Top 3 videos with DISTURBING backstories | Part 5

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today i'm going to share with you three progressively more disturbing stories and at the end of each of them i'm going to share with you the video that is famously associated with them but before i get into today's stories if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format then you come to the right channel because that's all i do and i upload three four even five times every week so if that's of interest to you the next time the like button asks you for a particular link send them a link to rick astley's never gonna give you up and disguise it as whatever it is they're looking for also please subscribe to this channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of my weekly uploads alright let's get into today's stories [Music] a popular youtuber named dan bell explores abandoned buildings and then uploads that footage to his very popular this is dan bell page that has over 500 000 subscribers unlike other urban exploration youtube channels dan is not trying to create scary content in fact many of his most popular videos are taken in buildings that haven't even been abandoned yet like in a kmart that's shutting down and all the shelves are empty and he walks around and it's kind of eerie because it's this huge store that's now coming to an end but again it's not really scary but amongst those popular videos there is one that is horrifying and it's called the super creepy abandoned asylum one of the top comments on this video is from a verified youtube account with over a million subscribers they're called the proper people and they say this may be the creepiest urban exploration video i have ever seen the video opens with dan coming up to this huge old house that looks like nature is reclaiming it with all the vines and grass and everything overgrown all around it and for the first minute and a half dan is just quietly walking around the perimeter of this building and you don't really know what it is besides obviously the captions given away it's an asylum but it doesn't look like an asylum it looks like a random house in the middle of the woods after about a minute and a half dan makes his way over to the side of this building and he sees there are some stone steps that go down into a door that clearly feeds into the basement of this building dan walks down the stairs he opens the door and he walks into this hallway and as soon as he goes in because his camera had been filming in very bright sunshine outside it takes a minute for it to focus on the hallway which is totally dark but once the camera focuses you see all this old clothing strewn about on the ground and the paint is peeling off the walls in every part of the building when dan filmed this he was not out loud narrating as he walked around the building instead while he was editing the footage he must have recorded himself doing a narration and that narration picks up as soon as he gets in the hallway and the camera has focused he begins walking down this hallway and you hear under his boots the crunch of broken glass and as he's walking you hear dan's voice say this is a children's asylum that shut down sometime in the 1990s it was briefly leased sometime in the 2000s but for the most part over the past three decades this building has been totally abandoned after he gives this brief history which sounds like he's done this dozens of times on other videos he pauses and says you know something really strange happened while i was filming inside of this building he heard what sounded like someone running around on the top floor of this building he's used to going into abandoned buildings and finding creatures animals running around that was not unusual and so instinctively he assumes it's got to be some animal that's taken up residence on the top floor and so he doesn't worry about it he ends up walking around the whole first floor before making his way upstairs and he said when he got up there he was expecting to see some animal or some sign of an animal living up there but he didn't he didn't see anything it just looked like every other abandoned building and after filming what he wanted to film he eventually leaves the building and goes home it wasn't until he loaded the footage onto his computer and began reviewing it that he noticed two specific instances while he was inside this asylum where clearly someone else is in the room with him dan speculates that perhaps a former patient has come back here and is living in one of the rooms upstairs here are the two segments from his video that show this kind of phantom person lurking in the shadows in the first clip keep your eyes on the door that is open leading downstairs you'll see there is a shadow on the door that is being cast from whatever is standing at the top of the stairs just outside of our view and at some point as dan is filming down the hall that shadow vanishes down the stairs in the second clip when dan walks into the room look to the back left hand side of the room at the door specifically at the open hole where there should be a doorknob you will see there is very clearly someone looking through the hole at dan and when dan films this person they run away [Music] missy beavers was a wife a mother of three girls and a hardcore fitness instructor she lived in midlothian texas and she taught a fitness boot camp out of a local church at least one day a week every week missy was extremely bubbly and outgoing and everybody seemed to really like her and her personality really shined on social media where she was an avid facebook user often posting multiple times a day every day of the week missy would post information about upcoming fitness classes either that she was teaching or that she was simply participating in she would also post her own fitness regimen and her diet she was just very focused on health she also shared fairly personal things like pictures of her family and where they were going and what they were up to and she left her personal cell phone right on her facebook page so clearly missy was fine with kind of being out there on april 17 2016 there was a weather report that came in that the next day there was going to be really really heavy rain in particular in the morning and missy's class was scheduled for the next morning at 5 00 a.m and she started getting calls and text messages from the people who were going to that class asking is this class still going to happen by 7 55 pm that night so many people had asked about it that she decided to just put a public post on her facebook page addressing the weather and it just said if it's raining we're still training no excuses you are gladiators on the post she included directions of how to get to the church where this class was going to be in the church what time they were starting and what they could expect later that night at 9 23 pm she did another facebook post that said going to bed i have to get up tomorrow at 3 30. the next day at 4 16 in the morning a street security camera picked up missy pulling into the church's parking lot even though her class didn't start until 5 am she liked to get there early to make sure the classroom was set up and to warm up a little bit and make sure she was super motivated and cheerful as soon as they walked in the security cameras inside the church capture missy walking in through the front doors at 4 20 in the morning then just before 5am the first couple of students arrived at the classroom and they walk in to find missy laying on the ground bleeding from her head totally unresponsive they call 911 police and paramedics show up and as soon as they get there they pronounce missy dead initially there was some speculation that she might have fallen and hit her head but they noticed all these puncture marks in her head that looked intentionally inflicted like someone had struck her and later when they reviewed the security footage from inside the church it was confirmed that she definitely was murdered earlier that morning at 3 50 a.m so 26 minutes before missy arrives in the church parking lot an unknown figure wearing police tactical gear from head to toe breaks into the church from 3 50 in the morning when they first get inside the church to 4 20 in the morning when missy walks through the front doors this unknown figure just kind of strolls casually up and down the halls of this church it looks like they were carrying a hammer or perhaps a crowbar and periodically as they're kind of casually walking down the hall they would turn to a window of a door and they would break it with whatever they're holding in their hand and then they would just keep walking on like there was no reason for them to break the window they're just bored and this was actually an important point that police would make about this footage this person walking around does not appear to want to vandalize the church i mean they're breaking a couple windows but they could have done a lot more damage to the building and they didn't they don't appear to be looking to steal anything and in fact later police would confirm that nothing was stolen what it looks like they're doing is just kind of wasting time like they have some clear objective for being here but they can't do it quite yet they're waiting for a trigger of some kind and it would turn out that that trigger was missy walking through those doors at 4 20 in the morning as soon as missy made her way into the classroom the assailant followed her and proceeded to beat her to death with whatever they were holding in their hand by the time police arrived a little after 5am the suspect was long gone initially police believed it was going to be fairly easy to identify who killed missy the person on camera wearing the tactical gear had a very distinctive gait with their feet turned out and they walked with a bit of a limp and they had very slouched posture and the police figured as soon as we put this surveillance footage out in the public domain someone's going to come forward and say they recognized this person but despite the hundreds of leads that poured in from people after watching this video saying oh yeah i know this person well the police checked into all of them and they all checked out everybody had an alibi and so years later the police are still not able to identify who killed missy or why and so her case remains unsolved here is the security footage of missy's killer casually walking around the halls aimlessly smashing windows and opening doors just waiting for missy to show up [Music] [Music] in march of 2015 68 year old tamara samsonova was having renovations done to her home in st petersburg russia a friend of hers 79 year old valentina olanova had heard about tamara's renovations and she approached her and said do you want to stay with me while that's getting done tamara was very thankful immediately said yes and as soon as she moved in she immediately started picking up the slack by cleaning up the house and doing the dishes and made sure she always cooked food for her friend because she wasn't able to pay rent after a couple of weeks the renovations on tamara's home were complete but tamara didn't want to leave she was really enjoying living with valentina and so she asked valentina would it be okay if she stayed a little bit longer valentina was a little bit reluctant but did ultimately say okay that's fine a couple of months go by and tamara is showing no sign that she plans on leaving valentina's home anytime soon and valentina is getting increasingly frustrated with that reality finally in late july 2015 valentina confronts tamra and says you gotta go and tamara just says no i'm not leaving this causes a huge fight but at the end of it tamara still doesn't leave so for a couple of days the women just do not speak to each other the silence is finally broken on july 23rd when the women get into a fight about some empty cups in the sink that one of them was supposed to clean but they didn't and they thought about whose responsibility it was to do the dishes and then of course the whole subject comes up again of valentina saying you shouldn't even be here you need to leave and tamara's like no i'm not gonna leave and so another big blowout fight happens but at the end of this fight tamara finally concedes and says okay i get it i need to leave just give me a couple of days and i'll be out of your hair immediately the tension is gone in the room they're no longer fighting and valentina is happy that she's finally gonna get her apartment back and tamara says look i'll make us dinner tonight i'll go out and get some food tamara leaves the apartment and goes to a pharmacy and gets a whole bunch of sleeping pills and then she gets the ingredients to a particular salad that she knows valentina really likes she goes back she starts making dinner and as she's making this salad she crushes up the sleeping pills and mixes the powder with the salad dressing and gives that to valentina and valentina who's very hungry eats the whole salad and doesn't notice anything is wrong as soon as tamara was sure valentina had eaten the entire salad tamra just goes up to a room and goes to bed a couple hours later at about two in the morning she goes back down to the kitchen and she sees valentina is passed out on the ground tamara goes up to her and sees that she's still breathing which was a disappointment because she wanted her to die from taking all these sleeping pills but it doesn't matter she takes out her hacksaw that she had borrowed from the neighbor earlier in the day and proceeds to butcher valentina and she makes special care as she's cutting her into pieces to remove her lungs and not damage them because tamara had a taste for human lungs it was actually her favorite food she took valentina's head and she put it into a big pot of water and began boiling that to eat it the rest of her was cut up into as small of pieces as she could get them and then wrapped in a shower curtain and placed in various bags as valentina's head and lungs are being cooked on the stovetop tamara begins making dozens of trips from the apartment down the stairs out the front door all the way down to a lake that was near their property where she would dispose of the body parts before coming back and getting more valentina's hips and legs were apparently too heavy to haul all the way down to the lake so she took them to a nearby forest tamara's final trip sees her carrying a big silver pot inside of which is valentina's head or at least whatever is left of it after tamara was done eating most of it four days later on july 27th a young couple that was living in the same apartment complex as tamara and valentina were out for a walk with their dog out near that lake and as they're walking their dog takes off running and stops in front of this huge bag that it's sniffing and pawing and trying to open and the owners of the dog try to call it back but they can't get it to get away from this bag and so the owners walk over and they kind of poke the bag they can see it's pretty heavy and they open it up and they find a human torso and it's valentina's when the police show up the first thing they do is they go to valentina's apartment and they're surprised to find tamara living there they're kind of sensitive with her and they say your friend your relative was just found deceased and we need to look around the apartment tamara was completely indifferent she did not care they had just discovered her body and she didn't care that they were searching the apartment it was like she knew someday this was gonna happen during the search the police officers quickly find blood all over the bathroom and in the kitchen they even find the hacksaw she used that's got blood on it and they find tamara's diary that's sitting next to this book about black magic and the police are horrified when they see that the diary contains meticulous notes that tamara had kept of all of the ritualistic killings she had perpetrated over the past 20 years and there was 14 of them and almost all of them were motivated by tamara's desire to cast spells that she apparently was reading about in these black magic books she had and virtually all of these spells required human flesh or other human components and so she would kill these people she would use their bodies to cast these spells and then afterwards she would consume them not because that had anything to do with the spell but because she liked the way people tasted in particular human lungs the police arrest tamra who doesn't put up a fight she says yup you got the right person i did all this while tamara was on trial she seemed like she was in a great mood she told the judge i hope you give me a really severe punishment i expect to die in prison she was seen blowing kisses to reporters it was like she was just totally out of touch or maybe she literally knew this was going to happen and just didn't care anymore tamra who would be nicknamed the granny ripper by newspapers over the course of this trial was given a life sentence and to this day she is still sitting in jail here is the surveillance footage of tamara disposing of valentina's body as well as some shots of tamara during her trial [Music] so so that's gonna do it guys let me know what you thought of these three stories in the comments and i will pin the best comment at the top of the comment section if you enjoyed today's video and you haven't done this already the next time the like button asks you for a particular link send them a link to rick astley's never going to give you up song but disguise it as whatever it is they were looking for also please subscribe to this channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads if you want to get in touch with me you can direct message me on instagram or on twitter my username on both platforms is the same it's john ballen416 i also have a ton of content over on tiktok where my username is mr ballen if you have a story suggestion please submit it to our subreddit just called mr ballin it's linked in the description below so whether i see you on twitter instagram tick tock reddit youtube or some combination just know that i really appreciate your support and until next time that's gonna do it see ya
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 1,775,766
Rating: 4.9654746 out of 5
Keywords: haunted house, haunted building, haunted, paranormal, ghost, spooky, scary, abandoned building, abandoned asylum, asylum, mental asylum, abandoned, urban exploration, urbex, scary story, scary video, disturbing video, disturbing footage, found footage, dan bell, granny ripper, missy bevers, tactical gear, mrballen, mrballen story, unsolved mystery, mystery, texas, russia, granny, serial, evil, horror, horror fan, crazy, mental hospital, disturbing pictures, stalker, scared, terrified, police
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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