Top 3 photos with DISTURBING backstories | Part 8

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today i'm going to share three progressively more disturbing stories and at the end of each of them i will reveal the picture or pictures that are famously associated with that story but before i get into today's stories if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format then you come to the right channel because that's all i do and i upload three four even five times every week so that's of interest to you please rsvp as single to the like button's wedding and then show up with a plus one also subscribe to this channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of my weekly uploads alright let's get into today's stories soon after the beatles dissolved in 1969 one of the four members john lennon left his native england and moved to new york city lennon and his wife yoko ono took up residence in the dakota which is a very famous building that typically houses the rich and famous people of new york as soon as lenin moved to new york he said that he felt relieved because he didn't have to worry about going outside and getting mobbed by a massive crowd of people that were obsessed with the beatles there were people that were huge beatles fans in new york but they seemed more respectful and they would ask for his autograph but they would mostly leave him alone mark david chapman had always been a massive fan of the beatles with a particular interest in john lennon but after a 1966 interview where john lennon kind of off the cuff said that the beatles were more popular than jesus this soured chapman's adoration of lenin one of chapman's high school friends recalls around this time frame chapman rewriting the song imagine by john lennon to read imagine if john lennon was dead chapman started referring to lenin as a poser and said that he espoused virtues and ideals that he himself did not practice and so in relative short order following that 1966 interview chapman went from this adoring fan of the beatles and john lennon to really solely hating john lennon and everything he stood for by 1980 it's safe to say mark chapman had become obsessed with john lennon specifically he had become obsessed with hating john lennon in october of 1980 chapman quits his job as a security guard and flies to new york city for two months he stayed in the city and didn't really do much of anything he would just periodically walk past the dakota where john lennon supposedly was living but beyond that he really didn't do anything in the city but that would all change on december 8 1980. on that day chapman went to the dakota and he stood right outside the entrance to this building and just waited in hopes that he might run into john lennon at 5 pm that day john lennon comes out with his wife yoko ono and they walk right past mark chapman who flags them down and he asks john if he can have his autograph and john lennon even though he has a limousine waiting for him and there's people that are starting to notice that oh that's john lennon people are coming over john still took the time to sign an autograph for mark chapman he was very friendly with mark and asked him if this is enough do you want anything else and mark said no that's it that's fine and john lennon said okay take care and john and his wife yoko ono turned and went into the limousine and they drove away when the couple got back to the dakota that night mark chapman had not left john lennon and yoko ono get out of their vehicle and they walk past mark chapman who's standing right outside the front door it's unclear if mark and john had any interaction but as soon as they passed mark and were making their way into the building mark chapman drew a gun and shot john lennon four times in the back and john lennon staggers into the lobby screaming i'm shot i'm shot before collapsing and dying and mark chapman he knew what he was doing he just stood there put the gun back in his pocket and just waited to be arrested chapman's lawyers wanted him to plead insanity but he refused and instead said i was totally sane i knew what i was doing i chose to shoot john lennon and i plead guilty and he was given 20 years to life in jail and while he was in jail he would admit that the only reason he did that was to become famous that was it this is the picture of mark chapman getting that autograph from john lennon in front of the dakota just hours before he would gun him down he's still in jail today and he actually just had his 11th parole hearing last month in august of 2020 and it was denied on july 17 2014 people at amsterdam's bustling international airport began boarding malaysian airlines flight mh17 that was bound for kuala lumpur the 283 passengers on board were from all over the world some were traveling for vacation some were going home others were just traveling for business in addition to the 283 passengers there were also 15 crew members that rounded out the flight to a total of 298 people on board mh17 one of the passengers before walking down the runway to get on the flight took a picture of the plane itself and uploaded it to facebook and kind of jokingly captioned it if we go missing this is what it looks like in reference to another malaysian airlines flight flight 370 that had actually gone missing just a couple of months earlier once the boarding was complete on mh17 one of the passengers on board uploaded to instagram a short video of passengers stuffing their luggage into bins and the captain coming over the intercom saying that you know boarding is complete and it's time to turn off your cell phones as we prepare for takeoff a 15 year old dutch boy named gary slock and his mother petra had just sat down inside the plane and they could barely contain their excitement the pair had signed up for what they were calling a vacation of a lifetime with a group that took single parents and their children on these lavish vacations gary who was the goalkeeper for a soccer team had been telling his family how jealous his teammates were of this trip he was about to go on with his mother before gary turned off his phone as instructed by the captain he took a selfie of he and his mom grinning ear to ear excited about their trip and he uploaded it to facebook for his friends and family to see gary turns off his cell phone puts it away and he and his mom sit back and get ready for takeoff the plane takes off without a hitch it gets up to cruising altitude and you know it's going to be a long flight it's about 12 hours from amsterdam to kuala lumpur and so everybody on board is kind of settling in they're getting their ipads out they're getting a book out maybe the crew is making their rounds offering snacks and drinks and you know people are looking out the window it's a beautiful day and everyone's just kind of settling in for a long flight about three hours after takeoff around 4 pm the captain of mh17 got in touch with air traffic control at the nearby airport which was in ukraine the pilot told controllers that everything was fine he was flight level 33 000 feet the controllers acknowledged that and said hey there's a little bit of air traffic in the direction you're going you need to reroute your course very slightly the pilot acknowledged this change in course and was beginning to tell them what he was going to do next when he cut out the controllers on the ground in ukraine began hailing mh17 to try to get the captain back online they couldn't reach him the plane had sent no distress signals and over the course of their communication the controllers had not noticed anything abnormal and so this sudden radio silence really didn't make any sense yelena brachenko was a 20 year old bank teller living in ukraine who happened to be looking up right as mh17 was flying overhead she would later say that what she saw would haunt her for the rest of her life as she was watching mh17 just explodes and the people inside of the plane very clearly get ejected out of the plane and she's watching as these people and bits of plane are falling from 33 000 feet and they come crashing down in this huge fiery inferno the theory backed by us intelligence was that pro-russian separatists could have fired a missile at this plane thinking it was ukrainian military it was not it was just civilians all 298 people on board mh17 perished including gary and petra this is the selfie that gary took moments before takeoff with his mother as they were excited about their vacation family and friends that saw this picture on facebook would say that this image perfectly captures gary's wonderful personality and the love that gary and petra had for each other from the outside bart whitaker appeared to love his family he and his younger brother kevin were extremely close and bart and his father shared a passion for long-distance cycling and would often go out and bike around the neighborhood together bart's family would regularly go on vacation to places like cancun and the pictures of bart with his family on these vacations are always him beaming with happiness and love for his family on december 10 2003 bart who was 23 almost 24 years old at the time made a special announcement to his family he told his family that he had just finished taking his final exams of his senior year at nearby sam houston state college and that he was going to graduate bart was not a natural student and frankly struggled in college and so this was a really big announcement the family was really excited for him especially his parents and so they said we have to go out and celebrate and so they went out to a restaurant they're having this really expensive lavish dinner and in fact his parents had bought a really nice rolex watch to give to bart if he were to graduate college and so here he is announcing it and they thought you know what now's a good time to give it to him they give him his rolex and they're asking people at nearby tables to take their pictures and everybody just seems so happy and the parents are so proud of bart after they finish dinner they're all smiles they pile back in the family car and they start making their drive back to sugarland texas where the whittaker residence was it was inside of this upper class suburb about 40 minutes away from houston texas on the drive home his parents are endlessly talking about how proud they are of bart and how excited they are for his future they get back to their house they pull in the driveway and bart's brother and parents make their way up to the front door bart is behind them and he says hey i forgot something in the car he turns around and goes back to the car as his brother and his parents walk into the house and are immediately gunned down by an assassin waiting inside of the whitaker residence bart hears the shooting and runs back inside the house he sees his family is down he ends up wrestling with the shooter who ends up shooting him but hits him in the arm before escaping the house a neighbor hears the shooting and runs outside and sees this chaotic scene they call 9-1-1 police show up and bart's brother kevin has passed away as well as his mother they both died on scene as for bart and bart's father they would go to the hospital and they would both make a full recovery so this huge investigation is launched to figure out who this assassin was and why he was attacking the whitaker family and quickly they discovered that bart whittaker had hired him bart whitaker wanted his family killed so he could take their money and he had had the assassin shoot him in the arm to make it look like you know this was not his fault and he wasn't involved here's a picture from the night they were out celebrating bart's big accomplishment that he had finished his final exams except bart was a total liar and he had stopped going to classes ages ago he was failing every class and was not even close to graduating in this picture bart knows that the assassin he hired is currently sitting in their house waiting for them to return when he is going to open fire and kill bart's family the people in this picture with him are going to be murdered literally hours later and he knows it bart was convicted in 2007 for hiring the hitman and was given the death penalty but 40 minutes before his execution the governor of texas commuted his sentence to a life sentence because oddly enough bart's own father one of the people he tried to have killed had forgiven him and did not want to see his last remaining family member be executed so that's going to do it guys let me know in the comments what you thought of these three stories and i will pin the best comment at the top of the comments section and if you haven't done this already please rsvp as single to the like button's wedding but then show up with a plus one also subscribe to this channel and turn on all notifications you don't miss any of my weekly uploads if you want to get in touch with me you can direct message me on instagram or on twitter my username on both platforms is the same it's johnballen416 i also have a ton of content over on tick tock where my username is mr ballen if you have a story suggestion please submit it to our subreddit it's just called mr ballen it's linked in the description below so whether i see you on instagram twitter tick tock reddit youtube some combination just know that i really appreciate your support and until next time guys that's gonna do it see ya
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 1,818,582
Rating: 4.959424 out of 5
Keywords: scary, true, true crime, mystery, unsolved mystery, unsolved mysteries, horror, horror fan, scary story, story time, mrballen, story, true story, disturbing image, disturbing, disturbing images, disturbing picture, disturbing pictures, plane crash, mh17, mh370, Malaysian airlines, selfie, mrballen stories, ukraine, russia, missile, john lennon, assassin, assassination, death row, inmate, criminal, life sentence, jail, NYC, the dakota, yoko ono, beatles, the beatles, strawberry fields, killer
Id: QTn8c7dXIro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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