Top 3 photos with DISTURBING backstories | Part 13

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today i'm going to share with you three progressively more disturbing stories and at the end of each of them i'm going to share with you the picture or pictures that are famously associated with them but before i get into today's stories if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format and you come to the right channel because that's all i do when i upload three four even five times every week so if that's of interest to you please wait for the like button to be taking a shower and then flush the toilet also please subscribe to this channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of my weekly uploads alright let's get into today's stories andrew mccauley was an adventurer he started as a rock climber and mountaineer putting up dozens of big wall routes in australia as well as alpine first ascents in new zealand patagonia and the himalayas in the 1990s he took little interest in the marquee peaks he preferred obscure lesser-known peaks that were more challenging and complex but in 1998 he fell nearly 30 meters during a climb and shattered his knee which made it almost impossible to climb at the level he was climbing at before the injury this injury that initially seemed like a really big setback because he loved mountain climbing it ultimately spawned his true life passion that he didn't even know about and that was sea kayaking he took to kayaking because it didn't really require the use of his legs and so he was able to continue to push the limits of his mental and physical endurance but wasn't hampered by a knee injury and much like his mountain climbing career he very quickly began conquering all of the most difficult open ocean kayaking routes all around australia and new zealand to the point where he had done all of them the only one he had not done was the tasman sea andrew estimated it would take him approximately one month or maybe a little bit longer to cross the 1 000 mile journey now his biggest obstacle was not going to be his own physical or mental endurance it was going to be the weather because you're going to be out on the water for at least 30 days there really isn't a weather window you can shoot for you can't time this journey so you don't hit a storm it's more about when you hit the storms how will your kayak hold up other kayakers that had attempted going across the tasman sea had used these custom-built kayaks that had these elaborate canopies over the top of them and they had these self-writing systems where if it flipped it automatically popped right back up but andrew wanted to do it with just a basic kayak he didn't want all the bells and whistles he wanted this to be kind of pure but he did need to create a sort of system to protect himself in the middle of one of these storms and so he literally went into his backyard and constructed this fiberglass that looked like a trash can that sat over his cockpit on the kayak that he could remove and put on the back of his kayak and then if he wanted to sleep he could put it over him and it was sealed and water tight and it would protect him from the storm and if he flipped over he wouldn't just sink and drown he called this dome casper and he painted a big smiley face on it and so after months and months of preparing for this journey finally on january 11 2007 andrew would kiss his wife and his young son goodbye he would hop in his kayak along with casper and he would set sail on his solo journey across the tasman sea for the first two-thirds of the trip it seemed to be going extremely well andrew was checking in regularly on his radio he had enough food and water his kayak was holding up casper was holding up great at night so he was able to get some sleep but some really bad storms that he was anticipating began rolling in kind of all at once in that final third of the journey during one particularly bad storm andrew would remain locked underneath casper for 28 straight hours as these 30-foot waves would just wreak havoc outside flipping his kayak over multiple times i mean just absolutely terrifying stuff inside his kayak he had this beacon that if he pushed the button it would send a gps signal to the rescue crew that would immediately come out and they would save him and the whole time he's getting thrashed around out in the middle of the ocean he never presses the button because much like he didn't want to have all the bells and whistles on his kayak he also didn't want any help so instead he would send kind of sarcastic text messages to the people on shore making light of the situation he was in like during this storm he sent a text message that just said no picnic today 12 days after that particular storm where he was locked inside for 28 hours he had made it to within 80 miles of the finish line and so he texts his wife and just says see you sunday at 9 00 a.m this was on a thursday and so when his wife vicki gets this text message she's so excited she gets together everybody that wants to meet him at the finish line and in fact they all go there early on thursday to just hang out and camp out until he arrives but 24 hours after that text message was sent to his wife andrew would send a distress signal to the new zealand coast guard on the recording andrew sounds desperate he also sounds deeply fatigued or maybe even hypothermic and he's pleading with them to come rescue him because his kayak is sinking at first people including the coast guard thought this could be a hoax because andrew was so competent out on the water and he had just gotten in touch with his wife the day earlier saying everything's great i'm almost done i've made it past all the hard stuff i'll see you on sunday but of course they still send out a search crew that night to look for andrew they can't find him so the next day on saturday they expand their search and they do find andrew's kayak except andrew's not in it the only thing missing was the canopy to the kayak the rest of the kayak seemed to work just fine his distressed beacon had not been pressed his gps was still there and his camera was still there no one knows what happened to andrew in his final hours before he ultimately disappeared the prevailing theory is he must have been capsized and separated from his kayak and then was unable to either get back to it or even climb back in because he was so tired this is the final picture that was taken on andrew's camera and you can tell from his expression that he's not particularly happy to be in the situation he's in and in fact in some of the earlier video clips he shot he actually says to the camera that he feels like he bit off more than he could chew and that he wishes he could just be home with his wife and his son despite extensive search efforts andrew was never found in 2005 addie hall met zach bowen when they were both bartending in new orleans addie liked to give zach a really hard time and kind of played the mean girl as her way of flirting with him but really what she was doing is testing zack to see if he could put up with her because she had a mean streak she would have these crazy angry outbursts and would yell and scream at people around her and then she'd turn it off just like that and she needed to make sure that he could put up with her zac it would turn out had his own mean streak in his own angry outbursts and so in many ways they were very similar many of zack and addy's friends that were around them in those first few weeks they were together did not think this relationship would last very long because of how often they fought with each other but it just so happened that zach and addie had met one another just weeks before hurricane katrina came through new orleans and just devastated the area and so before it arrived zach and addie decide let's stick it out let's stay here together let's ride the storm out together and it was actually that storm that brought them together and they both fell madly in love with each other and became totally inseparable after the storm cleared zach and addie went out into the streets and began cooking food for people and they had all this alcohol in their apartment and they set up a makeshift bar outside in the french quarter and we're just giving away drinks to these people whose lives have been devastated by the storm their tale of love and colorful survivalism attracted many media outlets including the new york times who did a feature on them for a time zack and addie felt like the king and queen of the french quarter and they were so happy but when reality set back in and the real cleanup ensued and electricity was restored and people started moving back into their homes and people started going to work again zach and addie were forced back into their old lifestyle something neither of them wanted to experience again so for the next year zach and addie struggled to make ends meet their bills continued to pile up and really those two were at each other's throats all the time with these horrible vicious fights in october of 2006 when it seems like zach and addy's relationship is really on the rocks they decide in order to reinvigorate their relationship they're going to move out of their current apartment where there's lots of bad memories and they're going to move into a new one they found a little apartment over the famed voodoo temple on rampart street and they immediately made a cash offer and they moved in no sooner had they moved in did addie go down to the landlord and say remove zach from the lease she had found out that he was cheating on her and she was preparing to kick him out of her life zach found out that he was not on the lease before addie could confront him about it and it turned into this wicked fight between the two of them a couple of days later zach showed up for work at the bar and some of his co-workers recalled that he was acting really funny he was wearing a hat pulled down low over his head and sunglasses and was really quiet and when anybody asked him like what's going on with you why are you acting so strange he would just tell them he was fine and would quickly walk away from them around the same time addie stopped showing up for work at all and her co-workers turned to zack and said where's addie and he would say that they got into this fight and that addie had actually left new orleans and gone back to her hometown in north carolina and some people thought that was a little bit fishy because addie loved new orleans but anybody that knew addie knew she was very unpredictable and if they had had this huge blowout fight it is possible that she could have left for north carolina a week later on october 17 2006 the new orleans police receive a phone call from a hotel in the area that spotted what they think is a body laying on the roof of their parking garage when the police arrived they could tell it was a deceased man and that he had died from impact but they couldn't tell if it was a murder a suicide or a tragic accident so they began searching his body to see if there was any indication of what happened and they pull out a note that's addressed to police in his back pocket the note is fairly long but he communicates to the police that this was not an accident i had to take my own life because i took a life and if you go to my apartment on rampart street you'll find the body of my girlfriend addie hall who i killed police rushed to the address that was given in the note they're horrified at what they find inside as soon as they stepped into the apartment the temperature dropped the air conditioning had been set to the lowest it could possibly be so it's very cold in the apartment and they look around and they see these strange messages spray painted all over the walls things like i'm a total failure and look in the oven and there are arrows pointing on the walls towards the kitchen and towards the oven itself that's sitting in the kitchen and sure enough when they open up the oven they find addie police also found addie's journal and inside of it zach had left an eight-page very detailed confession of how he had strangled addie and then had tried to cook her to make it easier to dispose of her body but couldn't finish the job and that's when he went to the hotel and threw himself off here are some crime scene photos from outside the apartment as well as inside you can see some of the messages that zach had spray painted to the wall indicating to go check the oven and here is the infamous oven where addy's remains were found as well as a message left in the kitchen saying that he was sorry he couldn't finish in reference to his inability to finish cooking her and disposing of her body crazy as it sounds this apartment is still being rented out today and it includes this exact stove [Music] hasachi ayochi was married had a young son he smoked a pack of cigarettes a day he played rugby in high school and by 1999 he was employed as a technician at the jco tokimura power plant he and his colleagues had been tasked with creating the fuel for a fast reactor called joyo since 1993 the company jco that owns this power plant that aochi works for they had been cutting a lot of corners to increase productivity and profitability but at the expense of safety in fact the company had their own in-house rules that totally went against nuclear power plant regulations they called this the shadow guide and within the shadow guide there were very specific steps that were totally unsafe and unregulated to create this fuel for this yo-yo fast reactor on september 30th 1999 ayoche was creating this joyo fuel and he was leaning over this large steel containment tank and he was holding a funnel one of his colleagues was above the tank pouring in this potent solution through the funnel into the tank the tank they were using that was prescribed under the shadow guide was not actually designed to hold the amount of radioactive materials that were being put inside of it and so as a ayoji and his colleague are creating this mixture a very dangerous event occurred known as criticality one of the survivors who was sitting away from the tank behind a desk described this event as being an extremely loud bang followed by this blue flash that filled the entire room and what that blue light was was extremely high levels of radiation and because ayoche was the one kind of leaning over the tank it all went right through him by the time a rescue crew got in the room to help them ayochi is uncontrollably vomiting and he's lightheaded and dizzy he does not have any physical wounds this was not an explosion so there's no lacerations or anything on his body but he had been exposed to 17 sieverts of radiation which is the highest amount of radiation any human being has ever been exposed to in documented history aogi was airlifted to a hospital and doctors and nurses were actually kind of amazed at how well he was doing in those first few days again he did not have any burn marks or anything on his body he did have a little bit of redness on his right arm which was positioned directly over the tank when this criticality event occurred but he was in good spirits and was even joking around with the staff about how he can't wait to get home in reality aochi died as soon as he was exposed to that criticality event and received 17 sieverts of radiation he was in what's known as walking ghost phase where due to high levels of radiation all of his chromosomes had been obliterated which meant his body did not have a blueprint to reproduce cells so basically he appeared alive and well because his body had created all of these cells in his body before the accident but as those cells died off they would not be reproduced which means in walking ghost phase your body is turning into a corpse but you're alive to watch it happen tragically after doctors discovered this about his condition and they informed aochi of what was going on aochi did not seem to think there could be that serious of consequences for being exposed to that level of radiation he felt like he was in the clear he had made it past a couple of days he thought maybe at worst he would develop leukemia later in life because he thought that was a thing with radiation and really his concern was that he might have to stay in the hospital for a little bit longer he just wanted to go home three weeks after the accident his intestines began to hemorrhage and his skin fell off all of it they attempted numerous skin grafts to try to keep his bodily fluids inside of him but none of them took so they began wrapping him in gauze like he was a mummy by november 27th which is two months after the accident miraculously he was still alive however his pain levels were so high they had to put him into a medically induced coma while he was in the coma his heart would stop and he would need to be resuscitated three separate times and on the third time he was brought back he would say stop stop get out of the room leave me alone but they didn't stop because the doctors and nurses were very interested in studying the effects of this level of radiation and how well he would respond to treatment and just trying to learn as much as they could about this event because it had never happened before and they probably justified it by saying this will save other people's lives but what that meant is aochi would need to suffer unbelievable levels of pain nearing the end when aochi could still speak he told the doctors and nurses repeatedly that he is not a guinea pig finally a do not resuscitate order was put in place and in relative short order ayogi passed away after 83 days of just unbelievable agony the truly famous picture that is associated with this story is unbelievably graphic and i did not want to share it on this channel however if you feel so inclined it's not that difficult to find online this picture however is equally disturbing because it's of aochi right after he's arrived at the hospital he is in that walking ghost phase all of his chromosomes have been obliterated he is effectively dead right now in this picture he just doesn't know it yet so that's gonna do it guys let me know what you thought of these three stories and i'll pin the best comment at the top of the comment section if you enjoyed today's story and you haven't done this already please wait for the like button to be taking a shower and then flush the toilet also subscribe to this channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly three four even five video uploads if you want to get in touch with me you can direct message me on instagram or on twitter my username for both platforms is the same it's just john ballin416 i also have a ton of content over on tick tock where my username is mr ballen if you have a story suggestion please submit it to our subreddit it's just called mr ballin it's linked in the description below so whether i see you on instagram twitter tick tock reddit youtube some combination just know that i really appreciate your support and until next time guys that's gonna do it see ya
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 314,979
Rating: 4.9711576 out of 5
Keywords: disturbing, images, disturbing images, disturbing photos, photos, mrballen, mrballen stories, story time, scary story, horror story, horror, horror fan, radiation, japan, nuclear, nuke, hurricane, hurricane katrina, new orleans, french, kayak, new zealand, australia, mystery, unsolved mystery, unsolved mysteries, scary, horrifying, spooky, scavenger hunt, new york times, cannibal, spooky story, campfire story, true story, true crime, most painful, painful, disaster, tragedy, accident, psycho, cajun
Id: Mpv4i32EgeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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