Top 3 photos with DISTURBING backstories | Part 4

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today i'm going to share with you three progressively more disturbing stories and at the end of each of them i'm going to share with you the picture that is famously associated with them but before i get into today's stories if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format then you come to the right channel because that's all i do when i upload three four even five times every week so if that's of interest to you please tar and feather the like button and then subscribe to this channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of my weekly uploads alright let's get into today's stories in september 2006 26 year old jodi arias met 29 year old travis alexander at a big business convention in las vegas the two hit it off immediately with travis on the same day he met her inviting jody to be his guest at his company's formal dinner that night after the dinner was over travis and jody stayed up all night chatting with each other and the next day travis was telling his friends at this convention that he had quote found his wife after the convention was over travis and jody would continue to see each other even though it was a long-distance relationship travis lived in arizona and jody lived in california but they would meet up and they would travel and take beautiful pictures and post to social media it just seemed like they were a dream couple that were so happy together while the couple's social media posts might have made it seem like they were this perfect couple travis's friends began to notice some very strange behavior by jody early on in their relationship jody just seemed totally obsessed with travis she could not keep her hands off of him travis would be talking to his friends and jody would come up beside him and literally grab on to him and cling to him and travis would try to push her off of him and she would just come right back and grab on to him but it wasn't playful and jokey and funny it was like she literally needed to be holding on to travis jody would get really upset anytime travis was interacting with a female didn't matter their age or their relationship to travis it was like she just could not hack any other females in his life she would follow travis anytime he went to the bathroom and she would put her ear to the door and try to eavesdrop in case there was somebody else in the bathroom that travis could have been talking to she began showing up to travis's house totally unannounced at all hours and one time when the house was locked and travis wasn't even home she snuck into the house through the doggy door initially travis's friends just thought it was weird behavior but over time they started to feel like jody might actually be dangerous and so they sat him down one day and they kind of had like an intervention and they said hey travis there is something off about jody her behavior is just totally weird and it seems like she is just never gonna let you go i think you need to break this off and just find a way to cut ties with this woman as they're speaking to him they hear something outside of the room they're in which had all the doors closed and travis stands up walks over opens the door and standing right there is jody she was eavesdropping and she was furious and she looked in at all of them and gave them absolute death stares and stormed off shortly after this intervention travis takes his friend's advice and he does break it off with jody and he kind of moves on with his life now remember he lives in arizona and jody lives in california so you'd think it would be pretty easy to break up because you're never going to run into each other and that's what travis was kind of banking on that he could get a fresh start and never see her again but about two weeks after they broke up jody moved to arizona around the same time travis starts dating a new woman named lisa and almost immediately jody starts stalking lisa showing up at her house tapping on her windows and running away she started slashing travis's tires i mean she was a total menace she was trying to break them up but a few months after she arrived in arizona jody ultimately packs up and heads back to california in april of 2008 and travis lisa his girlfriend and all of travis's friends are so relieved they felt like now the breakup is final two months after jody leaves arizona and goes back to california travis misses a really big business meeting and at first his friends are calling him and kind of giving him a hard time about missing this meeting but he wasn't responding and after a couple of days his friends decided they needed to go do a welfare check and make sure he really was okay they go to his house they open it up and immediately when they walk in they see blood on the carpet and they're calling out for travis travis is nowhere to be found they walk through the house and they discover in the bathroom travis's body he was dead and laying in the tub they call the police who come over and immediately suspect jodi arias who denies that she was ever there that she had left she was in arizona that she had nothing to do with this but during the investigation they find a camera inside of the washing machine inside of travis's house they were able to dry it off and extract the last few pictures that were taken on the camera the first few pictures are of jody herself she's clearly inside of travis's house and then at some point she goes into the bathroom where travis was he's taking a shower she takes this picture and then immediately following this picture she proceeds to stab travis to death in may of 2013 jody arius was found guilty of first-degree murder and was sentenced to life in jail without parole by september of 1985 the nevado del ruiz volcano in colombia was starting to show signs of significant activity the tremors had become so powerful that the citizens of a nearby town called amero that was home to 31 000 people they started to become very concerned you know if this thing were to go off we're only 30 miles away we'd be leveled and unfortunately just a couple of months later on november 13 1985 the volcano would erupt and it would create a massive mudslide that would just devastate amero the mudflow covered 85 percent of this town and heavy thick sludge destroyed buildings and bridges and it killed 25 000 people remember there's only 31 000 people in this village to begin with so 80 percent of the population has been killed by this mudslide because of how big of a disaster this was it took a while for the rescue efforts to mobilize and so anybody that was on the fringe of being saved unfortunately perished because no one was there to rescue them in time and then when rescue crews did get out and did start helping people there just wasn't enough there weren't enough people to help and so hundreds of people that could have been saved were just trapped and no one could get to them in time photojournalist frank fournier arrived in colombia two days after this eruption with the intent to photograph the ground rescue that was going on inside of amero when he actually arrived in amero he was really shocked to see just how completely destroyed this town was and how totally ineffective the rescue efforts were it was just totally chaotic it wasn't really clear who was helping who there were people literally dying all over the place it just seemed crazy that this was not being handled better amid this chaos a farmer approached frank and told him he needed to come over and try to help this girl who was trapped under her house so he brings frank over to this house that's been completely submerged in water and mud and clinging to a branch is this 13 year old girl named omyra sanchez that's been trapped up to her neck in water she's pinned by something in the water they didn't know what it was but she's been there for 60 hours when frank arrived he spoke to the other rescuers that were there trying to get her out and they said that she's been in great spirits and she's been joking about how she doesn't want to be late for school she's just been a really positive force and we really want to get her out but you know keeps raining so the water keeps rising and she's already up to her neck and she's just trapped we can't get her out shortly after frank arrives omyra went from chipper and lively and kind of making light of everything to most likely realizing that she wasn't going to get out of the water and so she began telling the rescue workers to let her be to let her rest and she propped herself over this branch and she just laid there kind of allowing herself to pass away frank felt totally helpless i mean he's looking at this poor girl that's going to die unless they can get her out of the water but no one seems to be able to do it it just seemed totally impossible that we can't just find a way to get her out but it would turn out that her foot was pinned under a brick door and her aunt who had passed away and was trapped under the rubble had grabbed her ankle and had died that way so it was like a death grip on her ankle and so not knowing what to do frank just did what he knew how to do which was take pictures and he knelt down and he took this picture of omyra and very shortly after this picture was taken she would pass away this picture would win the 1986 world press photo of the year when it was published it was so disturbing that this poor girl was not able to be rescued that it created an international backlash on colombia's nearly non-existent rescue efforts ed gein was always a little bit off his classmates and his teachers recalled him being very shy but at the same time having these strange mannerisms where all of a sudden he would burst out hysterically laughing usually it's something he had been muttering to himself in class the school blamed ed's mother for ed's kind of odd behavior because ed would admit that his mother punished him if he showed signs of having friends so ed's childhood was incredibly lonely and isolated ed's mother would confine he along with his brother henry to their farm he was basically never allowed to leave with the exception of school and when he was at the farm his mother would regularly read from the bible and would tell ed and his brother henry that basically everybody else in the world is evil we are the only pure ones everyone is evil and you should stay away from them in 1944 when ed was 38 years old he and his brother henry were burning away some marsh vegetation on their property and at some point the fire got out of control and the fire department had to be called in and after they put out the fire ed was okay but they couldn't find henry he was just gone that night henry's body was found face down in the marsh in that same area where the burn was going on he had died of asphyxiation at first the fire was blamed but then authorities discovered that henry had actually died before the fire started and so all eyes turned to ed who was the only one with him at the time but there was no hard evidence connecting ed to henry and ed said i didn't do it so henry's death remained labeled an accident even though basically everyone believed that ed must have been the guy that strangled his brother to death before the fire was set shortly after his brother's death ed's mother also died leaving ed alone in this farmhouse ed began to make some modifications to the farmhouse not to improve it or to make it bigger and better but rather to board off all of the rooms in the house that his mother ever used he basically made them time capsules he didn't touch them he just sealed them off and so he confined himself to a single room in this farmhouse that he did not take care of and so filth is just piling up everywhere and so he just kind of lived in squalor in this one weird room while living in seclusion ed became obsessed with cannibalism he basically spent all his time reading about cannibalism inside of this tiny room in his boarded up farmhouse and that's how he lived his life for the next 10 years no one really ever saw him then in november of 1957 a local hardware store owner her name was bernice warden goes missing when police show up at the store to have a look around they find bloodstains all over the place and they discover in the register that the last person to make a purchase inside of the store was ed gein so they go to ed gein's house to interview him and see if he knows anything about bernice warden and so they're bracing themselves for probably finding her body at ed's house but they were not prepared for what they actually found at his house what they find would end up inspiring movies like silence of the lambs psycho and texas chainsaw massacre basically inside of ed's house was a whole bunch of human remains but not in the way that you would imagine ed was taking human body parts and making things like kitchen utensils and bowls and he was using skin to create seats and lamp shades and bed posts i mean his whole house was like built of human bones and flesh bernice warden's body was found as well and she was kind of hung up as if she was next up to be made into some sort of kitchen utensil or chair or table when questioned ed confessed to killing bernice warden but as for the dozens of other bodies that were inside of the house he claims they were from robbing graves but no one really knew if that was true or not and they weren't able to ever actually convict him for anything beyond the killing of bernice warden as for his motive he told investigators that what he really wanted to do what he intended to do was build what he called a woman's suit that would resemble his mother and it would allow him to quote crawl into his mother's skin he was deemed unfit to stand trial and he was sent to a mental hospital where he stayed until his death in 1984. here is just a sampling of some of the things that ed gein made using human body parts what is not pictured here are things like his lampshade his seat as well as his gloves and his belt if you feel so inclined you can google those things all right that's gonna do it guys let me know in the comments section what you thought of today's stories i'll get back to all the early commenters and i will pin the best comment at the top of the comment section if you enjoyed today's stories and you haven't done this already please tar and feather the like button and then subscribe to this channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of my weekly uploads feel free to dm me on instagram and on twitter my username's the same on both platforms john ballen416 i also have a ton of content over on tiktok my username there is mr ballen if you have a story suggestion please submit it to our subreddit it's just called mr ballin it's linked in the description below if i use your story on purpose i will credit you so whether i see you on instagram twitter tick tock reddit youtube some combination just know that i'm really appreciative of your support and until next time guys that's gonna do it see ya
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 1,722,151
Rating: 4.9634886 out of 5
Keywords: ed gein, texas chainsaw massacre, horror, horror fan, scary story, true story, true crime, scary, spooky, sketchy, scared, terrifying, chainsaw, face mask, mask, halloween, serial, disturbing, disturbing picture, disturbing photo, disturbing images, jodi arias, travis alexander, omayra sanchez, colombia, california, arizona, unsolved mysteries, unsolved mystery, mystery, killer, mrballen, story time, story, no sleep, gross, nope, costume, scary costume, silence of the lambs, pictures, picture, photo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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