Automated Ark Mod Explained! (For Console!) ASA

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hello survivors and welcome to today's video so we're going to be looking at another mod on Console today and obviously these mods aren't just on Console but these are the ones that have been ported to console for us to be able to play We are on Xbox and this mod is amazing so this is a big one so it might take a little while to get through it all but this is automated Arc and it is amazing so let's take a look at the engrams list and if we type in here here AA you'll see all the things that are available in the automated Arc so the first thing is this AA control console and that's the thing that is going to make it all work so it says it's the heart and soul of automated Arc you need one of these in the base for the magic to happen put it in the center of your base be sure to enable auto sorting after you've set up your OCD storage which we will look at in a minute don't say I didn't warn you so this is awesome I'll show you how it looks once it's down here it is so we've got a few bits in here that haven't been sorted into anything yet but if I go and grab something from the storage so these are the OCD storage you've got three different types so you'll have like like a cupboard really you get your small box you get your wooden box and then you get your Vault so it's kind of similar to that so you get your OCD vault which doesn't look like this it looks a bit more like a fridge and then you get a marble version and then you get you know this metal version here and so you can see you can change the writing on them to whatever's in them so if we look on the wheel If We Hold y use default name you can change the name here and then you can change that to use custom name and your custom name will show up on there so you don't have to keep putting signs on them or name them and have a look at the description so say now I take out let's take out some structures from here let's take out a couple of these trees and we'll go and put them in the control console now you can have this do it on its own so when anything goes in there it just sorts it automatically but we don't like to do that we like to just at the end of the day do a manual sort manual sort and you can see those two trees have gone and they would have gone back into their storage so how do you get things to stay in their storage this was a little fin key at first but it's had a few updates and it's a lot better now so you can either go to the OCD menu here and it'll show you everything that is in there but I find that this way is a little bit tricky because you can see my cursor is going up and down the ticks it's not ideal cuz I need to get to close menu and I can't see where my cursor is there we go close menu so the actual best way to do your storage is to go in here show OCD menu at the bottom and then you can use your cursor cuz we didn't have one a minute ago and that was weird and I used to think that thought my game had crashed I'd have to leave the game and come back in it was really annoying so here I usually do select all I'll put in everything that I want in there this is just initially when you first start if you put everything in there that you want to stay in there you can either tick them individually or go to select all confirm and then I like to use the d-pad to go across because it gets a bit annoying having to use the thumb stick all the time close menu and you could do the same for all of them and once you've done that it will remember then what is supposed to be in those vaults and so say now you come home like we've got one over here which is just for mats for materials so let's just take some of these out and then see now you come back from a day of farming I'm a little bit incumbered now so we're walking a little bit slow let's say now you come back from a day of farming you've been on a massive farming trip you just open this put all this stuff in there go to manual sort and it'll put it in exactly the Vault that it needs to be in so if we take a look at the options here you've got enable auto sorting so you don't have to click manual sort every time it will do it for you disable Ally looking right I haven't quite try this but I'm going to have a go disable Ally looking and just see if this works cuz I hate Ally looking on these creatures and there you go everything that is in the radius of that control console will now disabl Ally looking so it's it's easier to line your dinos up it's absolutely awesome but there doesn't seem to be a way to reenable it because it just stays on disable so if we go back in now it's still just disabled so looks like that's how it will stay so enabled pulling from dinos so we don't have this on because sometimes we like to store some of our stuff on our dinos you know like if we've got like a kit that we want to go out with we could just have our own little Vault for those I suppose but yeah we're not keen sometimes I like to keep a taming trap on a dyo or something so we don't tend to enable that but you can do it may take a little while before it will take stuff from your dyo if you've got stuff on it so let's test this out so we've got Subzero here Subzero has got my structures on that I would like to take out and about with me those structures should be assigned to the structures Vault let's have a look at the OCD menu and see if we can find like stone walls and stuff in there yeah stone foundation right so stone foundation is in the structures Vault it should go in there so if I enable pulling from dinos might take a little while but it should take some stuff out of this Dyno and put it in its Vault so this is a little bit it doesn't work all the time I found but say now I try to transfer this from this inventory into my own don't work so some of the features of it aren't working quite as intended I think at the moment unless I'm wrong I mean the enabled pulling from dinos doesn't seem to work every time this is what I have found anyway let me know if you found differently but the pulling from dinos doesn't seem to work all that well at the moment exclude structures I did do some tests on this so if you go into the inventory of the control console there is an option to exclude structures down here if you click on that it will bring up a list of all the structures that you can ignore now the one thing that annoyed me is that all of the OCD storage are just listed as OCD storage it doesn't give them the custom name you gave them it does with the fridges but it doesn't with the vaults I haven't tried this with the marble and the wood ones just the metal but it it didn't give them their titles it just calls them OCD metal Vault so it would take ages to find out which one it is that I want to ignore because for instance we've got an ocean base which is a little bit further away from the base but not far enough that it doesn't trigger the pulling when you manual sort so every time I keep my scuba in there and I do a manual sort of Base it takes it all out so what I tested was I I typed in the the search bar like box or something I can't remember what exactly I typed in I didn't record it but so it only showed up like the wooden storage boxes that we had around base I ticked them all off and clicked confirm on exclude structures and as you can see in this video it will ignore those so it won't pull from them I tried to manually pull I went back to the box and what I put in there was still in there so when I tried this with a metal Vault that was like the vanilla metal Vault not the OCD stuff I couldn't find it in the menu so I wasn't able to exclude it so we put a wooden cupboard down there and for some reason some of the storage boxes it pulls from some of them it doesn't pull from every time they patch it they do tend to fix something fingers crossed it all gets fixed and have certain items that we want to be kept separate in a separate box where it doesn't get manually sorted every time but you can have play around with this and see what works for you we'll go through actually we'll go through every engr bit but one by one okay so we'll go through all the AA things right so this the helper remote I haven't used this too much but I have used it to pickup structures and it works really really well the wood pile the wood pile looks like this and if you fill this with wood or spark it'll distribute it to your torches It's amazing And it looks fantastic okay the mort AA mortar and pel here it is looking amazing so we've just put ours on a table it doesn't come on a table but say now we go in here and we want to make spark powder we click a we push the right thumb stick in and it gives us enough to make ah this is another thing one one spark powder so you select pull multiplier and what the pull multiplier does is pull from your resources that you've got stored into here in order for you to make what you want to make so if we set the pull multiplier for spk powder to 100 and confirm and now we push a put the right thumb stick in it pulled the right amount to make 100 well be 101 cuz I already pulled earlier and then you can craft that once you're done crafting what we'll do is come here go to manual sort and then it will put everything from the motar and pel where it needs to be it's amazing so now we go to the cooking pot and we want to make a mind WIP tonic we'll go consumables crafted food we got mind wipe tonic here the multiplier is set at one I only want to make one so we'll click a right thumb stick in and it's pulled everything we need to make the Mind wipe tonic it's on AutoCraft so that's the thing with the AA cooking pot by the way it's always on AutoCraft even though it says enable AutoCraft when you first log in for us at least at the moment as we're making this video we have to like press enable AutoCraft come out of it you have to mess about with this quite a lot so that's a bit finicky sometimes it'll work and it'll go to it'll where it says disabled but um yeah sometimes it doesn't so all of these AA structures work the same way with the AA fridge you you can actually store organic poly in here as well as leech blood antidotes everything so all that stuff that you couldn't store before and it would spoil real easy you can store it in there it's just amazing right what else have we got I'm not going to go through absolutely everything because you can play about with this yourself but we'll just take a look at a few of them because they're amazing so the a grum pod you can save your current engram layout to relearn where new mind wipe so how good is that because it's always an in going and having to relearn everything after you've mind wiped it takes the mix so with this you don't have to it's just amazing you get the dino leash so you get the spoiling bin so this is the meat spoiler it's like a big barrel with some Ooze just like pulsating out the top of it pretty minging but if we put the meat in give it a minute give it a minute and you can see it's spoiling a lot faster than what it usually would however if you want spoil meat quickly I would just use the toilet technique to be honest that we showed you in our toilet video sounds weird that we made a toilet video but yeah we did and that is the best way to spoil meat but once you're quite Advanced you'll just end up with load of it in the trough anyway so it's it's it's no biggie really once you progress right the compost bin now this is awesome if you use that with the fertilizer manager fantastic cuz we like a lot of plants right and I was just like oh do you know I can't be bothered to be refilling these plants all the time cuz I'm sick of doing it I want loads of plants obviously see the Landscaping mod comes in amazing for that as well but I like having you know crop plots around too and we've got a load of potato plants going all the way down the side of the building so we've got this secret bit under here because we do not want this is disgusting wait till you see wait oh it's minging it's minging wait till you see the um the toilet I'll show you this one first this is the compost bin it acts the same way as the new dung beetle except it doesn't produce oil so it'll collect all the poop from all your dinos and it'll turn it into fertilizer it's absolutely amazing it can carry up to 300 and then there's this oh that is minging when I first put one down I put it in the house and I I was like we cannot have that in the house so that's why we put it all underneath the building cuz it's disgusting so this is the fertilizer manager and so this will take the fertilizer from that so what you can do is you go here and you can go pull fertilizer it will pull the fertilizer from there into here and then fill crops so you can see before we do it you can see it's at 300 out 300 we'll go F crops and it's now at 278 out of 300 cuz it's filled all of the crops that needed filling now we'll look at this one 274 we will pull fertilizer in here it's now back up to 300 and that one is now at 252 because this has pulled the fertilizer from that and we can refill every crop plot at once with that and it is amazing this is my green screen where I take pictures of things for my edits to ignore that but yeah in that big box is where the antill is which we showed in the previous video with the Frog so we won't be talking about that today because we do have a separate video on that so you've got the AA generator and this is awesome because here you see balance generators so if you have other generators in the area and the area is very large as well you can check the radiuses and the radiuses are insane let's have a put that on now and have a little look around we'll go outside and show you how big this range is look at that like our base is pretty big and this thing goes all the way around it is so good and so say now you've got a building down there that you want powered you can put a generator just in the radius of that and then you can balance your generators so it will make sure that they've all got gasoline in it's fantastic and it's same for the feeding troughs as well the AA feeding troughs we'll go and take a look at those now so our feeding troughs are here because we don't like them because they look bit too tacky they look like the tech troughs so we've hidden them under the floor but say now see these are all 136 100 100 so that one's only got 36 the rest have got 100 in if we go into the inventry of one and we press balance troughs you see it changes now they all have 49 or 48 so like if there's like dinos over that side that will eat more from this Tru they won't get to the other trough everything is balanced it's absolutely amazing it is so cool another amazing thing are these egg collectors so ours is up here they look so cute so these will pick up eggs so they're like the new Wy Raptor they'll pick up all the eggs that every dinosaur is laying so we've got hundreds of these we are on Mango Nation servers so these eggs drop quite often quicker than you can make the kibble basically and it's fantastic so you can change change it to uh disable unfertilized egg pickup enable fertilized pickup disable that as well the radius on these is massive as well same with all the other stuff so what we do is we have one which is for unfertilized eggs which is next to the kitchen so that I can make a kibble with it and then the one upstairs if we hop up there is at the back of the room over here the radius is so big it will do the whole building and this will just pick up the fertilized eggs because this is the breeding area and it's got a little Frid next to it for the fertilized eggs with the fridges you can change the names on those I'll show you now so we Chang this name to fur tags right it still says OCD Vault however if we go here to use custom name fur tags it's amazing most of the AA stuff is crafted in this we don't like it so we've hidden it in here because it looks a bit too tacky for what we're going for this is the AA workbench and this is where you craft most the stuff stuff and there is so much stuff the dino healer which it's actually called the medical station it heals dinos and players over time so you put it down it looks like a little teleporter I'll show you I'll show you so it's like a little teleporter and you put med brus in it you put your dinos on it or you and then you enable healing and it heals really quickly as well it's fantastic it looks a bit of an eyesa so we don't we keep ours in the cupboard and we just get it out once it's needed once once it's needed so the forges they tend to pull from the dinos so these will pull whenever you get home we found it was pulling only to this to this Forge so you can disable pulling which we have done but it keeps re-enabling it so yeah you want to keep an eye on that one because it when you get home it'll pull it into that one instead of your big Forge and this one you want pulling on well we do anyway but we're buzzing with the size of the forge and the extra details on it and the same like I showed you earlier the cooking pot just looks incredible with it being so tiny oh and this yeah the dehydrator so let's get some meat and put it in here so I can show you does this with um Regular cooked meat and cooked Prime we put this in here you don't have to put the oil in the spark in here look it just automatically will make the jerky it's got the options in here you know for the regular ones but you just put your cooked meat or your cooked prime meat in here and it will just make it automatically so we got loads of jerky so you got your ice box doesn't you have a plant in it that's from the Landscaping mod like before you get a fridge you can make ice in order to be able to store your food better so you've got the vacuum and the trash can which we don't use because we like throwing things around and picking them up and stuff so we don't want everything you know if we're dropping something for each other cuz the vacuum will suck up everything off the ground for your controller console once operation and Extinction come out it'll probably be really handy because it works for earthquakes so it'll pick up you know all the bits probably I imagine when green gems come out of the floor and fungal wood and stuff in the earthquakes this will probably pick it up which sounds amazing and then it says it picks up owl pallets and distributes them to the nearby gatas which is just perfect so yeah that will be handy I think once the later expansions come out and then the trash can has OCD pulling and has a button to manually delete anything inside of it so yeah I'm a bit concerned about that one so we've not been using that one much but you can let us know what your experiences are with this then you got the veggie crate so you put berries and veggies inside them add them to the pudding list and you can start the pulling into this but I've got my veggies going into the fridge so I would rather it that way it just makes it less complicated for me so there is a plant Commander as well which we haven't used cuz we don't have any of these plants at base at the moment but you can set all of the nearby crop plot ranges and targeting so that probably will come in handy I imagine at some point like so we're not too bad here here so all right the Repair Station let me get the repair station we have got one made in here now the Repair Station looks pretty cool but we're not going for anything too tacky so we keep that in the cupboard and we'll get it out if we need to it can repair anything in the inventory at the push of a button and with automated pulling it can repair damage structures in the area over time so that is cool so if you've had an attack on your base and you can't be bothered going around repairing everything one structure time you can use this to do it like I said we've not used that really at all but I imagine it's probably quite handy if you're in a dangerous area or you're on PVP or something right now the gardening station this for me is a biggie so it looks just like this on the engram list used to make growable resources and can be used to irrigate crops by snapping pipes to it however let's go and take a look at it so it's this little bench here um not the one with the watering can this one with the mushrooms grown out of it so look at this now some of these don't apply because we don't get fungal wood on the island we don't get sa we don't get you know any of these special mushrooms and we don't get silk however look Redwood sapling rare mushrooms rare flowers and you can grow all these so all you need to do is put some rare flowers in there or sap or you know mushroom I'll show you now to make we have got some of these seeds already in but I'll just show you so let's grab some rare mushrooms we'll put them in so it doesn't look like you can pull for this one so I'm going to put them in manually and then you'll see this is lit up this mushroom so I could craft 35 of these seeds with the mushrooms that I've got we've been growing on mushrooms here as you can see that's why we've got so many if I click one it'll start making me a seed that I can plant and these ones can be planted in anything so they can be planted in small medium or large which is brilliant cuz I hate when you have to use a medium or above this here is supposed to be imprinting kibble it instantly imprints the dyno it says feed it to the baby after claiming it right after claiming it to instantly imprint it but it didn't work for me so if anybody's got any tips on how to use this one I'm not sure how to use it it didn't work for me and I'd like to know how because I did make a few but it doesn't work it takes like 30 Dino eggs to make one um but that won't be a problem if you've got your egg collector and you're on a decent server shout out to Mango Nation so yeah these little seeds you can plant them the mushroom seeds don't have any plant coming out of them so I I've actually like put my own plants in here with the Landscaping mod and then just planted them because the crop plots remain like empty on top they are growing mushrooms but there is no visual plant coming out of them for the mushrooms unfortunately the rare flowers on the other hand I'll show you what they look like they look so good they're as nice as the lemons and the sa Roots the Citron and the sa Roots look they've got pink flowers on them so they're really pretty so I've put some of them outside the base and those are the ones that I I said grow the rare flowers and then the sap ones oh the sap ones are just adorable we've got a few of these knocking about so we don't have to have a sap tap down in the Redwoods we just use this now and they're like these really cute little trees look at that they are so adorable so yeah love them love the gardening stations so much the fact that we can grow these resources that are quite rare so you know you have to spend the time at first trying to find them initially and once you have you can start making your own and I just love that so there's loads more stuff you can make you can make a grinder it's got a grind allil button it can grind ingots into raw metal yeah and it can use electricity the grinder has OCD sorting in it too so you can set all your junk to go into the grinder you know when you pick up stuff that you just don't want you can set that to go straight to the grinder you got your turret Genie chem bench like I said we haven't made one of those because we're going for more of a rustic look and we find that the the motor the AA motor and pel is really fast as well so we we like that but this does refrigerate materials as well so that's really good and then the polymer converter we did make one of these and we do use it so you can convert your poly your organic poly even though you can store it in the fridge now you can actually convert it as well and it is a one: one ratio so you're not losing anything in the process so it looks like the um you know the control console from I think it came out with Gen one or gen two I can't remember which one it came out with I think it was gen two either way it looks like that but you transmute your poly in here and you can also make these corrupted nodes and stuff that come with Extinction and you can actually make polymer out of the corrupted nodes we've been used it to convert our organic poly into regular poly and it is brilliant so that is automated Arc I'm loving using it it has just been amazing when we first started and it wasn't working quite right and we didn't understand why things were disappearing from certain places the Dino's like oh no we'll just use the regular stuff I don't want to be using this it's too complicated it's ridiculous it's not working but it was just we didn't really understand it properly and uh shout out to Ekko for teaching me about how to use it because I didn't have a clue before he taught me you are an absolute Legend and this has changed our game so much so let me know if I missed anything or if there's anything that I wasn't sure about that you can help me with because I would like to learn more about it but that is the extent of my knowledge on it I hope it helps somebody if it does please leave a like on the video and maybe consider subscribing we've got loads of Arcon here and we've got so much more to come thank you for watching have a great day and take care get the Bell [Music] on oh
Channel: Game_Changer
Views: 6,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, xbox, playstation, official, unofficial, new, snail games, latest, video game, recent, newest, most recent, details, official servers, gameplay, asa, ark survival ascended, remaster, news, reviews, ps, wildcard, update, footage, in game, mechanics, techniques, how to, walkthrough, guide, best, features, release, xbox series x, ark ascended, series s, mod, mods, on console, ark modded, asa mods, tutorial, modded, easy, automated ark, aa, ocd storage, pulling, mats, crafting, console
Id: 9wywYHwKCW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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