Top 3 photos with DISTURBING backstories | Part 6

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today i'm going to share with you three progressively more disturbing stories and at the end of each of them i'm going to share the picture or pictures that are famously associated with them but before i get into today's stories if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format and you come to the right channel because that's all i do and i upload three four even five times every week so if that's of interest to you please fling a rubber band at the like button and then subscribe to this channel and turn on all post notifications you don't miss any of my weekly uploads alright let's get into today's stories in 2014 a 20 year old man living in india named maksud khan had become completely and totally obsessed with tigers his wife and his family weren't entirely sure what caused him to be so fixated on tigers but they noticed after a kind of random trip to the zoo that he took that he came home and all he could talk about were tigers so they figured he must have seen tigers at the zoo and just become totally enamored with them but maxood's obsession with tigers was not just you know love and affection for these animals although certainly there was that it was more of a dark fascination with tiger's savage nature the story maksud used to tell all the time to his friends and family was about this tiger that was in captivity and one day its two trainers had gone into the cage to put a garland of flowers around its neck for maybe some ceremony or something and the tiger just wasn't having it that day and when they went to put it on its neck the tiger kind of snapped and killed the two trainers now moxood was not telling the story to kind of glorify the violence of it or even to act like it wasn't a big deal that these trainers have been killed he was telling the story with a reverence for these creatures that were kind of untameable that even in captivity they were in control and he was just totally fascinated by them in may of that year maksood lost his job something that unfortunately happened all the time for him because he was known to be kind of lazy and kind of happy-go-lucky didn't take things very seriously he had actually been fired from a job one time when he was supposed to be unloading sacks from a truck and got distracted by some small animal and ran after it and his employer fired him for it but his family depended on him and they said maksud you got to go out and get another job and so during the day maksud would go out and tell his family i'm going out job hunting but what he was really doing is spending the little money his family had to go to the zoo to go look at these tigers that he was so in love with so for the next four months maksud would just lie to his family and would go to the zoo and stare at the tigers in their exhibit and so one day when he was doing just that on september 23rd 2014 he was looking into the white tiger exhibit now the way it was set up is there was an outer fence that all of the people who were at the zoo could stand right against and it was an open air exhibit right on the other side of that fence all the way around was a little bit of land that protruded into the exhibit a little ways and then it would drop straight down into a moat that was another layer of protection between the tigers and people so they were not interacting if you continued straight past the moat it would go back up again to this little island right in the middle of this exhibit where all the tigers would spend all their time for some reason that we don't fully understand although one could guess that it was simply because maksud wanted a better look at the tigers he climbed over that first fence the one that no visitors are allowed to cross and he walked to the edge of that piece of land that sits over that moat and he's looking down at the tigers and the guards are telling him to go back get back on the other side of the fence all of the other people that are there watching the tigers as well the other visitors they're saying hey come back don't do what you're doing and at some point muksud fell 15 feet into the tiger enclosure immediately an alarm goes off waking up the tigers in their habitat so they don't know what's going on they're kind of looking around and the people that are watching this happen from the safety of behind this fence they're screaming and yelling and they're trying to get security to come over and they're trying to save this guy it's just chaos but what's really happening is they're totally inciting the tigers to see what the heck's going on and very quickly one of the tigers notices that there is now a person moxood who's in the moat and the tiger jumps down into the moat and walks right over to moksud and maksud is sitting there and he's absolutely terrified and people said that he was just praying and he's huddled up against the side of the moat and the tiger's just looking at him the tiger's not showing signs that it's going to harm mock suit but the people that were watching this happen that are on the other side of this fence are either taking videos and pictures of the event or some of them begin picking up rocks and throwing them at the tiger to try to i guess get the tiger to leave muk's hood alone 10 minutes goes by i have people throwing rocks at this tiger and the tiger gets really upset and so what do you think happens once the tiger gets upset it attacks maksude the tiger clamp down on moxood's neck and dragged him over to a grassy kind of hidden section within the enclosure and by the time the staff finally showed up with a tranquilizer gun it was too late for maksud he was already dead here is the final picture of maksud after he's fallen inside of that moat this is taken moments before this tiger would ultimately attack and kill him the police would ultimately charge the zoo staff with death by negligence for their incredibly long response time and for not having any alternative rescue methods in place john and jackie nell were a canadian married couple that loved traveling to thailand in fact they went there so often and loved it so much that they considered it their second home in 2004 instead of spending christmas with their family back home in canada they decided you know what we're empty nesters we're on our own let's go spend christmas in a place that we love that's also warm thailand and so they settled on one of their favorite spots in thailand called cal lak it's this beautiful beach town they've been there many times and so they were pumped on christmas day they called their family and said they're having such a great time the weather is beautiful they have this wonderful beach right in front of them and by all accounts their vacation seemed to be going really perfectly on december 26 the day after christmas the couple woke up and decided to head down to the beach to spend the day lounging on the sand but as soon as they stepped out of their villa and looked down at the beach which was right outside of where they were staying they saw this huge crowd of people standing on the sand and even though it was early in the morning john and jackie knew immediately why they were down there it was an extremely low tide the water had receded so far that it was a spectacle and so they had their digital camera with them and they just started taking pictures what john and jackie and the people down on the beach seem not to have realized is that that extreme low tide is actually an early indication of a tsunami tidal wave where the water basically gets sucked way out in preparation for a massive wave what jon and jackie and everybody down on that beach should have been doing that morning is turning around and running inland as far as they possibly can go and as high as they possibly can go but they don't do that in fact it looks like no one has any idea what's about to happen and so john and jackie continue to take pictures and you see this massive wave coming closer and closer with every picture they're taking until it wipes out everybody down on the beach and eventually wipes out john and jackie they would be swept away to their death along with 230 000 other people john and jackie's camera would be found on the beach a month later the camera itself was destroyed but the sim card was intact and the person who found it would take that sim card plug it into their computer and here are the final pictures that were on that sim card jon jones and his family were avid spelunkers which is a term given to people who explore underground caves in november of 2009 26 year old john was back home in utah celebrating thanksgiving with his family during his visit someone in his family suggested they go cave exploring like old times as a way to kind of reconnect and so john along with his younger brother josh who was 23 at the time and nine other friends and family got together and headed off to nutty putty cave which was a very popular spelunking location in their area that no one in his family had actually explored on november 24 2009 around 8 p.m john and his brother along with the rest of their friends and family entered nutty putty cave and they make their way to the section called the big slide it was not particularly challenging and john even though he had not been cave exploring in a really long time felt like he could do something more difficult so he and his brother decide to split off from the main group and make their way over to the most challenging section of the cave known as the birth canal so john and josh start making their way over towards that section of the cave they have a map and they're kind of trying to follow as best as they can and john who is leading the pair stops when he gets to this waist high hole in the wall that he believes is the entrance to the birth canal when john was growing up and he used to go cave exploring with his family he was much smaller he was a kid now he's a grown man he's six foot over 200 pounds but he still had the mindset of when he was a kid and so like a child he sees this hole and literally goes head first into it without any second thoughts so john begins painstakingly inching his way down this tunnel that's completely tight on his body his arms are pinned under his body and with every movement he's making he's getting tighter and tighter but he's convinced that this is the birth canal and that it just takes certain people that are brave enough to push past that discomfort that claustrophobia that if you just push past this tight section you'll get to a place where it opens up so john believing this is the birth canal kept going farther and farther into this tunnel until he's completely wedged he has a little bit of tunnel still in front of him that actually kind of bends down in front of him and he thinks man that's it i just gotta go all the way down there and i can get into that opening and so he's caught up against a lip of rock that's underneath his ribs and so in order to get past it he breathes all of the air out of his lungs and he pushes himself just past the lip and then he breathes in again and his chest expands and his rib cage is literally caught up on that lip because he's now moved past it he can't bring himself back over the lip and what's worse is as soon as he got over that little lip he got a better view into this hole he was going down and it dead ends it just gets to a point there was nothing there it was not the birth canal it was an unmarked tunnel somewhere in this cave so he's trapped and he knows it and to make matters even worse john was almost completely upside down john yells to his brother and says he's stuck josh starts going down this tunnel and he almost immediately gets stuck and from where he is he can barely see his brother who's way down this tiny little tunnel and he knows that if he's stuck up here his brother's really stuck this is a very very bad situation therein so josh barely gets himself out of this tunnel and he yells to john that he's going to go get help but it would take three and a half hours for the first rescue worker to arrive on scene because they are way down into this cave this is not an easy to access area susie mottola was the first rescue person and when she arrived she said hey john how you doing down there and susie would say that john sounded very distant and he just said hi susie thanks for coming but i really really want to get out susie immediately reassured jon that she will have him out in no time everything's going to be just fine but when susie looked down into this tiny little space that john was stuck in she thought this is going to take a really long time to get him out i mean just to set up a pulley system to try to pull him out is going to take a long time and then inching a six foot 200 pound man out of this tiny space that's going to take hours and maybe even days but unfortunately john didn't have the time the human body is designed to be upright with gravity helping your heart pump blood to the rest of your body when you're inverted blood pools in your brain and your heart cannot work fast or hard enough to get it out in time and so it eventually causes your body to shut down so when the trauma physician saw that john was inverted and he had already been there for three and a half hours before rescuers even got to him he told susie and the rest of the rescuers that jon maybe has 8 to 10 hours left to live the rescuers tried everything to try to get john out of the cave they put a rope around his legs and tried yanking him out didn't work they set up an elaborate pulley system it barely worked but they kept falling out of the wall and so it was taking all this time just to get set up only to move him a fraction of an inch they got drills and chisels and they went down into the tunnel and began trying to chisel john out but again it was almost negligible progress and it was just taking too much time as the rescuers are doing everything they can to try to get him out they noticed that john's breathing was becoming labored and his voice sounded nasally indicating that more and more fluid was building up now inside of his lungs and that probably they were within the last few hours that he was going to be alive at some point they finally got john to move just a couple of inches using this really elaborate pulley system that they had found a way to stay anchored in the walls but they saw there was a huge problem no matter what system they were going to use to get john out of this hole due to the angle of the cave he had crawled into his legs would not fit they would not bend in the right direction on the way out they would have to break his legs in order to curve him around this bend in the cave with john's breathing already labored and him being basically unresponsive at this point they figured that if they broke his legs that would just send him into shock and kill him anyways and so they realize that they cannot get jon out of this cave he's going to die here 27 hours after john had become stuck he became unresponsive and he was declared dead the 26 year old medical student would leave behind his wife as well as their one-year-old daughter and his wife was due with their second child in june of the following year following john's death nutty putty cave was sealed off with cement and john's body is still inside naughty putty cave to this day and here is a picture of john exploring nutty putty cave before he ultimately made his way over to that fateful tunnel that he went in headfirst and ultimately died inside of so that's going to do it guys let me know what you thought of these three stories and i will pin the best comment at the top of the comment section if you enjoyed today's video and you haven't done this already please fling a rubber band at the like button and also subscribe to my channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of my weekly uploads if you want to get in touch with me you can direct message me on instagram or on twitter my username on both platforms is the same it's johnballen416 i also have a ton of content over on tick tock where my username is mr ballen if you have a story suggestion please submit it to our subreddit it's just called mr ballin it's linked in the description below i read that every day and if i intentionally use your story i will absolutely credit you so whether i see you on instagram twitter tick tock youtube reddit some combination just know that i really appreciate your support and until next time that's going to do it see you all right let me see him come on buddy you have the hiccups you got him yeah
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 4,239,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary, story, true crime, spelunking, spelunker, cave explorer, cave exploring, cave diving, natural disaster, tsunami, boxing day tsunami, thailand, final picture, story time, mrballen, spooky, disturbing, disturbing images, disturbing pictures, pictures, backstory, backstories, john jones, nutty putty cave, nutty putty, white tiger, tiger, animal attack, top 3, worst animal attack, india, final moments, horror fan, horror, mystery, unsolved mystery, unsolved mysteries, vacation, christmas
Id: wz6F2rDngvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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