Top 5 Guns You Never Knew Existed

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welcome back everybody this is Eric and Chad here th veteran 8888 and today we have another five guns video for you today we're going to be talking about five odd weird obscure Firearms you probably don't know even exist so we're we're kind of going over some oddballs here okay that's what this whole video is about and we've actually gotten some request from people to kind of cover some of the weirder guns out there some of the stuff you don't really see every day some of the guns that have really odd characteristics about them and things like that so we're going to go over a couple here we're going to start off with um a pistol here that we've actually done a video before uh on this is the styre hammer this is a model 1918 styre Han also known as a sty Hammer uh if you care to check it out we've done a full review on this gun uh but it's a very odd pistol that stripper clip fed it does not have a removable magazine but the the rounds do feed from a magazine that is integral into the grip of the of the pistol itself it's loaded by locking the slide to the rear applying the safety to physically lock the slide now I'm not going to load it right here in the building but you have eight rounds of 9 mimer styre okay so this is not a 9mm Luger or 9mm Parabellum as we would know it it's 9mm sty so it's kind of somewhere in between like 38 Super and 9 mm in terms of uh pressures and speed and things like that uh but at its time and in its day it was considered a pretty dang powerful handgun well no doubt I mean before that really like you had kind of the broom handle you know it was a Clipper strip fed semi-automatic pistol so and that was a 30 Mouser correct so you know the the Mouser broom handle is definitely an odd gun uh but this one in my mind is probably a little more odd because when you think a stripper clip fed handgun you usually think of the Mouser Brom handle because they produced in such you know higher numbers uh than the sty was but you know it's just one of those really odd gun designs that you just don't see every day and that's definitely one that is a weird one on the list and fires a 9mm styre uh again we do have a full review on that gun if you want to see it in action um another gun moving down the line this is a really really odd pistol here that not a lot of people know about it's a Spanish service pistol known as the Astra model 400 it's a blowback gun it fires a 9mm Largo which again is another weird 9mm cartridge that not a lot of people really know about and I actually do have a box of original military ammunition right here uh for the gun and you can see by looking at it that again just like the styre it's a very very odd little cartridge it's uh you know kind of a longer length 9mm so imagine Largo literally means long it is a elongated 9mm type cartridge and very similar velocities to what you would kind of expect and it's a really interesting gun the Astro model 400 was a gun that went into service in the early 1920s in Spain and remained in service until it was replaced by the model A which is kind of like a 1911 uh in 1946 47 or so so it was this gun was in service for about 25 years and it's known as a model uh 400 it's a blowback gun so it's it's a very very odd type of pistol there's no lock breach mechanism uh for this particular gun it's blowback only it has a very Stout and deliberate mainspring on it that's very strong and it's meant to be a simple service pistol that was meant to be features wise very similar to like Colt 1911s lugers you know the guns that were in service at the time around the world the Spanish wanted a service pistol that could relatively compete with other service pistols of the era they also had a little carbine that was based On Loosely on the Mouser 93 called a Spanish Destroyer that took the same type of magazines so you have 9mm Largo feeding from this little magazine here you could take this magazine out of the uh model 400 pistol put it into a destroyer carban and a policeman or someone like that could extend the range of the 9mm Largo by a couple hundred yards with a rifle instead of handgun one thing odd about that gun I've never really been a huge fan of is the weird grip angle it's like like a very vertical grip I find it to be somewhat uncomfortable to fire but the guns are fun to shoot well the grip angle on the uh the styr is odd too it is it's real vertical yeah the the the grip angle on the styre reminds you a lot of like the early 1911s where they're very very vertical instead of that improved grip angle that you would expect on the 1911 uh it does have a bit of an angle to it but not that perfect angle that you get on the later 1911 so moving down the line number three Chad this is a really neat gun this is like a Walther P38 but it's it's not a k version because the K versions actually had um a slightly longer barrel uh shorter than a standard P38 but not quite so stubby as this and you know we uh we were just stopping by a little shop on the way to Florida one time and Eric found this gun in there and we were eyeballing it and he wound up picking it up and uh oddly enough I was reading a a book by Allan C Paulson on silencer history and technology and I was flipping through and there was a section about pistol suppressors and there was a Walther similar to this one that had a big old long finish made 9mm suppressor you know on it and I just found it really odd that we came across this right after you know I'm flipping through this book and uh that is just an odd thing the story is it might be like a a special like detectives model like a real uh concealable compact you know handgun that a detective would have carried back in the day well we know the weird thing about these guns is that they are a true military SL Arsenal conversion it's not just something that some gunsmith hacked up from every uh bit of information that I can find on this particular gun is that it's a P1 or P38 uh that was cut down in around the late to mid 70s uh so around that time frame you know these guns were kind of being phased out so I would imagine that if they had a bunch of these laying around they would thought hey well how can we make this uh more useful maybe they had detectives or undercover cops or people like that or maybe even like operatives that wanted a gun that was very concealable but still semi-automatic uh you get all the features of the P38 but without all the extra length of the barrel and they relocated this the site itself to the actual frame or not the frame but the slide yeah cuz on the standard guns you know the front sight is actually on the end of the barrel but with this being such a little short stubby compact Barrel they had to Rel look at the site to the slide so it would fit well over the years I'll tell you in terms of of of just uncommon Factor and Rarity I've seen I've seen quite a few of the K's and they are desirable guns the Ks are awesome they'll be marked K it'll say like P38 or P1 k for curs short okay guess that is a P1 not a P38 so right right but that that's okay it does have P38 grips y but this is an interesting gun this this very well could have just been one of those things where they had a bunch of parts in the bin and a couple of guys at the Armory decided to have some fun and and make some shorties whether or not they had any real use to them could be speculated probably but definitely a gun you don't see every day and in the world of p38s and p1s I I've only seen one and it's the one I own yep okay so that's kind of one of those things there so getting into some odd rifles yeah so like this is one we were stopping by a little shop up in North Georgia and uh we were poking around and Eric saw this on the rack and we were both like what in the world so we picked the gun up and then what what's that what's that for wait a minute oh open bolt open bolt 22 semi-automatic this is a v probably going to get um you know hated on for that pronunciation but v u model 2005 and this is a kind of like an early 80s firearm uh it's 22 the fires from the open bolt position after you know 86 and the whole Hughes Amendment everything they pretty much like started to Outlaw the production of open bolt semi-automatics um there are some of these guns to my knowledge that were uh converted into machine guns I think Fleming did that a lot of those conversions fliming did a lot of conversions on a bunch of different guns but they fire from this is a 15 shot mag and these are very very hard to find and not only that but expensive as well and uh Eric just decided to you know pick that little guy up and it's really a neat gun it shoots really really good it it for an open bolt uh rifle it's actually quite accurate it's got kind of like Mouser style sites which is something I like it is German made front sight I mean reminds me a lot of like just a nice CZ you know variant it is it is it's it's very odd the stock is a little cheap yeah um but other than that the gun seems to hold up just fine but this is definitely the kind of gun that you don't see every day this fits into the Oddball gun you know it it's not often that you find an open bolt semi just laying around anymore a few of them that come to mind are like some of the m11s that were produced in an open bolt semi configuration which for all intents and purposes and legality sake actually are machine guns they just have a really crude disconnector system in them that actually is prone to breakage and i' I've known of guys that have had like open bolt semi-automatic Mac 11s and went out to shoot them and then the things break and Go full auto I think that's really where you get a lot of this misconception from people where they say oh if you just file this down it makes the gun full auto well no it's a little bit more than that but that's one of the instances where that actually is kind of true okay it's one of the very few instances where if one of those parts in there breaks you can get a runaway gun and the ATF kind of frowned upon the open bolt semis but in terms of open bolt semi-automatic 22s this is literally the only one I even know exists at all and that makes it odd and rare and extremely obscure and it fits perfect into this video I remember we uh we called Ray and was asking about it he's like you found one of those I hate you yep all right so let's let's take a a a a direction in a different Rabbit Hole here here you tell them a story about this it's pretty special okay so uh this is a model 755 Sahara and it's H&R it's kind of an older firearm Harrison Richardson for those those of you who do not like acronyms exactly so um you know it's kind of a man licker style sock man man liquer all right and it's got the you know kind of Mouser style sights and uh on first glance it's kind of unassuming looking it's kind of got the small somewhat you've stopped to it uh safety you know seems pretty pretty cut and dry well it's a single shot rifle but okay you load the round in the chamber you close the bolt you shoot it bang it blows to the rear and knocks the casing out and then stays to the rear mhm so it's basically like a semi-auto but without a magazine and it doesn't return and it doesn't feed the round so literally I know that's kind of hard to grasp for some of you so load the round close the Bowl all it does is move back and forth like that that's it it doesn't lock it doesn't turn pull it to the rear load the cartridge close it shoot it when you shoot it bang it blows to the rear there's like a little buffer back here that it slams against it throws the cartridge out and I guess you load another one close it and keep shooting so it's actually a very fun little rifle to shoot well what's funny is like the gun show that he picked us up at you know oh with the Gun Show loophole no um you know he was buying another firearm and the old fell that had this on the table he you know he had no interest in it like no one had any interest in this gun until like we came over there and we were like looking at it and stuff and you know he said man I tell you what you like that gun just buy this one you can have it pretty much I mean so just a little cheap 22 that's it's just obscure it's obscure and it's odd yep and he's obscure and odd so he loves this kind of stuff yeah yeah exactly so with with these types of guns I mean if I'm ever out and about at a show or wherever and I happen to come across them or I'm in a gun store I like Oddball stuff like that that's weird and everything on this table actually every gun on this table except for that premodel 8 down there we're going to talk about in a minute are guns that I just went byy a gun shop and thought wow that's really odd I've never seen something like that so you know what I'm going to buy it and you know sometimes a gun purchase doesn't have to be justified it doesn't have to make sense sometimes it can just be because it's awesome and it's weird and you just like odd stuff and that is really in my opinion in terms of the guns that I own and everything these are the ones that for me personally as a collector mean the most to me in terms of cool factor and history and a little bit of nostalgia and kind of a odd story behind them all of these guns have a little story and in my opinion that makes them a little bit more special and unique than just some of the other kind of things that are out there so speaking of unique yeah here's our here's our our wild card so this is not so much a really obscure gun or anything like that but it does kind of have a strange operating system it's got a this is a premodel 8 so this is a Remington produced firearm that was designed after uh John Browning's design uh that was purchased from FN by Remington and they started making the premodel eights then in 1908 this is a 1907 model gun so this is a semi-automatic 35 Remington from 1907 so this is design is um pretty much one of the first commercially viable semi-auto like sporting type rifles that was ever produced and it follows the same kind of like long recoil action of the uh Browning A5 um if you guys are familiar with that the the barrel assembly and all slides to the rear with the bolt and then slams back home picks up a new shell and then slams home the same idea goes with this gun the barrel rides in this shroud here and it's got a big long recoil spring assembly and it slams back ejects the case KN round and then it slams back home uh very interesting very smooth cycling gun I've just always really been interested in these Firearms there was a um a police supply that would uh integrate 15 and 20 shot magazines into these guns I think there may have been some other capacities available too um but uh Frank HR uh one of the guys he was a Texas Ranger I guess and you know they got together and they ambushed Bonnie and Clyde and they used everything from bars to a Model 8 uh that had you know this Police Supply Magazine on there and they tore the crap out of Bonnie and Clyde but this is one of the first like designated marksman rifles or like sniper rifles that was ever put into place in the FBI which is pretty interesting I think it was the 81 that was put into place there because those came around in the mid-30s they only made this style of gun until like the early 50s there were definitely some events that transpired that made not only law enforcement but namely some of the more specialized uh agencies like the FBI realized that they needed some form of a rifle uh that they could shoot back at a potential sniper type Arrangement or something like that and I I don't remember exactly which event it was but there oh it was the 33 Kansas City Massacre that's right I think there there was one of these right after 33 there was one of these shootings where the FBI finally decided you know we really need to have some type of designated Marksman or someone in our in our Squad of guys with a precision rifle with a lot of power that can punch out and and hit a Target at longer range they realized that their program was lacking a little bit when it came to dare I say sniper I mean military sniper rifles were around and everything but they just weren't really as common and it almost just wasn't one of those things where the police thought oh we don't need that they wanted something a little bit handier and and comparing like let's just say an ' 03 yeah or something like uh that we would have been using as some form of sniper rifle at the time like a Warren sesy or something that that's not real practical for a cop to carry around on a raid or something like that but that rle handy is light and handy it's semi-automatic has fast follow-up shots fires a reasonably powerful cartridge combine that with the higher capacity magazine and you got kind of a winner for U that type of thing so it was really interesting that was really one of the first type of long range rifles that was adopted in any official capacity by the FBI and other law enforcement I think uh some of the FBI models of the 81 I want to say that they um I want to say that some of them had like Lyman uh peep s sites integrated into the rear of the receiver they had some different front side Arrangements I think they were just plain blades uh there's a few different variations of that but this rifle to a lot of people don't realize is a takedown so you pop the forearm off and then rotate this lever around as you've seen in other videos that we've done pull the entire Barrel assembly off with the bolt to the rear and then you've got a nice compact package to store transport or whatever the case is so definitely an oddd gun it is so uh expect a full review on that exactly especially for its time we haven't done a full review on that gun yet but we will uh guys thanks for watching today's video I know that uh we always have to choose a wild card so that's a definitely an interesting wild card there hopefully you discovered some guns you didn't know existed or maybe you've never even seen any of these before that's what the premise of this video was meant to be is to show some really crazy stuff that maybe people don't know exists so uh thanks for watching we hope you enjoyed it make sure you sign up for our email list guys we have a whole lot of stuff going on and it's a great way for us to be able to stay in touch with you and make sure you don't miss anything from video announcements when videos come out sometimes we'll send out an email letting people know that you know video is dropped uh also we send out a newsletter about every other week or so that's um all kind of neat stuff everything from just stuff behind the scenes that's going on with the channel uh all the way down to uh little articles that we write about prepping and little things like that Gunsmithing hacks so if you like that kind of thing make sure you sign up for an email list so you can stay informed on what's going on and maybe get a little bit extra content in the uh you know in the process this doesn't cost you anything it's free so might as well sign up for it and uh so we can stay in touch with you but thank you so much for watching today's video we have many more on the way we'll catch you next time see you guys
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 3,728,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 5, 5 guns, five guns, top guns, best guns, odd guns, odd, unique, obscure firearms, odd firearms, eric and chad, eric and barry, eric and berry, eric & chad, eric & barry, eric & berry, iraqveteran8888, iv8888
Id: A-bI7fhtbg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2016
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