Top 3 videos with DISTURBING backstories | Part 4

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today I'm going to share with you three progressively more disturbing stories and at the end of each of them I'm going to share the video that is famously associated with them but before I get into today's stories if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format then you've come to the right channel because that's all I do and I upload three four even five times every week so that's of interest to you please ask the like button if you can borrow their car and then return it with the gas gauge on empty also please subscribe to this Channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of my weekly uploads all right let's get into today's stories foreign [Music] was born November 4th 1983 to very poor and alcoholic parents in the Ukraine in the winter of 1986 when Oksana was only three years old in a drunken stupor her parents forgot about her outside in the cold of winter and because she was locked out instinctively she crawled towards the nearest source of warmth which was the family's kennel where a whole bunch of dogs were sleeping and Incredibly once she crawled inside of this kennel not only did the dogs allow her to sleep there that night but they kind of embraced her as one of their own the next day Oksana did not go back in the house and her parents seemingly did not notice her absence and over the next five years Oxana would stay with this family of dogs essentially living like she was part of their pack which meant over those five very formative years from ages three to eight years old Oxana had almost no interaction with humans Oxana rapidly learned how to behave like a dog and began only walking in all all fours she would bark instead of try to speak and she would eat raw meat by the early 90s Oksana no longer identified as a human she identified as a dog and it was in the early 90s when a passerby happened to see Oksana running around on all fours in the back of her house in the woods and they called the police wondering what was wrong with this person the police show up and oksana's dog family runs out and starts barking at the police to protect Oksana and Oxana would start barking ferociously to protect herself from being captured but eventually the police would use meat to lure the rest of the dogs away so they could retrieve the child when she was taken into custody doctors saw that she not only had forgotten how to walk on two legs she also couldn't speak and doctors were concerned that because she had had almost no exposure to human language for all those formative early years that she might not actually have the capacity to speak anymore Oksana was taken to an orphanage where she would eventually learn how to walk on two legs and a May amazingly she would learn how to speak but despite these incredible gains she made towards re-entering Society her experience living with the dogs had really left a mark on her although she could speak she could only speak in monotone with no rhythm and no intonation and it was actually difficult to follow what she was saying because of that a psychologist did an assessment of Oksana and determined that her mental capacity was only that of a six-year-old despite being a young adult at the time of this assessment by the time she was 22 years old and had more or less re-entered Society she finally was able to have a boyfriend and he didn't know much about her past but when she decided to show him how easy it was for her to run around and bark like a dog it apparently scared him and he broke up with her and did not see her again today Oksana lives on a farm taking care of animals and she was recently interviewed on a Ukrainian talk show where she says she no longer wants to live like or act like a dog she just wants to be a person here is some footage of Oksana Malaya acting like a dog [Music] after being apart for many years identical twin sisters Ursula and Sabina Erickson were finally reunited on May 15 2008. within 24 hours of their long-awaited reunion the 41 year old Swedish sisters boarded a ferry for Liverpool England they arrived in Liverpool at 8 30 in the morning on Saturday May 17th and their first stop was going to the Saint Anne's police station where Sabina would tell them that she's very concerned for the safety of her kids back in Ireland the police would say okay we'll follow up and they got in touch with their counterparts in Dublin Ireland who went over to the house and everything was fine so the women leave the police station on foot and they make their way over to a bus stop and they ultimately board a bus Bound for London at about 11 30 in the morning so they get in the bus and they start moving and the driver asked them to take their luggage and put it in the luggage hold but the women aggressively refused to give up their luggage and in fact they start clutching their luggage against their chest so the dry driver starts to feel really uncomfortable about having these two women on the bus and ultimately decides to just pull over at a service station outside of the city and tell them to get off the bus they get off and the driver ends up calling the police and telling them there's something weird going on with these two women I don't know what's inside their bags but you might want to come check it out as it happened there was already a police officer at the service station who came right over to the women and started talking to them as the bus driver took off during their conversation the police officer felt like these two women were not a threat to anybody and it was just a big misunderstanding and they let them go so the officer leaves and these two women who don't have a car start walking down the highway on foot shortly thereafter a security camera on the highway picks up the two women walking down the median of this very busy highway and at some point they try to cross the street and it's obvious as you're watching this video that they're not going to make it there's so many cars and immediately Sabina gets hit by a car now Sabina was only grazed by the car so she was okay she and her sister went back to the median of this highway but enough motorists saw this happen that they called the police and it just so happened that the responding patrol car that was in the area was being shadowed by a film crew that was filming for a TV show called traffic cops so this patrol car shows up with cameras rolling and they're able to get the sisters from the median over to the shoulder on the other side of the road and they're talking to them like what's going on what are you doing here and on camera everything seems totally fine like there is no major issues here these women were just stranded and were making some bad decisions walking down the highway on foot then all of a sudden Ursula turns away from the officers and tries to run into traffic and there are cars whizzing by they have not stopped traffic and one of the officers manages to grab her arm but only gets her jacket which she's able to wriggle out of before launching into traffic literally leaping into traffic and gets hit by a huge truck going 60 miles an hour and gets thrown down the road literally a second later as everyone's like what is going on Sabina yells they're gonna steal your organs and she leaps into traffic and gets hit by another car immediately police run in the road they stop traffic and they go up to Ursula who was the first to get hit and they see her legs are definitely broken but she's alive as for Sabina she was totally unconscious and they didn't know if she was going to make it when the paramedics finally show up Ursula who has the broken legs fights to sit up and they're trying to tell her like lay down you're hurt you have shattered legs you're lucky to be alive lay down she's not listening in fact she's violently trying to sit up and she starts spitting at the paramedics and the police and screaming obscenities at them like they're trying to hurt her and they're like we're the police we're the paramedics we're trying to help you at the same time Sabina regains Consciousness and even though paramedics and police are trying to keep her laying on the ground she begins fighting her way up and is pushing the police off of her and finally stands up and literally squares off with one of the police officers and decks her in the face before running down the road police would have to run down the road after her and literally surround her as she's got her fists up like she's gonna fight anybody that touches her and they would have to tackle her to the ground and put her in handcuffs just to keep her from hurting herself both sisters would be transported to the hospital and when they got there they both apparently were acting normal again Ursula because of her broken legs would be admitted to the hospital and apparently she would stay normal and would eventually make a recovery and would be released there were no charges pressed against her as for Sabina the doctors checked her out and she didn't appear to have any injuries so they released her and she was brought to the police station to be charged for punching the police officer in the face that day Sabina would plead guilty to her charges and would be sentenced to one day in custody that she served that night the next day she was released so Sabina leaves the police station on foot and later that night she's walking down the road when she sees two men walking towards her who were named Glenn and Peter she stops them and she says hey I'm looking for a bed and breakfast are there any good ones nearby and Glenn would say you know it's funny I own a bed and breakfast you can stay at mine initially Sabina seemed hesitant like perhaps this was a trap But ultimately she agrees and the three of them go back to Glenn's B and B once they got there Sabina apparently was constantly looking out all of the windows acting very paranoid and then at one point she offers the men a cigarette and the men accept and she hands them their cigarette and she's about to light their cigarettes when she suddenly snatches them out of their mouths and says oh these might be poisoned and she throws them in the trash just before midnight Peter leaves and Glenn and Sabina go to sleep in their respective rooms the next day Glenn gets up to make tea and food for Sabina who's downstairs in the kitchen but Glenn realizes he's out of tea bags so he goes outside and he hollers to his neighbor Frank and says hey can I borrow some tea bags Frank gives him the tea bags Glenn goes back inside about a minute later Frank recalls seeing Glenn stagger out of the BNB clutching his stomach screaming she stabbed me and apparently his last words were Frank take care of my dog before he ultimately died Frank immediately calls the police and Sabina immediately leaves the BNB and takes off running she gets to a highway and she's running along the side of this highway and a motorist named Josh sees Sabina running and she's clutching a hammer that she's repeatedly hitting herself in the head with as she's running Josh drives well past her and gets out to try to intercept her but as she's running past him she pulls a roof tile out of her pocket and throws it and hits Josh in the head she runs past Josh who's now clutching his head and can't stop her she gets to this bridge that overlooks another road and she leaps off it's 40 feet to the ground and when she hits the ground she breaks both ankles and fractures her skull but she lives and narrowly escapes being hit by another car eventually police and paramedics are called who transfer Sabina to a hospital where she once again is acting totally normal nothing like the crazy person that killed Glenn or was throwing roof tiles just hours earlier Sabina would ultimately be arrested for murdering Glenn and she would plead guilty to manslaughter but she gave absolutely no explanation of why any of this happened it was like she didn't understand and was a different person now the defense claimed that although Sabina certainly killed Glenn she should have diminished responsibility because she was suffering from a condition known as Folly Adu it's a French term that means Madness of Two And basically it only presents itself in identical twins where one twin has a psychotic break and they transmit their Insanity to the other twin and amazingly the prosecution accepted this claim and they only gave Sabina five years for her crimes Sabina would serve her five-year sentence and was released in 2011 and to this day is a free woman here are some highlights from that film crew that captured Ursula and Sabina acting totally crazy on the side of the highway [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] in June of 2011 law student Lauren Giddings was only one test away from completing her dream and becoming a public defender even though she had a ton of studying still to do she had taken off the first week in June to go to her sister's wedding where she was the maid of honor right before she left the wedding to go back to school she joked with her family that she was going to be locking herself in the library and just studying 24 7 and that nobody should get in touch with her but when she got back to campus none of her classmates that she studied with saw her at the library and in fact when they didn't see her for a couple of days they started reaching out to her and texting her and calling her to see if she was okay but she never picked up she never wrote back and so no one knew what was going on with her one of Lauren's classmates would reach out to Lauren's sister and would ask her hey have you talked to your sister at all because we haven't seen her and Lauren's sister would write back and say oh no everything is just fine Lauren told us before she left the wedding that she was going to be locking herself away and just studying 24 7 so I'm sure everything is just fine but this classmate wasn't convinced because this felt very uncharacteristic of Lauren to not study at the library and then not to pick up any phone calls or text messages so she would call the police and say hey can you please go check on Lauren's apartment because I think something's wrong so a police officer goes over to Lauren's apartment and knocks in the door Lauren doesn't answer they try the door it's locked the officer goes outside and looks around the outside of her apartment there's no broken windows there's no obvious signs of a break-in and so the officer leaves and says I can't do anything else unless you guys file a missing person report so a couple of days go by and there's still no word from Lauren and at this point Lauren's family is now concerned and they do file a missing person's report so the police go back to Lauren's apartment they try knocking she doesn't come to the door the door is still locked so they get the owner of the apartment building to open up her door and when they go inside Lauren's not in there and at first it doesn't seem like anything is wrong until they notice her cell phone her keys her purse and her laptop are all still in there this made the police think there could be something sinister happening here and so they went to Lauren's friends and family and they asked does she have any enemies does she have any reason to be fearful for her life initially they said no no one would want to harm Lauren everybody loves Lauren but Lauren's sister would say to the police that there was actually one comment Lauren made a year ago that now seemed a little bit more relevant Lauren had just got back from a vacation and she noticed there were things in her apartment that seemed like they had been moved like someone else had been here but no one was supposed to be in her apartment and so she told her sister and the two of them talked about it a little bit but it was quickly forgotten about because there wasn't a reasonable explanation and Lauren was so busy with school she didn't pursue it after police have done a thorough investigation of the inside of Lauren's apartment they move outside of her apartment and begin scanning the exterior of the building and they make a huge Discovery an officer who was looking in the dumpster noticed this big black trash bag that looked out of place and when he tried to move it it was very heavy and when they opened it they found a human torso and it was Lawrence right before this discovery was made a news crew had shown up outside the apartment building and was trying to interview people that lived in the apartment complex because they had been tipped off that somebody who was living here had been missing for over a week and now police were getting involved they saw what looked like a resident of the building looking visibly shaken up watching the police doing their investigation and they went over to interview him it would turn out his name was Stephen McDaniel and he was Lauren's neighbor and he was a classmate of hers in law school the interviewer asked Stephen what was your last interaction with Lauren and Steven became really focused on how he had not seen her in the last week and in fact speaking on behalf of my other classmates no one's seen her she must have just banished as they're doing this interview right on the other side of a bush this police officer discovers Lauren's torso and the News kind of gets out to the interviewer they've found a body and the interviewer says out loud to Stephen it looks like they found a body and Stephen just completely changes and he goes a body and then he goes completely silent to the point where the interviewer says are you okay and he just stands there looking completely distant before walking away from the interviewer sitting down with his back turned and hyperventilates before the interview ends once this case went from missing person to homicide the police started searching all the rooms on Lauren's floor and Steven's room is right next to Lauren so he was the first room they searched apparently as they began searching his room he was standing just outside the door and sweating profusely and drank over 10 bottles of water in his apartment they found a key to Lauren's apartment and what he would do is whenever she was gone he would sneak into her room and download her hard drive as well as steal little souvenirs like small articles of clothing and other things that he would hoard in his apartment when they went on Steven's computer and checked his browser history basically the only things he did on the internet were look at Lauren's Facebook and Linkedin profiles but the creepiest thing they found was this camera that was literally duct taped to this long hole and on the camera were all these surveillance videos of Lauren because what he would do is he would go outside and he would hoist up this camera and he would film her through her windows in the middle of the night Stephen was quickly charged with Lauren's murder to which he pled guilty and he would openly confess to the details of how she died in court most times he used the surveillance footage to confirm she was not in her apartment so he could sneak in and steal from her but on the day she was murdered he would use that camera technique to confirm she was home and shortly after confirming she was in fact home and asleep he put on a mask and used his key to get into her apartment and walked right into her room which woke her up according to Stephen she apparently sat up and said you need to leave at this point he jumps on the bed and in their struggle his Mass would come off and Lauren would recognize it's clearly Steven and she would plead with him by name to stop but he didn't stop and he would strangle her to death afterwards he dragged her into the bathroom and began cutting her up into fairly small pieces some of those pieces got flush down the toilet the others were put in bags and only one of those bags was ever discovered and that was the one of her torso Steven was ultimately given a life sentence here is a highlight of Steven's interview when it's revealed that they've discovered Lauren's body I mean no no no one has seen her since Saturday I haven't seen anything I always hear noise outside but it's just people walking by pretty much I mean we just don't know where she is what about um I mean we don't know if this is the same person you know what I mean like they took out a body there earlier we don't know that's why we're trying to ask people if they know who lived there are you okay sir I think I need to sit down so that's gonna do it guys let me know what you thought of these three stories in the comments and I will pin the best comment at the top of the comments section if you enjoyed today's story and you haven't done this already please ask the like button if you can borrow their car and then return it to them with the gas gauge on empty also please subscribe to this Channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our 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I also have a ton of content over on Tick Tock where my username is Mr Ballin if you have a story suggestion please submit it to our subreddit just called Mr Ballin it's linked in the description below so whether I see you on Instagram Twitter Tick Tock Reddit YouTube some combination just know that I really appreciate your support and until next time guys that's gonna do it see ya
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 6,284,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary, scary story, true, true story, true crime, dog, dogs, feral, feral child, swedish, stoke, england, ireland, london, ukraine, stalker, georgia, law school, lawyer, public defender, horrifying, terrifying, spooky, disturbing, disturbing images, disturbing footage, disturbing video, creepy, terrible, mrballen, mrballen story, disturbing story, madness, identical twins, twins, crazy, traffic, accident, tragic, disturbed, top 3, top list, plot twist, interview, neglect, missing, mystery, unsolved mystery
Id: QoZKJiar_Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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