Classy's Top 5's - 5 Best/Worst Cuphead Bosses

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[Music] playing a new game for the first time it's like a first date with a special someone the first moments the best impressions our play will have to tolerate and all this matters us to remember people are going to enjoy playing your game that's why it's imperative you don't think a little car straight away but you do give it up an appetizer to make people want to keep on playing and I must say cuphead does this beautifully first monster root pack might not look like I've a lot going on and you're right they only have three phases each incredibly easy once you get the hang of it at first off it's the first boss so you don't want it to be too hard looking you dark souls and second it's less to do with the fight and more to do what they teach you about cup head without uttering a single word first up is mo tato the potato he's a simple fellow that follows the exact same pattern three mud balls and a pink ward however just from fighting him alone you learned so much you learned that bosses have predictable patterns that you can learn over time and avoid you also realize their attacks can speed up over time keeping you always on your toes and he will always shoot a pink worm as his fourth shot allowing you to practice your parry timing in a somewhat safe situation you're still fighting giant spud don't get too cocky next up is weepy the onion he will cry his eyes out like an anime fan on prom night and you have to avoid his tears once again very simple but you learned so much from him first of all some attacks can appear anywhere on the screen and you have to dodge accordingly it won't always be in a straight line attacks can also appear from off screen so keep a good eye on your surroundings pink attacks can be generated randomly don't expect to be consistent each time and for multiplayer this time you learn how important positioning is when you're on either side of weepy if one of you dies there is no way the other one can save you keep close you want to make it through and lastly a Sai carrot the well garan you will use the telekinesis to summon deadly vegetables to home in on you and after a while he will open up his third eye at attention hunt afire a deadly laser blast based on where he resided again so much can be established from this first always keep a clear screen if the carrots are dealt with they can easily overwhelm you and trap you in a corner bosses can have multiple attacks in the same phase so make sure to memorize everything homing and lock-on attacks exist but most importantly not everywhere on the enemy is attacking if the boss doesn't flash white when being hit then you're not damaging it so make sure to aim for his weak point and shoot in all directions master that and you'll have beaten the route back everything I mentioned lasts for a little over 2 minutes in real time but that's what makes the root pack an amazing first boss in that short time you have learned so much of the game how it works and how to master it it is ingeniously done and for that I can only give the utmost respect to the pack if only the same can be said for the second boss [Music] now like the root pack goopy is here more to teach the player rather than being this monumental threat this time focusing on two more factors ducking and dodging the thing is when it comes of dodging psycho added adventure and dunking let's be honest how many of you dug during the play of the game you can't even tell you can duck has punched out well look at that do you really want to try bucking that or just move a little bit to the side [Music] what will do P do to try and harm you he would jump across the screen and that's it he just goes bouncy bouncy across the screen not even really aiming at you sometimes I'll throw myself as a fist but most of the time it'll bounce around okay okay what's his second phase he takes a pill that makes me grow twice his size ooh that's interesting what's he gonna do now I also cross the screen of thir face sometimes oh come on that's the same thing how is that interesting at least on the third stage something else happens a tombstone crushes him to death and he tries to crush you from beyond the grave that's not too bad but for the two-thirds of a match is the same thing happening again and again and it's not even very interesting that's all you're mentioning his design have some more originality from a Dragon Quest game quite literally now I can't put him in E higher on the list then all on a steep he isn't that bad in the grand scheme of things he's a second boss you're not gonna see anything out of this world it's just that second phase that gets to me I feel like something could have been added here another attack may be an enemy survives in the screen at times more moves I can parry something could have been done to liven up the slide because right now his boss fight just kind of goes mother nature can be beautiful mother nature can be calm and soothing but when she wants to mother nature can scare the crap out of you creatures that suck blood fangs tell you to shred everything under the ocean swear that mother nature can show you a bad side okay some point Cagney Carnation let this cute flower fool you otherwise you get the thorns cagney carnation is the last boss of the first world and they let you know it attacked I take up off the screen a hit box located only on his head attacks into Perry's swarm of enemies Cagney is the final hurdle he needs a pass to show you've mastered all of the basics of contact that's not even going into the second phase where kami transforms into a dandelion his vines take up the entirety of the bottom platform meaning you need to alternate between the three flying platforms all while touching his vines and AKOP do platformed at a time all the while he fights projectiles at you things just got serious this done flower wants to rain on your parade okay it is so damn fun to nip this boss in the bud the pace of the fight never lets up always give you something to worry about while trying to land hits on his face it's so fast-paced while staying fair but that's not the best part the best part [Music] this is one of the only times the game stray from the typical 1930s cartoon things to enter this realm of samba and festive music that just makes it stick up even more I love this theme it just makes you wanna do the hand dance yes you could pull this clown rosebuds cuz this boss slaves tell me some I got that reference after fighting this boss my souls probably on that train the last of the soul contract bosses The Phantom Express you can tell us the last one the fencin Express is a very unique boss fight and by unique I mean frustrating all fight long you find yourself on a small cart riding alongside the Train and have to fight your way past blind Specter t-bone the blaze brothers and ahead of the train itself now all of those guys aren't bad on their own well except the blaze brothers those guys are bastards no they're not the pains in the ass they are all fight long you have these annoying flying pumpkins flapping their way across the screen they don't hurt you they don't attack you or what they do is drop their I don't even own a pink cartoon soap bars onto the cart you're in causing it to fling either to the left or to the right except you don't want that because it will thing you right into an attack from the bad guys this means you need to keep one eye on the bus to shoot it one eye on your character so you don't fall off the cart and one eye in the sky if those things flapping left and right oh what's that you don't have three eyes well may need their Anatomy this fight really annoying you've only need to slip up once just once for the cart to go shooting away you stop the panic can mess up and use all of your hit points you were saving for the later phases and even when you get past Spectre and t-bone the pain has just started the blaze bows will take it in turns to shoot lightning out their mouths and wait lightning but the blaze bows why doesn't it fight you know what I don't care that covers two thirds of the screen but then you have these dos homing and towards you and when they die release a pink skull that will hit your cartons and you flying into the lightning the phone I need to make sure not to get zapped by lightning all the while killing those ghosts homing in on me all about hiring their skulls I didn't hit the cart and somehow find 0.3 seconds of free time to hit the boss and after all that the fight still isn't over cuz now you've got to hit the head or the drain in the heart and you're most likely doing one HP after all that so you need to parry as hell the show his weak point on what what hit me there it was a small sense of language with your man the floaty seahorse to bash you with both mr. and mrs. Bush should tell visions and make you sleep with them the puppies too high up in this guide and those pieces I can feel you will fight the snake to play this by ear I think someone should tell dr. Karl's robot the three rules of robotics going from the best lying sexual McCollum area to the absolute worst flooring section with dr. Karl's robot this is a boss fight where you don't even have time to breathe let alone kill the bastard why is that well maybe because the 10001 attacks coming from all over the place in the first phase you need to destroy three of the robust weapons a laser that covers the screen and blocks your shots another laser you need to parry to disarm and mini kamikaze planes that fly across the screen from bottom to top and I think you can tell just by looking at the footage that is a bloody nightmare you need to take you to consideration so many factors even Einstein will be over well disarm the lasers but don't kill blasted by the big one but don't let those please get too close but I forget at the sound the laser it's hell on earth now you may be thinking to yourself that wants to destroy weapon and gets bit , like another shoot-'em-ups you know once you destroyed laser that's one less thing to worry about poor naive child once you destroy a weapon it is immediately replaced by another weapon that you can't destroy if you blow over the planes you need to deal with cap bombs at home and on you only get faster as time goes on destroy the big laser and you'll have a cannon spread shooting the screen destroy the pyro lasers and his hands will cut the screen in half and shoot at you and after destroying all three weapons and a heart the head flies off a net to stop it from flying that's not too bad but wait there's a third phase once they have a stop the doctor will appear a news aid Chaos Emerald I think the spread shot the entire screen has later tried to block your path and during this entire phase which lasts all of this you hear this on Lou I hate this bus for the sole reason that if I blink I'm dead there's just too much happening at once that you can't take into account everything and you're forced to get hit by something it's just a barrage of attacks one after the other after the other melding and molding to create a perfect cocktail that will kill you in a sip and of course there's you're in for one hell of a time [Music] the big bad the owner of the devil's casino and every soul contract an inkwell aisle that devil himself after all the amazing as we saw with the other bosses their designs and transformations they needed to finish this game without bad they did just that the fight starts with you refusing to give the devil the soul contracts you've worked so hard on collecting at least spitting on the deal cup had made with it the devil isn't too happy about that as he glares at you is I telling you that you're not gonna be in for a good time the intro says it all look at how frightened cuphead is every other boss fight Cup has been determined ready to duke it out with dragons pirates and robots but here he is terrified look at the expression on his face and that will soon be yours as well because holy hell is bosses hard a spider demon jumping from the ceiling a dragon forcing you to run magic incantations the deadliest game of clap your hands the devil is not taking any prisoners today you need to be on your a-game time you lose just right one slip-up could mean the end for you and all the while little devils appear left and right traversing the screen just waiting for you to not pay attention and smack right into them but this is a warming suspense of bats that come to my second face a fleet was a skeleton from his skin jumps into a hole don't question it I will have you know I haven't felt this helpless in front of the boss since I played shuttled the Colossus for the first time you just see this creature towering over you and annek everything you have mastered in the game comes in useful here axes you need to dodge bomb bats need to parry before they explode falling poker chips need to avoid all the while staying on five rather small platforms are not falling off this fight is intense it's three minutes of pure exhilaration and you will feel the need to try again and again mastering the attack until you get it just right you will rage if my twitter feed can tell you anything but then it's all worth it when you make him cry like a little baby god damn sing and burst into tears was so satisfying yeah you better ball your eyes out that is so amazing why is he number one he's to find the box should he need the big impact first of all the clapping attack it's too fast asking first time please - almost dodged at the speed of light that's kind of cheap second there's a glitch in the game to your disadvantage during the dragon attack doing from right to left his hitbox has glitched out meaning if you stand in the corner which you're supposed to do his hitbox will extend at the last second and smack you even though to you nothing happened and because you're hiding behind the pillar you can't see so you just assumed it was one of those devil bastards so there's a chance this will get you multiple times before you realize what's going on that's all ready to hit voice down the gutter only need this viable incantation hidden off god because they're the only ones that are moving or matically and booked dead will say those huge things did sell the boss by a little bit especially seeing as an Apache do something about despite all that this boss still remains absolutely breathtaking and is easily one of my favorites and while we're on the subject or taking deep breaths I knew fighting a dragon wouldn't be easy but this is taking the proverbial piss grim matchstick is most likely going to be the final boss you'll fight in world 2 and also happens we won the cheapest and the first boss I genuinely hated in this game you fight high up in the sky having to jump on randomly generated clouds to follow and shoot grim while the screen autoscroll toward the right who in the history of planet Earth has ever thought all fight long you have to deal with keeping up with grim trying to get some shots in is kind of wonky hitbox old while jumping from cloud to cloud I'm not getting tight because there are in G and dodge his multiple attacks in the second phase grim is now behind you crash damage sends forth flaming minions most of them won't do anything but paste along the tongue but some of these bastards decide to jump onto you and burn your buttocks so now you have to deal with shooting backwards towards grim being at a low enough level to damage him in his Vladdy wonky hitbox but not too low otherwise you'll hit the fireballs and you had the dosa jumpers annual to keep up with the pace of yours o scroll wait there's more there is still one more phase where grim turns into a god damn Hydra now there are three heads shooting in your back foot fireballs dad if hit by a bullet will explode and call spread damage and once in a while the middle head will turn a flamethrower and blast half the screen so that means this phase you have to Jew back was towards Grimm don't shoot the fireballs dodge the flamethrower that takes up most of the screen jump on platforms that are randomly generated follow the rules called the level and make sure you have enough line from the other two phases for this one and as if all that wasn't enough this phase lasts for god damn ever I have dealt so many hits right now why won't you die nothing in grim matchstick is fun random platforms auto scroll levels shooting from behind basically forcing you to use a horseshoe powerup attacks upon attacks a massive health bar honestly I'm just burned out explaining everything let's just move on the devil is the big pad of the game the final boss the one the game is named after and warns you about and yet there is one person that in my humble opinion upstages him who better than upstaged the devil then his right-hand man he'll they gave our bags about it don't [Applause] don't mess with me already design-wise king dice is amazing and his theme is so goddamn catchy but this boss fight is where he really shines after collecting all the soul contracts King dice confronts you angry die lost a bet with a devil for punishment he isn't going to let you pass as you had to face him and his casino minions and holy crap you're in for the marathon the fight starts off with King die summoning a three-sided die that you need to parry the number displayed will be the number of moves your token takes across the crap table and depending on where you land determine what happens next most likely you'll be fighting one of his minions it's like a cigar glasses of alcohol or White Rabbit mr. mrs. domino the list goes on you might also land on the safe space where nothing happens or we can gain one which people for in mini fight starts and wait [Music] I just damaged Pina I forgot you could video games once you made to the end of the crap table you'll fight King dice himself wail on him enough and you'll crack that dice and his silly games what's amazing about this boss fight is how you go about it for a guy bent on gambling cheating and even having randomness in corners of the head his boss fights one of most consistent ones in the game each number on the crab table is a set to a bus fight and that never changes the dice moves at the same pace meaning if you're good with your timing you can hit the number you're looking for anything that can change from try to try other safe spaces and where the 1 outs are hello editing classy here just total to clear something up no the safe spaces do not change from round to round in fact only the HP ups complete okay this means you can plan ahead your course of action before the fight even starts you might be better against some bosses rather than others screw at us guys it might be safer to face a bust you know you can perfect rather than a fighter one up tile and get hit twice pick your strengths take your Gamble's you'll want to try out all the bosses and see which one to be better off against focus on the crab table and see what tiles you need to land on packed on getting the right numbers it's a game of dyin tries but without a flush fitting moments of doing the same thing over and over and over again if tummy feel like you're making progress because you've learned something new the bosses are interesting and varied the mechanics itself I unique and the way you plan your attack like a general at war is so satisfying when it falls into place King dice himself he's not that good in those cards can I get a bit unfair with how far apart they are to parry but everything before that more than makes up for it it is so good and my favorite cup head boss fight on the other hand who woulda thought a place so sweet could make me feel so bitter [Music] broomer honey bottoms I absolutely hate everything about rumor honey bottom all the problems are listed from my otherwise bosses have all joined forces in the final round a break what's an airy I had left auto scroll level random platforms unfair attacks pain the ass to hit a final phase that takes too many hits obnoxious boss if I hear that laugh one more time I will burn down an orphanage first off the background it literally hurts my eyes to watch not only this falling upwards but the patterns the platforms blending in with the background the honey bubbling at the bottom all that just assault your eyes with charge yellow you'd swear you were teleported then a spring failed it's like those optical illusions that mess with your brain except would kill a bee trying to smite you inside another problem is during the second phase honey button appears from the top of the screen and sometimes she thus burst out from the ceiling with no warning yeah that was fair and unlike the devil where you can see it happen and avoid it viewer which she attacks is random so you can't plan around it adding to dad are the platforms that materialized way too early meaning sometimes we'll be a little too early and then I'll scream with no idea where you are how am I supposed to react when I can't even see my character that's we're not done yet not only does her final phase take way too many hits but on top of that she's at the bottom of the screen meaning you have to stand still lock your character in place and shoot downwards towards her how am I supposed to do that with this flank of the screen so please think of the entire space all the while jumping upwards because I'm autoscroll hello didn't plan this out this basically forces you to take a homing shot if you have it and having spent all your coins already if you have then hahaha too bad for you and even then when other bosses like Betty force to into the spread shot okay is to one the best shots in the game this sing down and everybody I was killing her with a nerf gun than this it does so little damage and the boss already takes too many hits you're sure to get hit and die having all the way back on the beginning they did not the top this when you have to face communists she is the first boss of the third world that's right this means that more likely than not you're gonna be facing her right after grim matchsticks so let me get this straight not only does she have all the problems of the other bosses not only is she frustratingly unfair not only that she made me want to rip my eyeballs and cook them like meatballs but you had to fight her right after the other frustrating unfair for me to wanna rip my eyeballs and cook them like meatballs what would he would say nothing in this boss fight is fun her design is boring her state hurts my eyes the attacks are irritating her final phases built against a player the level autoscrolls random platforms and Azen even mentioning them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Classy Reviews
Views: 141,378
Rating: 4.6166134 out of 5
Keywords: Classy, Reviews, Taleweaver, Video, Games, Cuphead Top 10, Cuphead Best Boss Fights, Cuphead Worst Boss Fights, Cuphead Best and Worst Boss Fights, Cuphead Top 5 Comedy Top 10, Comedy Review, Cuphead Review, Cuphead Song, Under the Sea Parody, Cala Maria, The Devil Cuphead, King Dice Cuphead, Dr. Karl's Robot Cuphead, Cuphead Rumor Honyebottoms, Cuphead Dragon, Floral Fury, Flower Theme Cuphead, Cuphead Hardest Bosses
Id: KrCV1mEuq74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2017
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