Top 5 Backpacking Meals of All Time

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what's up everybody i'm eric hanson with backpacking tv today we're going to be breaking down my top five favorite backpacking meals of all time backpacking meals can get a little stale if you only rely upon your dehydrated meals so i want to be giving you some more options so that you can still enjoy your meals in the backcountry before i break this down for you i'd like to ask a favor to like the video subscribe to our channel and turn on those notifications so that you can be constantly hearing from me maybe too much no just the right amount like to give a quick shout out to mystery ranch they are making this video series possible here at backpacking tv mystery ranch makes amazing backpacks and they can handle everything from the overland firefighter to your military guy to your backpacker to just your casual day hiker so if you need a backpack please go check out for all of your backpacking and backpack needs [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay let's get into the video here today i'm going to be breaking down my favorite backpacking meals so some of them are going to be this simple kind of dehydrated meals but if you're like me and you've been backpacking for years and years you start to get a little tired of just doing dehydrated meals over and over and over again and there are a lot of other options that you can do and i have found some great things that i get just from the grocery store one it saves me money i like buying my food from the grocery store and two if you eat days on end of dehydrated meals sometimes they can start to mess with your stomach and mess with your system a little bit and i don't like feeling like i have just like a brick in my stomach at all times so it's great if you're just doing one or two nights but if you spend a lot of time in the backcountry let's learn how to mix it up okay so i'm going to be going through some of my favorites here and definitely one of my long time favorites this is going to be number five here on my list is darn good chili now uh this soup from bear creek is really awesome and i lived off of this for a long time when i was a wilderness guide this was something that i would cook pretty much every other meal it's super tasty and it's really easy and really light a quick note about this this package that you get from the store is a lot of food what i will typically do is i'll break this in half and just open it up pour it into two ziploc bags and space it out and then one ziploc bag so half this package is great for a full meal now another quick note about it is that it does recommend that people use tomato paste however i never go backpacking with tomato paste i just use water and it's totally fine uh however i there is a secret ingredient that will be a thread through all of my videos here and that is these adele's sausages i truly love them and i pretty much add them as a protein source to just about every meal i make they have a great flavor they have a lot of like salt and spice and things like that so just adding that means that i don't need to necessarily bring anything else with me to spice up my meals so one of my favorites is this plus one sausage one of these adele's and you've got yourself a darn good meal there okay quick shout out to my friend morgan shogren who makes all of her meals just burritos and that's that's what she literally lives on 24 7. burritos burritos burritos so my favorite is actually a quesadilla so slightly different but i do like to go backpacking with tortillas sometimes it's nice to just rip off rip up a tortilla eat that throughout the day and then obviously have something that you can throw a bunch of food into for an easy or quick burrito at night but i truly love uh if i've if i'm taking a a little pan with me uh is to make a darn good quesadilla so just it's super simple obviously everybody knows how to make a quesadilla just some cheese a tortilla and then some protein here uh if i'm feeling crazy i'll add a little sriracha that i'm carrying with me one of the things that i do want to know with all these meals is that they are a little bit heavier to carry but when i spend so much time in the backcountry i frankly become willing to carry that extra weight so these are a little bit more complicated meals but anyway this is for people who are getting tired of just doing dehydrated meals over and over and over again so anyway cheese sriracha adele sausage tortilla that's a really good meal i love it it feels satisfying okay now i've just been harping upon getting away from dehydrated meals but yet there is still one of them that lands in my top five of all time this from good to go the thai curry any of their kind of curry flavors or thai flavors to me are just killer they're so good and i love them so this is just the easiest way to keep things still simple and i love them they're good good to go is made by somebody i actually don't know who it is but there is a real chef behind these meals and she does a wonderful job of making some delicious backcountry super easy meals like this so this lands at number three for me on my top five list okay number two on my top five meals list uh it's gonna be getting a little bit more elaborate here this is my pad thai so pad thai requires a little bit more chef wizardry than probably most people are willing to do however if you are interested in carrying a little bit of extra equipment with you maybe a pan and then also some veg or vegetables cut up vegetables this can make a really good meal that feels like you're in the front country so what i do is i get some rice noodles and then i actually really like making my own pad thai sauce which is something as simple as peanut butter add a little bit of water into a pan [Music] and then i usually bring i don't bring the full bottle but i'll typically bring like a backpacking size a bottle of sriracha so peanut butter water and sriracha and if you also bring like a little soy sauce packet that you can get from like a sushi restaurant those are awesome to take with you and then that makes a really good sauce and so sometimes on my last backpacking trip to utah i i took all of this stuff into the back country carried a pre-cut bag of vegetables of onions and cabbage and cauliflower and then i added an adele sausage in there too and feel like your emerald you got a dang good meal there so i love that pad thai number two on my list what could possibly be number one aside from the fact that i've been giving it away those whole times it's been sitting up here but annie's mac and cheese but not just that i call it fancy mac because i also like pretty much all of these meals i'm gonna be doing a little bit extra going above and beyond just putting noodles in a pot and then adding the powdered cheese so what i do with my mac and cheese is i i like backpacking with some cut up onions some cut up garlic some cut up jalapeno what i'll typically do is just add that in cut those up at home add it into a ziploc bag and then i backpack with that and especially for like your night your first night so you're not necessarily carrying it for three four or five days in a row but doing that for night number one it's an awesome way to kick off your your back country experience adding that add some adele's sausage here add some sriracha and my oh my it is my favorite fancy mac and cheese thank you so much for making my life better you're coming in at number one on my list my top five backcountry meals of all time okay that's it that's super simple i think that these are awesome for everybody especially beginners but if you spend a lot of time in the backcountry the grocery store is a great way to add cheapness and diversity to your meals so that it doesn't feel the same over and over and over again this is a subject i'm sure that a lot of people out there have some good opinions on and i want to hear from you i want to learn i want to diversify my repertoire as well so if you've got a favorite please leave it in the comments below i'd love to hear from you i'd love to try it out on an upcoming trip of mine please give this video a like if you enjoyed it if you learned something if you found a little nugget or tasty treat so to speak out of the video and uh yeah stick around for more because we will have more great tip videos coming your way soon thanks so much for watching i'm eric hansen i'll see you later
Channel: BackpackingTV
Views: 12,069
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Id: 501EUUm85ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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