TOP 20 Plus Ark Survival Ascended MODS!!!! Mods to Make Ark FUN AGAIN

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yo guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video over on Ark survival ascended and I wanted to show you right now my top 20 plus mods and some of them are kind of in a little mini pack so I'm going to go ahead and show you all of them how I mean basic levels on how to use them and the things you have to download I'm just going to kind of show you a brief overview of these so we're going to go back to the actual main menu to show you the mod locations and we're going to kind of go through all of it so now obviously I've got a ton of mods I play mods pretty much exclusively because they make this game fun unlike some of the uh official servers these can actually make your game fun so anyways I'm going to go ahead and show you mine from my favorite kind of there's not necessarily A best order but this is one of my favorites overall automated Arc now if you haven't already played automated Arc I don't know why you haven't but it is basically by far the most unique mod that exists right now because it essentially takes a whole bunch of generic vanilla structures and makes them better in every way it gives you all kinds of special abilities you can see that you've got a cont like literally you can control your base using a con uh console uh you've got a special Kem bench mortar and pestle grinder Indie Forge and there's just a list and he's continuing to update this on a really regular basis adding more and more stuff you can see all of this sorts of stuff being added into it and it just basically makes your game so much smoother especially if you're playing on an unofficial or a solo player server this takes all of that shenanigan grind out of it now some people love the grind and placing individual things into individual areas instead of like pulling resources and doing all kinds of neat stuff like that this mod as a whole is by far one of the best mods that exist in the game because it lets you do anything from PvP based stuff to PVE based things there's a reason that it has 3.4 million people that have installed this mod it's absolutely one of the biggest game-changing mods in the game now similar to that this one is actually one of my favorites as well it's uh let's see if it's going to show up y there it is P peloris I don't know if that's I'm saying the name properly paleor cryostorage because they screwed over cryopods in general this mod is a lifesaver it essentially gives you the ability to turn on and customize cryopods to what you want them to do if you haven't seen my video on how to customize the mod ini I files for solo player unofficial check it out and you can actually customize everything but this allows you to do a whole bunch of stuff and it adds in some unique features now it adds in a cryo fridge that's going to give you your a little bit of a buffed uh area for the cryo fridge um and you're going to actually get a cryo terminal as well which is a huge Advantage because it'll actually cryo up your babies as soon as they hatch which is a huge thing especially if you uh like to go through me like thousands of tames at a time and then it also adds in a very useful cryo guns so you can essentially like pull your T from a distance instead of having to walk up and instantly cryopod them this mod as a whole is another one of those mods where you're like okay it makes sense why it's got 3.4 million installs because it's one of the best mods in the game now next on our list is another one of the most popular ones so I'm just going to go ahead and go to Total installs and it's actually number three I think on this list yep there it is super spy glass plus now this is one of the mods that existed in cry or Ark survival evolved and it kind of got transferred over into Ark survival ascended and it is amazing mod basically gives you a ton of special abilities anything from rolling out the points and showing you what the points are highlighting tames telling you exactly you can see it right now whether an egg's going to hatch or not there's a whole bunch of additions to it and it gives you exactly what a dino needs to eat now you can see this is a zoomed in picture but it gives you a whole bunch of unique things anything from the structure Health to the actual individual requirements of a tame and what stats they have and it gives you a really unique admin thing inside the game that you can use it'll give you the ability to customize it if you want some of the less features as well as an individual customize area where you can actually change the size of things which makes a mod like this so freaking useful and you can see you can actually zoom in on uh item caches as well to see what's inside of stuff so another one of those mods that just makes the game so much more playable and so much more fun to give you access to stuff like this now that is on our list now I'm going to start getting into some mods that are less used but still very popular and one of some of my favorites right now the solo Farm mod with 1.5 million downloads it's still incredibly valuable however essentially what this mod allows you to do it allows you to select individual things if you're playing Solo or if you're harvesting solo and it's going to let you gather resources at a much better rate now it's also going to drop the things that you don't want so if you're going to harvest metal or let's say element for example it's going to automatically Harvest those with whatever tame you're using and it's going to drive drop everything else saving you a ton of time in the inventory now it's also going to cause your tames to automatically swing and you can see right here and it's just going to give you like hey Farm modes all kinds of stuff and it's going to give you a massive ability to increase your quality of life gameplay on solo player or unofficial player servers I promise you this is one of those mods that is 100% worth the wait and I would 100% check it out solo Farm mod makes your game so much nicer now another one of the mods and I've actually talked to some of the people that are working on this one as well draconic Chronicles now another one of those I just updated This I Swear like 10 minutes ago they are releasing constant updates for this but this adds one of those true changing the gameplay of Arc kind of mods almost a million installs exist on this thing which is kind of crazy you can see that uh that's that's one of their special creatures but essentially it adds in Dragons and wyverns to your game I know they have four custom models right now with custom dragons and then it also adds in your generic wyverns your Crystal wyverns and um all of those so it kind of rewrites everything on how you actually play the game and I love when they add in mods like or people have mods like this cuz it just change how the game works and I like when it does that now I also like having unique creatures like this I would say you probably have to turn down the number of wyverns that spawn a little bit cuz they spawn all over the place but it basically turns it into a true Dragon World if you want to think of it that way and it's really really cool to be able to play on it now the next mod on my list I know I've I've I've covered this mod millions of times if you haven't played this mod it is by far one of the best mods that has ever existed since almost the beginning of Ark and that is shiny dinos now shiny dinos essentially is a mod that you can download and the shiny dinos thing will basically it's not overpowered it's going to cause random dinos around the entire map to spawn in now when they do spawn in they're going to spawn in with special ability abilities now those abilities could be anything from being pretty and pink to carrying extra weight to having bonus levels to being on fire to being iced it doesn't add them into their hundreds of levels it's only a 10% level boost unless you change it in your overall um settings so these things not only are they not gamebreaking so they can be used for PVP but they are also super fun because they turn into something that you want to chase down and you want to look around the map for so shiny dinos is one of my favorite mods and you definitely have to check it out now another one I will admit this one carries a little bit of um how do I say this a little bit of caution with this one because they are constantly releasing Updates this mod dinosaur discovery is one of my favorites in the game now because they are constantly releasing updates it's not really super uh optimized I think it's a good way to put it but they've essentially added in all of the old tames from Arc survival evolved and placed them onto the island in random locations now you can go to their actual Discord server you can see they added in a Reaper they've added in literally I mean you can see a list right here I'll read it off some of the samees like rock Elementals ice Elementals Giganotosaurus is that are Tech mode Tech Moses wyverns uh magmasaur gasbag astus astad delphus dinopithecus and you can see that the astus and AST delphus are actually waterbased so that's kind of cool um and the desmodus bosur Reapers everything that you can imagine is updated in it added into the dinosaur discovery sometimes it kind of causes problems because of the lag spikes it can cause but still amazing mod overall and they added in a whole bunch of structures too from whips chainsaws Tech swords Tech cantens cluster grenades a lot of the old missing things from Arc have been added into dinosaur discovery and it's a fantastic mod for that purpose if you want to play the island but still get a unique perspective and outlook on it check out dinosaur discovery it's a lot of fun now another one of those mods that have existed for a while because this person that made structures plus which is one of the arguably one of the best mods of all time um went over and join the actual wild card team now Q Plus is the updated version of that so it brings you all of the if you know what structures plus is it brings you the structures plus mods in plus the tech some of the tech things are starting to get ported over as well you can see there's tons of updated things that you can do which you've got transmutated mutators you've got the ability to pull resources like I'm showing you right here that you can see and there's a whole bunch of really awesome things that are added by the Q Plus mod now I I don't know why there's only 232k installs but it's by far probably the best overall structures mod that's exists in the game in my opinion right now so definitely check out Q Plus now another one that's always on my list is the mbu and upgrade station I swear I just updated this but the you an upgrade station essentially it gives you the ability to boost your individual pieces of armor to make your stats go higher now the reason I love this mod is because it kind of turns it into an MMO style of specialized armor and specialized classes and specialized things and again the point of playing mods is to make your Arc what you want it to be do not let someone tell you this is what you should do in Arc this is how you blah blah blah blah blah blah blah right you need to make Arc what you want it to be now this adds in my opinion a cool MMO style really good for PVE maps less so good for PVP because it's going to give you the ability to actually um add stats and some people can get really broken stats so just keep that in mind can be a little bit overpowered um but again a fantastic mod especially if you're playing solo player and that doesn't matter at all or unofficial uh these are fantastic mods IMB station is amazing love adding it now if you haven't talked to Gia Danny Gaia Danny is amazing but Gaia has a total of two pages of mods for Ark survival ascended and I promise you all of these are amazing now on the front page obviously you have the 10 plus the four 14 total mods for Gaia now all of them are things that you can add and they're small little pieces and some of them are getting bigger and bigger I'll show you what I mean by that in just a second here but you can see this guy right here already has uh 605,000 and installs the potions is amazing no fall damage self-explanatory commands are nice because they give you a admin side of thing um collectors are amazing because they give you the ability you can see they uh autoc collecting structures that eggs poop compost all kinds of neat things it's a Congregation of mods that's amazing then you've got the essentials this one's really cool because you can actually see that you uh the starter pack it just gives you like little little boosts when you respawn the caves teleporter super cool allow you to teleport to caves crop plots updated crop plots storage is specialized storage fishery gives you the ability to place down clams to get black pearls very difficult to get oil and then a whole bunch of other essential stuffs and you can actually do an admin user interface to adjust all of these different things it's just an amazing mod now spy glass Another one not I mean there are better spy glasses but this is a great spy glass overall and uh you can kind of use it and obviously you can see um so you can tailor the spy glass to your preferences and then you can actually change a few basic things however where I really enjoy this thing is he's got utility tames that he just came out with pretty recently um you can see it was last update on 1223 but this essentially gives you the ability to and there will be a bigger overall by the way bigger overall um mod that he releases I think he's calling it guy in nine Realms and but it's going to have all of this and so much more so learning some of this right now will change the overhaul of Ark but yeah guad Dan's got some some really cool stuff coming out definitely keep an eye on it and uh yeah he's uh he's got some really neat stuff that he releases and all 14 of these are awesome mods that you should for sure check out oops accidentally backed out so that's the Gaia now a few more just quality of life things that are just fun to add into your game seed Farm is next on my list I don't know I swear I just updated this uh seed Farm is a really cool mod because it essentially gives you the ability to fight things and change how you actually play the game of Arc allowing you to grow resources and you can see preserves up to 10,000 more seeds rare flour mushrooms eggs all kinds of stuff and then each one of these things you can see that will allow you to basically unlock next levels and I like when you can unlock the next levels and build things as you go um but it used to be in The Last Arc where you have to fight bosses and I'm sure they'll add that kind of stuff in but right now it's kind of just a a way to grow the resources in Arc in small levels or if you want to make a massive Farm of these things you can have a self growing cuz towards the end you don't want to go out and harvest resources that's like my least favorite thing early game I enjoy it cuz it feels like you're accomplishing something late game it feels like you're harvesting for days if not hours at a time and it's so frustrating so just just be aware of that seed Farm changes that up just a little bit now this one's a quick one now this one is the death Discovery mod um why did I say death Discovery wow death recovery mod whoops um death recovery I like this one the most 221,000 now what will tell you is this one can be a little bit buggy but in combination or using them apart death inventory keeper don't use them together but this one is very similar basically just when you die it just causes everything to be kept on your inventory and allows like so any of these mods really are just fine as long as you see like a 100K plus death recovery crossplatform death recovery mod and then the death inventory definitely check out one of those because if you're playing on a solo player or an official server it's really frustrating when you have to go back to get your stuff and usually it's just depend it's not like you're going to lose it cuz you just have to go back and grab it but it's a really great thing to be able to keep all of your stuff now last on my list but certainly not least is sparof fim now if you haven't seen sparof fim this mod by itself is an amazing mod you can see that this is a whole I mean this is a terrible picture because it's so much pritter than this but this is a massive map that the uh neaus the actual author for this is a fantastic mod author that goes through and regularly makes this map more and more playable now he's got a PC version and a crossplay version that re releases a little bit slower but it's got anything from customized um caves to creatures to literal NPCs that run around Dwarven people and they uh yeah they're really really cool you can see he's got 60% complete on the map um but it's uh he has a lot more into the spto F because it takes a little bit of uh if I say this uh it's a little more difficult to update the consoles and it his PC so that's why he updates the PC version faster but he's got a whole unique setup so definitely check out spart if you're getting annoyed with the island or just maps in general it's 100% worth your time so anyways hopefully this video helps you out and if you don't mind there's a ton of mods here smack that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and then consider subbing the channel for some more our content all right [Music] teach [Music] St
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 23,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended, ark survival ascended 100 days, ark survival ascended ps5, ark survival ascended base build, ark survival ascended trailer, ark survival ascended gameplay, ark survival ascended mods, ark survival ascended pvp, ark survival ascended review, ark mutations, mutations ark guide, mutations ark 2023, ark ascended, mutations ark mobile, mutations ark, breeding ark, ark survival ascended mutation, ark survival ascended breeding changes
Id: Kbvxtxmxa18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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