The 3 Most Essential Guns

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welcome back everybody this is eric and chad here with irickveteran8888 today we got a very special uh presentation here for you we're going to be talking about the three most essential types of guns for life and liberty uh for protecting yourself we've got a lot of new gun owners and a lot of folks are confused about what they should get and what the most useful types of guns are and why you would need to have them so this is essentially a top three and it's only three three basic types of things that we want to look at in terms of the types of guns that we feel every american household should have these are the basics and we'll go over that here a little bit i definitely want to take a moment to thank the folks from big daddy unlimited they keep us in all the stuff we need to make videos definitely take good care of us in that regard great group of people to look into they've got a ton of neat stuff so check them out all right so let's get into this a little bit so the thing is is as i said there's a lot of new gun owners and people tend to get really confused especially when you're wanting to get into a given firearm and you're not sure what to get or you know what the purposes of certain guns and what they do um it's we can break this down into three extremely basic categories and if you kind of follow our advice you're gonna find yourself very well protected and uh you're gonna you're gonna feel definitely safe in your home in your vehicle uh on your person when you're out in public whatever the case may be we're going to really cover the bases in three simple areas very simple so we're going to start in the degree of concealability and let's just say escalation of force all right so probably the most essential thing that most people are going to deem they need immediately is probably some form of a handgun i'd say probably 80 to 90 percent of folks out there who purchase their first firearm they're always going to purchase a handgun yeah nine times out of ten folks are going to be buying a handgun because uh it's the the the most effective tool for self protection easy concealability a lot of people get their carry permits or they live in a constitutional carry state they turn 21 they want to be able to carry and you know have a a gun in their vehicle whatever the case might be a handgun is like the absolute best choice for that because uh there are so many options out there today and it can be definitely confusing but we picked a sig p365 this is an excel model yep so the the sigs are extremely small highly concealable guns with very generous capacity these are 12 plus one correct 12 plus one on the flush fit uh base plate you get 15 shots and the extended base plate pops out of the bottom a little bit that's very impressive for a gun this size but the sig is just one option um on a regular basis i carry a glock 19. this is kind of the honda mount you know gun that's out there that a lot of people a lot of uh military and police and such use on a regular basis now what kind of holster you carry in there that is a alien gear cloak mod holster baby yeah so you can see the difference between the two i mean the 19 is a good bit bigger the 19 is definitely like the honda civic of handguns anything that is sort of like in that size comparison and in a very similar form in terms of the way the gun is made it usually gets compared to the 19 i know there's a lot of people out there that are like glock fanboys don't get me wrong i love glocks i absolutely love the 19x um i found myself kind of gravitating more towards the 365 i mean you can see it's so tiny definitely a size difference that you know the sig holds just as many rounds but is a much slimmer gun now to be fair with the 19 you do get a slightly longer sight radius and the gun is way more controllable and very easy to shoot and they are dead reliable now one of the benefits too of like a firearm like the 19 is that it will accept all the larger capacity magazines as well uh there aren't really any super high capacity magazines out there for the sig nothing i'm aware of but the standard glock 18 magazines are 33 shots you know so if push came to shove you know and you wanted to keep this firearm by the bedside and keep a large stick mag there then you've got that option with something like a glock but really it's just about having a handgun that can serve dual purposes it works well for concealed carry it works well for carrying in your vehicle it works well for putting by the bedside in a lock box and having it there for you know the night terrors and to be fair to be fair as well a handgun is also a very easy gun to conceal within your household somewhere as well so let's say that you have small children or you have other considerations like you don't want you know tiny fingers getting near your your firearm i understand a handgun is way easier to hide somewhere very indescript let's say you don't have a safe i recommend having a safe if you have a quantity of guns but if you don't have a safe and let's just say you're a first-time gun owner this is a very easy thing to hide you don't have to tell your children you have it if you don't really want to you know what i mean like you this is an easier thing to hide okay overall so handguns are a great entry level uh gun for someone and it can scratch a lot of itches because i can have this in my car i can carry it on my person i can have it in the home on the bedside wherever i need it and it's going to be where i go so it is very concealable and easy to use in that regard the other thing i will say from a manual of arms standpoint handguns are harder to shoot they are going to require a little bit more you're going to need to get some training take some practice you know get take some ammo out you know definitely get some practice in practice drawing practice you know manipulating the firearm the weapons handling characteristics in terms of manual of arms on a handgun i would say is generally going to be a little bit more difficult to master it's going to take you a little more time you know your your fine motor skills need to be more precise your side alignment needs to be more precise your trigger squeeze needs to be more precise everything that you're relying on is is uh is harder to use a handgun accurately than any other type of gun out there especially you know proficient with a level of proficiency where you can hit targets at you know 100 yards or something i mean that takes more skill more time to really learn those techniques so a handgun while concealable and while it is in the category of being one of the most essential categories for every american to have just understand that it comes with its unique set of uh learning uh disposition that you need to have to use it right definitely has a little bit of a learning curve another thing about the handguns that we chose between the 365 here and the 19 is that they are both chambered in nine millimeter luger uh nine millimeter is an extremely popular cartridge for concealed carry and these days there are a lot of choices out there with some awesome technology and not only bullet design but also propellants to get really excellent performance and terminal performance okay that's what you want out of a self-defense handgun out of nine millimeter and the ammo is lighter you can carry more rounds for the same size handgun it's just a big win-win and nine millimeter is relatively easy to shoot compared to some of the other options that are out there like 40 smith and wesson 45 and it kind of gets you a little bit more power than something like a 380 okay so it's kind of that goldilocks zone as far as concealed carry goes in my opinion and the ammo is very affordable as well a lot of people can go out and buy a quantity of ammunition to train on and like eric said i mean it takes more time to get um you know really proficient behind a handgun and master uh all the facets of owning and shooting one of these uh but you can do it a lot quicker with cheaper ammunition okay and it just takes time i mean just takes time behind the gun and some pistols also offer you know some form of like a you know rimfire conversion kit if you want to practice the 22 that's always an option we want this video to be very general but in general and nine millimeter handgun is an extremely important part of the trifecta okay there's a reason that three gun competitions exist pistol rifle shotgun and that is the the core of this video so let's move up in power a little bit and also range okay um you can definitely extend the range with a shotgun um people deem the shotgun as a close range weapon i personally feel that autoloader is best you know autoloader is definitely easy to use the manual of arms is certainly very easy on autoloader there are certain things you need to know going versus autoloading shotgun to a pump shotgun shotguns can be a little cumbersome to reload under stress you know they do require very specific training regimen to load quickly and they require a lot of practice to be able to load quickly but in a typical home defense scenario uh generally just a good old like mossberg 930 or any type of good auto loading shotgun i chose this one because this is a reasonably priced option you don't have to spend a ton of money to get a great shotgun the 930 is a proven system it's inexpensive compared to many other things it's not much more money than a pump all right spend a little bit of extra money and get an automatic when that muscle memory kind of takes over when a stressful situation takes over an autoloader is nice to know that all you have to do is squeeze the trigger in in the direction of the threat of course identifying the threat is important and i feel that having a light on any defensive weapon be it a a pistol shotgun or rifle is an extremely important thing uh you want to be able to properly identify your target and is what is beyond it okay uh so lights have a very functional use uh in a variety of different situations but especially if you're only going to own one shotgun one pistol and one rifle part of this trifecta i would make an effort to ensure that all the above now maybe not the handgun if that's your only handgun you want to keep it nice and tight and concealable you know having a full-size light might be a little bit cumbersome but other than maybe the flashlight definitely your long guns probably need to have form of a light now this is a olight warrior x with a pressure pad not a very expensive light nordic components makes this uh clamp on uh magazine tube slash barrel clamp that you can mount your you know flashlights and things like that on and then the pressure pads just mounted with a piece of velcro real simple and this sling also every home defense uh long gun needs a sling put a sling on your gun it's really really important to have a sling because you need to be able to sling the gun and get it out of your way you trust me having slings important you may need to take control of your phone or of a child or situation or hold something shut pull something open pick something up move something sometimes it's handy to be able to sling the gun real quick and pick up your phone if you need to whatever you need to do but you need to have an ability to sling the uh firearm that's really important and this is just a basic blackhawk mountain sling like on big daddy these are like 13 bucks that's that's a lot of sling for 13 bucks that's a heap of sling perspective it sure is and uh you know this is a great setup this is one of the guns that i keep in my home all right now so getting on to 12 gauge just in general you know shotguns offer a lot of power at close range they pack one heck of a punch with the right load uh look okay they're not getting up and they're not walking away they're not they're not getting away from this with the right load in a close-in environment like in the home and they enter your movement and you have to you do what you have to do um it's uh it's gonna be instant incapacitation okay there's not a whole lot of people are gonna survive it okay that that's just the bottom line okay now you need to understand that shotguns while powerful okay the other thing to consider is that while shotguns are powerful and they're great to have and i love an autoloader because you can shoot it quick you need to understand that they can uh grossly over penetrate uh in your home so if you live in an apartment or a close in a movement that's close to other people you need to keep in mind that uh the overpenetration can be something to consider you don't want to you know you want to harm the threat that's trying to hurt your family but you don't want to inadvertently harm someone else you don't mean to harm a shotgun slug can travel through several walls before it stops you know it'll go through the bad guy through the wall through the other wall to go through the neighbor's wall i mean so shotgun slugs carry uh you could opt for something like number four buckshot uh give you some good close range capabilities but at longer range it's gonna lose energy pretty quick so that might be great if you live in an apartment or something so shotguns are definitely a uh escalation of force to say the least i mean this is why you know military and police use these for like entry okay because there's so many versatile uh thing or so many things that you can do with a shotgun just based on the payload i mean you can use uh door breach and shells you can have birdshot so not only is a combat type shotgun good for self-defense you can also shoot birdshot out of it if you need to use it in a hunting situation or a survival situation you could use it for that there are less lethal rounds there's buckshot bird shot i mean or a buckshot slugs the whole nine yards you've got a full gamut of of loadings that serve various uh purposes for whatever it is that you might need to do that's what makes a shotgun just such a great firearm because they are just that they are very versatile a very utilitarian gun that can that can fill a lot of different roles um i prefer you know just a good old 930 for everyday stuff uh this is an easy gun to conceal in your vehicle if you want to keep one in your vehicle also from a hunting perspective let's say if you if you don't own a hunting rifle but you own this trifecta you can use your shotgun put a slug in it with ghost rings you can take deer 50 60 yards probably even 100 if you're a good shot no problem so a shotgun slug packs a good punch you can hunt with it take down game protect your home very very useful piece of gear i recommend autoloader but look pumps are great too if all you can afford is a basic pump go for it you can't go wrong with the pump action either but i prefer auto motors all right so that's a great combo but we got to complete the trifecta so every household in america needs a good high quality ar15 okay so all right now this is just this is a rifle that i've i built okay and this is one of the couple that i keep around i usually took this in my vehicle all right so this is kind of a road gun as we like to call it um but a rifle serves a a wonderful purpose of an escalation of force okay you hear a lot of times uh you know fight your way back to a rifle you carry a handgun fight your way to a rifle that's because a rifle is a force multiplier okay the the rounds that this rifle fires is a standard 556 and it has at least three times as much energy as most uh pistol rounds do okay it's more accurate you can take longer range shots with it uh you can outfit them with more accessories and things like that uh for various purposes i just keep a surefire scout 300 on this with a pressure pad i keep an acog on it and you know the acog is great i mean i can take shots out to 600 yards if need be now in a self-defense scenario will you be doing that likely not but this is a good like stand your ground type rifle if you were ever in some sort of crazy situation where you would need to escalate to this that's a bad day okay for somebody all right but a rifle is a wonderful tool to have you can hunt with this as well okay most states will allow you to hunt with 223 and 556 so you could take this hunting it doesn't look like a hunting rifle but it is completely capable of taking most game that you would want to eat okay in some sort of uh survival scenario whatever the case might be um and there's a lot of hunters that have totally you know integrated to the ar platform for hunting purposes i mean the ar can be chambered in a lot of cool cartridges that lend themselves to hunting maybe a little bit better than 556 but you know there's nothing wrong with this as a hunting rifle i have killed so many coyotes and foxes with 556. it's it's crazy and i've killed a lot of hogs with 556 and it is perfectly capable of taking game so your shotgun and your rifle can still feel the hunting niche but while having an edge of personal protection uh associated with it absolutely so one of the benefits of an ar okay which is a very versatile gun as well i mean most of the guns that we have here are very universal okay and and utilitarian but the upper receiver is kind of the heart of an ar you can have one lower and then you can purchase multiple uppers that are in different calibers for different purposes different cartridges for different purposes if you need something say like a 6'5 grendel okay to hunt with in your particular state because they don't allow 556 to be used for hunting well you just simply drop this upper which already has an optic on it onto your lower that you already own and then there boom you've got a hunting rifle and then you can leave your defensive rifle at home but then when you go back on the road or you know you want to put your defensive rifle by your bedside you just pop your upper back on it i mean it's just it's a utilitarian gun and it is very much in common use in this country i mean this is america's rifle you know so i just i always find myself toting a good quality rifle everywhere i go because you know just the world's a crazy place and you know i just like kind of being ready for whatever you know you might encounter there's certainly nothing wrong with that absolutely not but an ar-15 i mean a hand a good quality nine millimeter handgun a good quality 12-gauge shotgun and an ar of some kind and i will error to say an autoloader and a shotgun is probably going to be a little easier to use under stress i prefer an autoloader uh that's just my opinion of course i would say that out of all the three the shotgun's gonna be hard to master okay not the handgun no you don't think so no i think the rifle and the handgun are gonna be a little bit i think the shotgun in terms of a let's just say offensive purposes like taking a shotgun into a fight uh and then reloading yes yes these things are not easy to reload under stress um i i more consider the shotgun kind of a unload it throw it down grab something else kind of good like when it comes to shotguns i'm gonna be a new york reload kind of guy i'm gonna empty the gun i'm gonna grab another shotgun i'm just gonna grab an extra shotgun and i i keep multiple some auto shotguns loaded in the house and i'm not gonna try to reload it it's faster for me to grab another full shotgun than it is for me to try to reload see what's the thing behind that's like well i'm not sure what room i'll be in when they break in well look shotguns offer a heck of a lot of power and it is a great defense tool but i believe that from a offensive standpoint like actually going in you know going into a known fight with a shotgun uh you better be on top of your stuff you better know what you're doing because it's not an easy thing to master under stress uh now i guess the the crux of that and the idea there is that you're gonna end the problem before the shotgun's empty maybe but uh it is certainly something to uh consider you know i would consider a shotgun as a secondary type of weapon i'd probably want to have you know rifle as my primary and have this as a backup and then have it as a tool sort of in the arsenal for what i may need to do right so it is a very purpose driven type of thing i would say that if there were some one in all do all situation if i knew i had to go into a fight i'm definitely going to prefer this over anything else these are to get me to this okay and then this is to get me away from the situation okay so that that's the ultimate goal is removing yourself from a bad situation or if you can't do that removing them from the uh the gene pool okay if that may be uh the necessary option you know and it's it's a very unnatural feeling you know you don't want to hurt someone i mean we all want to be peaceful here and we all want to you know protect our families and our communities we want to be happy we want you to be happy and everyone wants to sing kumbaya and eat s'mores and everything like that but but unfortunately there are detractors and people that are dissenting uh people that you know they they don't want they want dissent and they don't want uh to be peaceful they want to be you know they don't want to honor the human condition so when they make that decision to do so then um they need to be prepared for the consequences that may result from their actions so there's actions and reactions and more and more people in our country rightfully so i have you know realized the importance of self-preservation in the form of owning a firearm and i think it's super important that people understand that they are tools and that they have specific purposes and they have their weak points and strong points but at the end of the day if you were going to decide hey i want to be a well-rounded gun owner if you embrace this trifecta you're going to find yourself uh pretty well prepared absolutely um so what kind of prompted this idea was uh eric was showing me a video from clint smith earlier which i was laughing at it but it's so true though he says a handgun puts a hole in you a rifle puts a hole through you and then he said a 12 gauge shotgun they'll be picking pieces up off the floor with a shovel more or less i was just paraphrasing but it's it's very true like you know shotguns deliver a ton of energy handguns work great and they've stopped numerous threats right you know in self-defense scenarios all across the country we all know what rifles rifles are capable of i mean rifle is an excellent tool but you know if if you ever find yourself in in one of those situations i mean you can't go wrong with anything you know in in this category nine millimeter handgun 12 gauge shotgun 556 rifle you're gonna be pretty well-rounded and um i think it's also important to mention for those of you that might be watching that aren't gun people or that maybe you're looking into being a gun person wanting to arm yourself uh you know there's an entire shooting discipline related to these three guns it's called three gun it's literally called three gun okay and it uses a pistol a rifle and a shotgun um also another thing that clint said and this is important too the takeaway i'm 12 gauge yes you'll be picking up pieces of a person at close range but it is also dependent on the load all right the load is everything you can't just buy a 12-gauge walmart bird load and put it in the gun and shoot it some 150 yards away and think that you're going to be it's like the movies and they're going to go flying through the air you know like i know people i know people have seen like like what is it once upon a time in mexico and they're shooting guys with shotguns and they're they're flying out yeah it's it's not like that okay but the thing is though uh the load it really does determine what this this gun is gonna do this this shotgun is a chameleon it'll do a lot of things it has its limitations but as clint said with the right load in the right situation uh these things are absolutely a show stopper they're devastating they are going to end the problem okay something's gonna end and hopefully it's not you and that's why you want to be on this end of it not the other end so definitely something to consider so guys uh thank you for watching today's video we hope you enjoyed it and learned something and most importantly for those of you that are new to guns we wanted this video to kind of be a service to you guys i know there's a lot of confusion out there and and look we're not suggesting you have to go with these brands or this exact gun or this exact action do your research there's lots of information out there not only on our channel but tons of other great channels go check out tim at military arms channel check out um mister mike mr guns and gears doing a lot of great stuff check out grantham he's running all kind of different platforms i mean they're check out hicot cole and where i mean don't forget our good buddy john level it fits my hand back that that's oh boy no paul harrell come on now all right so let him out there are tons of great content creators that that talk about all different types of stuff so you know do your research develop an opinion and then make your purchase based on that uh what fits your price point what fits your um your training disposition what fits you know your needs and then make that decision based on that you know don't listen to any one person you know develop an opinion and um you'll find that after watching a few videos on the tube you'll quickly see okay all right this is probably what i want to go with and then just make that decision so don't think you have to go with these guns or these actions this is just the general um categories pistol shotgun and rifle very very important trifecta i will say the trifecta of america is a pistol a rifle and a shotgun so you'll see that on a shirt before too long all right guys have a great day yet again we really appreciate it definitely want to take a moment to thank all of our patreon supporters those of you who purchase man cans over on the website as well as shirts over on ballistic inc thank you so much for supporting our channel that's the most direct way you can support us if you wish to all those funds go right back into putting out content like this so thank you so much have a great day we'll see you next time see you guys you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 145,025
Rating: 4.9416156 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar15, ar, ar-15, ar 15, 2a, freedom, liberty, gun rights, gun control, top 5 guns, top 5, meltdown, guns, gunsmithing, gun gripes, life liberty and the pursuit, 3 most essential guns, sig P365xl, glock, glock 19, utilitarian guns, superlative arms, mossberg, mossberg 930, auto loading 12 gauge shotgun, 12ga, shotgun, handgun, rifle, bcm, acog, trijicon, 9mm, 5.56, 12 gauge shotgun, 12 gauge, top guns, top 3
Id: jCdRBUb1uTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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