Is it Possible to Beat Cuphead Without Touching a Single Coin?

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[Music] what's up Internet I'm the big boss dog and today I've had inspired by Steve gaming more specifically his ability to beat Mario games without collecting a single coin so I thought let's try to bring this challenge over to another platformer pub heaven where the challenge in mario coil is rugs lives of the platforming cuphead really doesn't have that problem sure there are six levels in the game or coins exist but coming under them or jumping over them shouldn't be an issue plus most coins are out of the way in the first place for this run the main challenge is going to come from not being able to buy any upgrades or charms whatsoever since we will only ever have zero coins in our inventory meaning we have to beat every boss in the game including Satan himself with nothing but the peashooter that's like trying to win a game of apex solo with injustice suppressed Mozambique our adventure begins with the old kettle and there's really nothing to do here besides flip through the dialogue and run past the tutorial the reason we're not going to complete the tutorial is because all it will do is put us at risk for collecting a coin after this adventure we mosey on down the island and ignore this Apple dude who will give us a few coins and we'll start the first bus with the route back now since the root pack of goopy LeGrande are the first bosses you aren't expected to have any extra weapons or charms so it's really no different from beating them the first time anyways ribbing croaks aren't too hard either although it was a little challenging to do it without roundabouts for damage and smoked charm for defense as you will hear often in this run and after we beat them will progress to the first mausoleum a bonus level all about parrying so a lack of weapons doesn't really matter here either also it's not required to progress to inkwell Isle - but we're gonna stop here to scoop up super r1 in order to make our lives easier in the future with those three down all that's left in ink Alya one is to run and gun levels and two losses the boss is being Hilda Berg and Cagney Carnation the first run and gun level forest follies isn't hard at all just make sure you progress slowly as to not accidentally collect a coin and the second one treetop trouble has almost all coins that are out of the way so the only challenge is making sure you kill the enemies before fluorescent Foley has to avoid taking unnecessary damage our first aerial level is milder work pretty much the same it sucks to do it without the hot coffee mod or the coffee charm but since Helderberg is an air level we have to use the darts anyways so not having all the weapons isn't that bad this will be a reoccurring theme for all the area levels the last boss on the island is captain incarnation and not having a charge roundabout or smoke - is swirly starting to hurt utilizing round about to fire backwards while avoiding attacks and using smoke charm to dash through the attacks was my bread and butter and you can really see the crack starting to form in my gameplay without them eventually I figured out that I needed to focus more on dodging everything and try to do as much damage as I can on it safe and soon I conquer caddy the carnivorous carnation and progressed to inkwell aisle 2 after a brief dialogue with King dice [Music] remember my top five easiest cuphead videos when I listed this boss fight and Sugarland shimmy well it's a lot harder without labra and roundabouts in fact I died several times to the first two monsters she sent out and then I found hitting her with the pea shooter in the last act of this fight takes forever but as long as you have the patience you'll get through it eventually after baroness von bonbon and i mosey down over to the great genie himself to genie and I didn't have too much trouble at all since this is a plain level it's only as hard as a normal game is - the lack of charms of course ultimately I beat him in two tries and then took on baby the clown and I swear this fight will test your patience the first part is easy enough and the second part is tough but doable as long as you have the timing between the balloon dogs and the rollercoaster but the third part gave me a huge headache if you get two green horse it shoots two slow projectiles that go in an S pattern easily dodge able even with a rampaging rollercoaster trying to ram you but the yellow one shoots out several projectiles in a straight line this coupled with the aforementioned coaster makes it impossible to jump without taking damage and we can't dodge through it without smoke charm honestly the best strategy here is to stay in the middle and then move to the opposite side of the screen where bepi is but if you have to move to the right make sure you free drum so you don't get hit and you'll make it to the last part the final steps of the stage aren't too bad as long as you can platform well and have managed to save up on super moves backtracking up the path now we run into funhouse frazzle a run-and-gun level with the gravity gimmick that gimmick works for us though as all the coins need to be collected by switching gravity so we can avoid them just as easily next up is the last plain level in aisle 2 wall-e warbles I know a lot of you think he's hard but on regular difficulty he's a piece of cake stay on the left side of the screen to avoid the eggshell frags move up and down to avoid the feathers move left and right to avoid his son's defensive eggs and you'll parry all of his laser shots and finally save a Tsar Bomba for the last watch the garbage they throw five levels down two to go after we leave the nest do not take the secret path upward the said come back down and let's tackle our last one and done segment for equal aisle two on a fair fever once again the coins are mostly out of the way and this time so are most of the enemies like these ball Chester's and balloons we just mind our own business and platform to get to the hotdogs and we'll get through it the last boss we have to fight before we can move on was considered the hardest for a long period of time so we'll stop at the second muscle iam to pick up super r2 aka invincibility and as long as we can save it before we deal with the final form of this beast dragon Severus will be prepared enough to survive the flamethrower of pain and grab our pass to the next aisle Inc whoa aisle three is home to a lot of bosses and I've realized that they aren't all that hard the first time you play them so I'll run through the easy ones first honeycomb Harold is pretty easily as long as you can dodge reliably and lock your stance to aim down during her final form captain briny beard is on my top five easiest bosses and I blew through him on my first try with just the pea shooter solidifying my opinion on the matter although I wouldn't know it takes absolutely forever to take him down especially his ships uvula making this fight more busywork than anything werner Worman is pretty simple up until his table form but saving super r2 isn't that hard and you can pretty much a damage boost through it afterwards and finally after I broke down the only thing that made column Modi a difficult in my stone gaze explained video I got through this fight on my first try as well it's also worth noting that the perilous piers run-and-gun level isn't that hard either as all the coins are tucked away I wish I could say the same thing for its sister level though rugged Ridge rugged Ridge was extremely challenging and I would say it's one of the hardest parts of our no coin challenge as avoiding about 60% of the coins require ridiculously tight platforming couple that with sand monsters that take a few seconds to kill and responding enemies we definitely get dunked on more than once I even had to reset my game a few times to avoid collecting those evil points when those are said and done we are finally finished with all the coin levels and more than half of the ink wealth aisle three bosses now we just have to finish the game with our pea shooter in hand and this challenge is complete the doctor calls robot was difficult but he's a hard boss anyways although the lack of coffee charm doesn't necessarily help but ultimately he only took a few extra tries Sally stage play is actually very very hard to beat without the smoke - charm and it really acts as a skill check for your dodge and dash ability the last part of her fight took forever to hit and finally kill only being able to get one p on her every five ish seconds but as long as our agility is up and we have the patience I got through this just like rumor honey bottom that brings us to the last and in my opinion hardest boss in this run who also made up my top five hardest bosses the polar expresses edgy older brother the Phantom Express oh my god I must have spent upwards of half an hour on this fight alone everything about this encounter is designed to murder us we can only stand on 1/3 of the floor most projectiles take a few Pichon to actually stop no charms meaning we can't spam supers with coffee nor dodge through attacks with smoke charm it's almost impossible to hit the third stage without using meter meter we need to fight the last phase and we generally have either all super or none after the skeleton fight this is hell eventually I played enough that I got the exact amount of meter I needed for the final fight correct and I brought enough health over to survive the random fire attacks and bone wheel but jeez this is undoubtedly the hardest part of this run compared to this hell actual hell is pretty easy [Music] well here we are the homestretch of our journey and honestly it's easy I beat King dice on my second try proving my thumbnail is not clickbait and he really is just a group of easy bosses in a row as long as you can time the parries even with our crippled moveset I wasn't worried about this Lackey for a second so let's hop right into the Bowser of this game the devil himself and this is where it gets tough not phantom tough not even rugged Ridge tough but tough enough for a final boss his first part will keep inexperienced players on their toes but after several tries you won't even take damage the second phase after our descent into hell isn't too bad either only having to slow and predictable projectiles and feeding us pink bombs for our super meter it's really the third part that whole saw the challenge here our dodging promise is put to the test along with our ability to micromanage I found our best strategy was to simply kill all the many enemies he has on the screen and that maximize our damage on him when it's safe also make sure you have full meter before you destroy this forum as the next one we will only have one platform to stand on and super r2 comes in a lot of Handy before we get hit after activating invincibility we can just damage boost through the rest of this fight and finish off the crying beast completing our adventure yes you can become pad without collecting a single coin here's the proof me standing next to the two conquered hell levels with zero coins in the top-left corner and no items purchased in my inventory we did it although now that I think about it maybe I should have been nice to the pea shooter in my all weapons tested in ranked video overall this coin was played through a cop hat there were 65 disparaging deaths 19 bosses beaten 3 hours and 30 minutes of in-game time zero coins collected and one failed business sorry pork rind er better luck next time thank you so much for watching this video please drop a like and subscribe if you think I've earned it it'll really help my channel grow and have a great day please
Channel: BigBossD4wg
Views: 261,770
Rating: 4.8890877 out of 5
Keywords: Is It Possible To Beat Mario Without Touching a Single Coin, Cuphead, Cuphead Switch, Coinless challenge, Cuphead Coinless Challenge, Without Touching A Single Coin, Is it Possible to Beat Cuphead Without Touching a Single Coin?, Cuphead - Announcement Trailer - Nintendo Switch, Cuphead DLC, Cuphead Delicious Last Course, Coinless Cuphead, Mario, Super Mario Bros., Mario Without Collecting A Single Coin, Is it Possible To Beat Mario, Peashooter Only
Id: tvcJbnj32c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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