Top 5 Hardest Cuphead Bosses!

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[Music] what's up internet it's your boy big boss dog from knives and Snipes and today we are talking about the top 5 hardest bosses in company just like last time I am not basing this list off of any statistic of the boss not their health or an attack or anything like that I'm just basing it off of my own personal preference and what I feel makes a boss hard and finally this list is ordered from least to greatest meaning number 5 is the least hardest boss number 1 is the hardest boss with that out of the way let's jump right in and number 5 in fifth place we have Hilda bird from threaten and Zeppelin besides a super short tutorial s level Hilda burg is your first experience with actually using the plane the game is throwing a brand new mechanic at you and I think that's what makes her incredibly hard the first time you player definitely one of the hardest bosses in ink will hire one but it's not just when you meet heard that makes her hard it's what she's all about super fast projectiles that fly straight out of her mouth a tornado that will chase you and many Zeppelin's that shoot four to one pellet trying to trap you in a corner make her extremely frustrated and that doesn't even cover her transformations if you're playing on regular her first transformation will be a bull and you can only shoot him if you're standing straight in front of them the only issue is he attacks straight in front of you after that she can transform into Cupid here who shoots the arrow straight ahead with three heat-seeking stars or shall transform the two goddess ESCA beings who throw balls at your face that shoot pellets I don't even I don't even know once you beat all of her transformations and enter her final face and that's when things really get annoying as you're about to see she transforms into a gigantic moon that covers up at least half the screen then comes super annoying stars that fly horizontally across the entire screen restricting your movement and then two different UFOs come with two different ways to avoid there's a lot of things you have to learn in this boss fight that's gonna be hard for your first aerial level now she's only fifth place on my list because I do feel there are bosses with harder things that you need to grasp in order to beat them and because once you unlock the bobs and come back to her she's actually a lot easier but for your first impression of area levels she is a very very difficult boss Hilda Berg from threatening Zeppelin is the fifth hardest boss in cuphead now let's see who got the fourth spot in fourth we have column Maria from high seas hijinks if you thought Hilda bird was a headache then this boss is a migraine the screen is constantly busy whether it's this maze of floating puffer fish you have to avoid or her shoot and go statue or both at the same time you are always moving around not to mention she has a ridiculously diverse move set making it seem like she has an answer for everything you never want to fly too low on the screen because you could get hit by the turtle or the horse could push you back up or you get hit with a pufferfish you never want to fly too close to her as you could get hit with the ghosts or the redfish or the blue fish you'd never want to do anything in this boss fight but that's only her first face during her second phase they introduced another brand new mechanic that you've never seen and will never see again breezing in mid-air then they decide to couple that with the ridiculous amount of pellets flying at you at once making sure the player is highly highly annoyed that once are used to getting frozen in midair over an ocean and they feel like you've been annoyed with it enough you move on to the final phase of this boss which is the exact same thing but in a cave they restricted the amount of safe space in the level added stagnant obstacles in the middle of it and then projectiles that float up and down and she still freezes you if you haven't played this level before it'll be highly annoying and it's even worse on exponent the short freeze duration is the only reason she's fourth otherwise she would have been third but instead I put in third place we have Phantom Express from railroad rats now if we took all of the bosses from railroad rack and put them on solid ground this fight would not be harmed it wouldn't even be close to hard what makes this fight hard is that the ground hurts you and you can only stand on one third of the screen at any given time on this tiny tiny platform they're the only way to move this platform into a different position is to either parry it or have a yellow object fall down on top of it this mechanic and a majority of the bosses you touch hurting you is what restricts your movement to a very small section of the screen and that is what makes this hard that's what makes it very very hard but if you take this away most of the bosses have ridiculous lag and most of the ghosts and other objects that you can hit would not be a problem which is why I'm only placing it on number three not to mention this is an equal Aisle three boss meaning you should have almost everything in the game unlocked so you can craft mix-and-match anything you need to to figure out how to beat this boss with your own personal skill level the final phase of the boss can be a little tricky but once you learn that you just have to parry his tail and then shoot the slot that opens up is not that hard essentially it's the combination of a small space to walk on that can only be moved by pinks and parries and bosses that hurt when you touch them that makes this boss the third hardest if the bosses were so slow and we had more of the final phase they might have been higher up on the list the Phantom Express is the third hardest boss in comp n now let's see who's the second in second place we have grim matchstick from fiery frolic you first meet this boss at the end of inkwell Isle - meaning you don't have everything unlocked so if you didn't already get roundabout and lobber you're gonna have a bad time his first face he'll shoot some lasers directly at you and then he'll shoot some meteorites in the loop-d-loop pattern and sometimes he'll try to sneak attack you with his ten honestly I never found the first Faye's that partner what makes the boss hard is that there's only a small section of platforms you can jump on otherwise you fall to your death during his second phase he opens up his mouth and releases a bunch of little flame troops that will try to jump up and tackle you it's a little bit more challenging than the first but it's not too bad what makes this boss hard is his final phase where you find out it's a Hydra and he tries to murder you during this section of the boss fight the projectiles come out on the second half of the screen giving you almost no time to react to it a super long flamethrower stretches out that you will miss every time if you're not paying attention and you can't even hit him unless you have roundabouts or you turn her on and look back not to mention if you accidentally hit one of the fireballs it splits into the four projectiles and kills you if his first two phases weren't incredibly laughable once you get used to them he would have been the first on the list but alas they are easy so instead number one on the list went to doctor calls robot from number one on the list has to go to duck in first place I had to put dr. ROH come on junkyard jives very own doctor come in first place we have doctor calls robot doctor calls robot from junkyard drive is a food in first place we have doctor calls robot from junkyard drive ink will aisle three this robot had to be number one on my list for so many reasons it always keeps the screen busy like calamari our hildenburg it's infuriatingly difficult without any gimmicks whatsoever and it's an airplane level meaning most of the weapons and your choice is gone you can't choose which weapons you want to use to defeat him there's no chaser there's a little roundabout you can't choose your favorite super art nothing nothing can save you it's an incredibly infuriating level and it's key focal point is restrict where cuphead can go for instance every time this head goes back and forth from the screen one of those tiny bombs comes out and every time they explode they expand into that huge devastating electric cloud it almost forces you to think like a chess player where should I go where's the bomb gonna be what are my next three moves if this explodes what's my out and then this final phase of his takes that to a tee not only must you navigate through this extremely precise wall of pellets but there's also actual walls of electricity blocking you from progressing further sure you can hit Y and try to navigate as the mini plane but if you do that you'll never damage him and you'll be in this boss fight all day this is what an endurance fight should be king dice needs to take notes no gimmicks attached a consistent difficulty and a brilliant level design makes this fight the hardest boss in all of company at least it does in my opinion but tell me what you think let me know what your top 5 hardest bosses are in the comments section below anyways thank you everybody so much for watching I'm sorry if my voice sounds a little weird I've been sick but I want to make sure I got this video for you guys in-depth analysis is returning next week so I'll be excited for that and I'll see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: BigBossD4wg
Views: 870,219
Rating: 4.8098001 out of 5
Keywords: Cuphead, Cuphead Top 5, Cuphead Walkthrough, Cuphead Top Bosses, Cuphead Hardest Bosses, Cuphead Gameplay, Cuphead Bosses, Knives&Snipes, Knives & Snipes, KnivesandSnipes, Knives And Snipes, KnivesSnipes, Cuphead S, Cuphead S Rank, Cuphead A+, Cuphead Threatenin' Zepplin, Cuphead Cala Maria, Cuphead Phantom Express, Cuphead Grim Matchstick, Cuphead Junkyard Jive, Cuphead Hard, Cuphead Hardest Boss, Cuphead Hard Mode, Cuphead Hardest Mode, Cuphead Top 5 Hardest Bosses
Id: h_Moc2__F1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2017
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