you can keep on your body if for some reason you need to go out you really can't carry a rifle you can always discreetly carry a handgun and again calibre is important I would really consider using calibers that are NATO at least or current military production with your rifles of course you know the shotgun 12-gauge to me is really the ultimate because there are so many different choices in 12-gauge and then of course 22 long-rifle you know you can't go with 17 HMR or 20 Magnum and things like that but then you run into difficulty finding that ammunition especially in an shtf situation so make sure number one that you have ammo available already you know create some kind of stockpile of ammunition and for each rifle no less than about a thousand rounds for each hand got about 500 and that is bare minimum with 22 you can really stock up and then with 12-gauge you know around 250 rounds or more and that gives you a good base but to me honestly I would up that also the calibers that you choose make sure that they are something that's easy to find and you know that's pretty common you don't want to get something that's really unusual like 30 Luger and be depending on that unless you have a really large stockpile and a lot of guys will say well they'll be battlefield pickups I can grab rifles and ammunition and all that stuff but I wouldn't want to count on that and you know in a grid down situation people are gonna really want to hold on to their firearms and their ammunition and their magazines but that's definitely something that you know you can't consider especially with the ar-15 because they're so prolific and there's so many people that have them typically you're gonna have the magazines in the Ambo available guys in case you're wondering behind me is a wall display from security it's a great way to display your firearms in a man cave plus they have a lot of security storage as well and I want to thank the guys that secure it for this incredible backdrop and guys if you're serious about prepping and survival check out survival dispatch insider it's one of the best resources on the web the world renowned experts in survival and prepping our contributors there we upload one video this exclusive to the insider every week so check it out I'll have a link down below be strong be a good courage god bless america long live the Republic
Channel: Survival Dispatch
Views: 237,743
Rating: 4.881012 out of 5
Keywords: best gun, ar 15, ak 47, glock 19, ar pistol, top 3 guns, home defense, self defense, remington 870, second amendment, bug out bag, get home bag, survival dispatch insider, survival dispatch, bug out bag essentials, shtf, shtf 2019, shtf preparation, shtf guns, shtf loadout, shtf scenario, shtf bag, shtf rifle, sootch00, shtf guns 2019, shtf guns 2018, shtf guns and gear, shtf guns and ammo, shtf guns on a budget, shtf guns to have, best shtf guns
Id: zpZsbE9rCs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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