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[Music] what what what is happening right what what's up guys and welcome back to up head and for today's episode we're finishing off the last three soul debtors I've three bosses left one mausoleum and we don't need to finish that damn run-and-gun level that I was stuck on at the end of last episode I went back I tried it again off-camera because I didn't want to waste time today it took me quite a few attempts but I finally realized that if I plant cuphead if I keep him in one position so that his feet can't move he can't jump off he can't fall off by accident and I can shoot at an angle that'll stop anything from falling on my head so as soon as I realized that I got through it with most of my health with my ultimate all that kind of stuff so now we have all those coins and more importantly we now have the third mausoleum unlock as we can get some hot chalice action and new ultimate yeah alright spoopy ghost what new have you got for me because they seem to introduce a new kind of ghost every time we do one of these I gotta say this chalice she's not the brightest I really do appreciate that she's going out of her way to earn me new abilities but at the same time she's getting captured by not the brightest enemies in Inked well I'll write their ghost leaves shimmies and oh they're gross giant hat oh you burst into a bunch of little ones how lovely okay I need to get you and then oh no hmm I get the feeling this one is gonna be a lot more difficult than the others and I really don't want to waste a lot of time doing this because we have a bunch of bosses to get to and knowing this game they're gonna be freaking impossible considering a just spent a lot of time on a run-and-gun level I can only imagine what the remaining three bosses have in store and when I say those three bosses left I mean excluding the devil and King dice or the two of them combined I don't really know what's going on with the end of this game I would assume that we're gonna be facing off against something spooky like that oh can I get you yet three four that's what I need to be doing there yo okay so I can parry all of you guys get out of here a little hat oh my god this also goes on for way longer than you anticipate it just feels like it goes on forever okay nope can't oh no no okay not a big fan of that just don't throw like 15 ghosts at me once nope no no no no no no get back get back get back oh come on what kind of weird baby slapping noises do these things make when you kill them I'm just now realizing after three mausoleums that this isn't exactly what I would expect a ghost sound to be oh crap oh crap no no yes okay we didn't have a little hack I sneaked in there that time oh yeah hello miss chalice can I at least get your name maybe your number thank goodness you came by those lousy ghosts had me but good that time what here's the last magical super art I was able to find for you well time for me to take up powder good luck you go do that you weird 1930s chalice we've unlocked a giant ghost to maneuver your spirit and body simultaneously for maximum damage okay yeah we can give that a try that sounds pretty cool I kind of want to go back and try that junkyard boss I'm not 100% sure what it is but we have the town house down there and then I think up here we have the theater and then right there we have the junkyard oh and I'm supposed to be talking to this radio aren't I so Ludwig's been filling your mugs with his less-is-more dribble a keep talking to that fool and soon nothing will sound right to you don't say I didn't warn you okay I guess I'll go relay that message yeah he doesn't seem all that interested in what I have to say and truthfully neither am I so we're gonna move on to the junkyard with doctor calls robot in junker jive I've seen the robots this should be really cool and probably really difficult I'm pretty sure this is yes a plane level okay I'm a little bit better at the plane levels he's not taking damage he's got a death laser I can hit the death laser okay that's good he's also birthing robot babies I don't really want robot mitla babies or lasers I can hit him in his baby maker or I can hit him in his chest and I can hit him in the death laser okay so we have three hearts that we can hit him in that's good what do you in lots of damage there actually you know what about this just take a bomb in your baby maker how about them apples you like that yeah that's this stuff and we got rid of the oh my god what's the bomb get your bum there is so much crap right now okay no no just just stay calm stay calm it's just a bomb it's just just just used a head bomb we got the hurt said it of course is not a hit okay no the heads coming back and there are more bombs this is ridiculous are you gonna do I'm gonna do you little bombs aren't gonna hurt me I like that they explode into little knock off Robotnik heads so I guess I just need to damage his head as it flies by ouch the bombs okay that's a good second form I like that that is such a Robotnik ripoff I like it okay he's even got chaos crystals crystals that shoot a lot of stuff a lot of stuff and walls okay no only one life a little f2 careful careful Reiki house crystal hey we're just gonna pay attention to you cuphead I don't even care where I'm shooting it doesn't matter if I'm hitting him or not as long as nothing is hitting me and then we'll be fine okay no he's got a blue one now they'd I don't think they really do any difference right it's just gonna hurt me no matter what oh I mean the co-op head zone right now the freaking cup head zone here take take your first try oh man that felt so good that was a really cool boss but complete madness I was really scared when it started off and I wasn't doing any damage to him give me a name come on that's freaking Brighton a the soul contract of doctor calls robots so it's the soul of the robot not doctor call that's kind of weird I love that I can spend fifty attempts on a run-and-gun level and then I can beat a boss and wanted to him so ridiculous let's move on to the theater we're gonna try Sally stage play in dramatic fanatic I don't think I've heard no I've never heard of this boss before so what are you all oh oh I've charged on that's good to know so you like to hop in to your umbrella and or your fan at me that it you're just a woman not not to belittle women but I just bought a ten story tall fighting robot with missiles and death crystals so this is a a little bit underwhelming right okay well I am just gonna ride it out where'd she go oh she's just going to get her husband okay asbestosis curtain what that's not very safe I'm ultimate let's try that whoa steroids I like it I like it I like it I like it that didn't do anything did that really do anything I feel like that didn't do anything I don't like The Ultimates in this game I should just use the first one it's so much better than everything else she's got babies baby yeah babies and wind-up mice okay I don't like any of this let's just it oh no no oh god her with a little one yeah we're back to the asbestos safety curtain I am so confused right now this is a downgrade to like every boss I fought for the last little while I'll take that thank you I should probably okay just gonna watch out for the random flags and the lightning bolts okay hello lightning bolts gonna yeah a little radio silent there for a minute sorry guys focusing on the meteors that are falling on me oh oh what the meteors do damage oh I'm supposed to hit the meteors this stupid okay no nu nu nu nu nu nu okay you know what maybe this'll just like track her for me yeah just just whack her out of the air please get her I don't understand this pause but I don't want to touch anything guessing those flowers are probably not very kind I'm never gonna get to shoot at her because of this umbrella but we did it I'm due for due today I'm feeling good I'm in the combat zone oh that was that was a weird boss okay I can understand the robot being kind of difficult because a lot of crap coming at you at once I feel like I'm a little bit stronger in a plane but she was just nothing soul contract of Sallee stage play and I don't mean to belittle the boss she's a cool boss I enjoyed it it's just not ramping up in difficulty so what's over oh wait a minute are you a boss as well Bantam Express in railroad wrath oh I thought we only had three bosses left we must have four right because I'm pretty sure there's another one down here somewhere yeah the house so what are you Werner Worman in Marine Corps least I'm getting surprised this episode because I've never seen you before mr. Fievel goes west in his soup cane tank water oh I see they they spit out fire when they hit the ground huh alright that's pretty easy ah there's a cat outside you should probably take care of they take care of that I should use that when you were charging and not before now I know who a cat I can't shoot the cat for us seriously though you might want to be worrying about that a little bit more than worried about me I'm just a very small cup and your your very okay no no no no no here you're very rockety looking guy Oh what are these what are these he's got fire okay and hit him in the head what's going on with the saws oh oh I see he's gonna move up and down with his little flamethrower I need to avoid the saws at the same time that's not cool that's not cool at all great oh no no no no no he's a little worse for wear right now he's a little beaten up oh okay I told you I told you I told you you should worry about him um what what what is happening right what I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't at least a little bit salty that that broke my flawless streak this episode but how do you predict a giant cat with a prison of ghost mice in its mouth right that's completely unreasonable so I can do a pretty good job against you I don't need those Perry's I'm not gonna risk taking damage I am gonna try to get this jump right you're gonna charge at me and huh there we go overall he's a pretty easy boss this form isn't too difficult the next form isn't too difficult is just the cat right you can predict this pretty easily I'm easy enough easy enough shoot him in the head a bunch I'm gonna save my alt for the cat you know what I feel like that's probably a good idea my it myself and shoot on an angle here the saws aren't wildly unpredictable this is no problem whatsoever there we go are you breaking down again and you're eating I wonder what happened if I was over near him and got eaten as well so can I hit you with this please please kitty cats don't like water right that so huh it's the stuff no no no that's rude buddy what are you doing there's where's the ghosts where's the mice ghosts okay yeah he's just gonna Telegraph that I just need to be a little bit weary and there we go there's the hostess with the mostess I don't care about the peri nope don't care if just gonna do a whole bunch damage not taking damage and taking a little bit of damage but not enough damage to die please please please please please please no I didn't mean to do that I didn't mean to do that the ghosts don't go away don't let's try that again shall we this time I'm gonna be really close to you and hope that the cat eats me nope nope still not gonna eat me but I can still hit him in the face with my ultimate I wonder if I can kill the ghosts I've never even tried I'm ready for you this time because I am in the zone and I am playing defensive cuphead no no no not interested in getting caught by you no means no you're not gonna have sexually harass this Cup so we're just gonna be dodge and everything focusing on dodging yeah that's right because when you play defensive cuphead it was a trap all along a trick even what why was he driving around in a soup can when he had a cyborg can't the I'm so confused okay he's dead that's real all the matters see plus they get soul contract of Werner worm and now I'm not really sure if I have enough time for another boss this episode but I kind of want to give it a try maybe I can just give it one attempt what is it some kind of train boss ain't him Express in railroad wrath I feel like if it's a train and it's gonna be moving I'm probably gonna want charged right yeah that feels pretty good alright you know what screw it let's give it a try so what are you exactly oh I did know about this one completely forgot about you and there are little things on my cart to move them around why I don't I'm fine over here thank you so he spent two eyeballs happy new new I see what you're doing now no oh crap all those stupid little things are gonna be screwing with me this entire time alright get rid of them in the air I wonder tonight I see oh no we're good we're good no we're good charge is gonna be kind of useless here won't it because I can't shoot those guys no oh no no no no hmm I don't know if I want to be on here feel like I probably don't know no I want to be under here yep that's fine so let's go over here no no not over here not over here we're gonna go over here and him one of these uh-huh okay this is a cool little system yeah thank you mr. pumpkin I'm fine with being over here again he's down okay very good I mean how much health do I have left I can kill the pumpkins it's also good to know how is this what what are you I want to be in the middle I think do I want to be in the middle of the two of you ah no no hey there is just red what what even are they but I think that's gonna be it for this episode of cop head two guys and mixed episode should be the big finale even though I do have quite a number of run and gun levels left to do I'm probably not gonna do them honestly I feel like it's not worth doing a running gun episode like I don't really care about 100% completion and the pacifist run and s pranks and stuff like that I just want to beat all of the bosses see what the ending of the story is so next episode we're gonna finish the train will do with either ping dice or the devil or a combination of the two I don't really know but like I said we'll find out things much watching his video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,793,201
Rating: 4.8661838 out of 5
Keywords: cuphead, cuphead gameplay, cuphead inkwell isle iii, cuphead inkwell isle 3, cuphead robot, cuphead dr kahl's robot, cuphead junkyard jive, cuphead sally stageplay, cuphead dramatic fanatic, cuphead werner werman, cuphead murine corps, cuphead funny moments, cuphead bosses, cuphead walkthrough, cuphead playthrough, cuphead let's play, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: jK3RfSvZdOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2017
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