Top 3 photos with DISTURBING backstories | Part 5

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today i'm going to share with you three progressively more disturbing stories and at the end of each of them i'm going to share with you the picture that is famously associated with them but before i get into today's stories if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious deliberate in story format then you come to the right channel because that's all i do and i upload three four even five times every week so if that's of interest to you please convince the like button to go camping on their own on mount shasta also please subscribe to this channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of my weekly uploads alright let's get into today's stories [Music] in 1970 14 year old keith sappsford was living in sydney australia with his parents and he was desperate to travel the world his parents wanted him to be able to travel they just lacked the resources to be able to afford that kind of thing however they were able to pull a little bit of cash and the three of them did go on a nice european vacation that his parents were hoping would kind of calm down his desires to want to travel all the time they thought this would be you know a taste before he got older and he could go travel as much as he wanted but when he came back from that vacation it really had the opposite effect it was like keith had experienced the life that he so desperately wanted and now he's home and it's like that life has been taken from him following that vacation keith began trying to run away from home not because he didn't want to be around his parents but just because he saw it as his only way to you know see the world but every time he would run away his parents would quickly find him and bring him back home their concern for their son would only grow though because he would find ways to sneak away and be gone for longer and longer stretches of time and they're thinking it's only a matter of time before he really gets hurt in an effort to save their son they ended up enrolling him in this very strict boarding school that was for boys with behavioral problems and they were hoping that the staff at the school was going to be able to kind of calm their son down and keep him from trying to run away all the time but unfortunately the school really had the opposite effect because the school in a sense was like a prison you weren't allowed to leave and so immediately keith when he gets there he's looking for ways to escape this boarding school in two weeks after arriving he would be successful he would elude the staff and he would escape three days after he had escaped this boarding school he found his way to the sydney airport now this is the 1970s and it was far easier to get into an airport than it would be today where there's lots of security there wasn't much of that at the time that keith was at the airport and so keith walked across the tarmac to a plane that was bound for tokyo and he climbed inside the wheel well he tucked himself in there and he waited for takeoff a photographer named john gilpin happened to be at the sydney airport on the same day that keith has now snuck into that wheel well and he had a new lens for his camera that he was testing out and at one point he was just taking pictures of the tarmac and he began taking pictures of a plane that was taking off and it was the same plane that keith had snuck into and he takes pictures of it as it takes off it goes up to altitude and it flies away and he just took a series of pictures of it puts his camera away doesn't think twice about it a week later john was looking through his photos and he stopped when he saw this picture john had inadvertently captured the final moments of keith as he fell nearly 200 feet to his death as soon as the pilot took off the wheels were retracted opening up that wheel well for a brief second and there was nothing for keith to hold on to and he slipped out but even if he had not fallen out he almost certainly would have died from freezing temperatures and lack of oxygen at altitude on april 1 1990 a police officer in arizona was driving on the highway when he saw a tractor trailer that was pulled over on the side of the road with its hazards on and so he pulls over he gets out walks up to the driver's side door and he looks up at the driver and says hey do you need any help and the driver is still sitting in the driver's seat hands on the wheel he's barely acknowledging the police officer and he kind of looks down and shrugs and just says no i'm okay the police officer doesn't know what it was but there was something off about this guy he wasn't doing anything wrong but there was something off about him he couldn't tell what it was so we asked him again are you sure that nothing is wrong and the driver again very sketchy just says no nothing's wrong and so the police officer acting on a gut instinct says hey can you step out do you mind if i talk to you outside of your vehicle and so very reluctantly the driver kind of slithers his way out of the vehicle making sure that he doesn't fully open the door to kind of let the officer see what's going on inside his cab he gets out and shuts the door and the two start talking over the course of their conversation where basically the officer is trying to figure out what you're doing here why are you parked on the side of the road with your hazards on why aren't you telling me what's going on why are you acting so strange at some point the officer just kind of had enough and he said hey you know what i'm gonna need to search your vehicle he opens up the door and goes inside and there's nothing out of the ordinary in the front two seats but when he looks into the back section where there was a sleeping compartment because this is a big 18-wheeler and there's like a little area in the back of the cab where these guys doing these long drives can sleep when he looks into that section he sees there's this woman with her mouth gagged handcuffed huddling in the corner of the sleeping section looking absolutely terrified the officer immediately gets out and he grabs the guy and he puts him under arrest as he's arresting him the driver is saying no she wants to be here she chose to be here but the officer didn't buy it he said you're under arrest for kidnapping the officer puts this guy in his cruiser and shuts the door and then he calls for backup when backup arrived they were able to take the woman out she was unhurt she survived but it would turn out that she was one of the very very lucky few because the driver was robert rhodes aka the truck stock killer who over the previous 20 years had killed over 50 women he was one of the most prolific serial killers in american history but the crime that the truck stock killer was actually known for was not this kidnapping where this woman survived it was the kidnapping and murder of a woman named regina k walters regina was a young woman who came from a broken home and at the age of 14 she ran away and began hitchhiking across texas with her boyfriend in february of 1990 rhodes picked up regina and her boyfriend who were looking for a ride rhodes almost immediately kills regina's boyfriend and takes regina captive and he keeps her chained up in his traveling torture chamber for several years before ultimately killing her as well after rhodes was finally arrested by this arizona police officer on the side of the highway the investigation searched rhode's house and they found some pictures this is a picture of regina k walters in the abandoned barn where her body was ultimately found immediately after rhodes took this picture he ended regina's life on september 6 1992 two moose hunters that were hunting just outside of denali national park in alaska were walking up to a well-known landmark amongst hunters in the area it was this old school bus that was parked in the middle of nowhere it was all rusted over and nature had practically overgrown it and hunters trappers and travelers would use this bus as kind of like a center point that you would reference where you're going relative to this particular bus but when they walked up to it they saw on the outside of the door that there was a note attention possible visitors sos i need your help i am injured near death and too weak to hike out of here i am all alone this is not a joke in the name of god please remain to save me i am out collecting berries close by and shall return this evening thank you chris mccandless dated august question mark five months earlier in april of 1992 chris mccandless the one who wrote that note had hitchhiked from carthage south dakota to fairbanks alaska once there he hitchhiked again with an electrician named jim gallian who's making his way out of fairbanks chris introduced himself as alex and asked jim if he would take him to denali national park which was about two hours away to the southwest on the drive jim asked chris what he was going to be doing at the park because this is like wild alaska country and frankly chris did not look like a rugged alaskan outdoorsman chris told jim that he was going to be living off the land for a few months jim would later say that he had serious doubts about chris's ability to survive in the alaskan bush as it was chris only had a light backpack he did have a rifle but he really didn't have warm clothes on he only had 10 pounds of rice that was the only thing he brought for food he didn't have a compass he didn't have a map he didn't have a watch he just seemed totally ill-equipped for what he was saying he was going to go do at some point jim tried to convince chris not to go or to at least postpone and he even offered hey i'll drive you up to anchorage and i'll buy you equipment you need the right equipment for what you're going to be doing let's go there first but chris was stubborn and so jim ultimately relented and said okay he drove him to the park before chris left jim actually gave him a pair of warm boots that he had in his truck he said here you can use these more than i can and chris thanked him took his boots and he was on his way although chris was planning for this extensive hike through denali national park all the way to the bering sea but chris would only make it about 20 miles into his journey before stopping at an old rusted bus just outside of the park chris would live in this bus for 16 weeks and according to his diary that first week he was there was particularly rough he was snowed in he couldn't catch anything to eat so he's hungry and cold but shortly thereafter he developed a routine he was able to hunt successfully for some small game he found some plants that were good to eat and by and large his entries made it seem like he was very happy however the last month of diary entries really painted a very different picture after living in this bus for nearly three months he indicated in his diary that he was kind of sick and tired of living off the land and he was ready to return back to society so on july 3rd he packs up his camp and he starts walking back the 20 miles towards where he came into the park in the first place but when he came into the park three months earlier the river that he was going to need to cross was frozen and now that he's returning in the summer it had thawed and now it's the 75 foot wide raging river that was basically impossible to cross and so he's trapped on the wrong side of this river what he didn't know because he didn't have a compass he didn't have a map he didn't know the area well was there was actually a hand operated tram that would take you across the river in the summer that was only a mile away from his camp that was labeled on almost every map in addition there was a hunting cabin not far from that tram that's also on just about every map of this particular area that had food it had clothes it had bedding he could have stayed in this hunting cabin until conditions were okay again to make the journey back home but again he doesn't have a map so he doesn't know these things exist so at some point he turns around and goes back to the bus feeling totally dejected that night his journal entry just said reigned in river looks impossible lonely scared all of chris's diary entries following his return to the bus after not being able to cross this river got shorter and bleaker and really painted a picture of a guy that was going downhill the final entry in chris's diary just says beautiful blue berries and then 19 days after his final entry is when those two moose hunters find this bus and see the note the sos note pinned to the outside the hunters go inside the bus and they're laying in a sleeping bag is the body of christopher mccandless although it's not entirely clear how christopher actually died the two most common theories are either starvation or perhaps he ingested a poisonous plant seed the hunters alerted authorities who came out and they launched an investigation and during this investigation they found chris's camera chris was an avid photographer he had taken loads of pictures over the course of his stay out in the wild this is the final picture that he took on his camera it's evident from chris's sos note on his door that he did want to escape he wanted to leave the wild but what's also clear is that at the end he realized he wasn't going to the note he's holding in his hand says i have had a happy life and thank the lord goodbye and may god bless all and so he took one last dignified picture of himself before curling up in a sleeping bag and passing away let me know what you thought of these stories in the comment section and i will pin the best comment at the top if you enjoyed today's story and you haven't done this already please tell the like button to go camping on their own on mount shasta also please subscribe to this channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of my weekly uploads if you want to get in touch with me you can direct message me on instagram or on twitter my username for both platforms is the same it's john ballen416 i also have a ton of content over on tick tock where my username is mr ballen if you have a story suggestion please submit it to our subreddit it's just called mr ballin it's linked in the description below if i use your suggestion on purpose i will credit you so whether i see you on instagram twitter ticktalk reddit youtube some combination just know that i really appreciate your support and until next time guys that's gonna do it see ya what do you think alligator boy all right ready i guess that's good definitely gonna have shadows i don't care all right full send come on buddy it's recording [Laughter] all right okay
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 1,332,798
Rating: 4.97194 out of 5
Keywords: scary, disturbing, disturbing picture, scary story, true crime, story time, mrballen, terrifying, pictures, images, horror, horror fan, no sleep, true, story, australia, Keith sapsford, into the wild, alaska, regina kay walters, truck stop, captive, serial, scared, criminal, crazy person, disturbing image, scary picture, backstory, backstories, disturbing backstory, disturbing backstories, top 3, top list, list, creepy, sketchy, spooky, storytelling, narration, dark, strange, mysterious
Id: pHkpDWBmRO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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