Top 20 Funniest Guest Hosts on Have I Got News For You

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please this is satire welcome to watch morej UK and today we're looking at all the people who have succeeded at filling Angus deon's boots on have I got news for you lady red now what are those before we begin we publish new content every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos number 20 Jack D tonight we wishi WAFF goodbye to Boris Johnson and look back at his life and career as a father husband journalist mayor of London husband foreign secretary father prime minister father husband and father for the supposed celebration episode following Boris Johnson's resignation they got Jack de on to lead the proceedings D is a frequent host and panelist having helmed the show plenty of times over the years he pked fun at Johnson's raving article about how have I got news for you was scripted ahead of time which was news only to him and not to anybody else in the country well after that embarrassment Boris wrote a piece in the telegraph attacking the show and claiming that it was all scripted uh which of course is catolic is sorry I'll just read that again but the show itself came under scrutiny in this retrospective episode as old clips featuring Angus Deon emerged and D couldn't resist a quip about the show's former full-time horse during its formative years it looks like I'm wearing a wig there I look like Angus eaten don't I number 19 Rod Gilbert Royal Wedding will cost in one day half what the UK spends early on help for the unemployed in his first hosting episode The Royal Wedding was the biggest story of the moment with William and Kate about to tie the knot but not everybody was pleased with the Royals getting so much attention and Rod read out some of the Public's best opinions about the now Prince and Princess of Wales May their long and happy marriage be the last one of the of the UK a few years on and Gilbert was back the same week the news about the Tory power stance broke it's not just him they're all at it th May David Cameron unaware that they were only supposed to do this stance if they weren't visible from the wayte down we had a whole week of senior Tories looking extremely silly in public and then there were his comments about Theresa May's impending resignation from number 10 Philip May's emphasis has shifted to hoping his wife can escape from number 10 with dignity sorry Phil but however she finally goes Colonel Gaddafi left with more dignity number 18 Miranda Hart for a few years Hart was inescapable on the BBC she started off her horsing career Strong by scaring the life out of Ian as she threatened to marry him I'll be like if we get married in it it would be but luckily I'm already married well we can we can change that years later and she'd pork fun at her propensity for slapstick in her own sitcom something she's often been criticized for while introducing the shaw she comically fell over who rely heavily on slapstick and physical comedy to get their laughs well there's no future in that sorry perhaps you could say this lowered the tone but it's always good when celebrities are able to laugh at themselves that's necessary on hav I got news for you otherwise you might find yourself complaining about it being a fix in the papers the next day like bis Johnson no one saw that coming marvelous number 17 Steph moven this isn't Channel 4 lunch time now you know they're people watching right best known for hosting her own shore on Channel 4 this brings no shortage of jokes at McGovern's expense every time she hosts thanks to the friendly rivalry between the broadcasters and just to be clear he hadn't died it was also the week of Philip Scofield's spectacular resignation this time with mcgoverin poking fun at ITV bizarre coverage of it so as a show everyone on and offscreen ITV and this morning huge in an earlier episode she asked Dean outright whether he knows what Argos is and whether he's ever been to one the show then devolved into moven asking journalist John P which politicians he'd take on in a fight much to the confusion of Paul Merton who's the hardest politician Nicholas sturgeon you wouldn't want to get into a room with Nicholas sturgeon yeah okay so then what about about your colleagues in journalism number 16 Charlie Brooker following Donald Trump's 2016 Victory Brooker was there to help us through it all by summing up the mood of the entire world as they witnessed the election welcome to have I got news for you I'm Charlie Brooker in the news this [Applause] week in later episodes he was there to persuade Ian to explain how exactly the anointing of King Charles II was going to happen for those of us who aren't up to date with our Royal protocol and they dip it in the pure oil M and they anoint what what they Lube him up to get the crown there were also some topical jokes about Gwyneth palro still on trial during her skate crash case at the time though it was her notorious Wellness brand that they were referencing as they discussed what makes the holy oil for the coronation so special does it smell of grth P it's actually exed by number 15 Damien Lewis star of stage and Screen Damen Lewis has been in the hot seat many times and has delivered some great jokes this is the news that the queen has embraced modern technology quite a big deal for a woman who can't even Embrace her own children back in 2014 he had a quip about the Queen's first time on Twitter that was clearly a step too far for the audience but things got out of hand when somebody on the writing team threw in a baffling joke about the 1950 film Harvey in which Jimmy Stewart has an imaginary friend it's not the first time a rabbit's been involved in an attack on a US president let's not forget Lee Harvey Oswald what it's always great when the audience gets more involved with Lewis quizzing them on whether they like the joke or not who likes the joke who doesn't like the [Music] joke who in the audience would just make a random noise if you're asked to and then at the end they were all asked to caption a picture of him in full period costume that's and I did not know that was coming and that's very very inappropriate do I get my Ginger discount number 14 Frankie Bole he's hored twice and didn't disappoint either time in 2017 the NHS had recently been hit with a ransomware attack by the wner cry virus sending the Tories into disarray but Frankie was quick to use this as an excuse to go after Jeremy Hunt still the health secretary since it was clearly his responsibility to upgrade the alien computer system what must it be like being Jeremy Hunt at the moment imagine he goes into Hospital he'll be the first person to have a a sprained rest treated anally American politics were on the agenda too with the Cori Scandal ongoing at the time Frankie's got a lot of opinions about Trump and his administration and he made those clear as day during this broadcast he may change what the word presidential means like in a few years you'll be going monco fell over and banged his head on a carb he's been rendered completely presidential number 13 Nick CLE he's off to support fellow demagogue and posttruth Donald Trump in the second presidential debate there are rumors that Nigel all right now saying it like it is isn't it it wasn't nickle himself that was so funny but rather the way he was relentlessly attacked by everybody on the panel having only just disappeared from political life after the Coalition went kaput in 2015 CLE came out of hiding to host have I got news for you and answer for many of the things the lib demems did while in power you still speak to David Cameron no anyway moving on you still phone him up when you're drunk everybody had a crack at him with Kevin Bridges and Rosen Conn on the panel along with Ian and Paul that's all your fault yeah most things are Rosen said what we were all thinking about how CL broke the promises he made when the lib Dems went into Coalition with the Tories unsurprisingly David camons never hosted the show but I think uh if you make promises and you get elected based on them number 12 divid tenant he's very good isn't he Michael Sheen yeah he's you think he oh he's good a few years ago it was decided that government ministers were going to have to put Union Flags in their offices to be displayed during remote interviews just in case you forget what country you're [Music] in there are David Tenant was on hand to counter this by drapping the entire have I got news for you studio in Scottish saltires to show national pride in a different way but most memorable was when tenant's partner in crime Michael Sheen was asked about a correct Welsh pronunciation leading to Myriad riffs about how Sheen is the true professional would want to horse the shore he's versatile that's the thing yes he's comedy and drama which a lot of actors no can't Sheen has hored incidentally but nowhere near as much as tenant number 11 Steven Mangan he was hosting during the enduring fruit cake or Looney segment when ukip leader Nigel farage was grilled about the unsavory things some members of his party had been recorded as seeing I'm just guessing yeah fruit cake I'm a afid that's the wrong answer he's a looney but he SED many other times too and was on hand to point out all the times Donald Trump had met prince Andrew after Trump denied knowing him at all in 2019 despite photographic evidence to the contrary Donald Trump declared this week I don't know prince Andrew if you think that's bad they're also the opening words of the Queen's Christmas speech it was also Mangan who suggested replacing Brian Cox with an ice sculpture when he had to briefly leave the set to go to the L after Boris Johnson and farage will rep place like this in an election debate on Channel 4 nature is calling absolutely right where is it I got an ice sculpture number 10 David Mitchell it was simply that the Russians were unable to provide more than a few documents from the bidding process because the computers they used during their bid had been leased they were returned and subsequently destroyed by their original always a consumate professional David Mitchell has hosted many times as on his other shows he'll often go off script and start ranting about the absurdity of the week's events one of his more memorable moments was when he talked about the rampant bribes with qatar's successful bid for the 2022 FIFA World Cup I mean it's s it's not funny but these people are if only FIFA had sent him to conduct its investigations so that he could have pointed out the absurdity of the ruling in another episode the topic of discussion was Google's book scanning algorithm not being able to read fonts properly and getting confused and she flung her a around his neck and kissed his forehead but Google was also very confused about its finances it reads taxes free number nine Mel Gedo if some of the other stalwart hosts are a safe Pair of Hands Mel G is anything but bringing chaos to every job she books that sounds like another one of your 0 songs supposed love there's a possibility of romance or a lawyer being one great moment was her and Ross Noble improvising a song about Cristiano Ronaldo's alleged girlfriend the panelists also took issue at one point with Mel's habit of calling them a gang leading to them forming a real gang and excluding E from it called us a gang again every time you come on the show you call us a gang but we're not a gang we are in a later episode she also produced a song Nobody on the panel recognized about Japan though the audience was familiar as is the news that rushy sunak is big in Japan do you remember Big in Japan no no okay and she was there to do her Victory lap when Eurovision 2023 turned into a roaring success number eight Alexander Armstrong it doesn't Happ on pointless I think get Richard Osman transfer for you yeah exactly get the man who's hosted most frequently after the departure of Deon Armstrong is a have I got news for stable he's appeared 40 times despite never serving as a panelist and has been there during a lot of legendary segments this is the news that a swan named Hooper has fallen in love with a helicopter no it hasn't yeah no it has memorable moments include him repeatedly plugging pointless and dismissing Richard Osman as his assistant rather than costed dozens of different Choppers fly in and out of the runway each week but Hooper only has eyes for the EC he has eyes for gold he was also horse during the notorious news item about a swan that was in love with a helicopter there to defend the bizarre story against notable skeptic Paul Merton not to mention the woman who was in love with a carpet this is Becky Cox from Manchester who's married the love of her life a rug called Matt oh number seven Joel brand I have no idea where they got that picture of my husband from bringing her trademark costic humor with her Joel brand has holed many times as well as appearing as a frequent panelist in one episode she addressed the winner of bof being allegedly leaked with a very specific instruction for finalist Ruby tandle to deliver her a kick she complains saying if I see one more person use the pun doey I will personally go to their house and force feed them an entire Charlotte Royale Ruby you're deey it was also brand who was stuck hosting during the only round of immigrant top trumps the Sha has ever done she even got the pleasure of announcing the resignation of ukip leader Paul nuttle to the studio after his disastrous performance in the 2017 election and was there in 2015 when Ed millerand resigned as labor leader Miland has resigned oh my God number six Richard aardi what are your favorites no one asked you thank you yeah thank you finally it's it's the Megan question how are you thank he's never been a panelist preferring to stay aloof and horsting the Sha from a safe distance always dry but never dull iard was on hand to remind Ian that most of what he was saying about Boris Johnson's ongoing court case wasn't going to be broadcast Ian yes we're not allowed to say anything that might Prejudice the case well that's actually fair enough because I would like him to have a fair trial with a desirable result of him being in prisoned Forever he also helpfully explained that being a social media influencer is an essential job to baroness wasi and it was unclear whether she got the joke was that one of the exceptions yes cuz that's a Central Business oh is that one of top tier IAD moment was his parody of Megan markle's interview with Oprah in which he broke down in tears when he was finally asked what his favorite biscuit was it's been a lot of people on the inside have not asked me that actually it's Ginger n number five Jeremy Clarkson some angry passengers thought the fair Dodger deserved a greater punishment presumably by being forced to take a replacement bus service others were more lenient and thought he should be killed not too long after being dropped by the BBC for punching a Top Gear producer Clarkson was remarkably rehired by the corporation to host have I got news for you he' hosted it many times before but the episodes after his dismissal from Top Gear were the funniest as he makes reference to how he was supposedly banned by the be from talking about cars on the shore I am not allowed on the BBC to use the c word Corin no car oh you're not allowed to about cars at all he found himself on the receiving end of a bevy of jokes from Richard Osman about how much Amazon paid for the grand tour taking every single one in his stride as you would if you'd gotten that windfall you know when you said you weren't allowed to talk about cars yeah going to do sa me number four Kathy Burke the magazine of the north of England rat Society for North ERS who don't find pigeons dirty enough she's only hosted a few times but they were all hilarious perhaps most noteworthy was her time reading through the unbelievable specialist publication rattitude about hobbyist rat Keepers Poli in nor have warned of an epidemic of people dressed as clowns clowns are actually fairly easy to capture because they tend to have extremely unreliable getaway cards she had a lot of things to see about rats and the ridiculous headlines they produced and a lot less to say about Putin rumors about the Russian leader came up and Burke expertly dodged talking about them at risk of perishing under mysterious circumstances new biography of Vladimir Putin speculates that he might be LLY the biographer is not the first to make this claim in another episode she talked candidly about how the weather was affecting her menopause and the studio audience loved it I'm menopausal so it really doesn't help you just you just want a cold wind up you number three William Shatner this is the Olympic torch which is boldly going where no Olympic torch has gone before namely yes I agree with you he might be one of the most surprising people to have fonted an episode of have I got news for you and definitely a big get for the BBC in this episode he memorably started singing Clues to them about the week's news all covers taken from his latest album the first one up was Elton John's Rocket Man which was a clue about how James duan's ashes were launched into space in 2012 Duan Co St a Scotty in Star Trek along with Shatner and I think it's going to be a long long time after rocket man it was time for Shatner's rendition of the Canadian national anthem though they struggled to come up with the story Oh Canada I stand on guard for thee Oh Canada we stand on guard number two Bruce fory but don't worry there'll be no gimmicks no catchphrases so welcome to have I got news for you for you have I got television legend Bruce fory only ever hosted one episode of have I got news for you but it was an instant classic the Star Card Saddam Hussein so you won though he was one of the most venerated shman in the country even bruy couldn't always keep a straight face when he was asked to present absurd games to the panel worse Ian wasn't familiar with the game shows meaning he had no idea how to play though Paul loved every minute then they started parodying the generation game with an outrageously long conveyor belt with recent news items with the panelists challenged to remember as many items as they could some sewage combles the Hayway a cuddly toy number one Brian blessed Margaret Thatcher did great hurt to the British people although not as much as all those bombs a Jerry this legendary episode aired around Margaret Thatcher's funeral back in 2013 and blessed was the perfect horse he went after absolutely everybody from Thatcher herself to the people commemorating or celebrating her death he said very few leaders get to change the landscape of not just their own country but of the world well he certainly changed the landscape of Baghdad Jerry Adams Jeffrey how Tony Blair all of them were on the table for a ribbing from blessed and he said it was a long time ago well yes that's the idea when someone dies Jeffrey a bit of reminising about old stuff come on shap up you'll go down in history for his horting this time around convincing former mayor of London Ken Livingston to stretch his leg for him when he got a cramp K pull the leg pull the P pull his leg no P pull the leg it was complete chaos with blessed also singing operatically to give them clues about the stories of the week let us know in the comments who you want to see hosting have I got news for you in the future I'm going to go for Looney it's the wrong answer it's actually a trick question he's not a fruit cake nor a loony he's a closet racist
Channel: WatchMojoUK
Views: 36,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alexander Armstrong, Angust Deayton, Boris, Brian Blessed, British TV, Bruce Forsyth, Damian Lewis, David Mitchell, David Tennant, Frankie Boyle, HIGNFY, Have I Got News For You, Jack Dee, Jeremy Clarkson, Jo Brand, Kathy Burke, List, Mel Giedroyc, Mojo, Nick Clegg, Richard Ayoade, Stephen Mangan, Top 10, UK TV, WMUK, Watch Mojo, WatchMojo, WatchMojo UK, WatchMojoUK, William Shatner, funniest, guest host, guest presenter, host, minister, politics, presenter
Id: gbgWrJvDKLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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