10 More Mod Maps You Can Play Today in ARK Ascended

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right nandel a Arc Sanctuary an obligatory right of passage for all who would claim the rank of warrior of the arcs this sounds quite enticing let's find out what it's all about right three spawns Jungle Red up Jungle 2 easy easy easy easy easy red up let's go there with some grass foliage a rock above me see hand scratching I'm itchy and initial perception integration not integration initial reaction says all good things I feel wow I feel very very small colorful little Toto I feel very small I love this this is a very nice introduction to the map red up over looming a wondrous giant Peak that I want to explore let's explore it looks almost a bit different or does it is that how the OBS on Arc usually are don't know but obviously I'm initially attracted to the ruins underneath oh a lot of thoughts got into this a water for surround a Coliseum suring red abelisk I love that with Dragons peeking over the top oh wow look at that you know you're fighting a bus when you're coming here the Silhouettes of the Dragons Ready To Face It I Love It that's very nice where does this lead to a path to more of the map this is a lovely lucky map the bridges out multiple Bridges to Red up wonderful I like this elevated terrain moving around into a sort of barely swamp a river a moat flowing around the redab islands love it takes us down some more waterfalls sort of buggy they look a bit buggy they do look buggy look at all the vines coming down which means only one thing swamp it's like a a bug redwood tree this is new I've not seen a tree like this before very cool feel like it must have bug spiders sitting on it I.E blood stalkers I.E what is that not a blood stalker I thought it was you got me fool me there fool oh this is beautiful lots of Peaks lots of dense areas to explore I I kind of want to feel like I feel like that this is protecting something Crystal's poking out of it is there something inside of this tree currently not it felt like there was red tappy who beautiful tappy bigness is not always what you need because it's all yet to be built over there there we go another section of ruins another bridge to it oh these are stunning mate see the best sort of maps are like this where attention to detail in smaller condensed areas is what's key all of this stuff over there is yet to come so I guess the plan is eventually to go all the W way over here okay this map is planned to be a big one I love this where you've just got the terrain and you got to guess what it's going to end up being I think this is being made by UT actually who if I'm right if it's the same UT I know certainly has a lot of care and attention to detail and it shows we certainly a great first impression if this is anything to go by I really look forward to seeing more of this so well done you get a good tidy cuz it's quite small at the moment but still a lot of potential eight dodos out of 10 okay try the bik game mode a work in progress horror themed game mode for Arc I like a bit of horror in my life that's what I'm all about it does say that this is probably not very good to play on right now it's unstable though it's for the purpose of people testing it and such so at least it gives us an idea of what to expect no oh no oh I was really hoping was was going to get to see some things it looks like not though it is a canyon a setting for something a setting for what Darkness bit of a shame bit of a let down but you know this is what happens sometimes we were warned it did say don't play this and oh I got nothing to say apart from yeah don't play this don't download this and I wait to see what's going to come though I you know I like a bit har so until we know what this map is actually going to be it's it's going to get a one dodo out of 10 right Pandora map a new ark map called Pandora is there any relation with those big blue people a work in progress as all Maps currently are terrain water map Edge Water Testing Sky trees and steps to bring in Dino spawns biomes player spawns supply drops and more foliage let's check it out we have spawns West Bay North Bay East South Ocean let's go west go west do we see any map we do it looks a bit po GLE oh no I know come on but we can look past this right we can look past this let's go up straight up it's a spacious map very bumpy terrain very an archway to a big glowy tree H it's um interesting oh no the trees the tree glows gone you have to look at it from an angle there you go now it looks good oh no um yeah know it it's there's an archway yeah very bumpy uh at the moment that's the general Vibe I'm getting somewhere I've been putting to you know some Peaks some areas to navigate to light just hit me in the face and they've gone away again a big giant Tre marking the Divide between snow and light not going to lie is it a map I play on right now honestly no but I think if the works put into the terrain it feels fairly small I think maybe could do with a bit more space to it I think elevation key here right if details put in into all areas just a sense of adventure um yeah it needs work it needs work without a doubt but hey I I can't make maps so who am I to judge apart from judging this video and raing you dodos but you know good luck to you I look forward to seeing this one too but for now it gets a three dodos out of 10 okay let's go with the dec sent a crashed arc on an alien planet we were never supposed to be here has story an alpha version of the map so again you know looking for feedback good to hear binary let's see what it's all about regions moved about one all the way up here East one and the rest started about in the middle interesting let's go to East one and find out what it's all about I thought the game crashed then it didn't but K although it's pink which was expected we were told alafa red luminous red a bit more focus on the beach maybe like this floating foliage needs some work but it's a nice initial setting if this is where we're meant to spawn let's go for a flight it's quite a circular map it seems to be home in as one disension lots of luminous creatures oh pink lows like it okay let's go up and have a overlooking view all right yeah no that's that's pretty cool a a natural path up to a plateau which could make for a great base location what's so descending about this place what is The Descent I wonder if there's somewhere to descend too we move to snow now with a lava wall unpassable trees Roots underneath I wonder what this signifies oh oh there is a descent there's a whole aberration area planned underneath oh that's cool so these trees here this is a tree holding up the world above for you to descend to to this abant area yeah it's still a very much work in progress but I get it I see the story appearing in front of my very eyes it's incredibly dark I can't see nothing apart from a bit of light it doesn't look like there's a way into the dissension area yet though it is just one area I wonder whether this is going to be fleshed out to be something much much more not so big snow bio but you know who likes the snow when it's super cold with the Hut a little home to house ourself in so we can try and wrap up in the warmth I wonder if this has any element to the story of descending definitely feels like a story a tree holding up an island I like that if that was meant to be the plan oh is this going to be the root in maybe this is cuz there's a natural path here like the one you see on Val probably not ready to be playable just yet but I think this could shape up to be a pretty decent map for people who want a bit of underground aberration and overground yeah now keep an eye on this um I think I probably wouldn't play on this one just yet but you probably could if you wanted to no discredit keep an eye on it look forward to more of it so for now th for now you get a four dodos out of 10 Arc Palace a crossplay public beta known breaking issues in current live build but you know don't worry about that because foliage is regrowing an arc filled with mystery and wonder this map aims to provide a challenging rewarding experience for survivors of all skill levels like to hear that with beaches ocean depths Hot Springs WY trenches okay you sold me let's have a look what it's all about four spawn locations in the top left of the map North snow snow south east and west obviously want to go for the easy spawn everyone wants to spawn there so let's spawn there find out what this map is all about and oh couple of frames which means good things detail ooh an ocean view a MOS chops oh feeling quite Jurassic great first impression the Obelisk looks like really sunken it almost gives some like more alien Island Vibe like I'm on the island but I'm not quite on the island there's Crystal right from the off who gets Crystal right from the off love to see love to see some work done on on elevation but not just elevation on how to navigate elevation which is there any natural paths up to this oh it's a broken Obelisk oh that's nce now I'm thinking about it more of a crystal Isles Vibe now because look lots of Crystal there is lots of Crystal good grief so a lagoon surrounding go Obelisk let's Venture around it first to perhaps to Blue up yeah definitely initially I'm feeling like I could play this one noticed there's some giant land Island overlooking all these can we even get to that oh there's an obelisk there we so we can get to that okay cool oh this is going to be like volcanic oh this is going to be the W Cove oh this is the Wy trench surrounded by snow oh flipping neeg I don't what about there holy crap okay so this is work to be done yet on on the Wy trench but a Wen trench nonetheless love to see it that's great to a giant oh overlooking what is that oh wow okay to a giant elevated Snowy Mountain really capturing the Ascension up to snow divided by what is this skeletal BR toes love to see although that might be a mod I've got installed I'm not sure I don't think he is and this like plummets down the side you don't want to fall down there this is very nice okay and this has got my attention what the holy technological advancements are these to me oh I love this yeah oh yeah bit of tech almost um genu right anyone the Gen 2 Vibe going off here holy hell there definitely Gen 2 Vibe I'm a sucker for structures ruins just to add some story or you know some oh wow and another Obelisk falling down departed oh this is great alas City sanctuary broken taken over by the ecosystem yeah wow and then Lagoon with underwater stuff to explore well sort of rocks it's a dam flipping neck of course it is what oh wow I I could definitely plan on this look at that that Dam's really cool I love that very cool very cool and a separation of elements fire and water with a giant cryo fridge holy hell what does this mean oh wow oh I love that you've done that they grabbed the crow fridge and just made it huge big Crow fridge oh and and it is the Obelisk is on top of the cryo fridge oh that's great I love that that's some creativity right there great job great work moving into some jungle with rinos floating about oh you could definitely play this yeah you might run into some stability issues as mentioned but you could have a lot of fun with this map definitely a giant motor blade rotorblade whoa what happened here we've is that Tech giggers carers basilisks All Surrounded it oh wow I'm envious I I want to be playing this that a a little Adventure through an obelisk takes us to the lair of giggers carers and bassists holy crap death awaiting in here the only concern is the terrain I feel bad because like I love elevation and you know needing to go up and down but it almost feels a bit too up and down it feels like there's too many bumps to navigate but I think if Works put into you know some natural paths or smoothing out these sections which it can be and probably will be right then this is great this is something I could definitely play I could see hopefully possibly a few of you watching this and wanting to play play this so on that basis and of course definitely more development still to be done I got to give this I think yeah I'm going to give this a nine dodos out of 10 alien W map this is a DIY map mod the picture alone has me very intrigued as to what this entails so one spawn location which can't mean good things or can it oh we're flying we're falling with style oh I died great ah nuts let's try and pick a different spawn location we die instantly I'm still spawn in the same location so let's go straight into spectator is there plans or was this just a troll to kill people as they spawn either way you spawn you're dead that's it maybe work is to be put in on the spawn location but that does mean if you can't SPO here you can't play here maybe that'll improve over time and and that's it there's there's there's nothing else there there's just L and water so um got to give it a low one mate for now I'm afraid until new things happen for now because of that SPO you get a one dodo out of 10 tempis Lagoon looks like there's some pictures to give us an idea of something okay so definitely a map we can play on here by wow igu and manura creators of antara and Zeos Maps Okay I'm liking the pink palm trees I'm guessing this is going to lead me to a lagoon quite flat expected clues in the name says it's Lagoon I do see some explorable areas back there though which I'm curious about oh this is beautiful though this is certainly a holiday away from holiday yeah no this is nice I think I'm certainly not as much of a fan of like watery more watery based Maps I want more terrain to explore but I think a lot of people do love these type of maps many islands and it is it's gorgeous to look at I mean the clues in the name right Lagoon is Lagoon okay a more elevated area here I'm seeing a few things pop in now there we go we got a Cove over here very nice leading into another Cove oh ooh now that's a nice view popping out of there another B Beach elevation I'm hoping we can work our way up towards looks like we can without a doubt without a doubt lovely map that's that was the elevated area up there I think wasn't it yeah so let's go back over there again so here we go so you venture up there whole is there a Cave System here full of Crystal very nice plateaus which falls down this side two areas yet to be built but looks like it's going to transform into a more desert bio a lot of things to see and do more than I believe there was even more Islands over this side good grief yeah I love the attention on these rock formations I forget the first one this is where I'm building right up here look at that on top of here come at me bro on this elevated Island another Giant great buildable spot in fact an obelisk we we found there we go what is that is that our terminal is this our up right here it looks like it surrounded by radios that's a treat when you got to fight a bus sizable place this is going to be a giant map let's go let's see how far back it plans to be wow oh wow you are in for what what is this there a whole redwood aberant redwood section over here that's yet yet to be completely jet oh a lot of Works going into this one and it's a big map it's just nice it's a getaway as any Lagoon should be and I think for that fact this gets a good solid eight dodos out of 10 AFL Atlantia uh I thank you for checking out my page um this is a person who just loves making maps for people to enjoy great to see great to see people making Maps let's see what your map is all about my friend and one spawn location do we get a win we get an obelisk oh we get we get ruins I like a bit of ruins not quite not quite textured ruins but ho what have we got then a not quite yet how am I so much smaller than this terminal I assure you that's not my size that the terminal is bigger than me Z right come on let's go for a fly fly fly fly an obelisk surrounded within a medieval looking Village of sorts a fort maybe this is built to be like what a kingdoms mod oh wow hold the phone look at look at the O got there's some definitely definitely some interesting ideas being thought about here obviously a lot of work to do yet but I like the thinking I like the idea I like he I like the brain turning over thinking of I ways to make a different style of Arc a giant castle wall here with a giant doorway and a giant fence G yeah you it definitely does feel like somebody who's experimented at the moment and why not right that's the beauty of map making is to just have a play with different ways bit of popping there different ways to to build a map to create something new and original that nobody's ever seen before and deciding upon themselves to make massive Castle forts good grief yeah this is um interesting ideas probably unplayable right now another squashed up what the hell a lot of popping what the hell is this it's a it's floating Fort that's you too yeah yeah plainly obvious I think it's somebody just having a good all play and why that's what it's all about interesting right why not slap a terminal offer Cliff side on a structure piece there I I I love this I I do I I like just the flowing creativity aonian statue fighting this is is this Atlantia or something like that you look like an atlantian maybe hopefully fighting a snakes a dragon snake super interested what is this is that Obelisk Throne is that that that's a squashed Obelisk there meant to be a throne is that a tidy terminal super interesting it's really not not right now I hope that our map maker here this Coliseum broken Coliseum here is using these ideas to form and create a map I get the feeling though this it's beyond perhaps a state of repair I don't know I really hope not I really hope that the plan is to flesh it out somehow it's obelisks everywhere another floating Kingdom all right well I mean you're not going to be playing on this not a cat and hell's chance super interesting um but yeah know I mean you're standing out all of that cool stuff that we just saw I can't see none of it here you can't play on this right now but really honestly I I love the creativity but I'm afraid oh I got to I got it I got to do it I want to I want to award it more but I think I got to give it a three dodos out of 10 I'm sorry I'm sorry can't plan on this I love it though damn it Shen me DL map live does say it's a test module not recommended to install it but you know it's a map why not and it's big as well it's 3.6 gig so it's got to be full of something right there's things there's trees all right here we go terrain oh come on surprise me surprise me come on is it a winner is it a winner it's an island a very detailed Island at that that is it oh whoa floating Kingdom hang on hang on so this is just an island how the hell I mean I I've just launched the map so there's no dinos yet but somehow what is up there wow okay right we need to we're going to slowly pan our way to it another Island over here the lights really pushing me I mean here we go I I was fearing but I'm now not yeah giant pools this is quite a sizable map mate very flat lots of trees right now but perhaps this can't all be a setting for what's for what's up in this region somewhere we're making our way there slowly but surely there's that Kingdom wow this looks very similar to the structures in the atlas I think this might be Atlas assets a floating Kingdom but it looks super cool a crystallized Kingdom could this potentially be eventually a terminal reminds me of uh bayona super interesting yeah just a Giant floating palace this is M this is a big big map but it feels very underpopulated uh at the moment a palace with surrounding L Mass I don't know I I I think this could possibly be a cool map maybe in the future I'd keep your eyes on this one yeah not certainly a an interesting idea yet to be put into delivery we don't know we don't know much about this but until then I'm guessing going to give it a in the middle but just a little bit up above because you know Floating Palace is floating palace a six dodos out of 10 last but not least a missa a map I'm sure I've played before on on ASC anyway uh with a p civilization which was fighting back the tech I swear I've played this a missa feels like a map I played but let's find out what the ASA version is all about we got ruins oh oh love me bit of Ruin sitting within a kingdom what exactly don't know exactly surrounded by elevation grass Shrubbery trees I want to know more about where I am right now why to spawn here this is nice okay but this is only one location what more is there around here then seems to be quite a lot seems to be a lot of work in progress but a plateau overlooking the ruins pushing over to a snow area separated biomes as we push up into a very cold harsh environment I just heard something flop on the floor the peak what belongs within the peak of this snowy Peak I don't know I'm stuck in Cloud I think for this I'm going to turn the cloud off I hate to do it but it ruins the immersion but for this just so I can see what's going on oh there we go now we've got a better view of this and that goes right to the tip of top no obelisks been put in place yet unless they're perhaps popped in yeah this is a cool snow biome a Giant Mountain reminds me of the Arctic biome in G one little surrounded by trees much more to build out there it seems panning rounds to another snow biome snowy island with work to do yet possibly I'm guessing it's oh no there is stuff here a missa why do I know this map so much I feel like this is a quite a popular map didn't wasn't this monarchy this might have been a community map for monarchy some time ago so we found another city Village oh this is lovely desert city I think this is called with some stalls to set up your shops in or not because you can't build in these or maybe you could with some moderation I see a a desert city lost long ago yeah I you know what man I do I feel like I do know this map I do I do I do I maybe it's a bit different I love these that bit of Egyptian mythology Dark Angels to your custom Obelisk oh that's nice oh I love the look at this Knights at the round table anyone maybe very cool what does this pass over to yeah I feel like like somewhere here maybe on ASC there was a pyramid or maybe I'm thinking of something else there's a lot to see and do here a lot to certainly Implement yet and we've realized realz with Asa versions they can be a bit different as we've seen with spart Alim into a redwood biome that's in yet of some more work yet to it lots of things to see and do though without a doubt here's that plateau again I think that we saw before there we go oh there we go Plateau over there okay so there's two different plateaus we've separ operating floating islands in the middle yeah we I know this map I do know this map I'm sure I know this map lots of seeing do a dam looking Bridge yeah here we go and a scar here this is an ASC map that we really enjoyed once upon a time and I know I have no question of a doubt this is going to turn out to be a great map as well there's the pyramids I know this map there we go there is pyramids and can you enter the pyramids not yet it seems not yet indeed I'm pretty sure in ASC you could though you're in for a treat and missa is and was a great map on ASC and I look forward to seeing this one I I have yet to really play this one properly I think we hosted this as a map on monarchy and a mid Archy season for the community but you will enjoy this you are undoubtably in for a treat for this judging it on its current state I want to give it a nine but right now as it stands it gets a solid eight out of 10 dodos and I hope you go and check out some of these for yourself when there is more mod maps to check out another 10 I'll be reviewing those too so so until then my name is Ras Clark don't forget to like share and subscribe and as always H peace out
Channel: Raasclark
Views: 21,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, new, xbox, ps5, pc, raasclark, survival, gameplay, creatures, news, raasclark news, ark survival evolved, ark news, ark ue5, ark survival ascended, ark mods, ark crossplay, ark survival ascended gameplay, ark asa mod, raasclark ark mods, 10 Mod Maps You Can Play Today in ARK Ascended, ark asa top 10, ark asa 10 mods, ark asa top 10 mods, ark asa top 10 map mods, ark asa map mods, ark ascended best map, ark ascended mod maps, amissa
Id: 9QBoRbBmAhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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