Top 5 Guns We Wish Were Still Made

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welcome back to everybody this is Eric here with Iraq veteran 8888 today we've got another five guns video for you today I have a special guest mr. clean I'm just kidding it's Mike from mr. guns and gear everybody and we're gonna be hanging out today and talking about the top five guns that shucks we wish they still made I guess that's the kind of the theme here so we were kind of talking about like all of our favorite guns and it kind of seemed like you know hey some of the guns that we'd like they just don't make anymore right or if they make them we can get them right and that that's kind of yeah we've got a little bit of everything on the table here there's always a wild card so I guess we'll just we'll start on your end okay and work our way down sure so a couple guns I brought down for this one first and foremost is gonna be this is the Polish it's the barrel or the archer you'll see it imported in different configurations so it's a five five six a K basically modernized so a lot of features to it of course we have the collapsible stock here that you can move in and out to fit you top rail here that locks into place in several different positions so it actually holds 0 unlike a lot of ek top rails out there a cool feature about it is that it's actually hollow in the middle so you can see through the sights even if you have an optic mounted on it so it's true backup sights than that in that regard it's basically it's regarded as one of the most accurate a que variants really ever made unfortunately this particular example of one which is mine it's not all that accurate she's around 2 MOA even with match ammo but fern take a that I'm not complaining about it but you'll see reports out there and probably credibly so of folks that'll say that it'll shoot em away I don't doubt it just my example here doesn't so and this is 5 6 it is and the factory mags there's a couple different configurations they've come in this one here has the greenish tint they also came and like really clear but the polish folks found that the really clear ones weren't as durable so these ones did much better there's a ton of dropp test data on them and even though they're not metal reinforced they've actually done quite well which is shocking for aks but if you find one of these guns they do also take the circle ten mags so you can buy those you can find these available they're not cheap but they will work interchangeably you know I really love those guns and it's funny not too long ago I kind of got on a bit of an ache a kick and just you know trying to buy some of the rain to make haze I never really you know had access to and it's funny I was talking to Tim at military arms channel about it and and also like hey you know we're these polish barrels that you know and you'll see him at like he said they're called archers as well but those guns are so neat and that's one that unfortunately I was never able to pick up when they were available and unfortunately they're probably not ever gonna be available again so it's one of those things like you wish they bring them in or import them or make them again it is such a cool a case variant a very modern take on the a K which is fun absolutely in a couple years ago I mean like two or three years ago you could find these four if you search the internet in your bars under a thousand yeah you'd see them from nine hundred something like that but today try to find one of these for 2k and you'd be doing well yeah the price is just skyrocketed because as the Windham as is the theme of this video they're just not coming in anymore that's right so so that's definitely number one so we're gonna move on number two this is another gun that I love very very much and I don't own one yet but when he pulled this out I was like well yeah that's definitely on the list absolutely so this is a Colt Python 357 magnum revolver of course these came in a time-varying it's colt made these for years decades the bad thing is they don't make them anymore as again the theme of the video yeah but in terms of just a well-made solid feeling revolver they're as good as anything out there they're all hand fit each one of them so while it was like a basic gun that Colt offered each one of them was essentially a custom gun semi production correct so all the internal parts are hand fit and when you feel it when you feel this action I mean it's it's insane there's so nice there just in terms of semi production guns I guess you could say probably the nicest revolvers over phone yes so Colt had a whole bunch of different revolvers models if you guys are familiar with this the silhouette of this gun it has a very distinct silhouette and shape to it the hammer definitely has a very very distinctive spur on the back in terms of the way it's shaped and the length of it also Colt made a bunch of these different revolvers in different configurations they had a gun called the Diamondback they made one called the anaconda they made one called the Loman mark 3 and they were all basic variants of this type of idea but obviously just not quite as well fitted everything the Python represents the apex of the Colt revolver line and these things are just beautiful I mean the bluing is excellent the fit and finish is excellent they're very accurate and man just can't beat a Python I mean they really can this one here is a 4 inch model the 4 and the 6 inch models seem to be the most common but for what I've seen price-wise the 4 inch models like this one do seem to bring pride them in those oh they're all expensive I mean you know the thing is and the weird thing is colt has been reissuing all these random guns and I don't want to get too far off on a tangent but it is related to this video because this is a gun that a lot of people would love to see you know Colt come back out with but I don't think you're ever gonna see it because one the people that used to make those guns are probably long gone by now ok and then to the amount of training and and expertise and knowledge that it would take to train up a bunch of people to make these guns again would be exponentially just crazy and three the amount of money they would have to charge for it ok so if an original genuine article piece is three or four thousand dollars in some cases what are they gonna have to charge for a new made one and that's if the new made one can even be as good as the original and it and if I'm a Colt also has laid off their Custom Shop folks I believe as of last year that used to actually do these so every now and then they make up one offer on of like a single-action or or something like this and those people don't exist anymore well see people think that there's not a demand for a gun like that but I disagree I think there is I mean I think there's a lot of people that love those guns and you look at things like Walking Dead and you know Rick uses a Colt Python in fact in many of the episodes what do you end up hearing Colt Python like people know the Colt Python when you know a lot of people when they think like big scary I don't know powerful revolvers I mean look at like the Resident Evil franchise when you look at video games what was Barry's revolver and Resident Evil a Colt Python so to the point that it was called a Colt Python in the game so it's one of those things where it's just such an iconic revolver many people love it it is in that top rib like Eric talked about there are other revolvers that have that that's absolutely true but it's such a distinctive feature that really does it gives it a unique look which is probably why it's so popular and video games and movies and stuff like that several different variants or different lines in the Colt line like you talked about also there's a Cobra model I did a review on that a few years ago but those are nice but if you shoot them back-to-back with this there's no comparison it might be hard to relay it through the camera here but I can tell you in person you would know the difference immediately this is this is a gun that we wish would be made again but you know some things you know you're just never gonna beat the old original classic and the Colt Python is one of those examples guys of you know that that day is gone and if you want one you just come to shell out the the bucks and get them so and it's good money oh it is it is so we're going down the line all right now now here's a gun that this is one of my favorites and we've showcased this rifle on the channel several times this is a Romanian PSL and this one was produced at the cugir factory in Romania and a lot of people mistaken this rifle for a drug and of it is not a drug and off it's basically an fpk style receiver which essentially is a large caliber or PK more or less and it's basically a big okay the the PSL is a truly truly just a big a K there's really no other way to put it than that uses a ten shot box it has a druggin off like appearance a lot of people mistaken it as that I remember when these guns used to be six hundred bucks and iff if I would have had a credit card with a high enough limit I would have bought ten of them when I could afford to buy them for that price because now you're not gonna touch these things for under two grams or a good one no no especially a legitimate cugir produced gun not a parts gun right this is a military produced gun yep and the magazines for these as well the tooling doesn't exist anymore they destroyed it so they're not gonna make any more of them if you guys can find mags like I haven't looked lately but the last time I looked they're going for around 50 bucks but in ten years they're probably gonna be a lot I remember when you could buy mags for this gun for like $19 Oh chief I have one of these as live-video axial gun they are wonderful guns and it's it's one of those guns that you know it's really one of those examples where people say oh well I wish they would make this gun again they really can't I mean like you said the tooling you know it's just if there's no there's no substitute for the actual genuine article of this rifle and the only way supply and demand now there are parts kits out there if you're savvy guy and you know how to build aks or if you go with somebody like chase of the definitive arms that does really good work yeah you can take a parts kit and build it in a receiver and you can build the gun yes you can but it's not the genuine article it's not the actual you know cugir produced military gun right which will never be made again absolutely and you know the furniture on these is so unique gives it such a cool style it has the reinforced front trunnion of course due to the 760 by five.hoorah round so it'll it'll swing some power out there at some distance you know these a lot of people will think these are some typos rifles they're not and they were never intended to be here sort of designed in the DMR type of role so to give a lot of firepower and be able to reach out further than the a K can but it's not looking at for like precise firing oh yeah the intended purpose of these guns was always just to close the gap between machine guns and just standard aks and other small arms like to kind of provide a little bit more accurate man-portable I mean a guy can take this gun and go hide in the ditch and pin down troops out in the open or even under cover while the machine guns do the heavy work or whatever okay or why your troops move up in advance so it was always intended as kind of like before DMR was even a term that was kind of like they're thinking there is to to put a few of these in each squad and then you got a guy that can poke out a little bit longer distance than the rest of the regular infantry guys good absolutely the point out another point not to just get too much into this gun but this reticle on this scope is the forefather of a lot of BDC scopes that we all know in America today so the ranging capabilities that has this was one of the first optics to have that type of capability auto-ranging to holdovers all that stuff simple but effective yep guys we've shot this gun out to 600 we have a video and the gun actually works pretty well even with military mo you know not even using match grade ammo these things will generally feed whatever you can put in them so guys that's another gun that a lot of people wish would still may I mean if you go on and you try to find an actual SVD you're gonna spin between you know depending on the make and model and where it's made anywhere from five or six grand on up to some cases twelve fourteen thousand dollars for one gun these guns now are bringing in you know over two grand in some cases this gun this specific gun would probably be over two grand oh yeah absolutely with the optic I haven't seen an SBD below five thousand dollars and old a long time right and if it is one under five thousand it's like a tiger in 308 like collector doesn't want the 308 they want the 54 arc now they did do some of these guns in 308 and they're actually not as common as these are but you know if your collector you're in the comm bought weaponry you're not gonna pay premium coin for a 308 caliber gun like this you're gonna want the 50 for our caliber just because it's kind of the most original article there absolutely that's the new gun we're gonna move on now you guys know that that Remington ball H&R and since that acquisition occurred you have not been able to get brand new made H&R s anywhere if you want to H&R Handy rifle or any type of you know small single shot shotgun or rifle I know it's it's kind of a weird point when you look at all these really fancy and expensive things we have on the table here this represents a gun that they're like 250 bucks I mean they're not that much money but I think that's a huge kind of hole in the industry that's being left like a void there because these H & R's are so much fun and they're an example of a gun you can just take out and just have fun you can get them well you used to be able to get them in a variety of different rifle calibers shotgun gauges this one's a 10 gauge you know they don't make this 10 gauge shot gun anymore and sometimes it's fun to just grab a little $250 shotgun cut the barrel down throw some sarah code on it and it's just a fun gun to take out and just shoot and just really you know it's it's use hilla terian inexpensive way for somebody to really become a gun owner so what if somebody doesn't have a thousand bucks to spend on a gun the H&R is represented a way that somebody could take a few hundred bucks go in and buy one and you've got a brand new rifle yeah it's a saying shot but they're accurate they're very well made and unfortunately HN aren't I mean from everything I've been a little tell they don't make these guns anymore and where I shoot is out in the country and there's a kid that lives in the neighborhood and he is always walking behind in the field sometimes he's actually been to some of my videos but he has one of these I think it's in 28 and he's like hey well probably now he's pie for 10 or 15 but when I started doing videos out there he's by like 12 you know his parents would just let him go wild in the woods with a little 20 gauge single-shot he'd be out there looking for whatever he could find so that's right and that's that's kind of the beauty of it cuz like he said it's cheap its inexpensive but they work yep and you know if you're in a deer stand and it falls out of a deer stand and cracks the stock in half well guess what yeah you broke the stock but you're only out a few hundred bucks whereby if it's something more collectible these guns represent a way for somebody to become a gun owner without having to spend a ton of money and I think that's a void that's being left now to speak of that void all right I mean you look at Henry for instance Henry is now making their single-shot rifles single-shot shotguns that's no coincidence I mean they probably realized that you know hey H&R isn't making these things anymore so maybe we need to get in and try to fill that void in the market so now you see that Henry's making their single-shot shotguns and rifles I mean so I like the h and ARS quite a bit as well the Henry's aren't bad but man there's just something about H and ours that is so cool and they're they're just so neat and I wish they still made them but unfortunately you're probably not ever gonna I mean knowing Remington in the way they screw the pooch sometimes on certain projects like why would they not why would this shut down H and are like I don't like you know I don't know why would running Tim make 870 expresses that don't run right either I don't know well you know it's you know what the funny irony of that is is that the only hnr that you can buy now are those like Chinese import shotguns or like 870 copies over whywould Rimington do that anything like 982 s or whatever what in the heck well anyway the ranch over there but I wish H and are still made shotguns and rifles because they're excellent and without getting too too much on the tangent one thing about a charge that's cool too is there's so many like aftermarket options that you can do like there's sniffs that can make custom barrels for these H and RS and you can chamber them in some really stupid powerful cartridges and it's so fun like if somebody just wants a single shot big bore rifle there is no better way than to have like an H & R and get a custom barrel and get it chambered in something really cool absolutely so that in my opinion man it's just such these things aren't out there anymore alright so going down the line this is number five now every gun or every five guns video has a wild card I guess we did kind of just already lay them out here but that's okay this is something I've been saying a long time guys now I know some people probably going to give me some flak over this but Mike one of my favorite bolt-action sporting rifles that are out there this type of rifle I love the Ruger m77 mark - all-weather this is actually one of the first bolt-action guns that I ever bought went on me I bought this gun the day I turned 18 and I've had it ever since and I love this rifle it's accurate I love the all-weather stock the boat paddle stock the skeletonized Ruger logo in there it's lightweight this stock is made out of a substance called zytle and it's basically it is a glass or it's a glass reinforced polymer and it's very lightweight it's very strong and I like these rifles a lot I've always been a big fan of them I've always liked them they hold a zero gray they're just wonderful guns and I like the integral sling swivels because you can go to a surplus store and you can buy a $4 dang AR sling and put it on there you know I have to buy a bunch of fancy you know bull crap to go on there you just buy a little sling and go so all my Mart - all weathers I've got two of these guns I got one in 760 to buy 39 and this one's a 2 to 3 but all my all weathers have just a little AR sling on it I laughed when he held it up because I actually didn't notice this before but he has a BSA scope on there and he said this is the first Gandhi ever bought yes cope I ever bought was a BSA as well I've never had any reason to pull it off because it holds a zero but then again I haven't had to mess with the I don't have to change anything right just stay zero so I don't know where my yes it's somewhere in a parts bin but it was the first scope I ever bought - so it's good but all whether I really like that as well you know the ability to be out there in the woods go hunting raining and not have to clean the gun as soon as you get back because you're gonna worry about it rusting that's huge I really really wish that Ruger's still made this gun now they do make and all-weather I mean you can buy I think it's their Hawkeye which is essentially the new-age version of this particular gun but you know they make their Hawkeye and it comes with a you can get a synthetic stock but man I just always thought that this was such a classy move I just love the class of these guns they're just neat to the action on those themselves so this is just I mean it's one of the most proven O'Hara I mean I always like the control feed of the bolt and everything I mean I know this one may not necessarily fit this video because you technically can buy Ruger all-weather but man I'm telling you like 30 40 years from now people are gonna look back on these guns and they're gonna be just like the nylon 66 s mark my word what is it about that Remington nylon 66 everybody loves those things because they're so cool and and they're just so nostalgic and neat and I think this gun is gonna fall into that category 3040 years from now people gonna look back and go man I should have bought one of those guns when I could afford it cuz these things would be super expensive it's the same with the materials you heard already here it's the same thing - it's the materials they just don't make them the same like the nylons right same thing alright so this is the last gun this is number six I was showing this to Mike earlier and at first he was kind of like what is that a kilt AK or something oh I saw it first in my in my uh well just to make excuses I guess all I saw was the hand guard at first and then when he turned it I saw the profile what actually said to him was I was like man the last time I saw one of those was a Tim from military arms had one and apparently this is it I bought it it's the same guy thought it flew but yeah these I mean these rifles first I guess authority doesn't know what it is what is yeah this is a Robinson arm in 96 and you know Robinson still makes a bunch of neat guns I mean they're still in business but this is a rifle they don't make anymore and from what I understand they they weren't terribly successful I think that there were plans to do like you know these things originally in case you don't know it's it's basically a semi-auto produced version of the stolen 63 correct and you know the stoner was a really neat modular weapon that was used in Vietnam by Navy SEALs Special Forces I mean they loved him and they were light and handy they had a belt-fed kit that they could put on this gun originally you could have it in this configuration they also offered like a Brin feed configuration with a top feed magazine so this thing could literally be configured in a variety of different setups for the mission at hand depending on what it was now Robinson was going to produce I think they might have produced a handful of Brin feed versions of the magazine's you know basically you just you pull these pins and this mag the mag well can be relocated to different parts of the gun depending on the configuration now they were going to produce a belt-fed kit to go with this gun which would have been really cool because you know for people that are fans of the original cylinder 63 that would have been a really awesome thing to have with this but this one just takes a standard you know standard Maxim in the stoner 63 is for those who have never fired them it's one of the best balanced guns ever the way that just the impulse from it keeps the gun on target so easily it's I mean it's almost comical you could pretty much if you could hold it with one hand you could fire it with one hand it's a little every month and you know really I will say it Robison put a lot of work into these guns and they're unfortunately very very very expensive and very difficult to locate all of the flats and stamp components on this gun are made out of stainless steel and the finish is mellow night so it holds up really well so all the metal components on this gun are mellow night it which is awesome it these guns do utilize a quick-change barrel system which now think about the features that this gun has versus the m16s are being fielded in Vietnam right I mean this gun was the Cadillac compared to the m16 m16 is not a bad gun but the reason the m16 went the way that did was really more political than anything else it was a political decision it was a big business big government decision it it wasn't what the soldiers wanted really I mean most soldiers back then wanted to stick with the m14 and then a lot of soldiers that were didn't want to be pried away from the stolen 60 these things are great and kind of a modern analogy to the way it feels when you fire is if you've ever fired a cz Brent 805 in terms of like the smoothness of the action that's the same way it's just it's butter butter smooth on the recoil impulse it's it's an impressive firearm you know Chad mention it before it looks like a baby m60 it does you know it has like that kind of scaled-down m16 handguard this is a gun I wish they still made but I don't think we're ever gonna see any more of these particular guns a lot of the firearms that are on this table unfortunately are probably never gonna be made again but in light of this video we can wish that they they were absolutely that's kind of what we're at here just imagine what it would cost to do the stamping on that gun today in 2017 I mean it would be crazy they have to have the tooling right I mean I don't know I don't know if it's just because the demand wasn't there or if the it just wasn't commercially successful or that it sell enough of them there had to be some financial like underlying reason why they stopped making this particular gun probably just like Adam and another interesting point about the stoner 63 is that all of the actual stoner 63 machine guns that are in the United States I don't want to say like 85% of them are owned by one guy right you know yeah so so he can like cornered the market on them so the thing is when you corner the market on something that hard okay let's just say you're one of those guys that is just lucky enough to be able to have the sum of money required to buy an actual stoner 63 well you're gonna have to pony up a considerable amount of money because chances are if you do buy one you have to buy one from that guy and he's gonna be able to name his price cuz he has them all so you know just the fact even just having a semi-auto to me is so neat I don't have to have the real one but Ellen oh it's just one of those guns in my opinion is a niche gun that not a lot of people know exist so it just makes it really obscure it is awesome as soon as he as soon as he turned it I realized it wasn't a Caltech I got excited so yeah you know it's different stuff so um there's our six guns but there's top five guns that we wish you know companies would make again realistically are they ever gonna make any of these again probably not unfortunately but in terms of the reasons that we chose these guns is because I feel that could possibly be in the ballpark of being produced again these are these are the most hopeful out of all the ones we chose I mean I could have obviously chose all over state make Mouser broom handles still or maybe there's a million of one guns that we wish we're still around but these are the ones that are that they're closest to being a reality that could still be around so that's kind of why we chose them guys thanks so much for watching today's video mine thanks for being on today thank you man thanks for having me down you're the man I appreciate it and you know we've we've actually had mr. guns and gear down here doing some filming so we thought we'd have them in a five guns guys stay tuned we've gonna have a lot more videos of Mike we're gonna get out in 50 Cal some stuff yes we got to be on your channel that yeah so be expecting some videos on his channel with a you know a little old me and in there having a little fun and then you'll you'll be see Michael on the channel a little bit more guys thank you for watching today's video many more videos on the way we'll catch you next time [Music] you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 1,139,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, five guns, 5 guns, top 5 guns, top five guns, mrgunsandgear, iv8888 top 5 guns, iraqveteran8888 top 5 guns, best guns, top guns
Id: D79LnN5M1Kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2017
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