Top 5 Guns From Our Personal Collections

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welcome back everybody this is Eric and Chad here and today we've got another five guns video for you today's is going to be a little bit different than you're probably used to seeing on the channel when it comes to five guns we thought it would be fun to do a top five picks between Chad and I of all time so I get to pick my top five he gets to pick his top five and we're going to showcase those for you today there's always a wildcard twosome truly six always a wildcard always always wildcard but we got to thinking you know what would be your your top five favorite guns of all time we're talking it doesn't matter if it's rimfire if it's a shotgun if it's a black-powder rifle if it's military surplus rifles it's a modern gun of some sort whatever it may be you have if you had to pick five what would be your favorite and I get asked that question all the time people are going hey you know what's your favorite rifle if Eric could mention this about a week ago and I've been racking my brain trying to figure out five guns it's hard it's hard so hard to narrow it down to five gun you can't narrow it down but here's the thing you have to remember about this list okay we're not considering things like personal defense needs we're not considering things like you know hunting or accuracy or target shooting all we're considering is what our favorite guns are and and that can come down to a lot of different things um when I was compiling this list one of the things that I kind of had going in my mind is okay well which guns do I shoot the most well not only that but also which guns are you more attuned to look for as far as collectability goes now you know and that depends you know so this list is going to really be different for different people so I like to think of a well rounded top five list as being something that appeals to you personally aesthetically maybe has some associations to you as the way you came up as a gun owner so here's my 5 we're going to go down the list here now this one kind of goes along the lines of guns that I shoot a good bit and this is my little Sega this one's a 5.5 about 39 it's just a real homely little ugly Sega conversion that I've had for a long time Oh basic yeah just a real basic Sega conversion just to I can't really say much about it it's got this RS regulate low-profile mount LaRue rains vortex 1 to 4 PST it's still sporting the original 4 end they came on the gun when it was imported back alight magazines we did turn back the muzzle and thread it for you know this to chamber Tapco break here which is pretty much a standard you know ak-74 style break I added a polish barrel folding folding stock that is a kind of a old-school polish stock and then we've got a Moloch grip and this thing's been spray-painted about three times it's been burned up a little bit maybe that thing all this thing all the time and I tell you what you know this little guns ugly but it's one of my favorites I can't quite put my finger on it but it's accurate its reliable it's a great little package it's got the folding stock well you've had that you have that original stock for a long time just kind of sitting around trying to figure out what to do with it right you know but me I've got that Sega five or five to that that I got from also a while back and you know it's kind of sitting in pieces right now because I'm trying to figure out what to do with it it's one of my favorite rifles too but sure I don't know if I want to make it kind of modern with a Zhukov said or just go back to the original wood furniture or keep it kind of homely looking or what well this little gun as ugly as it is it's one of my favorites and if you came and looked at my my gun collection you'd probably think ok well surely there's a million and one things he would like more than this but believe it or not if it came down to just going to the range and having fun or general defense use personal defence I love a 5 for 5 aka just one of my favorites I I can't put my finger on it but I like it can't explain it I just love the gun uh number two scar heavy and these are in no real particular order or they know they're not really in any kind of particular order um what what I've decided on this I mean this is is kind of something that I would chalk up to a you know life and liberty slash Duty guns lash range gun I mean let's just put it simply this is a go to hell rifle yeah I mean I think every every top-5 has to kind of encompass a few things when it comes to your favorites I mean so why would this gun be my favorite do I have some personal relationship with the gun dude do I you know the thing is it's accurate it's one of the most awesome semi-automatic rifles our own and I love it yes they're expensive yes they're overpriced yes FN is kind of full of themselves but at their core it is one of the best guns FN makes it is here you it's probably one of the best 308 caliber semi automatics out there on the market I mean there's a lot of good high quality 308 automatics but man the score just it just kind of takes the cake it really does I mean you know and when it came down to you know me looking at different 308 you know guns and everything and an auto loading platform the scar kind of took the cake in terms of being one of the go twos we've got a LaRue tactical low profile LT 104 mount we've got a loophole mark four to four and a half to 14 by 50 millimeter front focal we've got Atlas bipod which is an awesome bipod and it's got a LaRue quick-release cleat on it or sort of standard 20-round magazines I added a little Magpul rubberized grip mo+ one thing you need to do now is get rid of that ugh boot stock well we do have a guys Lou trigger in it so we got the guys Lee super score in it and that's how you what sometimes guns just have to be fun but sometimes guns need to be accurate they need to serve a purpose and for me if it came down to it you know certainly when it comes to my favorites the scars definitely in there I would find it very difficult to imagine after owning this gun not having it it's just such an awesome awesome gun it is I've been eyeballing one myself you know just to put in the collection for a while but well heard they're coming out with a 20 inch DMR type version as soon as that one comes out I'll be sure to pick it up we do have a full review coming out on this gun soon going down the line you guys it shouldn't surprise you okay 31 I love Swiss rifles I like military rifles in general a lot of you guys know me and know that I I mean if you solve this room we're in I'm definitely into surplus firearms this was a very difficult choice because there's so many awesome surplus guns out that I love so much and it's impossible to narrow it down to just one but if we had to narrow it down dude we could pick five I mean we could pick ten favourite mill survivors just in that category alone the thing is you know with military guns if you love one you love them all you do it's kind of hard if you're into these types of firearms it's hard to not like them well it's hard to ignore the historical significance of these firearms that's one of the biggest things plus the the machinery or the the machine that was put into these rifles to care the assembly I mean just just the mechanism itself just the entire I don't know a finely tuned Swiss watch it is like it I mean just the machine itself is just it's amazing you know what what these these people did these are Murray's did birthday I mean and I think like a rifle like this nowadays would cost thousands upon thousands of dollars to produce and these are available in the market for usually less than a thousand bucks they can be they can be with the k31 a few the points that it gathers in my book and why it's in the top five for me accurate very well-made wonderful materials are made out of really good high-quality materials excellent heat reading good fit and finish good bores good good barrels in them they're just one of the most accurate bolt-action rifles that you're going to get when it comes to a military rifle and you know again the needs are different for different people some some guys might pick a Mosin to go in the top five just because it's one of the cheapest guns and they can hoard them and buy a bunch of them that's fine and there might be a Mosin in the midst of this here but I picked the K 31 it's really the the mill CERP gun that to me does it all it's it's a good value for what it costs they're accurate they're cheap enough to feed in the way of ammo they offer themselves quite well to customization trigger work I mean bedding of the stocks if you wish I mean they're just a wonderful rifle and it's a Rifleman's rifle and I guess that's one of the things that I mean I picked this over the one gram so that should tell you something I mean we're talking not just top five if you know remember this list encompasses all guns not just military surplus so I made it a point to make sure K 31 was in my top five I'll remember that we've got a we've got a video out on a sport rise to catering one that just shoots the living daylights out I wanna you know you know and I got to thinking when you're doing these five guns videos or at least when we're doing them especially when you're talking about top five of all time it's really difficult to say okay well I have to look at this from the terms of what I like not what I would choose if it were only five so you know there's going to be people that are going what there's no shotgun in this list or whatever well this because they're my favorites alright and for me what I look at is I like stuff that's fun to take out and shoot stuff that's nostalgic it's either going to fall into the fun to shoot a nostalgic category or it's going to fall into the life and liberty and it's just an awesome autoloading you know kind of like the AKMs car but I did include a handgun okay makarov p.m. one of my favorite guns of all time not just handguns not just you know falling into a specific use as a gun but the Makarov p.m. is probably to me one of the coolest guns ever that can't explain it I can't explain it to you I really wouldn't be able to tell you why other than the fact that it's just that Cold War nostalgia they're so collectible because there's so many different ones out there I mean these two are a couple of beautiful East German examples but I mean you can get Chinese ones Bulgaria Russia believe there's couple of well of course there's East Germans ones out there by setting up steel frame alloy frame young you know they're Hungarian and all that stuff to get 380 barrels for my mean well you know max I don't know why me at one point these things are coming in they were so available they were so cheap and everybody was snatching them up then can they be disposable hand guns they could just throw in there you know center console with their truck and if they got stolen no one would care sure it still falls into that category but for me I don't know why I've always liked comm block weaponry and I've always enjoyed the Cold War nostalgia of the Makarov p.m. and the fact that these things are used still all over the world oh yeah well you and I used to carry one of these every day on a regular basis before we got into you know other hand guns and said well the thing is you know with these Makarov this is one believe it or not this is one of the handguns that I shoot the most accurately well it kind of lends itself to good accuracy I mean in the Makarov lineup that we did that gun just shuffle of daylights out yep me it really did oh I know I mean that an East German Makarov you know if you're looking at getting a Mac and say you're only going to own one or two it is impossible to be an East German Makarov with a good clean barrel in it feed it some cached ammo that you sized properly or feed it some good ball and they shoot so good they're just so fun to shoot they're nostalgic they're they're cheap enough to where they can still be kind of collectible even up to the common man level that's why it made it in this list I could not imagine myself being a gun owner and not own a Makarov at least everybody needs to have at least an IJ 70 yeah a good Russian one yeah something all right so moving down the line this is the the last choice a martini-henry you know we were actually on some business the other day we went into a shop up on the north side of town and one of the guys came up to me he was kind of a fan of the channel and was you know saw some of our videos and everything and he was asking me about the martini-henry and how much you know he loved the gun and we kind of got talking about it and I tell you what after you know my experiences shooting the martini-henry and the effort required to load the ammunition and shoot it yes it is an undertaking of you have to have a lot of respect and care for military guns in order to go through the process of won't even bother shoot one of these things it's a labor of love there's no doubt it definitely is and I tell you what when it comes to guns that are just downright fun to shoot the martini-henry it's just an awesome gun I can't imagine not owning them they're just awesome and this kind of covers the black-powder itch I tell you it they're just great guns they're very nostalgic they have that historical aspect to them they're fun to shoot they turn heads at the range anybody that's never seen one of these you break one of these out and start shooting it and they're going to walk down there and they're going to ask you what it is I mean it's a head turner at the range it's not again that a lot of people get to shoot oh no every time we've taken that thing out I mean there's been a line of people wondering what in the world that thing is and if they can send around it it's one of my favorites I love martinis I love British military firearms I love Swiss military firearms you know I love comm block weaponry so that's why you know these five kind of came to be of course you know FN this this particular scar being an awesome gun we do that one wildcard and I'm well no one else and you gotta have a Mosin gotta have a modem of this this you know isn't just any Muslim this is a finishing thirty-nine this almost made it into the mix but I figured a lot of you guys will give me a hard time for not having a Mosin in my top five so this is my wildcard finish Muslims in particularly the m39 these things are the Cadillac of the Mosin family they're very well made they're accurate they're very reliable it's just a great bolt-action rifle if you're looking for something in 54 R that's really accurate and a bolt-action realm and it's fun to shoot look no further tell you what when we did the video on that rifle several years back I mean I was shooting that thing off hand at our Auto shoot Steel gopher from like one hundred and twenty five hundred and thirty yards offhand just pegging this thing just with boring regularity I mean it was just send them in at three four hundred yards like I mean like it was nothing these rifles are so well made and Acuras are you funny yeah they are and you know that this list guys for me we're going to move on to Chad's top five here in just a moment I know this video is going to be about twice as long because we're basically giving you two top 5 lists for this video but these are my top fives with that change down the road maybe but these are the guns that I've always consistently gone to as being just my favorite guns not only to take out and shoot and enjoy but for various purposes I mean get the nostalgia factor the collectability factor the life and liberty liberty factor you know that's my top 5 sounds good I also reset the table here and know show you mine alright we're going to move on to chat let's do it alright guys where you saw Eric's top 5 and you know like I said I mean when he mentioned this idea about a week ago I just had a hard time trying to figure out exactly what I wanted to show I mean it's hard to think of your five favorite guns of all time I mean notwithstanding any any particular criteria but you know out out of all the guns that I own I didn't even pick a handgun to me I love Glocks everything but you know I have to say the rifles are kind of my big baby you know I'm kind of the same way you know I thought about throwing a Glock in the mix but you know what I mean it it's a tool of walk it's a tool that spits bullets but probably my favorite rifle that I that I own and that that I had a longing for was the anointing okay and this one is extremely modified I mean this thing I've had this for several years now I bought it as a loaded model but I've got a kind of arms number-18 mount on here sequins rings Leupold mark 4 the sameness on Eric's car Atlas bipod a few other odds and ends this is a US palm cheek riser and I normally run my stand 6 suppressor on this thing and I've got a schuster adjustable gas plug this this rifle overall was one of my extreme favorites I just I love the history of m14 its lineage with the m1 garand in one carbine and such just the mechanism just all steel just that really clunky action I mean just something about it just the sound that it makes when you rack that first round in the chamber I mean I don't know what it is it's a classic American rifle but knodell it it really is these rifles are pretty much if you want a good 308 iron sighted rifle that you can just get behind and shoot five six hundred yards with relative ease this is how you do it I mean it really is but that's probably one of my favorite rifles in the safe and going back down the line you know if 10 22 10 22s in general hard to beat but this is one that I've had for years and years and years on this is a very highly modified Ruger 10/22 and actually the only stock part left on this is the bolt which actually was sent up to CPC in Connecticut to have them blueprint the bolt and jewel and such as that I mean it's been completely customized this rifle has a shell and Barrel has been cut back to 18 inches threaded into an MOA stainless steel receiver this is a fasion thumbhole stock we've got a kid trigger group at the time when I pulled this kid trigger group it costs more than the bass rifle did but TPS BAE's TPS rings and a loop hold kind of a match style scope with a small target dot this rifle is set up for silhouette shooting but that's kind of what this rifle was based around was a really high quality silhouette rifle and with proper ammunition this rifle shoot quarter-inch groups of 50 yards since an awesome 22 may not we've been doing a lot of work with that gun that that particular gun is the one that we did the how far will the 22 kill video I know many of you probably seen that video and that was one of the only guns that we had between the two of us that was actually capable of truly showing repeatable consistent accuracy at four or five hundred yards with the 22 it's hard to shoot a 22 that range but when you've got a really accurate a hyper accurate 22 it kind of helps it helps but the the main reason that I want to put this together is I just kind of warned uh I want to put together a semi-auto to 10 22 that would shoot as good as man shoots bolt-action and and I accomplished that and there's still more that I could do with this rifle to actually further its accuracy potentials and that's the scary thing I mean it's that gun cost ten times as much as a standard Carl there's there's $2,000 in that rifle right yeah I mean it's a $2,000 but it's nice I mean when you're talking about auto auto loading a 22 rifle that's accurate that's definitely accurate here 10 22s are kind of one of my babies but oh yeah I am a huge combat shotgun fan and I've been collecting combat shotguns for a while and there's still several I need to add to my collection but I have to say that the Benelli m3 is one of my absolute favorites this is a convertible shotgun it can operate in semi-automatic mode or by the flippin switch first action so it's kind of built for like military police use mainly so if you want to run low velocity shells or um less than lethal munitions that court of thing you switch it to pump mode and you can run those very low recoil arounds at one cycle the action or if you wanted to run 3-inch mag Duty loads that sort of thing slapping in semi-auto and just pump them out yeah I bought this shotgun and this is actually an HK Mart so the Benelli is the early 90s vanilla teas that are HK marked are more highly collectible than you know what's out there now I mean they still produce the threes but there's no way that I would want to own an m3 nowadays I mean for what I gave for this rifle or for the shotgun I mean just and being H Kmart this is highly collectible piece and this is actually one of my absolute favorites that I own yeah so yeah I actually bought a Benelli m4 this year and I it was very difficult for me to not quit the Benelli m4 in my top five because it is one amazing shotgun the Nelly's are great I like the m3 I don't own an m3 personally but I definitely that's one that's on my list he has more but of the combat style shotguns than I do I mean I've got an m4 on the wall I've got a remington versa max I've got the origin 12 got a few fun twelve gauges but I'll tell you what the m3 is probably Benelli's most versatile shotgun oh it is I mean a lot of people they know the Franchi spas-12 you know due to Hollywood you know being in movies and everything but really the spas-12 is more like just a collectable shotgun what I like to own one yes but would I go out and shoot it all the time probably not the parts very expensive they brake parts quite often if you don't get one with the proper trigger group in there then you're going to have issues I mean there it could fly off the see if it's pants and just run until you can yeah they break Sears I mean great safeties yeah they're a cool looking shotgun but they are heavy as hell and they're they're just not terribly practical I mean even like the law 12s you know the front you put out those are actually even there they're a better shot gun than the Franchi or than the spas-12 but you know a lot of people don't realize that they're even in existence because you know they don't know about them considering the movies but this shotgun here was used in one of my favorite movies of all time heat it wasn't a ghost ring model it was just a right like it kind of had the rifle sights on there but Torito used one of these right are these shotguns and heat and that oh I love that movie that is a great business great movie moving on down to the line I am a where Eric is into Swiss rifles I'm into British rifles I'm a huge Enfield fan and this has got to be one of my favorite in fields this is a number for mark - this is actually a Burma contract and what's really really interesting about this rifle sell here is is all matching including the bayonet and scabbard so this has the original bayonet all matching and that's something that is sort of a rarity in the infield realm and this rifle doesn't headspace for crap I mean it eats a head space you know a no-go gauge but you know you still shoot it with born brass and just keep up with it it works fine guns don't so get the high quality milled site so you're mark one sights I believe I think so but yeah the milled sights are a little bit higher disarm or desirable they had a lot of the rear sights later in the war effort that were stamped just to save on costs and such but this is one very nice rifle it's not quite as nice as like some of the Irish contracts and such they were out there that were sent over to Ireland but not really put in the into use and they just kind of remained in the cosmoline and the wrap those are extremely collectible but guys some things can fetch 1,400 bucks well let show you out of all of the World War two rifles the the infield of my opinion had the best sights oh yeah you know good sight radius I mean especially guns like this they're equipped with you know actual you know diopter sights another interesting thing about this particular going to be an aberrant contract is the fact that it's to us mentally the natives were known for taking the brass boat plates off of them and cashing them in and then they would you know make some random but played out of pocket or somewhere yeah exactly yeah it's hard to find these older contract rifles with the original brass but place and that's one of the other things that really kind of drew me to this rifle and I just I couldn't pass it up I had to pick it up okay and actually at the same time I bought one of my other favorite rifles Egyptian Hakeem now Erik has the sweetest human which is the predecessor to this rifle basically what the Egyptians did was they licensed the design of the Union which was written in 65 by 55 Swede and they adapted it for eight millimeter use and they gave it an adjustable gas system because of the wide variety of eight millimeter ammunition that they had in their stockpiles at the time I mean they had everything from super hot military loads down to just yeah just old stuff that was kind of the powder starting to go out on the primers are starting to go out on there was weaker they had to have a rifle that would accommodate all that ammo that they had to save on money so they adapted a decimal gas system in here this is direct gas impingement so gas comes up basically just directly impacts the the bulb here and fires from ten shot Maggie and mags are detachable I mean this rifle this rifle is awesome and you know garam thumb is one of those things where if I remember how to work the phone there we go gram thumb is one of those things but you know I'm really not looking forward to the day that I actually get my finger caught in this monstrosity right here and we'll get you mean there's who there's a lot of history that surrounds that that rifle and it's definitely definitely uh not there in terms of cool factor that's a good choice so what's your wild card my wild card is big boar I'm a huge big boar fan I love 4570 and I picked this up in a local shop around town here this is an 1895 SPL guide gun from Marlin this is actually one of the pre freedom guns so this is actually like a 2006 early 2007 model which was still a decent quality and I took this live form and kind of slicked up the action a little bit dropped a wild-west trigger in here and I just love 4570 and I've been 20 with the idea of putting together like a 12-inch 458 SOCOM up or for my ARS it was very difficult for me not to add just a generic AR in this lineup because they are so versatile I mean they are is really one but that's almost their downfall though there's no versatile one they're so common that they almost lose their personality and I guess that that's the reason that like you know guns like the AR in the Glock and other real common guns didn't really make it into both of our lists collectively is because they are so common and so modular and so compatible that they're almost boring they are I mean they have their use though but there's so many things out there for a are so many caliber choices I mean you got five five six three in a black out 65 grand old 458 SOCOM for 50 Bushmaster family if you fail wolf all kinds of crazy stuff but some quality lever action rifle just has this particular charm too I mean I love live reactions like the old trapper rifles and you know 45 cold or some of the Henry rifle that we have in like 44 mag I mean those things are great I mean you know it's not my favorite rifle yet because it's still got a form out on it but you know I've got a form on that 44 Magnum mare's leg and I don't know when that thing comes back that might turn into one my favorite what that might that might take the place of this one huh I don't know I mean this one here you know you got the little XS some lever rail on here and I've got a little vortex razor on top so you know just a little red dot sight for getting through the brush and kill them yeah Miss Piggy you know every now and again yeah that that's an awesome gun well guys I know this video is a little bit on the long side but hopefully you'd leave some information maybe you've enjoyed this video I want to know what's your top 5 favorite guns of all time leave your list in the description box below and let us know is there a gun that we missed that we should have you know having our top 5 were we wrong are you right let us know we really be curious to see what you guys have to say about a you know what you would pick as a top 5 of all time this was an extremely difficult video to make in terms of picking which guns because you know there's going to be people out there they're gonna go well why didn't you have this gun in there why didn't you have an in one gram oh yeah we have their own American because we didn't have American guns in here wait a minute we dead American guns come on man I mean Marlon yeah I don't think I had a single American gun I had two well then one a well the m1a2 yeah I mean I don't know well it could be in Rinka yeah maybe but you know hopefully you guys enjoyed this video stay tuned we got a lot more fun stuff on the way more 5 guns you know we are the original 5 guns Channel well so you know we've been doing this for quite a while and we'll continue to thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video consider subscribing if you're not already more on the way we got more 5 guns more guns ripes all that good stuff stay tuned appreciate you watching and catch you next time take care you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 1,339,957
Rating: 4.9090214 out of 5
Keywords: five guns, 5 guns, top 5, top guns, top 5 guns, personal collection, milsurps, milsurp, eric and chad, eric and barry, eric and berry, eric & chad, eric & barry, eric & berry, iraqveteran8888, iv8888, gun collection, gun collecting, personal firearms, TFB, top five guns, best guns
Id: zf-7H3AwgeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 48sec (1728 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2016
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